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New Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery Is Superior -- Where In Thailand?


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Hot new technical development in the cataract surgery field:

Femtosecond laser machine.

It still requires a good surgeon and the investment in the machine is massive but the results are proving superior and it is less invasive than current techniques, giving better results and patient experience.

Yes the costs are higher.

Anyway, it is now approved in the US but in the early stages.

I have a feeling it is probably somewhere in Thailand now just based on a website I read talking about training doctors in Thailand. However I can't yet locate a mention of where it is being done yet here. No mention on the Rutnin or Bumrungrad websites.

It might be better to not rush into it and give the local docs time to train on the technology, but anyway, where in Thailand are they going to get the machines? Assuming some places will as they can justify charging more, but maybe I'm wrong about that.

From a patient point of view, considering the importance of vision, I think many people will start demanding the better technology method.

Here's what I'm talking about:

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Sorry, I am rather fuzzy on the actual cost of existing technology cataract surgery in Thailand. There are variables such as whether you go for the multiple lens option or not which is of course more expensive so the cost of the lens is a big factor. I think roughly 2,000 to 2,500 dollars for EACH eye.

I was able to glean that in India to use the latest laser machine with the surgery adds 1,500 dollars to the price, but it's not clear if they mean each eye or for two eyes. However, the costs are expected to go down over time, at least in India. Right now this is seen as a luxury, specialty new thing for richer people.

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Back to the machine clues, I have found that the

First LenSx (Alcon USA) Femtosecond Laser for Cataract Surgery. LenSx is currently the only FDA (USA) approved Laser for Cataract surgery.

is the machine to be looking for in Thailand. Any hospital that has purchased this monster will of course be training doctors in its use. The trouble is I can't seem to find any clues about this machine being anywhere in Thailand as yet. Surely if they are already at some places in India and I think the Philippines, they are coming to Thailand, yes?

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  • 1 month later...

OK, I'm bumping this but also have some good information to add.

I got a cost estimate from a good clinic in India for this new technology surgery.

Two eyes, done on different days, using the latest femtosecond laser machine from the U.S., using the best quality multifocus lenses from the US, correcting for astigmatism as well:

170K baht, including BOTH eyes

Of course airfare to India and hotel stay not included.

Yes, expensive but I think that is cheaper than in the U.S. now.

BTW, further research has shown me that this femtosecond technology is especially well suited to cataract patients who ALSO have astigmatism needing correction.

Note there is nothing wrong with current non-laser technology. However, I am well convinced this new technology is better.

Any clues yet on where in Thailand this might be available now or soon?

Why is India ahead of Thailand on this? This seems to me to be a perfect kind of MEDICAL TOURISM angle for Thailand, just as it is for India. What's the delay about?

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Always ,but always go to India for treatment, depending on day and time of season,can get return air fare for something like 250 bucks. While there get bowel screening,heart stress tested,blood testing, prostate anything that you can think of. Just had op there magnificent,damned cheap too to Thailand.

Contact manufacturer of this machine,ask them other places where they are located, tell the Indians you are a resident of India, they will have a ton of differing prices also medical visa is OK ,bit cheaper

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Thanks but I don't see how I could pull off posing as a resident of India.

Delhi think is the first place.....yes you can ,tell them you are,they are not going start searching questions,used to walk in off the street at times there and ask for a price
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Thanks but I don't see how I could pull off posing as a resident of India.

Delhi think is the first place.....yes you can ,tell them you are,they are not going start searching questions,used to walk in off the street at times there and ask for a price

I'm sure somebody else would be interested in that advice.
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Think most people hate the thought of India,its not that bad ,used to live there.Every medical procedure is a tiny fraction of Thailand s,had knee op 900 bucks last September,had quite a few estimates from Thailand and they were all around the 50 000 Baht mark bit under ,bit over ,really good ,2 surgeons,1 anaesthetist, private room for 24 hours, MRI scanned by Seimans Megaton imaging before hand, state of the art machine for 100 bucks.........,bowel cancer scan 50 bucks with one polyp removed,loads of other scans too ,...few shirts made,told a host of beggars to FO

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Think most people hate the thought of India,its not that bad ,used to live there.Every medical procedure is a tiny fraction of Thailand s,had knee op 900 bucks last September,had quite a few estimates from Thailand and they were all around the 50 000 Baht mark bit under ,bit over ,really good ,2 surgeons,1 anaesthetist, private room for 24 hours, MRI scanned by Seimans Megaton imaging before hand, state of the art machine for 100 bucks.........,bowel cancer scan 50 bucks with one polyp removed,loads of other scans too ,...few shirts made,told a host of beggars to FO

Typo should have put dollars instead of baht,

Might have a go at this myself,trouble is I have just bought a new pair of glasses today. A Delhi politician bought my place when I lived in India,may ask him to get a price quoted and book a place ,I'll show up instead.

I think India buys state of the art equipment at a fraction of the wests costs,fact is I know they do

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Yes, expensive but I think that is cheaper than in the U.S. now.

Need to KNOW whether it's cheaper, otherwise of course just do it in the USA when you're back on a visit.

It surely is cheaper, but just sayin'.

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Yes, expensive but I think that is cheaper than in the U.S. now.

Need to KNOW whether it's cheaper, otherwise of course just do it in the USA when you're back on a visit.

It surely is cheaper, but just sayin'.

I agree with you. I will post that info when/if I get that information. Frankly, I'm most interested in where in Thailand this can be done. I think not yet. If some hospital had started using the new machines (assuming any really have them yet) they surely would be promoting them heavily to repay their investment and they would be easy to find on google as the places in India are. Also one wouldn't want to be among the very first patients either. Let them get trained first!
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Get to India Jingthing,more practice they have better they will become. Tell them you only have enough for one eye,can they do the other in a few months time,or can they do the second eye partially ,finish it when your next pay day comes by. If you have a bald head tell them Gandhi was your dad,any old rubbish...do not give them time to think,get the price off them ,and then its a gentleman's agreement,they will not back down from quoted price.

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cataract surgery in Thailand runs from THB40k to THB 60K per eye, at a private hospital in BKK, far cheaper equally as effective options exist in government or semi government hospitals in places such as CM.

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Just to put things into perspective: cataract surgery is not rocket science, it's one of the simpler procedures that can be done inexpensively in order to relieve suffering, the risks are very low. Why in that case would anyone opt to spend thousands of Dollars to get it done using the latest technology or indeed spend similar and get it done at private hospitals when far cheaper and equally effective options exist? Seems to me this is akin to wanting to use only gold plated scissors to cut your toenails when a bog standard pair made out of steel will do the job just as well.

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cataract surgery in Thailand runs from THB40k to THB 60K per eye, at a private hospital in BKK, far cheaper equally as effective options exist in government or semi government hospitals in places such as CM.

There are different levels of lenses and the biggest choice (and cost difference) is between single focus and multi-focus.

Regarding the extra cost for laser assisted and whether it is worth it, that's an area of controversy both with patients, health care providers, and insurance payers (in countries which pay for these procedures). Because it is new and yes always going to be more expensive. People should do their own research and make up their own minds.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, another update on this. Sort of exciting news. I got word from the femtosecond machine company that these machines ARE being installed at multiple hospitals in Thailand and news about exactly which ones will come later, perhaps in about two months. That means at least TWO locations in Thailand. Maybe more. Surely they are trying to sell more. More news later.

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The downside of Indian medical procedures is that is one is more likely to have complications and a serious secondary infection.

There is no need to go to India for the procedure and the existing procedures are tried and true. The improvements claimed from the new "laser" approach are not clinically significant. Cataract surgey is relatively cheap in Thailand and even in the west. In Canada it is available as a private option for $2000- $2500 at private outpatient clinics (or for free under the medicare system if you don't mind waiting 6 months or so.) In the EU, the procedure is readily available with minimal wait times. Why then would anyone even consider India? The laser procedures are backed by the equipment manufacturers that push their products like car manufacturers tout their new models. In any case, who wants to be one of the 1st patients? I'd rather wait a couple years and see if there are complications. Of more importance is that the replacement lenses used can now include corrective construction so that eyesight is improved more.

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Well as they will now have this technology in Thailand, I see no reason to consider India. I agree waiting some time until the docs are up to speed would be wise. I also think choosing a good surgeon in the first place is still very important, no matter what technology used. I think there are pros and cons to the femtosecond but I do believe it's going to become widely used.

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A friend had cataract surgery for one eye at Rutnin this past Thursday, 21 June, here's his note:

"Total out the door today 73,600THB Lens was 26,000THB. Lots of take home meds as well. The lens is the newest single vision (Toric) lens available for my astigmatism. The Dr cost 18,700THB."


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They have this in BPH , it is 200,000 baht ; promotional price

Dutch guy I know did it and it and is having complications with dry eyes and night halos.

I am pretty certain you're not talking about what I'm talking about. I'm talking about femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery. (It's only used for the first part of the surgery.) I'm guessing you're talking about a popular procedure at BPH -- Super Sight Surgery. Dr. Somchai has been doing what he calls "Super Sight Surgery" for many years, even before the technology for femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery even EXISTED. He seems to be promoting it mostly to people in their 40s who are starting to need reading glasses, no the usual patient profile for cataract surgery. Edited by Jingthing
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A friend had cataract surgery for one eye at Rutnin this past Thursday, 21 June, here's his note:

"Total out the door today 73,600THB Lens was 26,000THB. Lots of take home meds as well. The lens is the newest single vision (Toric) lens available for my astigmatism. The Dr cost 18,700THB."


An excellent place to go. It will be interesting to know when Rutnin adopts the femtosecond laser for cataract. I say when because I'm certain they will eventually. I'd expect places like Bumrungrad to be earlier though. Edited by Jingthing
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Lasic laser surgury works just fine ..... no need to pay up for a newer version

Laser lasic surgery is an excellent technology. It has NOTHING to do with initial treatment for cataracts! I think many people are confused about that. But believe me, it doesn't.

That said, many cataract patients (having the new permanent implanted lens now) need a SECOND procedure later to zap out some post surgery clouding. Typically a year or two later if needed. That IS done with laser tech. Nothing new about that.

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The downside of Indian medical procedures is that is one is more likely to have complications and a serious secondary infection.

There is no need to go to India for the procedure and the existing procedures are tried and true. The improvements claimed from the new "laser" approach are not clinically significant. Cataract surgey is relatively cheap in Thailand and even in the west. In Canada it is available as a private option for $2000- $2500 at private outpatient clinics (or for free under the medicare system if you don't mind waiting 6 months or so.) In the EU, the procedure is readily available with minimal wait times. Why then would anyone even consider India? The laser procedures are backed by the equipment manufacturers that push their products like car manufacturers tout their new models. In any case, who wants to be one of the 1st patients? I'd rather wait a couple years and see if there are complications. Of more importance is that the replacement lenses used can now include corrective construction so that eyesight is improved more.

Just a simple question,...please supply information or tags where information can be gleaned that you are more likely to have complications or serious secondary infections having this (eye) or general surgery in India,as you have stated

You also state "why anyone would consider India"?, probably costings ,if you wish to compare, why would anybody go elsewhere? Go compare

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How much does regular cataract surgery cost here in Thailand?

RAM Hospital Chiang Mai

A little while ago I had this procedure performed to remove the cateract and replace an artificial lens in one of my eyes. Still have to get he other sorted - but in time.

For those of you who may be in the same situation the following is the cost that I incurred but subject your own situaion it may differ according to your own circumstances.

I acknowledge that there are other hospitals where this procedure may be performed at a cheaper price but I am a long time user of RAM and have confidence in the surgeons and the facilities.

Both my age and possession of a VIP card attracted a discount but the overall cost was 43,000 baht for the procedure to be performed on one eye. This included a full physical examination before the surgery. The operation lasted approximately 30 minutes and although uncomfortable, I experienced no pain.

The following morning I returned to the Eye Specialist and was able to read the eye chart with my right eye from top to bottom without difficulty.


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