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Several posters have insinuated that I am mentally ill or a criminal. The first is only 10% true, the second only 5% (a tendency to being an outlaw, when laws are plain wrong - and as there are laws somewhere in the world prohibiting virtually everything, everyone is one).

Basically, I am a regular guy (albeit not rich) who wants to protect his ass and assets as the PT books by Scope Books in UK used to put it. The only difference is I don't shut up about it and like yanking the chain of the status quo - not a good survival strategy. If I was a drug dealer (not that I think the buying and selling of pharamceuticals or herbs is intrinsically unethical but perhaps some engage in immoral activities such as fraud and theft - separate issues if you ask me) or owed taxes in my home country (I have been a poorly paid ESL teacher for years) I would be a fool to be posting to forums such as this one. It would take like 2 days to track me down and have my assets seized. For me, it is POLITICAL.

Or maybe I *am* a sleazy nutcase.

Surprised no one from the other side of the aisle (parliamnetary speak) has joined in - in a civil manner please.

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did it ever cross your mind that your way of ranting about governments, banks, corportations, taxes etc. is completely incomprehensible for other people, specially for people who decided to (now or in the future) live in a country like Thailand, where the laws imposed on them are very much unfavorable for them, but those people accept these laws in order to have the quiet, comfortable, unpolitical, happy life of their dreams?

You have a long way to go to accept the reality of life and start to understand that ranting about the things you rant about is not very productive with regards to receiving "civil" replies... what goes around, comes around...

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And another thing - look at these shoes...

Well, to be fair, this pair are OK actually. But the last pair...

In the end, I had to bite the bullet, and conform to prevailing common sense in order to get satisfactory and sturdy footwear that would provide decent and long-lasting service. And that came at a price.

I duppose, sometimes, if we want to live in a society, and interact with its people, buy food in its shops, use its internet, travel on its planes, sometimes we have to comply with the rules, guidelines, and standards of that society or market


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did it ever cross your mind that your way of ranting about governments, banks, corportations, taxes etc. is completely incomprehensible for other people, specially for people who decided to (now or in the future) live in a country like Thailand, where the laws imposed on them are very much unfavorable for them, but those people accept these laws in order to have the quiet, comfortable, unpolitical, happy life of their dreams?

You have a long way to go to accept the reality of life and start to understand that ranting about the things you rant about is not very productive with regards to receiving "civil" replies... what goes around, comes around...

Thank you for your civil reply.

I really should get over ranting and get onto practical sharing of indormation. My challenge however, is that whenever I bring up subjects like 'how can we circumvent this Thai law without actually breaking it'? or 'Are there better places than Thailand that have more freedoms?', people seem to get upset. The only logical answer I can think of is that while this forum might be hosted in the USA, its owners live and do business in Thailand and thus are vulnerable to expulsion for challenging the state. But that has never been explicitly stated.

And I have tried to cut out the rhetoric and just discuss the nuts and bolts, and even then I get attacked.

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did it ever cross your mind that your way of ranting about governments, banks, corportations, taxes etc. is completely incomprehensible for other people, specially for people who decided to (now or in the future) live in a country like Thailand, where the laws imposed on them are very much unfavorable for them, but those people accept these laws in order to have the quiet, comfortable, unpolitical, happy life of their dreams?

You have a long way to go to accept the reality of life and start to understand that ranting about the things you rant about is not very productive with regards to receiving "civil" replies... what goes around, comes around...

Thank you for your civil reply.

I really should get over ranting and get onto practical sharing of indormation. My challenge however, is that whenever I bring up subjects like 'how can we circumvent this Thai law without actually breaking it'? or 'Are there better places than Thailand that have more freedoms?', people seem to get upset. The only logical answer I can think of is that while this forum might be hosted in the USA, its owners live and do business in Thailand and thus are vulnerable to expulsion for challenging the state. But that has never been explicitly stated.

And I have tried to cut out the rhetoric and just discuss the nuts and bolts, and even then I get attacked.

Please also see my reply on your other thread. I think that the way you post your questions, i,e. Are there better places than Thailand that have more freedoms?', you imply already that you think there are better places... so posting such a question in a Thailand forum might offend some people who have chosen this country as their place of living, even though these people know that their might be less restrictions in other countries...

That is why I said "what goes around, comes around". If you try to omit the negativity from your questions, then you might get better advice and more civilized answers.

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