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Racism Against Farangs


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I am always shocked how some Farangs are dressed. Sitting in a restaurant in short trouser and flip flops, while all Thais around have normal long trousers...and a hairy old mans leg isn't something beautiful

Can we all only wear full evening dress from now on just to appease the sensibilities of h90 and the others?

To the OP, I'd say forget about the dogs and spend more cash in the local community. While I'm sure the local vet loves you dearly, were you to "Share the Wealth" a little more around your community, or even give the impression you are doing so, then I feel you may garner more respect.

In fairness though sometimes you can't win.

I'm certainly no "Flash Harry" but am always getting lectured for taking taxis when there is "a perfectly good bus service", or eating at the local air-con restaurant when there is far cheaper delicious Thai food around...

I don't not where you come from, but where I come from it is normal that you wear shoes, a long trouser and at least a clean fresh TShirt when you go out of the house, even more if you go in a restaurant.

Exceptions: Direct on the beach, Pool bar etc etc.

Maybe that is for you already the full evening dress to use when you visit the opera, but for 99 % of the Europeans it is normal clothes (unless they make holidays in Thailand....)

The point is is that you are not where you come from, are you?

Living in Pattaya/Jomtien, a holiday town, a polo shirt, shorts and flip flops are my choice. I care not a fig what others may think; I don't live my life to please them. Having stepped off the treadmill of having my life governed by conventions and executive orders some 21 years ago, the rest of my life is dedicated to pleasing ME, rather than others. By the same token I do not like to see farang men walking around bare chested or even just wearing a singlet, but while despairing of their display of a lack of 'class', I recognise that they are exercising their freedoms of expression and support this. Trips up to BKK, for whatever reason, warrant the wearing of long trousers, shoes and socks. The wearing of a tie is reserved for funerals.

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I never really got these "racisim" posts by people here on this forum. The only real racisim you get here is from places that try and double+ charge you based on where they think you are from. That blows sure, but it's not like real racisim like the kind I have experianced growing up Black in America. These posts always give me a chuckle.

Good you have a laugh, perhaps you should join me in a bar round around Bkk, see how many where they will let you in.

Well I've never been much of a bar fly, but after being here 11 years, 4 of those years in Pattaya, I can honestly say I was never refused entrance to any bar I ever wanted to go into. Or any establishment for that matter. Heh, long as they don't turn me away at Sirroco I'm good man :D

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Because of your choices in your daily life you are perhaps meeting with a greater mix of uneducated folk than the average Westerner. If you were to mix with a greater amount of uneducated folk in your home country (or folk uneducated to the same extent) you may find yourself facing very similar hostilities or lack of acceptance. No one is simply bothered about your environmental, animal kindness and organic efforts. The hospitals etc might however see the negative and conclude you are draining the system you have no paid in to. You may simply be an enigma to the bus drivers who have no comprehension of why you are not taking a taxi, that might simply be more of a suggestion...

But, to live a life you have chosen in Thailand, or I suspect any other country as a foreigner, you will need to have thick skin.


I feel this covers your question. you will need thick skin here.

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the biggest and most discriminating racism against retiree Farangs in Thailand is that we are not entitled to pay income tax. i consider this an outrage and contemplate to file a suit with the European Court on Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.

shame on you Thailand!


That wasnt my experience; I had no trouble paying income tax; quite a lot of it.

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snapback.pngfredtitmus, on Yesterday, 18:57 , said:

@ OP,The thai people wont serve you in shops,you get asked to leave the bus and turned away at the hospital ??? forgive me if im wrong but do you look like olive oil from the popeye cartoon? do you have big scary eyes or maybe you have sheep teeth?

Ordinarily, expecting a response from an OP this far into a thread would be pointless but seeing as aneliane's probably got more "farang" male attention in this epic than she's had in the years she's lived here, expect her to milk it for all it's worth.

To be honest hardened i dont really want a response,infact there's something that just doesnt seem right about this thread.

I havnt seen the op's earlier thread's but do you ever get the feeling people are not who they say they are? Im probably totally wrong but would it be ridiculous to say one person is controling two people on here.maybe to stir up some controversy and keep people logging in.

But if she is who she says she is,does this lady date thai men/women or has she ever had a thai partner? has this been reveiled cos i have missed it if it has.


So now I moan about racism so I can get male attention ? (because otherwise I don't get any?)

You don't ANYTHING about my personal life. So please refrain to comment

And no, I am not going to comment on my personal life either.

I am not sure what I am doing so bad in just sharing about some of my experiences here, but it has certainly triggered alot of anger

im not saying your seeking male attention and to be honest i think this thread's a wind up but anyway a couple of weeks ago i was in a 7/11 got my goods and was waiting at the til to be served,the two girls working were chatting about something to do with work but knew i was there waiting.when they finished talking one of the girls came to the til but then saw a thai guy going towards the other til so she did a u-turn and went to serve him with a huge grin on her face.the other girl saw what she did and shouted at her then came over to serve me,i just laughed and the girl who served me shook her head and said sorry.

now you could call this racism but i wouldnt,i just think this girl was an idiot and did this sort of thing with whoever came in the shop she didnt like.I can give you a few examples like that over the last 7 years i have been coming here but it wouldnt be many.

I think the thais are very welcoming as a whole,i have been sat in a bar alone and thai guys will tell me to come and join them,that wouldnt happen in England,infact would the English tolerate thousands of asians coming over and doing what they do in Thailand? i dont think so!

I think you just need to move out of you neighbourhood,maybe out of Bangkok but you say you love it here so i cant be that bad.

im AN ALIENE im a legal ALIENE im a falang girl in Bangkok

Whoohoo im AN ALIENE im a legal ALIENE im a falang girl in Bangkok

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the biggest and most discriminating racism against retiree Farangs in Thailand is that we are not entitled to pay income tax. i consider this an outrage and contemplate to file a suit with the European Court on Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.

shame on you Thailand!


Perhaps you are one of those exceptions so thank god all farangs are not the same. Don't judge a book by its cover, you don´t know half of the posters here but you certainly revealed yourself now ;)

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Sorry folks, but this thread has brought out the worst of TV. Embarrassing really.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

The best is yet to come !!

What i dislike more is the plain hypocrisy of some of my fellow white people..

For centuries we have enslaved the Africans and exploited them, in America we have exterminated the native population, not to talk about Australia.

In our History books we are taught the myth of the superior race, while in China they had an established empire since 5000 yrs at least....And i could go on.

Then suddenly we discover political correctness, and we complain if the rest of the world is not quick enough to follow.

IMHO some foreigners in Thailand are treated better than they deserve.

End of the rant ( for now )coffee1.gif

No one forces you to come and post here.

I think we ALL know that you don't believe in this thread.

You have said it many times

Why coming back ?

I think you like to dismiss people

1) You are right, and it's my right to post ( if i don't break the forum rules )

2) I find this thread quite interesting, that's why i am posting, and i hope it stays alive.

3) Sorry for that, i will try not to repeat myself

4) See number 1 and 2

5) Wrong, i like to discuss with people

@ I'm relatively new to online forums, i've learned that getting personal is frowned upon, sorry if i gave the impression to attack somebody, actually i sympathize with you, for your effort to learn Thai and to do something positive...I said in another post that i've been through the same feelings not very long ago, so i think i know what we are talking about.

The above rant was not directed at you, but more in general at a 'colonialistic attitude" which is outdated and outlandish.

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Tell that to my English, French and Canadian friends. Most of them got denied except at saxophone.

Then maybe there were denied because of their appearance other than their race, coulda been their style of dress, attitude, demeanor. Can't always assume it's just the color of the skin, Though I do remember hearing about a no name Bangkok hotel that denied some club rapper from the US a room because he was black, despite booking in advance. He had a you tube video on it. Guess it happens, though in my experience it's practically non-exsistant here compared to the US. Then again maybe we just grow a thick skin compared to folks who come here and suddenly find the shoe on the other foot for the first time in their lives.*shrug*

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Tell that to my English, French and Canadian friends. Most of them got denied except at saxophone.

Then maybe there were denied because of their appearance other than their race, coulda been their style of dress, attitude, demeanor. Can't always assume it's just the color of the skin, Though I do remember hearing about a no name Bangkok hotel that denied some club rapper from the US a room because he was black, despite booking in advance. He had a you tube video on it. Guess it happens, though in my experience it's practically non-exsistant here compared to the US. Then again maybe we just grow a thick skin compared to folks who come here and suddenly find the shoe on the other foot for the first time in their lives.*shrug*

You make snap judgements without knowing the facts. They are teachers and consultants living in Thailand and their clothing was not provactive. We have also heard on some occasions some Thai yell things such as "Go home black bast***". Just because you haven´t experienced it doesn´t mean others won´t and putting up an excuse for a bad behavior just makes it worse. I´m happy u haven't gone through some of the stuffs my friends have.

Some time ago, me and my friend applied for the same school which was Depsirin but my friend was denied despite having more teaching experience than me just because he had the wrong skin color.

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Tell that to my English, French and Canadian friends. Most of them got denied except at saxophone.

Then maybe there were denied because of their appearance other than their race, coulda been their style of dress, attitude, demeanor. Can't always assume it's just the color of the skin, Though I do remember hearing about a no name Bangkok hotel that denied some club rapper from the US a room because he was black, despite booking in advance. He had a you tube video on it. Guess it happens, though in my experience it's practically non-exsistant here compared to the US. Then again maybe we just grow a thick skin compared to folks who come here and suddenly find the shoe on the other foot for the first time in their lives.*shrug*

Vis a vis the club rapper: they probably just said it was cos he was black to avoid causing offence. It was maybe personal, specific to him.

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Moral of the story, racists are all over the place, some people are just downright stupid. Keyword is "some". So it's not as bad as it seems, you can choose your friends and dismiss your enemies. You don't need to be friends with everybody, as well as not everybody has to friends with you. So get over it and move on, but make sure you still treat people the same way you want them to treat you.

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Moral of the story, racists are all over the place, some people are just downright stupid. Keyword is "some". So it's not as bad as it seems, you can choose your friends and dismiss your enemies. You don't need to be friends with everybody, as well as not everybody has to friends with you. So get over it and move on, but make sure you still treat people the same way you want them to treat you.

Oh so true. Why care what others think? They might be idiots. Just make sure your OWN slate is clean in how you treat others.

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the biggest and most discriminating racism against retiree Farangs in Thailand is that we are not entitled to pay income tax. i consider this an outrage and contemplate to file a suit with the European Court on Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.

shame on you Thailand!


That wasnt my experience; I had no trouble paying income tax; quite a lot of it.

obviously you are not a retiree making money offshore.

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Tell that to my English, French and Canadian friends. Most of them got denied except at saxophone.

Then maybe there were denied because of their appearance other than their race, coulda been their style of dress, attitude, demeanor. Can't always assume it's just the color of the skin, Though I do remember hearing about a no name Bangkok hotel that denied some club rapper from the US a room because he was black, despite booking in advance. He had a you tube video on it. Guess it happens, though in my experience it's practically non-exsistant here compared to the US. Then again maybe we just grow a thick skin compared to folks who come here and suddenly find the shoe on the other foot for the first time in their lives.*shrug*

You make snap judgements without knowing the facts. They are teachers and consultants living in Thailand and their clothing was not provactive. We have also heard on some occasions some Thai yell things such as "Go home black bast***". Just because you haven´t experienced it doesn´t mean others won´t and putting up an excuse for a bad behavior just makes it worse. I´m happy u haven't gone through some of the stuffs my friends have.

Some time ago, me and my friend applied for the same school which was Depsirin but my friend was denied despite having more teaching experience than me just because he had the wrong skin color.

Now now, I'm not making excuses for any bigoted behavior, all i'm saying is I don't like to pull out the race card unless it's really justified. But then I have experienced REAL racism back in the States that makes the petty stuff your talking about look like nothing.

That being said, when was the last time anyone ever heard a Thai person even use the word "bastard"? really? Ok they might say "Ouan Dum" Fat Black as some kind of insult, but bastard?? No, Quai Dum maybe, Yeah sounds suspect. And about Blacks being refused teaching jobs, I have heard of this, but I know why this is. It's because they want to have white people in the school no matter where they are from because it's the skewed picture that most Thai's have of the States and England (although its changing) that everyone there is white and if your not white your English won't be as good. Even still I know a few Black American English teachers too, a couple teaching in Japan make serious dough for their profession.

This is wrong and kinda F'ed up, and that kinda upset me for awhile, but then I thought about it for a moment. If I wanted to learn Swahili, and I had a choice between a African teacher and a white one, I would most probably choose the African one, if for no other reason then to get the culture behind the language as well.

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Moral of the story, racists are all over the place, some people are just downright stupid. Keyword is "some". So it's not as bad as it seems, you can choose your friends and dismiss your enemies. You don't need to be friends with everybody, as well as not everybody has to friends with you. So get over it and move on, but make sure you still treat people the same way you want them to treat you.

I think the OP agrees with you, that racists are everywhere, in every country, every community, large and small. That being the case, why are we even discussing this topic? It's like asking why the Thais get up every morning to go take a leak. If everyone everywhere is racist...oh nevermind.

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This is the system, get use to it or.....

Exactly. Back in the US a Thai once asked me how to get somewhere on the public transport. My response was "if you were rich enough to get here from thailand, then you are rich enough to take a taxi." I then pointed to the cab stand, smiled and walked away.cowboy.gif

Kilgore Trout

You've shown yourself to be a sensitive man of the world now aren’t you.

I wonder how many of your fellow compatriots would agree with your lesson in diplomacy?

Anyone from the "USA" care to comment?


Yeah, this post is ridiculous. Yes, I am from the US, and when I see foreigners there, I sympathize with them and try to help them, since I have been the person in need of help in many countries. It helps them and gives them a good image of the country. Of course, if they are being a**holes, then they will get what is coming to them. But a guy asking for where the bus is? I promise you, most Americans of any color are much nicer than this poster......

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One more thing I would add...learn Thai. Yes, people always say this, but it is true. People have their set ideas about who you are...ok, that is not a great thing. But once you know the language, you can shatter those expectations and get along wonderfully with people.

You would be surprised at the number of villages I have traveled through, stopped to get some water, and people see I can speak Thai and they flock to me. Then, in less that 5 minutes, out come the stories of "hey, there is this foreigner here...he has been here for 10 years and doesn't speak Thai, doesn't even say hello to us. What is his problem?" Again, if you can't speak, you can't show them who you are. Some very basic Thai would put this all to rest. This is one of the major causes of problems for falangs living here. And no, it is not that hard to learn on an everyday basis, regardless of what everyone says.

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Not trying to hijack this thread but I have a different view here.

I've been in Thailand for a year and half, which not exactly a very long duration by the standards on this forum, but sufficient to have an early feedback compared to my experience living in other Asian countries (Singapore, Malaysia).

As much as I love Thailand, Bangkok, its food, the people's smile and other perks that make my expat life such a joy, I must admit that there's one fringe of the population I started to dislike: the so-called Thai-Chinese hi-sos. I truly despise their behaviour. They often ignore farangs (and other people?), are so persuaded to rule the city with their money and think farangs are all the same. I mentioned this point to other expats and most noticed that too. So why are they acting like that?

Mind you, I still have excellent contact with most of the Thais and I truly love mingling, chit chatting despite my limited Thai skills, soaking into typical districts with my camera and taking beautiful shots. I also love my Thai colleagues and we have the best laughs ever. My life is much better here compared to Malaysia. There's just this hiatus that prevents me to fully enjoy my situation here. Farangs in Malaysia and Singapore are treated differently. Remnants of the colonization maybe? Note that I don't endorse double standards.

Edited by Disinto
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Not trying to hijack this thread but I have a different view here.

I've been in Thailand for a year and half, which not exactly a very long duration by the standards on this forum, but sufficient to have an early feedback compared to my experience living in other Asian countries (Singapore, Malaysia).

As much as I love Thailand, Bangkok, its food, the people's smile and other perks that make my expat life such a joy, I must admit that there's one fringe of the population I started to dislike: the so-called Thai-Chinese hi-sos. I truly despise their behaviour. They often ignore farangs (and other people?), are so persuaded to rule the city with their money and think farangs are all the same. I mentioned this point to other expats and most noticed that too. So why are they acting like that?

Mind you, I still have excellent contact with most of the Thais and I truly love mingling, chit chatting despite my limited Thai skills, soaking into typical districts with my camera and taking beautiful shots. I also love my Thai colleagues and we have the best laughs ever. My life is much better here compared to Malaysia. There's just this hiatus that prevents me to fully enjoy my situation here. Farangs in Malaysia and Singapore are treated differently. Remnants of the colonization maybe? Note that I don't endorse double standards.

I want to make sure I am right in case I ever meet one. How do you tell they are Thai-Chinese? Do you have a trick question or something?

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Not trying to hijack this thread but I have a different view here.

I've been in Thailand for a year and half, which not exactly a very long duration by the standards on this forum, but sufficient to have an early feedback compared to my experience living in other Asian countries (Singapore, Malaysia).

As much as I love Thailand, Bangkok, its food, the people's smile and other perks that make my expat life such a joy, I must admit that there's one fringe of the population I started to dislike: the so-called Thai-Chinese hi-sos. I truly despise their behaviour. They often ignore farangs (and other people?), are so persuaded to rule the city with their money and think farangs are all the same. I mentioned this point to other expats and most noticed that too. So why are they acting like that?

Mind you, I still have excellent contact with most of the Thais and I truly love mingling, chit chatting despite my limited Thai skills, soaking into typical districts with my camera and taking beautiful shots. I also love my Thai colleagues and we have the best laughs ever. My life is much better here compared to Malaysia. There's just this hiatus that prevents me to fully enjoy my situation here. Farangs in Malaysia and Singapore are treated differently. Remnants of the colonization maybe? Note that I don't endorse double standards.

I want to make sure I am right in case I ever meet one. How do you tell they are Thai-Chinese? Do you have a trick question or something?

I'll pass on the unwanted sarcasm. There are obvious cues - facial features, skin complexion, hair type, etc. Mostly the same physical criteria used in Malaysia to distinguish Malays from Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indians for example.

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Not trying to hijack this thread but I have a different view here.

I've been in Thailand for a year and half, which not exactly a very long duration by the standards on this forum, but sufficient to have an early feedback compared to my experience living in other Asian countries (Singapore, Malaysia).

As much as I love Thailand, Bangkok, its food, the people's smile and other perks that make my expat life such a joy, I must admit that there's one fringe of the population I started to dislike: the so-called Thai-Chinese hi-sos. I truly despise their behaviour. They often ignore farangs (and other people?), are so persuaded to rule the city with their money and think farangs are all the same. I mentioned this point to other expats and most noticed that too. So why are they acting like that?

Mind you, I still have excellent contact with most of the Thais and I truly love mingling, chit chatting despite my limited Thai skills, soaking into typical districts with my camera and taking beautiful shots. I also love my Thai colleagues and we have the best laughs ever. My life is much better here compared to Malaysia. There's just this hiatus that prevents me to fully enjoy my situation here. Farangs in Malaysia and Singapore are treated differently. Remnants of the colonization maybe? Note that I don't endorse double standards.

I want to make sure I am right in case I ever meet one. How do you tell they are Thai-Chinese? Do you have a trick question or something?

I'll pass on the unwanted sarcasm. There are obvious cues - facial features, skin complexion, hair type, etc. Mostly the same physical criteria used in Malaysia to distinguish Malays from Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indians for example.

I got to Thailand in 1968. If you were me you would know how silly that sounds. But it would make a good racist party game. Pick out the Thai Chinese. Bet it would sell in Bangkok.

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Not trying to hijack this thread but I have a different view here.

I've been in Thailand for a year and half, which not exactly a very long duration by the standards on this forum, but sufficient to have an early feedback compared to my experience living in other Asian countries (Singapore, Malaysia).

As much as I love Thailand, Bangkok, its food, the people's smile and other perks that make my expat life such a joy, I must admit that there's one fringe of the population I started to dislike: the so-called Thai-Chinese hi-sos. I truly despise their behaviour. They often ignore farangs (and other people?), are so persuaded to rule the city with their money and think farangs are all the same. I mentioned this point to other expats and most noticed that too. So why are they acting like that?

Mind you, I still have excellent contact with most of the Thais and I truly love mingling, chit chatting despite my limited Thai skills, soaking into typical districts with my camera and taking beautiful shots. I also love my Thai colleagues and we have the best laughs ever. My life is much better here compared to Malaysia. There's just this hiatus that prevents me to fully enjoy my situation here. Farangs in Malaysia and Singapore are treated differently. Remnants of the colonization maybe? Note that I don't endorse double standards.

I want to make sure I am right in case I ever meet one. How do you tell they are Thai-Chinese? Do you have a trick question or something?

I'll pass on the unwanted sarcasm. There are obvious cues - facial features, skin complexion, hair type, etc. Mostly the same physical criteria used in Malaysia to distinguish Malays from Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indians for example.

I got to Thailand in 1968. If you were me you would know how silly that sounds. But it would make a good racist party game. Pick out the Thai Chinese. Bet it would sell in Bangkok.

Then I guess I should abide by your absolute superiority - you've been there for SO long.

There's no racism involved. It's a mere observation. I've been quite involved in ethnic and anthropological studies to just be picking out racism. That's ridiculous.

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snapback.pngfredtitmus, on Yesterday, 18:57 , said:

@ OP,The thai people wont serve you in shops,you get asked to leave the bus and turned away at the hospital ??? forgive me if im wrong but do you look like olive oil from the popeye cartoon? do you have big scary eyes or maybe you have sheep teeth?

Ordinarily, expecting a response from an OP this far into a thread would be pointless but seeing as aneliane's probably got more "farang" male attention in this epic than she's had in the years she's lived here, expect her to milk it for all it's worth.

To be honest hardened i dont really want a response,infact there's something that just doesnt seem right about this thread.

I havnt seen the op's earlier thread's but do you ever get the feeling people are not who they say they are? Im probably totally wrong but would it be ridiculous to say one person is controling two people on here.maybe to stir up some controversy and keep people logging in.

But if she is who she says she is,does this lady date thai men/women or has she ever had a thai partner? has this been reveiled cos i have missed it if it has.


So now I moan about racism so I can get male attention ? (because otherwise I don't get any?)

You don't ANYTHING about my personal life. So please refrain to comment

And no, I am not going to comment on my personal life either.

I am not sure what I am doing so bad in just sharing about some of my experiences here, but it has certainly triggered alot of anger

im not saying your seeking male attention and to be honest i think this thread's a wind up but anyway a couple of weeks ago i was in a 7/11 got my goods and was waiting at the til to be served,the two girls working were chatting about something to do with work but knew i was there waiting.when they finished talking one of the girls came to the til but then saw a thai guy going towards the other til so she did a u-turn and went to serve him with a huge grin on her face.the other girl saw what she did and shouted at her then came over to serve me,i just laughed and the girl who served me shook her head and said sorry.

now you could call this racism but i wouldnt,i just think this girl was an idiot and did this sort of thing with whoever came in the shop she didnt like.I can give you a few examples like that over the last 7 years i have been coming here but it wouldnt be many.

I think the thais are very welcoming as a whole,i have been sat in a bar alone and thai guys will tell me to come and join them,that wouldnt happen in England,infact would the English tolerate thousands of asians coming over and doing what they do in Thailand? i dont think so!

I think you just need to move out of you neighbourhood,maybe out of Bangkok but you say you love it here so i cant be that bad.

im AN ALIENE im a legal ALIENE im a falang girl in Bangkok

Whoohoo im AN ALIENE im a legal ALIENE im a falang girl in Bangkok

Funny that's exactly how Brits pronounce my name :)

At first I tried to correct them, now I have given up

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Moral of the story, racists are all over the place, some people are just downright stupid. Keyword is "some". So it's not as bad as it seems, you can choose your friends and dismiss your enemies. You don't need to be friends with everybody, as well as not everybody has to friends with you. So get over it and move on, but make sure you still treat people the same way you want them to treat you.

I think the OP agrees with you, that racists are everywhere, in every country, every community, large and small. That being the case, why are we even discussing this topic? It's like asking why the Thais get up every morning to go take a leak. If everyone everywhere is racist...oh nevermind.

read the subject "HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH IT?"

thought it was pretty clear, ...ermm.gif

but so far most people are questionning the fact that there is - or not - racism here

I have not read everything but so far all I have as "how to deal with it " is

-"To be thick skinned " or "Water off duck's back" ; which I think already am anyway

- pour your shopping over a till assistant's head, which sounds a tad much

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My wife is Thai-Chinese and most people on the street in Chiang Mai assume she is from Singapore. Whilst the consensus in Bangkok is that she's Chinese. Both are shocked when she rattles out and order at a restaurant in fluent Thai.

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My wife is Thai-Chinese and most people on the street in Chiang Mai assume she is from Singapore. Whilst the consensus in Bangkok is that she's Chinese. Both are shocked when she rattles out and order at a restaurant in fluent Thai.

You of course speak Thai so you can hear all of these conversations?

Try going to Sattahip. It is a Navy base where they only let Thai people in. On sight the guards check everyone. They don't speak to them. I have been there with Asian people from every country in Asia. No problem getting in as long as you are not a Farang. Thais don't know who any one is. If you are Chinese, Japanese or whatever. Don't be silly. No one knows where your wife is from.

You will figure this out after a few years in Asia.

Edited by kerryk
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I had an unsettling experience today. The Mia and I live in a Thai style condo in BKK, I am the only farrang in the building and I havent seen any in or around the area we live. As we left the building and entered the soi I noticed a guy staring at me intently, I nodded at him and he screamed at me. I have limited Thai so I asked the mia what he said? She replied that she didnt understand him but not to worry because he was just a stupid rude man, which means she didnt want to translate it for me.. I have been abused before but usually its followed by laughter or its whispered which dilute the threat. But as I said I dont know what he said but the manner he spoke upset me, he screamed at me with such venom and hatred that the incident haunted me all day.

I realised then that we interact with Thai thousands of time without incident or malice but it only takes one bad incident to ruin your day and has the potential to spiral into violence that could ruin your life.

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