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PM Yingluck: We Will Return Happiness To Hat Yai


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The PM dropping in for photo' calls and handing out baskets of fruit whilst chuntering 'We must hold hands to overcome the problems of the South' will not solve these problems. If the Thai Government does not try to solve the situation by sitting down with the 'other side' and thrashing out some kind of deal that suits all parties then a lot more innocent people are going to die. Wishful thinking no doubt.

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The PM dropping in for photo' calls and handing out baskets of fruit whilst chuntering 'We must hold hands to overcome the problems of the South' will not solve these problems. If the Thai Government does not try to solve the situation by sitting down with the 'other side' and thrashing out some kind of deal that suits all parties then a lot more innocent people are going to die. Wishful thinking no doubt.

What if the other side is only a minority and is not representative of the community and their wishes? Does that mean we will need to call for elections? Forgive me. I am a genius. Edited by heiwa
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The PM dropping in for photo' calls and handing out baskets of fruit whilst chuntering 'We must hold hands to overcome the problems of the South' will not solve these problems. If the Thai Government does not try to solve the situation by sitting down with the 'other side' and thrashing out some kind of deal that suits all parties then a lot more innocent people are going to die. Wishful thinking no doubt.

What if the other side is only a minority and is not representative of the community and their wishes? Does that mean we will need to call for elections? Forgive me. I am a genius.

Knew deep Southern Thai girl who worked in a coffee shop in Bangkok and her Bangkok boyfriend would beat her if she spoke Jawi (indigenous language) to her parents and friends when she phoned home. You must remember they had no South Afica. They had no Martin Luther King so I guess we can't really blame them. Sadly we as Westerners are so richly educated to a level that most Thais could only dream of and so this is why it is difficult to understand how they behave. And whose fault is it for this lack of education. Some of the Thais think these people must be terrorists if they speak Jawi like Westerners think all muslims are bent on world domination. There I go contradicting myself again. Edited by heiwa
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Waiting for the report that tourist arrival into Hat Yai is significantly higher than the same time last year. Dear "Statistic Department", where art thou?

It takes time to fabricate the numbers; give them a month.

Or give them 20 minutes and a dart board....

How did you know about PTP's top-secret new government-forcasting system ? They're only awaiting the squillion-baht budget, and a suitable training-contract, before starting to use it to forecast this year's monsoon-rainfall ! laugh.png

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The PM dropping in for photo' calls and handing out baskets of fruit whilst chuntering 'We must hold hands to overcome the problems of the South' will not solve these problems. If the Thai Government does not try to solve the situation by sitting down with the 'other side' and thrashing out some kind of deal that suits all parties then a lot more innocent people are going to die. Wishful thinking no doubt.

Thats the only thing she is good at. She would never survive a days debatt in the Parlament, thats why she stays away as much as she can.
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Yeah Sure but when? violin.gif

If I remember correctly South did not vote for the Red Shirts, so they are not priority

How could they? The Redshirts (UDD) were not running for political office last election.

Edited by geriatrickid
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The first time I visited Mindanao I was told that doing so would void my travel insurance, this was not a government thing, just a built in exclusion from my insurance company. I wonder if this will soon apply to parts of Thailand.

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She pledged that her government would urgently approve compensation for the injured, families of those killed and the owners of damaged property.

"We will provide assistance and we will return happiness to Hat Yai," she said. "The government will stand by you."

I don't know...maybe it's just me but, giving these people money is not the answer. Or is that all they care about? Money for pain and suffering? Then again, that does seem to be what some people are complaining about... how the people in the north got more than they did. Sad...you would think people would care more about peace and safety than about how much I'm going to get for my dead relative.

How does one eat maimed with no arms, no legs, no eyes unable to work. I see this all around me in the deep south. What do you do when the only bread winner your husband is killed by Thai soldiers. This is not the land of milk and honey. There is no social security. Money equals rice and shelter. If you find that appalling then you better return to your grande mansion. This also applies to soldiers maimed and killed of which there are many. How long could you eat and sleep on 400,000 baht with no chance to work. However you can see the maimed selling lottery tickets - this is a form of social security - Thai style.

Quite right, there should be a system in place to properly care for people who cannot provide for themselves, regardless of how they sustained their impairment. I have no quandary with that. My concern is that some articles have said that the reason for the bombings is because some are angry that they didn't get enough compensation. Yet, people maimed or killed in bus accidents are only getting 30,000 Baht...what price do you put on a life?! Is 400,000 Baht enough? My comments are not about what the right price is, rather, that the focus seems to be money from some articles I've read. I can't believe that's what caused them to try and kill others, there has to be a better reason. Yes, the injured should be provided with sufficient financial aid, but to think that will solve the problem is naive. It is not just about money.

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The PM dropping in for photo' calls and handing out baskets of fruit whilst chuntering 'We must hold hands to overcome the problems of the South' will not solve these problems. If the Thai Government does not try to solve the situation by sitting down with the 'other side' and thrashing out some kind of deal that suits all parties then a lot more innocent people are going to die. Wishful thinking no doubt.

What if the other side is only a minority and is not representative of the community and their wishes? Does that mean we will need to call for elections? Forgive me. I am a genius.

Knew deep Southern Thai girl who worked in a coffee shop in Bangkok and her Bangkok boyfriend would beat her if she spoke Jawi (indigenous language) to her parents and friends when she phoned home. You must remember they had no South Afica. They had no Martin Luther King so I guess we can't really blame them. Sadly we as Westerners are so richly educated to a level that most Thais could only dream of and so this is why it is difficult to understand how they behave. And whose fault is it for this lack of education. Some of the Thais think these people must be terrorists if they speak Jawi like Westerners think all muslims are bent on world domination. There I go contradicting myself again.

Jawi is a script not a language. I do not know of a single Malaysian including the Malays that speaks Jawi. Arabic is written in Jawi script. So do you mean she speaks Arabic? If so then it is not an indigenous language.

You're pretty good at Wikipedia, look it up.

If you have not realized it by now, you probably never will. Thai's have some of the worst racist behavior I have ever seen. They discriminate by looks, and skin color. Discrimination by spoken language is far down the list. It is only some people who feel this way, just like how some people associate terrorism with any farmer that wears a red shirt.

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Its not just the PM who seems to have the "throw money to the problems" attitude. This government which does include the PM appears to be like the kid in a candy store. In their case its like they have been turned loose with a unlimited credit card (Thai budget) a unruley bunch of students (Thai population). The PM/government thinking seems to be, buy what we can, give it to them and they will settle down. They either have the same attention span as the unruley kids, thus they move from store to store and spend more.

In some cases, apparently, they have been carrying a personal unlimited credit card most of their life and always had a 'Menitor' to pay the charges, thus they are trying to ruin a country the same way.

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Its not just the PM who seems to have the "throw money to the problems" attitude. This government which does include the PM appears to be like the kid in a candy store. In their case its like they have been turned loose with a unlimited credit card (Thai budget) a unruley bunch of students (Thai population). The PM/government thinking seems to be, buy what we can, give it to them and they will settle down. They either have the same attention span as the unruley kids, thus they move from store to store and spend more.

In some cases, apparently, they have been carrying a personal unlimited credit card most of their life and always had a 'Menitor' to pay the charges, thus they are trying to ruin a country the same way.

I have to agree, seems everyones a victim and everyone gets compensation.

Yinngluck is on one big spending spree, buying public respect and support with public money rather than with dedicated and effective public service.

Edited by waza
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The PM has been using the same script since taking the helm. "Sorry this happened, we are doing our best, be patient, Support is on the way, we are working to solve this, etc"

Maybe if the PM would deligate some of the trips, utilize her time to solve the problems in Thailand, which she referred to in the campaign, spent less time traveling to cabinet photo shoots in proviences (spend more time travelling than in cabinet meeting), and to lead the country/government in its quest to solve the multiple problems we are facing, Thailand could get on the road to prevention, instead of trying to stamp out the brush fires.

Then again maybe for the countries sake she should continue on as she is doing.

Your comments are unwarranted. You guys can't wait to take any opportunity to slam the PM. She showed up in the South alot faster than the previous PM did after terrorist incidents, and her comments are sincere and genuine. She is there to provide comfort and leadership.Her hands are tied and you know it. She cannot change the military command policy by specific order. No civilian leader in Thailand can. One thing is certain: The Thai people will see her sincerity here and her position as PM will strengthen.

At first Yingluk said she wasn't going to Had Yai as it would obstruct officials, but one she heard Apisit was on his way she changed her mind

.Not a very good example of sincerity

Edited by Siripon
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"We will provide assistance and we will return happiness to Hat Yai," she said.

But first we have to bring back happyness to our dear "Leader" in Dubai.

Both of those objectives can be reached. Bring Thaksin back with no charges against him.

Then when he is here charge him with murder in the southern provinces Hat Yai would be a good location for the trial.

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Yeah Sure but when? violin.gif

If I remember correctly South did not vote for the Red Shirts, so they are not priority

How could they? The Redshirts (UDD) were not running for political office last election.

Did you not know that they are like the IRA. They have a military and political part.

Edited by hellodolly
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The PM has been using the same script since taking the helm. "Sorry this happened, we are doing our best, be patient, Support is on the way, we are working to solve this, etc"

Maybe if the PM would deligate some of the trips, utilize her time to solve the problems in Thailand, which she referred to in the campaign, spent less time traveling to cabinet photo shoots in proviences (spend more time travelling than in cabinet meeting), and to lead the country/government in its quest to solve the multiple problems we are facing, Thailand could get on the road to prevention, instead of trying to stamp out the brush fires.

Then again maybe for the countries sake she should continue on as she is doing.

Your comments are unwarranted. You guys can't wait to take any opportunity to slam the PM. She showed up in the South alot faster than the previous PM did after terrorist incidents, and her comments are sincere and genuine. She is there to provide comfort and leadership.Her hands are tied and you know it. She cannot change the military command policy by specific order. No civilian leader in Thailand can. One thing is certain: The Thai people will see her sincerity here and her position as PM will strengthen.

At first Yingluk said she wasn't going to Had Yai as it would obstruct officials, but one she heard Apisit was on his way she changed her mind

.Not a very good example of sincerity

She in all sincerity she will bring peace and happiness to Hat Yai.

"her comments are sincere and genuine"

What is her plan a few Photo ops and some nice smiles.

If she is really sincere she will bring her brother back let him serve his time and face all the other charges he skipped out on. That would be a good start towards making them happy.

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The PM has been using the same script since taking the helm. "Sorry this happened, we are doing our best, be patient, Support is on the way, we are working to solve this, etc"

Maybe if the PM would deligate some of the trips, utilize her time to solve the problems in Thailand, which she referred to in the campaign, spent less time traveling to cabinet photo shoots in proviences (spend more time travelling than in cabinet meeting), and to lead the country/government in its quest to solve the multiple problems we are facing, Thailand could get on the road to prevention, instead of trying to stamp out the brush fires.

Then again maybe for the countries sake she should continue on as she is doing.

Your comments are unwarranted. You guys can't wait to take any opportunity to slam the PM. She showed up in the South alot faster than the previous PM did after terrorist incidents, and her comments are sincere and genuine. She is there to provide comfort and leadership.Her hands are tied and you know it. She cannot change the military command policy by specific order. No civilian leader in Thailand can. One thing is certain: The Thai people will see her sincerity here and her position as PM will strengthen.

At first Yingluk said she wasn't going to Had Yai as it would obstruct officials, but one she heard Apisit was on his way she changed her mind

.Not a very good example of sincerity

She in all sincerity she will bring peace and happiness to Hat Yai.

"her comments are sincere and genuine"

What is her plan a few Photo ops and some nice smiles.

If she is really sincere she will bring her brother back let him serve his time and face all the other charges he skipped out on. That would be a good start towards making them happy.

Yes, and next time she needs to go somewhere in a helicopter she have to make sure it has a "night vision radar"

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The PM has been using the same script since taking the helm. "Sorry this happened, we are doing our best, be patient, Support is on the way, we are working to solve this, etc"

Maybe if the PM would deligate some of the trips, utilize her time to solve the problems in Thailand, which she referred to in the campaign, spent less time traveling to cabinet photo shoots in proviences (spend more time travelling than in cabinet meeting), and to lead the country/government in its quest to solve the multiple problems we are facing, Thailand could get on the road to prevention, instead of trying to stamp out the brush fires.

Then again maybe for the countries sake she should continue on as she is doing.

Your comments are unwarranted. You guys can't wait to take any opportunity to slam the PM. She showed up in the South alot faster than the previous PM did after terrorist incidents, and her comments are sincere and genuine. She is there to provide comfort and leadership.Her hands are tied and you know it. She cannot change the military command policy by specific order. No civilian leader in Thailand can. One thing is certain: The Thai people will see her sincerity here and her position as PM will strengthen.

At first Yingluk said she wasn't going to Had Yai as it would obstruct officials, but one she heard Apisit was on his way she changed her mind

.Not a very good example of sincerity

She in all sincerity she will bring peace and happiness to Hat Yai.

"her comments are sincere and genuine"

What is her plan a few Photo ops and some nice smiles.

If she is really sincere she will bring her brother back let him serve his time and face all the other charges he skipped out on. That would be a good start towards making them happy.

I agree Thaksin should answer for this, it happened on his watch...

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Didn't she say last year, that the problems in the South will be over by April? Well now she has their response.

I suppose that statement is right up there with "you will all be rich in six months". Now let me see who made that statement........

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I watched the film on the earlier post #63

Defiantly not a very pretty scene.

But where I come from there is a saying I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

The army has a different story I am sure and then there is the facts some where in between. Why was the army there in such force to begin with?

I am not saying it was rite any more than I am saying the red shirts were rite. I would just like to hear a non biased opinion. To me it looked like the army was defiantly in the wrong given what this obviously biased picture showed.

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I have been to the Lee Gardens complex almost everyday for the last year. They have never failed to check a car from what I have seen. They were not lax about that. It seems that checking process was unable to detect the bomb. However impenetrable security would only lead to suicide bombing which would probably cause more fatalities.

Really? Are you sure? That must be something new. I've never once seen them check cars there.

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Military Steps up Patrol in South over Recent Blasts

UPDATE : 2 April 2012

The military has stepped up its monitoring of southern provinces following car bombs in Songkhla and Yala provinces over the weekend.

Deputy Prime Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapha said the military has stepped up patrol in Songkhla's Hat Yai District and other areas in the southernmost provinces prone to future attacks, following multiple bomb blasts in the district and in Yala Province.

He revealed that the authorities were tipped off about the possible bomb attacks and conducted a disaster preparedness exercise at the Lee Gardens Hotel on March 24.

Yuthasak blamed the operating officers for failing to maintain strict security protocols.


How dare Yuthasak Sasiprapha and the PTP government call on human rights organizations to jointly condemn the perpetrators, while ignoring the human right abuses of Thaksin at the Tak Bai and Krue Se massacres. Offering blood money and admiting Thaksin government was responsible and accountable is a start but shouldnt be an end.

"The third group of victims consists of those who were killed during the massacre at Krue Sae mosque and the Tak Bai tragedy on April 28 and October 25, 2004 respectively. Families of the dead will receive a compensation of THB7.5 million for state officials are accountable for the two incidents". Prime Minister's Office Permanent Secretary Thongthong Chandrangsu 24 March 2012

PS: This just illustrates what a mob of inept cowboys the Rangers are, they had forewarning of the attack and increased security but still werent able to prevent it.

Edited by metisdead
Edited to comply with fair use policy.
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Only going to get worse for you I'm afraid Yingluck.

The whole region is so badly mismanaged and marginalized that it's nothing short of a civil war now.

More people killed in 8 years there than in the whole of the troubles in NI.

And only getting worse.

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