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Consular Assistance For UK Nationals In Thailand

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He is stating what they can do and what they cannot do according to the UK guide lines, at best its a point of contact and information, should we expect more?

I think you have to take each case as it comes but it also only fair that individuals take some responsibility themselves especially in the healthcare department coming here with no Health Insurance or parts of it are open to interpretation is not the responsibility of the UK Embassy.

In times of distress I would expect them to do as much as they possibly can and if neccessary arrange a loan, not a gift, to sort out finances.

Agree. Why should UK taxpayers, incl. myself, pay for some idiot who has failed to insure himself, or has no savings, and gets maimed whilst fighting in a Pattaya Bar?

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Being British can be a bonus sometimes. However our embassies are some of the worst in the world for what they offer ex-pats or people on holiday abroad. They basically do absolutely nothing for you. If your having issues, medical, law e.t.c. it pays to be a U.S. Aussie, citizen or almost any other nationality!

Wrong on almost every count.With over 600,000 British visitors every year to Thailand it's simply impossible for the embassy to minister to every tourist's minor problems.The rather good current Ambassador - I'm sorry he's going - has made it very clear and humanely what the Embassy can do and what it can't do.More critically the culture of looking to the state to remedy every need is a peculiarly British one, especially among the benefits oriented underclass which is increasingly dominant in the Thailand tourist market and for that matter in the "expatriate community", whatever that absurd concept is meant to mean.Any doubters should take a look at Lower Sukhumvit or Pattaya.I suspect the first reaction of most Australians or Americans is to try to sort their problems out for themselves, rather than running to their Embassy.

The British (nanny) state seeks to regulate, control and oversee every aspect of its citizens life while they are in the UK.

I can understand how some citizens would expect this status to be maintained while they are overseas.

After all, what you have been trained to expect and obey all your life can hardly be changed by a 10 hour plane journey.

Perhaps they should stay at home then, or have their passports confiscated.


He is stating what they can do and what they cannot do according to the UK guide lines, at best its a point of contact and information, should we expect more?

I think you have to take each case as it comes but it also only fair that individuals take some responsibility themselves especially in the healthcare department coming here with no Health Insurance or parts of it are open to interpretation is not the responsibility of the UK Embassy.

In times of distress I would expect them to do as much as they possibly can and if neccessary arrange a loan, not a gift, to sort out finances.

Agree. Why should UK taxpayers, incl. myself, pay for some idiot who has failed to insure himself, or has no savings, and gets maimed whilst fighting in a Pattaya Bar?

Perhaps his own National Health payments and taxes could be used to pay for him? Then you could keep yours for yourself?

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He is stating what they can do and what they cannot do according to the UK guide lines, at best its a point of contact and information, should we expect more?

I think you have to take each case as it comes but it also only fair that individuals take some responsibility themselves especially in the healthcare department coming here with no Health Insurance or parts of it are open to interpretation is not the responsibility of the UK Embassy.

In times of distress I would expect them to do as much as they possibly can and if neccessary arrange a loan, not a gift, to sort out finances.

Should we expect more? Yes! Many of us have been paying social security payments and taxes all our working lives. Then, when we retire (and honestly tell them we are living overseas) they offer us a basic pension with no increases EVER! All the extra payments our counterparts, still living in the UK, receive are denied us and why? Because we chose to live overseas (the fact is that we also chose to pay tax and social security but that doesn't matter to the powers that be). My National Health payments were paid to be able to obtain medical treatment and yet, if I were on deaths door with no funds my wonderful government will sit back and do what they are good at doing - nothing! What about some far play for the thousands of pounds we have paid? Fair Play? Come on old chap, we've got half of bloody Europe to keep!!!!

If you want NHS care and an inflation-linked state pension, then stay in the UK.


He is stating what they can do and what they cannot do according to the UK guide lines, at best its a point of contact and information, should we expect more?

I think you have to take each case as it comes but it also only fair that individuals take some responsibility themselves especially in the healthcare department coming here with no Health Insurance or parts of it are open to interpretation is not the responsibility of the UK Embassy.

In times of distress I would expect them to do as much as they possibly can and if neccessary arrange a loan, not a gift, to sort out finances.

Agree. Why should UK taxpayers, incl. myself, pay for some idiot who has failed to insure himself, or has no savings, and gets maimed whilst fighting in a Pattaya Bar?

Perhaps his own National Health payments and taxes could be used to pay for him? Then you could keep yours for yourself?

If that's what he wants then he should have a holiday in the UK.


Being British can be a bonus sometimes. However our embassies are some of the worst in the world for what they offer ex-pats or people on holiday abroad. They basically do absolutely nothing for you. If your having issues, medical, law e.t.c. it pays to be a U.S. Aussie, citizen or almost any other nationality!

Wrong on almost every count.With over 600,000 British visitors every year to Thailand it's simply impossible for the embassy to minister to every tourist's minor problems.The rather good current Ambassador - I'm sorry he's going - has made it very clear and humanely what the Embassy can do and what it can't do.More critically the culture of looking to the state to remedy every need is a peculiarly British one, especially among the benefits oriented underclass which is increasingly dominant in the Thailand tourist market and for that matter in the "expatriate community", whatever that absurd concept is meant to mean.Any doubters should take a look at Lower Sukhumvit or Pattaya.I suspect the first reaction of most Australians or Americans is to try to sort their problems out for themselves, rather than running to their Embassy.

The British (nanny) state seeks to regulate, control and oversee every aspect of its citizens life while they are in the UK.

I can understand how some citizens would expect this status to be maintained while they are overseas.

After all, what you have been trained to expect and obey all your life can hardly be changed by a 10 hour plane journey.

Perhaps they should stay at home then, or have their passports confiscated.

LOL, What should happen is a tit for tat system where as foreigners (including Thai) should not be offered health treatment in the UK unless a reciprocal agreement exists with their country of origin. Not as what happens now where anyone can get free treatment (II wouldn't be surprised if half of Americans with gunshot wounds fly there for treatment - their flight would be cheaper than paying for US treatment). The same should also apply to buying land and houses.

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He is stating what they can do and what they cannot do according to the UK guide lines, at best its a point of contact and information, should we expect more?

I think you have to take each case as it comes but it also only fair that individuals take some responsibility themselves especially in the healthcare department coming here with no Health Insurance or parts of it are open to interpretation is not the responsibility of the UK Embassy.

In times of distress I would expect them to do as much as they possibly can and if neccessary arrange a loan, not a gift, to sort out finances.

Should we expect more? Yes! Many of us have been paying social security payments and taxes all our working lives. Then, when we retire (and honestly tell them we are living overseas) they offer us a basic pension with no increases EVER! All the extra payments our counterparts, still living in the UK, receive are denied us and why? Because we chose to live overseas (the fact is that we also chose to pay tax and social security but that doesn't matter to the powers that be). My National Health payments were paid to be able to obtain medical treatment and yet, if I were on deaths door with no funds my wonderful government will sit back and do what they are good at doing - nothing! What about some far play for the thousands of pounds we have paid? Fair Play? Come on old chap, we've got half of bloody Europe to keep!!!!

If you want NHS care and an inflation-linked state pension, then stay in the UK.

Or perhaps I should have let you make my payments for me?. I have been in Thailand for 31 years and still made all my contributions so, if they were gracious enough to take my money from overseas why shouldn't i expect the same payments as other retires? As for the stay in the UK crap - how did you manage to get them to let you out?


First of all pogal I would personally like to thank you for the obvious care and love you show for all the people who cannot look after themselves due to the many social issues you have described..There is no doubt that people like you are needed in this world..of that there is no argument(God bless you)The story you tell of David though speaks volumns of the uphill battle that embassy staff have of situations and problems like this that occur on a daily basis ..(Who exactly is the guy..What's his proper name..Is he drug dependant..Are there mental issues...Is he really a UK citizen?..)The list goes on and on and another one appears not that long after...In short the embassy is not a private detective agency that can just employ people to chase up half leads...In short did David have a bad induced trip..Did he blow all his money on a girl he met one way or the other?A million questions mate and a million people here on holiday,work and what ever coming and going...No passport?..Well what can anyone hope to do then..the case in Pattaya last year was upsetting to say the least(myself included)Send his photo to as many news links as you can back home (local and any charity links also)Whatever keep up your good work ...Jed.

Thanks for the message Jed. About David he seems very well spoken(with an English accent) and polite (possibly very well educated). I'm pretty sure it is just a Psychological issue. I will try and take a photo if I meet him again. Good idea about contacting the press back home, I will try it next time.



So many post here that think its all or nothing. Most of us do not want nannying or hand holding, but we would like someone to turn up and make sure we were being treated properly as per international law if arrested for example (and not chained naked to the bars on a concrete floor in our own effluence); we would expect that pressure is brought to bear to ensure our citizens are fairly treated; we would expect that a loan could be arranged (with guarantors or home assets - or against pension etc) for emergencies such as repatriation etc. This doesn't mean we expect them to laud it over the home nation or get us out of jail or pay for a heart bypass etc.

Embassies are very expensive things funded from our pockets (many living here still pay NI and taxes out of their earnings/savings/pensions). They should be interested in both nation and citizen, not just playing company match-maker that rarely pays back anyway in real terms (i.e. cash in the UK Gov's coffers). They should be proud to do this. It must be an embarrisment working for a British Embassy as a Brit - you are no less a scrounger than many of the inhabbitants of England's council estates! (bet that's not what you though it would be like when you were sitting your English Lit. degree back in Oxford!)


He is stating what they can do and what they cannot do according to the UK guide lines, at best its a point of contact and information, should we expect more?

I think you have to take each case as it comes but it also only fair that individuals take some responsibility themselves especially in the healthcare department coming here with no Health Insurance or parts of it are open to interpretation is not the responsibility of the UK Embassy.

In times of distress I would expect them to do as much as they possibly can and if neccessary arrange a loan, not a gift, to sort out finances.

Should we expect more? Yes! Many of us have been paying social security payments and taxes all our working lives. Then, when we retire (and honestly tell them we are living overseas) they offer us a basic pension with no increases EVER! All the extra payments our counterparts, still living in the UK, receive are denied us and why? Because we chose to live overseas (the fact is that we also chose to pay tax and social security but that doesn't matter to the powers that be). My National Health payments were paid to be able to obtain medical treatment and yet, if I were on deaths door with no funds my wonderful government will sit back and do what they are good at doing - nothing! What about some far play for the thousands of pounds we have paid? Fair Play? Come on old chap, we've got half of bloody Europe to keep!!!!

If you want NHS care and an inflation-linked state pension, then stay in the UK.

Yes we know that - the point is, why should this be so for people who havem and are, paying taxes back home. That even should they return home, they are refused medical. Expats in Europe retain their increases in pension, but outside of it not. Inside of Europe, the NHS still funds emergency medical coverage (via the E111 system and retrospective agreements) - not outside.

A country is not just dirt, and it certainly is commecial companies, it is the poeple. The people vote in politicians to serve them - not to serve Tescos. The government spends our money under the proviso that it is spent in our best interests - as a people and not as some fat cat with his offshore bank account. Embassies should be about helping spread trade as this is in the interests of the people, but it should also be about protecting the citizens of the country and helping them when necessary. Its grand to say they should help themselves, but when they can not, then their state should help them. That is what their function is. People in the UK are helped by the state when it is needed, this is accepted. When help is needed abroad, and refused, people (here at least) see it as an affront to ask the state to help. We are talking absolute peanuts compared to UK NHS costs, housing, winter allowances, schooling, housing, etc that are everyday things in the UK that people here (expats) are giving up (and saving the state all that cost).

The Embassy here is a joke. It seems only set up to make money from us - captive audience. Passports costs (already expensive) are much higher here, simple documents are charged at ridiculous fees, and so on. No help. It would cost the country practically nothing to help financially in emergencies as most often it can be retireved later (either via the tax system or assets). As to not being a private detective agency - bull crap times ten! It would take all of five minutes to check if someone was a British citizen as all birth records have been computerised years ago back over a hundred years - a few questions as to name, past address, NI number, passport number, military service number, and so on - any of which (along with name) would return the information. It may be hard if the person is unable to communicate and no ID can be found on him/her or at residence etc - but that is going to be such a rare occurance its not even worth thinking about.


I think it would be a great idea to sub out the Consular services and make all Embassies pay their own way in this world because the last few times I have had any dealing with the ones in BKK I found them ignorant, unhelpful and very arrogant just generally obnoxious to talk to and deal with. So high and mighty if they were to be run like a proper business they would not last very long in the real world with a bad attitude and their own self-importance exposed towards customers, and as for everything free in the nanny state I pay Bupa for my health insurance and have done so for over 20 years and pay a very high rate of tax in the UK so not very much free in the nanny state for me I even have to pay my own private pension don’t get it paid / subsidised for by the tax payer. Only lazy scroungers and spongers get everything free in the UK


Embassies exist first and foremost to protect and facilitate the interests of the nation, not the nationals.

I'm gobsmacked by the number of people who happily shit on their nanny state,lauding the freedom living as an expat gives them and then run to the embassy expecting an instant nanny when something goes wrong.

Exactly. A lot of expats are expats to get away from the nanny state the UK has become. The bottom line is if you can't look after yourself abroad then stay at home.

The British are essentially their own worst enemies and this situation goes to proving that point. The over regulation in everything now is eroding people's sense of freedom and encouraging this lack of control over one's destiny and the amount of control the individual has over his own affairs. For a person in UK they seem to be actively encouraged to on one hand rely on the government and also to look for some kind of opportunity to sue or prosecute someone for what supposedly is their right but more often boils down to money.

What the British establishment doesn't seem to realise (or maybe it does), is that they are creating a population that cannot fend for itself when put in any other situation. Whereas in the country, there will probably be law 4 section 3 subsection 4 which they can claim under; abroad it doesn't work that way. Essentially the establishment has created the mindset that their representatives abroad should be an extension of what is found at home. Is that the average Brits mistake? Quite frankly looking at the state of the UK at the moment , I think not entirely, the British establishment is largely responsible for creating the "monster".

The British (nanny) state seeks to regulate, control and oversee every aspect of its citizens life while they are in the UK.

I can understand how some citizens would expect this status to be maintained while they are overseas.

After all, what you have been trained to expect and obey all your life can hardly be changed by a 10 hour plane journey.

well said. we pick out leaderd/teachers and we ultimately get what we want ;)

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from TV android app.


He is stating what they can do and what they cannot do according to the UK guide lines, at best its a point of contact and information, should we expect more?

I think you have to take each case as it comes but it also only fair that individuals take some responsibility themselves especially in the healthcare department coming here with no Health Insurance or parts of it are open to interpretation is not the responsibility of the UK Embassy.

In times of distress I would expect them to do as much as they possibly can and if neccessary arrange a loan, not a gift, to sort out finances.

Should we expect more? Yes! Many of us have been paying social security payments and taxes all our working lives. Then, when we retire (and honestly tell them we are living overseas) they offer us a basic pension with no increases EVER! All the extra payments our counterparts, still living in the UK, receive are denied us and why? Because we chose to live overseas (the fact is that we also chose to pay tax and social security but that doesn't matter to the powers that be). My National Health payments were paid to be able to obtain medical treatment and yet, if I were on deaths door with no funds my wonderful government will sit back and do what they are good at doing - nothing! What about some far play for the thousands of pounds we have paid? Fair Play? Come on old chap, we've got half of bloody Europe to keep!!!!

If you want NHS care and an inflation-linked state pension, then stay in the UK.

Yes we know that - the point is, why should this be so for people who havem and are, paying taxes back home. That even should they return home, they are refused medical. Expats in Europe retain their increases in pension, but outside of it not. Inside of Europe, the NHS still funds emergency medical coverage (via the E111 system and retrospective agreements) - not outside.

A country is not just dirt, and it certainly is commecial companies, it is the poeple. The people vote in politicians to serve them - not to serve Tescos. The government spends our money under the proviso that it is spent in our best interests - as a people and not as some fat cat with his offshore bank account. Embassies should be about helping spread trade as this is in the interests of the people, but it should also be about protecting the citizens of the country and helping them when necessary. Its grand to say they should help themselves, but when they can not, then their state should help them. That is what their function is. People in the UK are helped by the state when it is needed, this is accepted. When help is needed abroad, and refused, people (here at least) see it as an affront to ask the state to help. We are talking absolute peanuts compared to UK NHS costs, housing, winter allowances, schooling, housing, etc that are everyday things in the UK that people here (expats) are giving up (and saving the state all that cost).

The Embassy here is a joke. It seems only set up to make money from us - captive audience. Passports costs (already expensive) are much higher here, simple documents are charged at ridiculous fees, and so on. No help. It would cost the country practically nothing to help financially in emergencies as most often it can be retireved later (either via the tax system or assets). As to not being a private detective agency - bull crap times ten! It would take all of five minutes to check if someone was a British citizen as all birth records have been computerised years ago back over a hundred years - a few questions as to name, past address, NI number, passport number, military service number, and so on - any of which (along with name) would return the information. It may be hard if the person is unable to communicate and no ID can be found on him/her or at residence etc - but that is going to be such a rare occurance its not even worth thinking about.

And such a 'rare' occurance on this occasion this is exactly what has happened...

Being British can be a bonus sometimes. However our embassies are some of the worst in the world for what they offer ex-pats or people on holiday abroad. They basically do absolutely nothing for you. If your having issues, medical, law e.t.c. it pays to be a U.S. Aussie, citizen or almost any other nationality!

Wrong on almost every count.With over 600,000 British visitors every year to Thailand it's simply impossible for the embassy to minister to every tourist's minor problems.The rather good current Ambassador - I'm sorry he's going - has made it very clear and humanely what the Embassy can do and what it can't do.More critically the culture of looking to the state to remedy every need is a peculiarly British one, especially among the benefits oriented underclass which is increasingly dominant in the Thailand tourist market and for that matter in the "expatriate community", whatever that absurd concept is meant to mean.Any doubters should take a look at Lower Sukhumvit or Pattaya.I suspect the first reaction of most Australians or Americans is to try to sort their problems out for themselves, rather than running to their Embassy.

The British (nanny) state seeks to regulate, control and oversee every aspect of its citizens life while they are in the UK.

I can understand how some citizens would expect this status to be maintained while they are overseas.

After all, what you have been trained to expect and obey all your life can hardly be changed by a 10 hour plane journey.

Bull shit they expect you to pay but then they don't deliver!


Its a shame they cant do half as much as they 'cannot'................a disgrace but by the name its signed by should really show what the country has come to regarding its nationals.


Embassies exist first and foremost to protect and facilitate the interests of the nation, not the nationals.

I'm gobsmacked by the number of people who happily shit on their nanny state,lauding the freedom living as an expat gives them and then run to the embassy expecting an instant nanny when something goes wrong.

Absolutely right. As an American, I'm constantly surprised at the level of assistance many UK citizens seem to expect from their embassy; I would never consider requesting such unless I were totally down and out without any relatives to call on, and then realize I'd have a huge bill to work off over my remaining decades in hell back home.

Obviously things that **are** their job, like renewing/replacing passports, are another matter, and I understand that their level of service in such things needs improving, but maybe they'd have the resources to focus on these if they didn't have to act as substitute parents for people in trouble.


Most of us do not want nannying or hand holding, but we would like someone to turn up and make sure we were being treated properly as per international law if arrested for example (and not chained naked to the bars on a concrete floor in our own effluence); we would expect that pressure is brought to bear to ensure our citizens are fairly treated; we would expect that a loan could be arranged (with guarantors or home assets - or against pension etc) for emergencies such as repatriation etc. This doesn't mean we expect them to laud it over the home nation or get us out of jail or pay for a heart bypass etc.

What possible relevance does "international law" have to how you're treated by the BiB?

That is **exactly** what people mean by "nanny state". Arranging loans? you must be kidding!

You have chosen to live in a place without rule of law, run by evil mafioso. If you are unlucky enough to get caught up in problems - say electric shocks are being applied to your balls to force a confession, that's just par for the course here, don't expect help from anyone unless you've set aside the small fortune anybody would require to be extracted from that situation. Why should you expect better treatment from the local mafia than the locals? Are you special just because you're white, or have a UK passport?

It's just tough cookies, and certainly not your government's job to extract you from your troubles.

If you're not willing to run those risks then live somewhere where those risks are less likely.

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He is stating what they can do and what they cannot do according to the UK guide lines, at best its a point of contact and information, should we expect more?

I think you have to take each case as it comes but it also only fair that individuals take some responsibility themselves especially in the healthcare department coming here with no Health Insurance or parts of it are open to interpretation is not the responsibility of the UK Embassy.

In times of distress I would expect them to do as much as they possibly can and if neccessary arrange a loan, not a gift, to sort out finances.

Agree. Why should UK taxpayers, incl. myself, pay for some idiot who has failed to insure himself, or has no savings, and gets maimed whilst fighting in a Pattaya Bar?

Why indeed, but then, why should UK taxpayers pay for the numerous imigrants in the Uk who have paid Sweet FK all in tax or SS and are only there to freeload, and in MOST cases get MORE assistance than UK Pensioners who have Paid their dues


Being British can be a bonus sometimes. However our embassies are some of the worst in the world for what they offer ex-pats or people on holiday abroad. They basically do absolutely nothing for you. If your having issues, medical, law e.t.c. it pays to be a U.S. Aussie, citizen or almost any other nationality!

In my experience the US, Aus or NZ embassies do more for British subjects than the British embassy.


Sad demise of a once great country, a people from a cold miserable island who went out it little ships and created an empire in the sun. Reduced to a bunch of entitled freeloaders expecting the state to attend their every need.

If Naams' lot were to ever get feisty again (and let's face it, they are due..) Operation Sealion would be over in a flash, you'd all be speaking German and the trains would be running on time before the end of the week.

Can you imagine it?

"You there, Jones has had it, get on that ackack gun and shoot down some Jerries"

"Can't do it Guv, that'd be demarcation see, the union rule specifically states that I am required to perform only as a driver, additionally mind you, health an safety demands 6 weeks training and proper protective clothing before I can get anywhere near that thing, bloody dangerous that would be..."

"Right then, you lot, bucket brigade and get these fires out "

"You avin a lend mate?, I'm on the dole, can't make me work for dole money..."

"Errm.. Ok, you, over there, man this bunker at once"

"oh no mate, I'm being from Pakistan, you fight your own bloody wars..."

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app


However, the list of 'we can' is quite short. Certainly, a good friend would probably do more.

Since when has any government supposed to be better than any good friend?

I have witnessed the demise of a fair few of my peers here in Thailand over the past 7-8 years, most departed with grace and had wills in place or had already made contingency plans for their survivors. Some others were always riding the ragged-edge in life and so in death, they left with undefined estates and liabilities. Whenever we had one of the latter, did we as his good friends ask their home country's legation for assistance or a hand out? No we did not. We banded together, made sure that their immediate family overseas was advised first, their family in country provided for second and their embassy advised third. Then we went about helping with or arranging for the cremation. All this from informal donations, respect for the departed and the great times they shared with us and generally just taking care of a good friends unfinished business. In a few instances, the embassy was involved with a repatriation of remains but when family members came over, it was us, the good friends of the deceased that took care of meeting them at the airport, helping with or arranging accommodation and helping them get over their grief, not the embassy.

So all you (particularly British) that carp on about being poorly served here in your chosen home by our governments representatives. Take proper precautions and make plans to be PERSONALLY responsible for your well being and that of your family that may be here with you. If your social safety-net in Thailand is insufficient, don't expect your embassy to suddenly step in and take up the slack for your own weak choices, bad decisions and the pursuit of life's 'free pass'. There isn't one!

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"Sadly, in the last 12 months, there were 314 reported deaths and 204 cases of Britons in hospital which were notified to us in Thailand. As a proportion of the total numbers of citizens in the country, these are amongst the highest in the world." -- Asif Ahmad, HM Ambassador, UK

... well ... the Ambassador makes clear one point ... Thailand is not the safe place the TAT portrays it in their glowing advertising campaigns ... thank you Mr. Ambassador for being forthright on what Thailand is and is not as a tourist destination.

... Thailand has a place for tourism ... similar to 3rd world travel ... more for adventure tourists, than for families.

... the numbers are what the numbers are ... no spin there.

<deleted>?! From those statistics you are claiming that it's ultimately the Tourism Authority of Thailand's fault that ignorant British punters come over here, buy drugs, get pished, get mugged, drown, have heart attacks, fall of balconies or get totalled in motorbike or car wrecks? <deleted>!!!

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Many dont deserve assistance but there are those that certainly do. Its a typical statement of cannots....with one or two cans thrown in. It isnt feasable to offer financial assistance to everyone, that would just create problems but in certain cases the Embassy should offer financial assistance on the proviso it is repaid on returning to the UK.....there are many ways of doing that. Dont expect it to get any better.....


Why indeed, but then, why should UK taxpayers pay for the numerous imigrants in the Uk who have paid Sweet FK all in tax or SS and are only there to freeload, and in MOST cases get MORE assistance than UK Pensioners who have Paid their dues

Meanwhile, as a great contributor to the UK's taxation and social security blanket, you are over here, cadging for fee-free ATM machines, chasing balloons, seeking subsidized healthcare at government hospitals and whining about your pension being frozen because you are not back home, fighting with the immigrants for the last loaf of stale bread at the bakers shop.

Or you could be back there after all.

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What we can and cannot do is guided by government policy, and we aim to provide a service standard that is consistent worldwide. Sadly, in the last 12 months, there were 314 reported deaths and 204 cases of Britons in hospital which were notified to us in Thailand. As a proportion of the total numbers of citizens in the country, these are amongst the highest in the world.

"This begs the question "How many foreign visitors die in Thailand in a year"


Brit having problems in Thailand should just buy the next AirAsia to London.

Problem solved.

And what AirAsia flights are those ?

All I want the British Embassy to do is tell it's citizens how dangerous it is in Thailand, in particular the fact that any criminal act committed against you will never be investigated properly , more information about the dangers of travel in the country which is amongst the worst in the whole of Asia because of the roads , standard of driving and lack of law enforcement, and I have lived in other Asian countries. Not long for me now 2 weeks and goodbye LoS


Sad demise of a once great country, a people from a cold miserable island who went out it little ships and created an empire in the sun. Reduced to a bunch of entitled freeloaders expecting the state to attend their every need.

If Naams' lot were to ever get feisty again (and let's face it, they are due..) Operation Sealion would be over in a flash, you'd all be speaking German and the trains would be running on time before the end of the week.

Can you imagine it?

"You there, Jones has had it, get on that ackack gun and shoot down some Jerries"

"Can't do it Guv, that'd be demarcation see, the union rule specifically states that I am required to perform only as a driver, additionally mind you, health an safety demands 6 weeks training and proper protective clothing before I can get anywhere near that thing, bloody dangerous that would be..."

"Right then, you lot, bucket brigade and get these fires out "

"You avin a lend mate?, I'm on the dole, can't make me work for dole money..."

"Errm.. Ok, you, over there, man this bunker at once"

"oh no mate, I'm being from Pakistan, you fight your own bloody wars..."

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Wow you out of touch , It;s not the British Worker or trade Union member whos put the country in the financial mess it is today. It's the rich and greedy powerful bankers given free reign, Now back to playing games on your Ipad

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