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No, I Did Not: Fugitive Ex-Premier Thaksin


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Fact - He is indeed a known fugitive from the Thai Justice System

Fact - He is a known liar

Every politician is a liar, part of the job description, far from a disqualifier.

"Thai Justice System" - "Jumbo shrimp? It's like military intelligence. The words just don't go together." (George Carlin)

Prosecution of anyone with real power here is by definition arbitrary and politically motivated. The so-called "felon on the run" label used so freely here, just as with the whole Thai system of government has no credibility internationally,

The Thai people have the system of government they deserve, let them have the consequences of their choice, give him enough rope to hang himself, and if things get so bad down the road that it's worth risking civil war, the opposition can always stage another coup.

But in the meantime let's give this government a chance to be effective and stop requiring it to be managed by remote control from Dubai.

The ONE time since I have been here (some time) that the Thai justice system gets it right and hands down a conviction for one of the ruling elite in a clear-cut, even blatant, case of breaking a law with little room for misinterpretation - and for that you cast aspersions.

Thaksin has admitted he broke the law (but claims he did nothing wrong), tried to bribe the judges to get an acquittal, failed to lodge an appeal, and fled the country. So which part of "felon on the run" fails the acid test?

Mick, i think it is fairly obvious that Thaksin was guilty of improper conduct, and as you say this is the only time you have seen the Thai Justice System handing down a good sentenace to one of the elite. Given the levels of corruption throughout all levels of society, would you not agree that the very fact that the 'ONE' time a sentance has been handed down like this in the 'some time' you have been here, would suggest that not only was he guilty, but there was a possibly a political element to this as well? Maybe in other nations eye's this could give some credibility to Thaksin's excuse that the charges were politically motivated.

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Fact - He is indeed a known fugitive from the Thai Justice System

Fact - He is a known liar

Every politician is a liar, part of the job description, far from a disqualifier.

"Thai Justice System" - "Jumbo shrimp? It's like military intelligence. The words just don't go together." (George Carlin)

Prosecution of anyone with real power here is by definition arbitrary and politically motivated. The so-called "felon on the run" label used so freely here, just as with the whole Thai system of government has no credibility internationally,

The Thai people have the system of government they deserve, let them have the consequences of their choice, give him enough rope to hang himself, and if things get so bad down the road that it's worth risking civil war, the opposition can always stage another coup.

But in the meantime let's give this government a chance to be effective and stop requiring it to be managed by remote control from Dubai.

The ONE time since I have been here (some time) that the Thai justice system gets it right and hands down a conviction for one of the ruling elite in a clear-cut, even blatant, case of breaking a law with little room for misinterpretation - and for that you cast aspersions.

Thaksin has admitted he broke the law (but claims he did nothing wrong), tried to bribe the judges to get an acquittal, failed to lodge an appeal, and fled the country. So which part of "felon on the run" fails the acid test?

Mick, i think it is fairly obvious that Thaksin was guilty of improper conduct, and as you say this is the only time you have seen the Thai Justice System handing down a good sentenace to one of the elite. Given the levels of corruption throughout all levels of society, would you not agree that the very fact that the 'ONE' time a sentance has been handed down like this in the 'some time' you have been here, would suggest that not only was he guilty, but there was a possibly a political element to this as well? Maybe in other nations eye's this could give some credibility to Thaksin's excuse that the charges were politically motivated.

He's guilty but...............but what? The judges who refused a bribe and made a correct decision were politically influenced to do so?

Did you really expect the man to stand up, say "My bad, I stuffed up." and resign, as you might expect in a REAL democracy? Or hire a spin doctor to spread the fertilizer?

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It amazes me that so many people here are so absolutely knowledgeable when it comes to Thai politics, completely sure that they are correct in their own opinions as to what has, is and will transpire politically in Thailand... or is it just there's a whole lot of people here with far too much time on their hands and a lack of anything constructive to do?

Personally I remain highly skeptical of all Thai politicians and have no evidence to prove that any one individual is more or less corrupt than another, which couldn't be seen as propaganda spouted deliberately by their opponents.

When all sides of the political spectrum use propaganda to further their aims and influence, I'd suggest a bit more thought and a bit less talking/ posting would benefit many on here.... I struggle to see how anyone can hold such strong political convictions when the entire process is shrouded in BS and only those actually involved could ever cast any meaningful light as to what really happens behind the scenes.

To be so pro or anti anyone involved seems ludicrous to me; how could you possibly be so sure in your own beliefs?

Your comments would, by definition, need to encompass pretty well the whole of the Thai electorate. So, only those in the know - mainly the politicians - should be free to express their opinions?

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The point being Thailand has absolutely no control over the movements or meetings of Thaksin........so he goes off and does his own thing.....up to him surely?

The interesting part here is the conclusion by the complainant that if there was a meeting it is somehow linked to an escalation in the violence, pure conjecture, but immediately and readily accepted by the Thaksin haters....

Where is the constant and prolonged stream of vitriol and abuse aimed at the insurgents and anybody who thinks they have a cause....an outpouring that would surely accompany any violent action by the red shirts.......oh.... of course.... there is no poitical motivation to do so......says it all smile.png

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The point being Thailand has absolutely no control over the movements or meetings of Thaksin........so he goes off and does his own thing.....up to him surely?

Pretty much.

And he has just been in a situation were he offered some people a probably vast sum of money to do what he wants, they refused, and his mind can't handle that, so it never happened.

I don't think there is any link to the escalation of violence either, it's been getting gradually worse for some considerable time now.

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The point being Thailand has absolutely no control over the movements or meetings of Thaksin........so he goes off and does his own thing.....up to him surely?

Pretty much.

And he has just been in a situation were he offered some people a probably vast sum of money to do what he wants, they refused, and his mind can't handle that, so it never happened.

I don't think there is any link to the escalation of violence either, it's been getting gradually worse for some considerable time now.

Good post, first and last lines are accurate.......and congratulations on your new membership the the school of Thaksin mind reading.......Thailand the hub of anti Thaksin mind readers....amazing

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So Thaksin is a liar.

Unlike all his political opponents, who are paragons of honesty, selflessness and rectitude.

All politicians are liars..... it's a prerequisite for the job.

Of course some are bigger liars than others and they usually make it to the top.

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#27 ^

"It amazes me that so many people here are so absolutely knowledgeable when it comes to Thai politics, completely sure that they are correct in their own opinions as to what has, is and will transpire politically in Thailand... or is it just there's a whole lot of people here with far too much time on their hands and a lack of anything constructive to do?"

Yes, political junkies are like that. They enjoy talking Politics, and are opinionated, and are sure they know a lot.....But that is the nature of the beast. Not at all as if they have a lot of time on their hands, or that they have nothing constructive to do.......they get their jollies from expounding, and pontificating about Politics. And since they have a stake in Thailand by virtue of living here, it is understandable they 'go off' on Thai Politcs and discussion Boards like this.........................Is there a problem with that?

"Personally I remain highly skeptical of all Thai politicians and have no evidence to prove that any one individual is more or less corrupt than another, which couldn't be seen as propaganda spouted deliberately by their opponents"

Nuetrality is 'chickenshit'...... Have an opinion and spout it off...... Anything else is boring....IMHO

" I'd suggest a bit more thought and a bit less talking/ posting would benefit many on here.... I struggle to see how anyone can hold such strong political convictions when the entire process is shrouded in BS....."

Nah!...........Think what you think and go with it. "Contemplating your navel' is not the way of political junkies. The fact it is "shrouded in BS" is the good part. If everything was clear to everyone, they would all agree with mewai.gif . But sadly, that is not the case.

"................................only those actually involved could ever cast any meaningful light as to what really happens behind the scenes"

Some of us are, at least on the periphery, like a 'fly on the wall"

Edited by CalgaryII
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#27 ^

"It amazes me that so many people here are so absolutely knowledgeable when it comes to Thai politics, completely sure that they are correct in their own opinions as to what has, is and will transpire politically in Thailand... or is it just there's a whole lot of people here with far too much time on their hands and a lack of anything constructive to do?"

Yes, political junkies are like that. They enjoy talking Politics, and are opinionated, and are sure they know a lot.....But that is the nature of the beast. Not at all as if they have a lot of time on their hands, or that they have nothing constructive to do.......they get their jollies from expounding, and pontificating about Politics. And since they have a stake in Thailand by virtue of living here, it is understandable they 'go off' on Thai Politcs and discussion Boards like this.........................Is there a problem with that?

"Personally I remain highly skeptical of all Thai politicians and have no evidence to prove that any one individual is more or less corrupt than another, which couldn't be seen as propaganda spouted deliberately by their opponents"

Nuetrality is 'chickenshit'...... Have an opinion and spout it off...... Anything else is boring....IMHO

" I'd suggest a bit more thought and a bit less talking/ posting would benefit many on here.... I struggle to see how anyone can hold such strong political convictions when the entire process is shrouded in BS....."

Nah!...........Think what you think and go with it. "Contemplating your navel' is not the way of political junkies. The fact it is "shrouded in BS" is the good part. If everything was clear to everyone, they would all agree with mewai.gif . But sadly, that is not the case.

"................................only those actually involved could ever cast any meaningful light as to what really happens behind the scenes"

Some of us are, at least on the periphery, like a 'fly on the wall"

Agree. Better to be a smart fly hanging on a wall than a stupid fly hanging around a big shit.

Edited by bigbamboo
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The whole Southern insurgency thing is complex and beyond meaningfull, superficial commentary here, but use of it for making silly little political points in the above article is noted. Everything from shouting out in bold heading the 'fugitive' terminology,hoping to project felonious innuendo onto a political adversary, and using 1/3 of the article to reverentially quote a political leader with truly culpable baggage that would be congruent with the 'fugitive' moniker, demonstrates subtle intent perhaps not noticeable to many.

Fact - He is indeed a known fugitive from the Thai Justice System

Fact - He is a known liar

What else need be said?

Fact - He denied he knew the "Red Shirts"

Fact - He said I wont be back to Thailand anytime soon.

Fact - I wont enter politics again.

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HONG KONG: -- "I am not in the position to conduct such negotiations since I am just an unemployed man," he said in an interview in Hong Kong.

Said the unemployed de facto leader of the Thai Government!

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#27 ^

"It amazes me that so many people here are so absolutely knowledgeable when it comes to Thai politics, completely sure that they are correct in their own opinions as to what has, is and will transpire politically in Thailand... or is it just there's a whole lot of people here with far too much time on their hands and a lack of anything constructive to do?"

Yes, political junkies are like that. They enjoy talking Politics, and are opinionated, and are sure they know a lot.....But that is the nature of the beast. Not at all as if they have a lot of time on their hands, or that they have nothing constructive to do.......they get their jollies from expounding, and pontificating about Politics. And since they have a stake in Thailand by virtue of living here, it is understandable they 'go off' on Thai Politcs and discussion Boards like this.........................Is there a problem with that?

"Personally I remain highly skeptical of all Thai politicians and have no evidence to prove that any one individual is more or less corrupt than another, which couldn't be seen as propaganda spouted deliberately by their opponents"

Nuetrality is 'chickenshit'...... Have an opinion and spout it off...... Anything else is boring....IMHO

" I'd suggest a bit more thought and a bit less talking/ posting would benefit many on here.... I struggle to see how anyone can hold such strong political convictions when the entire process is shrouded in BS....."

Nah!...........Think what you think and go with it. "Contemplating your navel' is not the way of political junkies. The fact it is "shrouded in BS" is the good part. If everything was clear to everyone, they would all agree with mewai.gif . But sadly, that is not the case.

"................................only those actually involved could ever cast any meaningful light as to what really happens behind the scenes"

Some of us are, at least on the periphery, like a 'fly on the wall"

Your post


" I'd suggest a bit more thought and a bit less talking/ posting would benefit many on here.... I struggle to see how anyone can hold such strong political convictions when the entire process is shrouded in BS....."

Nah!...........Think what you think and go with it. "Contemplating your navel' is not the way of political junkies. The fact it is "shrouded in BS" is the good part. If everything was clear to everyone, they would all agree with mewai.gif . But sadly, that is not the case.

"................................only those actually involved could ever cast any meaningful light as to what really happens behind the scenes"

Some of us are, at least on the periphery, like a 'fly on the wall""

If every thing was clear to every one they would all agree with you.

The only stance you have ever taken was Thaksin and the red shirts along with his clone sister have done no wrong.

You are starting to grow up but you forgot to mention these were all only your opinion not facts. You might want to reconsider what you post.

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The point being Thailand has absolutely no control over the movements or meetings of Thaksin........so he goes off and does his own thing.....up to him surely?

The interesting part here is the conclusion by the complainant that if there was a meeting it is somehow linked to an escalation in the violence, pure conjecture, but immediately and readily accepted by the Thaksin haters....

Where is the constant and prolonged stream of vitriol and abuse aimed at the insurgents and anybody who thinks they have a cause....an outpouring that would surely accompany any violent action by the red shirts.......oh.... of course.... there is no poitical motivation to do so......says it all smile.png

Well when your sister is the Prime Minister, your cousin is the Foreign Minister and your children's uncle is the Chief of Police I guess you can do pretty much what you want.

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The whole Southern insurgency thing is complex and beyond meaningfull, superficial commentary here, but use of it for making silly little political points in the above article is noted. Everything from shouting out in bold heading the 'fugitive' terminology,hoping to project felonious innuendo onto a political adversary, and using 1/3 of the article to reverentially quote a political leader with truly culpable baggage that would be congruent with the 'fugitive' moniker, demonstrates subtle intent perhaps not noticeable to many.

Fact - He is indeed a known fugitive from the Thai Justice System

Fact - He is a known liar

What else need be said?

Pathological manipulator.

Irrational under stress.

Compulsive control fetishist.

Delusions of grandeur.

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The point being Thailand has absolutely no control over the movements or meetings of Thaksin........so he goes off and does his own thing.....up to him surely?

The interesting part here is the conclusion by the complainant that if there was a meeting it is somehow linked to an escalation in the violence, pure conjecture, but immediately and readily accepted by the Thaksin haters....

Where is the constant and prolonged stream of vitriol and abuse aimed at the insurgents and anybody who thinks they have a cause....an outpouring that would surely accompany any violent action by the red shirts.......oh.... of course.... there is no poitical motivation to do so......says it all smile.png

Well when your sister is the Prime Minister, your cousin is the Foreign Minister and your children's uncle is the Chief of Police I guess you can do pretty much what you want.

Not quite.......you can be charged......where as a general.......you think that is acceptable?

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The point being Thailand has absolutely no control over the movements or meetings of Thaksin........so he goes off and does his own thing.....up to him surely?

The interesting part here is the conclusion by the complainant that if there was a meeting it is somehow linked to an escalation in the violence, pure conjecture, but immediately and readily accepted by the Thaksin haters....

Where is the constant and prolonged stream of vitriol and abuse aimed at the insurgents and anybody who thinks they have a cause....an outpouring that would surely accompany any violent action by the red shirts.......oh.... of course.... there is no poitical motivation to do so......says it all smile.png

If you would read the posts you would know that what you say is not true.

1 What makes you think that if some one dosen't like some one thy hate them. I don't like him or trust him but I don't hate him.

2 Not all of the posters who don't trust him accused him of having some thing to do with the escalating violence.

3 As I said in my posts may be he did meet with them trying to ease the tension. Just because they are Terrorists does not mean they are stupid and think Yingluck is running the country.

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The point being Thailand has absolutely no control over the movements or meetings of Thaksin........so he goes off and does his own thing.....up to him surely?

The interesting part here is the conclusion by the complainant that if there was a meeting it is somehow linked to an escalation in the violence, pure conjecture, but immediately and readily accepted by the Thaksin haters....

Where is the constant and prolonged stream of vitriol and abuse aimed at the insurgents and anybody who thinks they have a cause....an outpouring that would surely accompany any violent action by the red shirts.......oh.... of course.... there is no poitical motivation to do so......says it all smile.png

Well when your sister is the Prime Minister, your cousin is the Foreign Minister and your children's uncle is the Chief of Police I guess you can do pretty much what you want.

It is like one big happy family. Thaksin can do ay thing he wants because they all take their orders from him.

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The point being Thailand has absolutely no control over the movements or meetings of Thaksin........so he goes off and does his own thing.....up to him surely?

The interesting part here is the conclusion by the complainant that if there was a meeting it is somehow linked to an escalation in the violence, pure conjecture, but immediately and readily accepted by the Thaksin haters....

Where is the constant and prolonged stream of vitriol and abuse aimed at the insurgents and anybody who thinks they have a cause....an outpouring that would surely accompany any violent action by the red shirts.......oh.... of course.... there is no poitical motivation to do so......says it all smile.png

Well when your sister is the Prime Minister, your cousin is the Foreign Minister and your children's uncle is the Chief of Police I guess you can do pretty much what you want.

Not quite.......you can be charged......where as a general.......you think that is acceptable?

Just curious how many former or current generals are either MP or member of the current cabinet, like the one who mentioned that k. Thaksin's problems in Italy were a mere misunderstanding dry.png

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The point being Thailand has absolutely no control over the movements or meetings of Thaksin........so he goes off and does his own thing.....up to him surely?

Pretty much.

And he has just been in a situation were he offered some people a probably vast sum of money to do what he wants, they refused, and his mind can't handle that, so it never happened.

I don't think there is any link to the escalation of violence either, it's been getting gradually worse for some considerable time now.

Good post, first and last lines are accurate.......and congratulations on your new membership the the school of Thaksin mind reading.......Thailand the hub of anti Thaksin mind readers....amazing

Why thank you sir, I will take that as a compliment.

Except, it isn't mind reading, it is attitude reading, which anyone can do.... he has spent his entire political career buying people off or out, and then he met some that couldn't be influenced by money, this being a situation that is new for him, he can't fathom it out, and then goes in to denial.

BTW, for the record, I am not anti-Thaksin the man, I am anti what he does, if he stopped meddling in things that he promised to stop meddling in, that would be fine.

But having said that, I do find egotistical, mass murdering, pathologically lying megalomaniacs a little bit distasteful, no matter what their name is.

And you choose to castigate only one man.......you follow the crowd, ride on the band wagon, like to be one of the boys, have difficulty being original, then dislke being connected to the gang you run with........just my "attitude reading" you understand..........

You don't get suckered by april fools too do you?

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Although in a sense the Thai Government has no (real) control over the fugitive criminal k. Thaksin's activities, the other way seems to reflect the actual situation pragmatically. The MoFA asking the Japanese government to grant the fugitive entry, the MoFA having nothing else to do during the flooding crisis expediting the issue of a shiny new passport on request. A Dept PM issuing a statement that a possible misshap in Italy was just a misunderstanding. Lots of Pheu Thai MP's paying out of their own pocket to visit and say hello to a fugitive criminal.

Sure the criminal had no formal authority given him by the current Thai government led by his sister Ms. Yingluck, but that hasn't stopped him from 'promoting Thai business' abroad' with comments like 'why not'.

Very consistent, I must admit.

Waiting for the end of Songkhran to get more info on this particular topic "Thaksin (not) talking"

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And you choose to castigate only one man.......you follow the crowd, ride on the band wagon, like to be one of the boys, have difficulty being original, then dislke being connected to the gang you run with........just my "attitude reading" you understand..........

You don't get suckered by april fools too do you?

Hello Pot.

No I don't, but I think you may.

(do you wear leather trousers by any chance? or dress up as a red indian.... just asking)

Edited by Thaddeus
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Not quite.......you can be charged......where as a general.......you think that is acceptable?

Just curious how many former or current generals are either MP or member of the current cabinet, like the one who mentioned that k. Thaksin's problems in Italy were a mere misunderstanding dry.png

If you can't comprehend the question Rubl let me know.....a hint...... preferred political party preference irrelevant

I guess you specifically mean Gen. Sonthi who was absolved in the small print of the 2007 constitution.

Anyway the movements of k. Thaksin have nothing to do with generals, he moves as a private person, without any mandate from the Thai government. As such if the alleged meeting with insurgents in correct he may even be charged as a private person for interfering and dealing with terrorists.

I expect more details after the Songkhran holiday.

May I finish this small note with wishing you a joyfull and very wet Songkhran wai.gif

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And you choose to castigate only one man.......you follow the crowd, ride on the band wagon, like to be one of the boys, have difficulty being original, then dislke being connected to the gang you run with........just my "attitude reading" you understand..........

You don't get suckered by april fools too do you?

Hello Pot.

No I don't, but I think you may.

Ooops wrong....on both counts....you see I have been known to accept that Abhisit was placed in a difficult position, even suggest perhaps he was not solely responsible for some of the decisions actions and results attibuted to him...........I'm afraid many of you guys fall a long way short in the benefit of doubt department...but that is just me

April fool.......only in family games as a child......never suckered in adulthood.....as far as I recall

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