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What Peaves Do You Put Up With To Live Here


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Ok well I know that most places in Thailand there is always 1 thing we can bitch about in order to have the pleasures we get.

Many lately have complained about rude people taking over Pattaya and spoil where they live etc.

For me, my pet peave is that I stay juct across the tracks on SSCC (Soi Siam Country Club) and have a nice little studeo apt with balcony, furnished for 2800 baht per month. The landlord is great and I like living on the dark side away from all the mayham BUT I am surrounded by 4 Mosques that blare music 5 or 6 times per day (the call for prayer) and quite loud too.

I chose to stay here so I cannot complain much but it's just a pet peave I have,

What do you put up with for your great life here in Pattaya?

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Ridiculously load traffic noise, the noise some of the trucks make drives me up the wall, every other saloon car appears to have a modified exhaust, motorbikes have modified exhausts, noise, noise and more noise, not forgetting the pollution :(

Police have no interest!

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Another I can think of is being labled as a sexpat just because I live in Pattaya and this happens from friends back home, job applications I sent to International jobs even reply with "Oh I see you live in Pattaya. I guess you need the job just to support your viagra bills?"

I don't put "Pattaya" on my CV anymore, just "Chonburi."

If you live in Pattaya the whole world thinks you are here just for sex but I endure it cause I love it here.

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Loser Farangs. The ones who want to stay here and enjoy the beer and sex lifestyle but don't have the money to pay for it. The Cheap Charlies that constantly 'borrow' money from their friends, engage in petty crime, don't pay their rent, eat at balloon bars and scrounge food off bargirls. The ones who get their girlfriend pregnant but will never have the money to support a third human being. Pattaya just seems to attract them and there seem to be more and more every year.

Sounds like your going to go home eh. laugh.png

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Come on guys, Thai Visa posters and spellers do not qualify as pet peaves as it is simple to just not read TV if it pisses you off. I mean things you put up with that kinda piss you off yet staying here in Pattaya out-weighs them.

Let's try to leave TV out of this.

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ThaiVisa members who sneer at all the members that have less money and smaller pensions than them.

ThaiVisa members who look down on Thais, the traditional Thai rural way of life, and the Thai education system.

ThaiVisa members who think their wife is better than other members wives because theirs is, educated, Chinese, wealthy, hi-so.

Young and good-looking ThaiVisa members who think their bar-girl purchase likes them more than they liked the fat, bald, old fart who purchased the same girl last/next week.

Blimey, thought l was alone with those points. clap2.gif

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My dislike is the assumption from the UK that if you live here it must only be for sex.

I hate that nudge nudge wink wink attitude I have even seen portrayed on national TV in the UK.

It is good for sex but there are also many other plusses to Thailand.

My ex wife will not let my son come here on holiday because of it's reputation here.

I have been in a steady healthy relationship with a Thai lady for three years.

There is plenty of prostitution in West London where my ex wife lives - you can check the small ads in the local paper.

I hate that holier than thou attitude.

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My dislike is the assumption from the UK that if you live here it must only be for sex.

I hate that nudge nudge wink wink attitude I have even seen portrayed on national TV in the UK.

It is good for sex but there are also many other plusses to Thailand.

My ex wife will not let my son come here on holiday because of it's reputation here.

I have been in a steady healthy relationship with a Thai lady for three years.

There is plenty of prostitution in West London where my ex wife lives - you can check the small ads in the local paper.

I hate that holier than thou attitude.

Yeah me too, I came here to get drunk and start fights, not for the sex. cowboy.gif
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I cringe when I hear many farangs, especially those farangs who are in business here or are on the radio/television promoting various businesses, mispronounce local Thai place names. These people should really know better.

It's common place to hear them pronouncing Patta-ya as Pat-eye-yah or Par-tay yah! They pronounce Ra-yong as Ray-yong and Jom-tien as Jon-tiem.

As I have said, they really should know better.

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Another I can think of is being labled as a sexpat just because I live in Pattaya and this happens from friends back home, job applications I sent to International jobs even reply with "Oh I see you live in Pattaya. I guess you need the job just to support your viagra bills?"

I don't put "Pattaya" on my CV anymore, just "Chonburi."

If you live in Pattaya the whole world thinks you are here just for sex but I endure it cause I love it here.

I don't have much contact with my 'home' countrymen any longer. Not that we have much in common to say the least. I once rang up a guy at my US bank and whilst discussing my account told him I lived here. The response was, 'oookay, never heard that one before'. I kid you not. rolleyes.gif

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1. People that spell Bhat (as in Thai Bhat) as "Bath". They remind me of the kind of people from the UK that say "five pound" instead of "five pounds". Both of these types of people have idiot eyes.

2. People that don't know thwe difference between a typo and genuinly bad spelling.

3. The discovery by the hordes of little places that were previously favourite haunts because they hadn't been descended on yet by the hordes. The hordes then force me to move on. Pattaya is a bit like that generally.

4. The sight of large, clumsy, ungainly falangs sitting at an outside table eating Thai food. There is something about them, their huge heads going up and down, their big mouths chewing away like cows, their bodies that are bit too large for the chairs and tables. I wish these people would stick to eating meat pies in bars and leave me to eat my kao man gai in peace.

5. Overly friendly conversaton from foreigners, could be falangs but can be others, towards Thai business vendors, when I know very well the Thai's are only interested in money and probably hate falangs. Once I hear all the "how are you, its been so long" blah blah blah and see the hand shaking I normally feel like vomiting. Do these guys really thing the Thai people running these businesses are their great friends? A friendly nod or hello will do.

6. Russians with shirts unbuttoned wandering around Mike Shopping Mall.

7. People who say they hate whingers

8. Whiny Australians that pretend to be all laid back etc etc



The list is endless

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Another pet peeve................. shop assistants, especially those of the third gender, following me around whilst I am just "browsing". I asked one yesterday what he/she/it wanted as he/she/it followed me whilst I was looking at some shirts. His/her/its response was "Take care".

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I guess the soi dogs.

I LOVE to walk to the beach from my little place in the country, but when it is cool enough, the soi dogs are out and aggressive. So by the time I get back home the adrenaline is pumping and the peace of the evening swim is gone haha.

The real peeve is that the worst dogs, the ones I have to face down every day, and after facing down have to walk backwards for some time are actually on the grounds of a major tourist condo - (the complex containing wave restaurant off soi 12 na jomtien). Do not the tourists complain about being bitten???

Mind you they are Russians, maybe they bite the dogs and that is why, when the dogs see a kiwi farang, they seek revenge...

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1. People that spell Bhat (as in Thai Bhat) as "Bath". They remind me of the kind of people from the UK that say "five pound" instead of "five pounds". Both of these types of people have idiot eyes.

2. People that don't know thwe difference between a typo and genuinly bad spelling.

3. The discovery by the hordes of little places that were previously favourite haunts because they hadn't been descended on yet by the hordes. The hordes then force me to move on. Pattaya is a bit like that generally.

4. The sight of large, clumsy, ungainly falangs sitting at an outside table eating Thai food. There is something about them, their huge heads going up and down, their big mouths chewing away like cows, their bodies that are bit too large for the chairs and tables. I wish these people would stick to eating meat pies in bars and leave me to eat my kao man gai in peace.

5. Overly friendly conversaton from foreigners, could be falangs but can be others, towards Thai business vendors, when I know very well the Thai's are only interested in money and probably hate falangs. Once I hear all the "how are you, its been so long" blah blah blah and see the hand shaking I normally feel like vomiting. Do these guys really thing the Thai people running these businesses are their great friends? A friendly nod or hello will do.

6. Russians with shirts unbuttoned wandering around Mike Shopping Mall.

7. People who say they hate whingers

8. Whiny Australians that pretend to be all laid back etc etc



The list is endless

Very Funny post but you are having us on aren't you?

Edited by xen
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