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Dating Muslima


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WHY???????????? In a whole big world full of women; why would you want to get involved with a muslim women?

O dear. Daylight has hit the cave.

It is being a Muslim per say...it is how deep are their beliefs and will this translate into problems for an inter religious marriage.

It has no effect whatsoever, not one iota, in my relationship of four years with a wonderful muslim woman. You have no idea how they believe in their man and how they take proper and loving care of him.

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if eventually you have to marry, convert her to the religion of your choice before marrying her (except M'sia)

only if she is mainstream and non religious, and her belief in your worthy companionship is stronger than the religious belief

If she becomes an apostate, i.e. she has left Islam and converted to anything else then, under Islamic law, shouldn't she be executed? I hope that Thai muslems aren't so devout.

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Circumcision is carried out on 'people' who have no choice in the decision. It is child abuse, plain and simple, We are supposed to believe that God has made us as he wants us, yet got it wrong with the foreskin. Having a foreskin makes absolutely zero difference to the effort required to ensure your private parts remain clean.

Gentleman Jim, it is sometimes necessary to circumsise boys who have a phimosis. This is a severely tight foreskin which cannot be retracted and can lead to damage to the glans. At least this is done with the patient anaesthetised in a proper operating theatre. Doing it in the name of religion, for a belief of a man in the sky is a totally different proposition.

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I hate it when that happens. Who hasn't been there? The old kinky dog gambit.

I know.....cost me a fortune on counselling after it.......so she wasn't a cheap date after all. violin.gif

Learn to enjoy the dog experience!

Love her, love her dog ........

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Me?......I've dated one. Young Muslim's are no different to any other young people, they like to rebel and experiment. Where the difference is that when things take a turn towards being serious believe me, serious is what it is.

With very few exceptions, they will fall straight into line with their Islamic obligations, and obligation to family.

Gentleman Jim has given you an answer that should be pinned.

So!!........if all your looking for is a bit of fun.......carry on........if you are looking at a possible long term relationship, you better understand you are marrying Islam.

I would support that opinion. It all depends how serious you want to get, and how religious her parents are. Are you prepared to become a Muslim yourself? If not, that's where it should end.

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Circumcision is carried out on 'people' who have no choice in the decision. It is child abuse, plain and simple, We are supposed to believe that God has made us as he wants us, yet got it wrong with the foreskin. Having a foreskin makes absolutely zero difference to the effort required to ensure your private parts remain clean.

Gentleman Jim, it is sometimes necessary to circumsise boys who have a phimosis. This is a severely tight foreskin which cannot be retracted and can lead to damage to the glans. At least this is done with the patient anaesthetised in a proper operating theatre. Doing it in the name of religion, for a belief of a man in the sky is a totally different proposition.

I am well aware of the surgical need that you have given an example of. My original post really is very clear. At no point am I even hinting that a surgical process done out of a medical necessity is wrong. I have been writing about the removal of the foreskin on a new born baby by some old Rabbi because of an alleged 3000 year old religious reason. I hope that is crystal clear now, to yourself and the poster that wants to inform us of his rolling in and swelling foreskin after heavy sex sessions. sick.gif

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Circumcision is carried out on 'people' who have no choice in the decision. It is child abuse, plain and simple, We are supposed to believe that God has made us as he wants us, yet got it wrong with the foreskin. Having a foreskin makes absolutely zero difference to the effort required to ensure your private parts remain clean.

Gentleman Jim, it is sometimes necessary to circumsise boys who have a phimosis. This is a severely tight foreskin which cannot be retracted and can lead to damage to the glans. At least this is done with the patient anaesthetised in a proper operating theatre. Doing it in the name of religion, for a belief of a man in the sky is a totally different proposition.

I am well aware of the surgical need that you have given an example of. My original post really is very clear. At no point am I even hinting that a surgical process done out of a medical necessity is wrong. I have been writing about the removal of the foreskin on a new born baby by some old Rabbi because of an alleged 3000 year old religious reason. I hope that is crystal clear now, to yourself and the poster that wants to inform us of his rolling in and swelling foreskin after heavy sex sessions. sick.gif

Many good medical reasons for circumcision.

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I hate it when that happens. Who hasn't been there? The old kinky dog gambit.

I know.....cost me a fortune on counselling after it.......so she wasn't a cheap date after all. violin.gif

Learn to enjoy the dog experience!

Love her, love her dog ........

Well to be fair that is true.......

the thing is though I tasted the Forbidden Fruit and found out it tasted like all the rest of the fruit, so I dumped her............

Onwards and upwards!!!.........intheclub.gif

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Two thoughts...

1. People's experiences with this may indeed be very different depending on the Muslim woman involved is a central Thai type as opposed to a southern or other country Muslim.... Sometimes posters above have described their Muslim woman experiences, without indicating whether the lady was Thai or other... I suspect at least the central Thai Muslims might be a bit more relaxed about things on average.

2. I remember when I was still looking around, seeing a fair number of Thai women's profiles on some of the major Thai dating websites that listed their religion as Muslim. Now surely, they weren't posting on those websites expecting to find a Muslim relationship, since the male members there tend not to be Muslim much at all. So it always made me wonder, knowing about such things as have been posted above, why would a "Muslim" Thai woman be looking for a relationship there?

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Circumcision is carried out on 'people' who have no choice in the decision. It is child abuse, plain and simple, We are supposed to believe that God has made us as he wants us, yet got it wrong with the foreskin. Having a foreskin makes absolutely zero difference to the effort required to ensure your private parts remain clean.

Gentleman Jim, it is sometimes necessary to circumsise boys who have a phimosis. This is a severely tight foreskin which cannot be retracted and can lead to damage to the glans. At least this is done with the patient anaesthetised in a proper operating theatre. Doing it in the name of religion, for a belief of a man in the sky is a totally different proposition.

I am well aware of the surgical need that you have given an example of. My original post really is very clear. At no point am I even hinting that a surgical process done out of a medical necessity is wrong. I have been writing about the removal of the foreskin on a new born baby by some old Rabbi because of an alleged 3000 year old religious reason. I hope that is crystal clear now, to yourself and the poster that wants to inform us of his rolling in and swelling foreskin after heavy sex sessions. sick.gif

Cutting didn't start with Jews and Muslims. It started in much more ancient times among African tribes. I get the arguments against cutting males and am sold on the arguments against cutting females, but personally I'm happy to be cut as I think the vast majority of cut men are as well. So if its such a horror, why are so many of us satisfied with our condition? Yes I know there are some obsessed men trying to get their foreskins back, but they are a tiny minority that care about that at all. Edited by Jingthing
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Circumcision is carried out on 'people' who have no choice in the decision. It is child abuse, plain and simple, We are supposed to believe that God has made us as he wants us, yet got it wrong with the foreskin. Having a foreskin makes absolutely zero difference to the effort required to ensure your private parts remain clean.

Gentleman Jim, it is sometimes necessary to circumsise boys who have a phimosis. This is a severely tight foreskin which cannot be retracted and can lead to damage to the glans. At least this is done with the patient anaesthetised in a proper operating theatre. Doing it in the name of religion, for a belief of a man in the sky is a totally different proposition.

I am well aware of the surgical need that you have given an example of. My original post really is very clear. At no point am I even hinting that a surgical process done out of a medical necessity is wrong. I have been writing about the removal of the foreskin on a new born baby by some old Rabbi because of an alleged 3000 year old religious reason. I hope that is crystal clear now, to yourself and the poster that wants to inform us of his rolling in and swelling foreskin after heavy sex sessions. sick.gif

Cutting didn't start with Jews and Muslims. It started in much more ancient times among African tribes. I get the arguments against cutting males and am sold on the arguments against cutting females, but personally I'm happy to be cut as I think the vast majority of cut men are as well. So if its such a horror, why are so many of us satisfied with our condition? Yes I know there are some obsessed men trying to get their foreskins back, but they are a tiny minority that care about that at all.


I'm just getting you back for saying I was off topic on this thread yesterday. tongue.png

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Gentleman Jim, it is sometimes necessary to circumsise boys who have a phimosis. This is a severely tight foreskin which cannot be retracted and can lead to damage to the glans. At least this is done with the patient anaesthetised in a proper operating theatre. Doing it in the name of religion, for a belief of a man in the sky is a totally different proposition.

I am well aware of the surgical need that you have given an example of. My original post really is very clear. At no point am I even hinting that a surgical process done out of a medical necessity is wrong. I have been writing about the removal of the foreskin on a new born baby by some old Rabbi because of an alleged 3000 year old religious reason. I hope that is crystal clear now, to yourself and the poster that wants to inform us of his rolling in and swelling foreskin after heavy sex sessions. sick.gif

Cutting didn't start with Jews and Muslims. It started in much more ancient times among African tribes. I get the arguments against cutting males and am sold on the arguments against cutting females, but personally I'm happy to be cut as I think the vast majority of cut men are as well. So if its such a horror, why are so many of us satisfied with our condition? Yes I know there are some obsessed men trying to get their foreskins back, but they are a tiny minority that care about that at all.


I'm just getting you back for saying I was off topic on this thread yesterday. tongue.png

To be fair, (and for the Mods) this is definitely on topic. The OP wants to go out with a Muslim girl, hence the potential consequences when married of having to get clipped.

There may be many reasons an adult wants to get clipped, I can think of Fore not too.

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WHY???????????? In a whole big world full of women; why would you want to get involved with a muslim women?

O dear. Daylight has hit the cave.

It is being a Muslim per say...it is how deep are their beliefs and will this translate into problems for an inter religious marriage.

It has no effect whatsoever, not one iota, in my relationship of four years with a wonderful muslim woman. You have no idea how they believe in their man and how they take proper and loving care of him.

So your the one in a thousand that it works for, big deal, but really why would you bother. In a country with the most sexy women in the world and all Buddhists. He would have to have a few roo's loose in the top paddock to even think there is a bright rosy future. I had a mate who met his sweet heart in a bar who had a gambling problem. Done his nuts over her, thousands of dollars later and constant heartache he is wondering why he did not listen to all his mates who said why would you bother... same shit.. i am constantly amazed with people who make life complicated.

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I married a Thai Muslim lady three years ago and despite the "usual" Thai-Western relationship problems, I have never looked back.

(Before I go any further: Do not under-estimate these "usual" problems as they are enormous and will easily break you if you are not prepared for them. If you've had any semi-serious relationship with a Thai before then you will know - if not then I strongly suggest you spend some time on this forum and get to know the pros and cons of this very special and problematic type of relationship! Also take a look at stickmanbangkok for some very blunt appraisals of life and love in Thailand.)

As for my experience:

YES I had to convert to Islam but this was nothing more than a 15 minute ceremony in my wife's family home. Since that day I have only had to go to a mosque a handful of times and frankly I don't see it as any different from having to go to church every morning at school in the UK. (In fact there is very little difference between Islam and Christianity in my opinion, but this is a long discussion which is not for this thread). Anyway I really don't see it as such a big deal.

In case you are wondering NO I am not at all religious so I guess you could argue that I'm an imposter or I'm being insincere. But my answer would be that it is no different to millions of people that are supposedly Muslims, Christians, Jews, even Buddhists but who do not really believe any of it. Some people just have no choice but go along with it anyway because at the end of the day it doesn't really affect your life very much. Just like I put up with going to church every morning as a child because it was only for a few minutes and then I could get on with my day!

YES I had to get the snip. This was painless except for a few "hard moments" the first week and has done nothing but enhanced our sex life. Again: no big deal.

YES I had to marry in order to have a serious relationship with her. But NO I did not have to wait until marriage to have sex. In fact during the very early stages of our relationship she was the one who was just after a quick lay and it was me that wanted to get serious! Having said that the "marriage" was the same 15-minute ceremony I mentioned above and we still have not had a real wedding.

Perhaps I am lucky that my wife is not a very strict Muslim? I only say she is not strict because she never wears a scarf but YES I had to give up eating pork. She drinks occasionally but never more than a couple of beers - definitely a good thing judging by many annoying drunk Thai women I've met over the years. As for me I am free to drink as much as I want and she will even go out and buy beer for me if I want it. Never been a big drinker anyway but it's the thought that counts :-)

As for the family: She is from the south of Thailand (I am writing this sitting in our home in the south while she is in Bangkok and her family is taking great care of me and making sure I'm well-fed and looked after!) Her parents are very definitely Muslim but are very accepting of me (the ceremony, getting the snip and paying for a lot of their daily life seems to have gone a long way). In fact they are just as open, friendly and kind as you would expect any other Thai family to be under the circumstances.

The way I see it I have had to make a few sacrifices, but all of it is NO BIG DEAL!

A small price to pay for a great relationship and an amazing life in Thailand with a beautiful woman that is absolutely devoted to me.

I understand you asking this forum because this time three years ago I was as terrified and confused as you seem to be now. I guess if I was in your shoes today I would be asking myself the same questions that people have been proposing in the other posts above: How serious are you about this woman? Because this situation is a bit harder to back out of! The advice I got from friends, etc in the beginning was: go ahead and fool around if you want but don't get caught or you will likely disappear. So really if you just want to get laid then RUN AWAY NOW! But if you really think you are serious then why refuse it just on the grounds of a religion? In the end I decided that I wasn't going to give up on the chance of something beautiful just because of my pre-conceptions about Islam. I followed the path of love (jesus that sounds cheesey) and it worked out better than I could have imagined.

How strict is her family? It seems I have been lucky to find one whose family is not so imposing of their beliefs. Remember that most young Muslims in Thailand will not appear strict, especially if they live in Bangkok, but their family could be a very different story. I guess the real question here is how much is this an issue for you?

What do you think about your children being Muslim? Because they will be! If, like me, you think this is no big deal, then it's only a problem if you make it a problem. I must admit I am only speculating about this as we have no children yet. But I think that when the time comes it will be no different from me being brought up as a Christian - NO BIG DEAL!

I guess to conclude I would say that you need to ask yourself a lot of questions. Yes do some research on her but really it boils down to you and how far you are prepared to bend. If you go for it then remember that the biggest problem you will face is not marrying a Muslim but marrying a Thai! This deserves a lot more thought, in my humble opinion, than the religion thing. Be prepared to give up your money, privacy, sanity and many other things you may have taken for granted in previous relationships. If you can deal with that and you're prepared to make a few sacrifices over the religion thing, then go for it! If you're not so flexible then leave now while you still can!

I hope I've helped a little bit with my rambling here .. feel free to PM me if you want to ask anything. Good luck to you.

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I'm a devout Muslim, I pray 5 times a day, go to the mosque on Fridays, don't eat pork, don't drink, but, my wife is Buddhist and I have 2 doughters. My doughters are raised predominantly Muslim but are educated in other religions, they are free to make there own choice when they are 18 and leave my house, untill then i will profer they conduct themselfs as present.

But in saying that I will remove the sexual origins of anyone I catch having sex with them before that time. Muslim girls are people, they have personalitys and are individual as are there family's. Some (many) will want there doughters and sisters to marry Muslim men but some like myself and my family will be very content as long as there is a mutuel respect between both parties and there practiceis, my wife eats pork I don't and nor do my children but I will say I do not want any Buddhist pictures up in my house. I think you should probably start by meeting the family and see what your geting yourself into, what they expect or will tolerate from you, culturally that's how things start in Islamic family's and you will be respected for it by the family or told to go away in wich case it's best left alone anyway. If you just want a bit of fun, there are lots of other girls hear where things are much less complicated, I wouldn't recommend doing a runner because if that happend to my doughter I would hunt the man to the end of the world.

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...............................I wouldn't recommend doing a runner because if that happend to my doughter I would hunt the man to the end of the world.

And .....................there you have it!

...............................I wouldn't recommend doing a runner because if that happend to my doughter I would hunt the man to the end of the world.

And .....................there you have it!

And there you have ........................................ sweet FA.

Seems like a typical father to me - if he would have said that he is Jewish (Try to schtupp a Jewish/Israeli girl and see the family's reaction), Catholic or Born Again Christian . . . you would not have made the same ridiculous statement, but a typical one for a bigot

Edited by Sing_Sling
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...............................I wouldn't recommend doing a runner because if that happend to my doughter I would hunt the man to the end of the world.

And .....................there you have it!

And there you have ........................................ sweet FA.

Seems like a typical father to me - if he would have said that he is Jewish (Try to schtupp a Jewish/Israeli girl and see the family's reaction), Catholic or Born Again Christian . . . you would not have made the same ridiculous statement, but a typical one for a bigot

Wow, you leap in to the ring screaming and kicking don't you. So now I am a bigot.......nice! I think you know me not!

Now it is either a typical father, or a father with entrenched religious views, make your mind up. It's not both.

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There are so many guys near where I live that continue to fall in to this trap. They all end up separated and/or divorced. The reasons are simple. If your relationship gets that serious you want to marry then you will have to/pretend convert to Islam. Once you have children the problems will start. About the age of two or three the wife's parents will insist on a strong muslim upbringing for their Grandchild. You may be living away from the Grandparents home area, but your wife WILL up and leave with your child, back to her parental home. There are many broken hearted men I know and when I hear another is about to embark on the same course of action I just say why? I have not known a relationship in Thailand between a muslim girl/non muslim man end any differently. If you have a baby girl she will be a valuable 'asset' to the family, new blood, whitish skin, worthy of a good dowry. I am not being racist or bigoted, these are just the facts from many many thai men I know that fell in love with a muslim woman. All will be great and well until you have children and they reach toddler age. Your wife may even love you very much but when her parents say 'come home and bring the child', thats it, and you will get NO visiting rights.

By the way, don't be fooled by the no sex before marriage thing. Young Muslim women are just as curious about sex as any other young woman, but don't get caught, her brothers will have your gonads.

So...you have been warned. Good luck.

Very true to all, listen and learn to his advice!!
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All the personal stories will not advise you. Fallow your heart and remember: You always need a good communication with every partner, anywhere in the world.

Despite all my ramblings on here, I wholeheartedly agree with this. Marry someone you can talk to because good looks and good sex will never last!

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To Lighten things up

A Rabbi and a Catholic priest sitting next to each other on an aircraft, talking during their meal, as the Catholic Priest is tucking into a pork chop and the Rabbi eating chicken. The Catholic priest says :Rabbi, I hope you don't mind me asking, but you are forbidden to eat pork", "yes I am Father" said the Rabbi, The Priest says "well Rabbi, have you ever...you know...broken your vow and eaten pork", the Rabbi looks at him and says "I have to confess Father, I have indeed eaten Pork on one occasion", the Catholic Priest gives a half smile in smug satisfaction and says "it's much better than chicken isn't it", as he finishes his pork chop.

Ten minutes later, over a nice glass of red the Rabbi leans over and says "Father, tell me, I understand you Priests have to live a life of celibacy, and not partake in carnal knowledge", The Priest says "That is indeed correct Rabbi, it is one of our vows", The Rabbi says "well you know father have you ever ...you..know...partaken of the flesh of a young girl?", The priest looking a little embarrassed and flushed says "well Rabbi, I have to admit when I was much younger I did indeed make love to a Girl", The Rabbi smiles and contemplates and says "It's much better than pork isn't it!".

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If her family is religious, they will tend to want you to convert as part of the marriage agreement. The fasting thing during Ramadan isn't for sissies. No such issues with gay Thai Muslims, though!

This is more than enough reason to steer clear. You should only get involved with equal opportunity religions. Try asking her to give up her religion for love. Converting to get a wife is insanity - especially in this region of the world where good wives are not a rare commodity.

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