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How To Get A Google Map On Web Site?


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Am willing to pay for the following service: put a couple maps on a couple of my web sites.

I've tried doing it, by using various online tutorials, but it's frustrating.

here are the coordinates of one of the places: 19.553311 N, 99.475370 E

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It's really quite easy to add to a website a dynamic Google map. The simplest instructions I've seen is here. An example of it on my website here.


Start maps.google.com

Center the map location you wish to display

Click on the post-566-0-04732600-1332962400.jpg (anchor) icon top left of screen.

Click on Customize and Preview embedded map

Move and zoom the map to the exact location and size you want and the map size you want.

Copy the code in the box and paste into your webpage where you want it.


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Why not just take a snapshot of the map and then put the picture on your site?

Edit:Are you sure about the coordinates? It's in the sea.

Actually it shows up in Chiang Rai.

Here is the code for those coordinates. Just paste into your webpage using your favorite editor.

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=19.553311+N,+99.475370+E+&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=64.792576,135.263672&t=h&ie=UTF8&z=14&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=19.553311+N,+99.475370+E+&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=64.792576,135.263672&t=h&ie=UTF8&z=14" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

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if its a static html page you have to make sure it fits within the div tags - <div> code here </div>.....or whatever tags are used in your site architecture 'tables' etc....

or else you will end up with the google maps embed code on the webpage...if your using Dreamweaver switch to code view, its the only way ive found possible to do it.

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if its a static html page you have to make sure it fits within the div tags - <div> code here </div>.....or whatever tags are used in your site architecture 'tables' etc....

or else you will end up with the google maps embed code on the webpage...if your using Dreamweaver switch to code view, its the only way ive found possible to do it.

True. Here is an example in Dreamweaver of the design view and code view. I created a 1 col x 2 row table, clicked on the 1st row to position where the url will be then switched to code view and pasted the iframe text.



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or you could do as we did on http://www.jsat.tv/contactus.html with our google map and so easy being a static google maps image with a link to our google maps page

That is a common way also. However, that method also requires a more complex setup to embed the 'flags' and description information. He needs a Google account, which suspect most have by now

and then setup a My Maps section and register for an API code.

Will wait for the OP to see which route he wishes to go.

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However, that method also requires a more complex setup to embed the 'flags' and description information.

But well worth the time it takes to setup as it has a myriad of other advantages i.e also appears in google search, maps , images etc etc .. on all sorts of devices , smart phones, tablets, computers etc..


Edited by jsat
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However, that method also requires a more complex setup to embed the 'flags' and description information.

But well worth the time it takes to setup as it has a myriad of other advantages i.e also appears in google search, maps , images etc etc .. on all sorts of devices , smart phones, tablets, computers etc..

I agree that it makes a much more 'friendly' setup. For example on my website I have drawn the route to our laboratory. If the OP wants to go that route I will try to put together a step by step guide.

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Thanks for all the good tips. I tried responding this morning, but my ISP was too slow, then I went to work outdoors all day.

I'll go thru the responses again and see which fits best for my situation and limited web skills.

Interesting that someone earlier said they typed in the GPS coordinates and came up with somewhere in the ocean, and someone else typed it in and got Chiang Rai. That's another issue, the coordinates don't give consistently the same location - on different venues. Another site (About.com) wanted a street address, but this is Thailand, and neither of the two rural locations have street addresses, not even remotely. However, I do have google maps, and was able to get exact coordinates. I also see numerous errors for specific locations on google maps, but I guess that's what to expect with such a vast user-edited system. Thanks again,

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I got the maps, thanks for the tips.

Google maps relies, to a large degree, on street addresses. So happens, many rural Thai properties don't have street addresses - yet with a bit a tweaking, it's still possible to get a google map location for a rural Thai property.

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