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Very Very Safe Investment In Thailand

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I plan to transfer from the US about $40,000 from my stock fund account to Thailand and invest it here with a joint account with my wife so if anything happen to me she would have direct access to this money. I want nothing risky only something very safe and reliable.

Looking for any information available from you guys.

Thank you.

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Very safe and reliable? Then certainly not stocks or gold.

Best to put most of it in fixed term deposit accounts. (You can have instant access, but you lose interest.) The rest, put in a standard savings account.

To be extra cautious, split the money between different banks since the depositor protection limit is being reduced to one million Baht later this year.

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Very safe and reliable? Then certainly not stocks or gold.

Best to put most of it in fixed term deposit accounts. (You can have instant access, but you lose interest.) The rest, put in a standard savings account.

To be extra cautious, split the money between different banks since the depositor protection limit is being reduced to one million Baht later this year.


Since the OP specified Very Very Safe.........

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Very safe and reliable? Then certainly not stocks or gold.

Best to put most of it in fixed term deposit accounts. (You can have instant access, but you lose interest.) The rest, put in a standard savings account.

To be extra cautious, split the money between different banks since the depositor protection limit is being reduced to one million Baht later this year.


Since the OP specified Very Very Safe.........


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I agree most of above if you are able to et an overseas joint account eg Singapore OZ USA with wife can give her a card so mine has acess when all Thai banks broke locked or baht through the floor.

800k in sole name may pay for itself if it assists your retirement visa.

While gold has an unkown vlaue it can be stolen from the house "spirited away" while lost passbook or ATMcard can be re-issued

Good luck as others suggest a mixed bah and several banks mitigates risk

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The only answer has to be gold in 1Baht (weight) units...for the next couple of years anyway, after that the planet might have been destroyed by a nuclear war the way things are looking

i agree, personally i have been doing this too.. putting some money into gold every year.. .and selling has always returned 20-30%

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The only answer has to be gold in 1Baht (weight) units...for the next couple of years anyway, after that the planet might have been destroyed by a nuclear war the way things are looking

i agree, personally i have been doing this too.. putting some money into gold every year.. .and selling has always returned 20-30%

Gold has gone down the last month,as you said safe safe look at term deposits. I know SCB were doing 3.45% not long ago.

gold has not only gone down last month but lost during the last seven months 15% jap.gif

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My recommendation is, do not bring any money into Thailand, unless you need to use. It is very easy to bring money over here but very difficult to take back. you would need to do full accountability and keep all your documents to show that money was brought into Thailand from outside. Even with that sometimes is very hard to move money out.

I would think you can find almost more safe investment in US than over here. One would be in a highly rated Mutual fund in US low cost brokerage like Fidelity

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The only answer has to be gold in 1Baht (weight) units...for the next couple of years anyway, after that the planet might have been destroyed by a nuclear war the way things are looking

i agree, personally i have been doing this too.. putting some money into gold every year.. .and selling has always returned 20-30%

Gold has gone down the last month,as you said safe safe look at term deposits. I know SCB were doing 3.45% not long ago.

gold has not only gone down last month but lost during the last seven months 15% jap.gif

What does the missus say about this?

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What does the missus say about this?

the Mrs does not consider gold to be an investment per se and neither do i. we see gold as some kind of insurance and any losses as paying the premiums for that insurance. we are neither angry nor disappointed when at the end of a year the health insurance or the car insurance was not used because none of us were sick had an accident.

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The only answer has to be gold in 1Baht (weight) units...for the next couple of years anyway, after that the planet might have been destroyed by a nuclear war the way things are looking

i agree, personally i have been doing this too.. putting some money into gold every year.. .and selling has always returned 20-30%

That's only been possible in the last three years. In the six years before that, you would have been lucky to get 20%. And before 10 years ago, Gold never made (or lost) much at all.

If the world economy gets really going again, the holders of gold will take their profit and invest back in business. I would expect the gold price to drop back.

The future has never been so unclear for gold. I mean unclear. It could go on gaining as it has for the last couple of years or keep dropping as it has for the last 6 months.

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What does the missus say about this?

the Mrs does not consider gold to be an investment per se and neither do i. we see gold as some kind of insurance and any losses as paying the premiums for that insurance. we are neither angry nor disappointed when at the end of a year the health insurance or the car insurance was not used because none of us were sick had an accident.

Shady way of talking yourself into a LOSS that is ok....but not

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What does the missus say about this?

the Mrs does not consider gold to be an investment per se and neither do i. we see gold as some kind of insurance and any losses as paying the premiums for that insurance. we are neither angry nor disappointed when at the end of a year the health insurance or the car insurance was not used because none of us were sick had an accident.

Shady way of talking yourself into a LOSS that is ok....but not

a shady assumption of a layman laugh.png

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No risk ...

I would say a CD in any of the banks... up to 1 million is civered by Thai gov. So may need to split into 2 accounts at 2 different banks.

Notr going to make much money (about 3%), but it is safe.

No risk ...

I would say a CD in any of the banks... up to 1 million is civered by Thai gov. So may need to split into 2 accounts at 2 different banks.

Notr going to make much money (about 3%), but it is safe.

when will people understand cash is not safe not if you have high inflation but keep being fooled. I really cant understand why given all history 99% of people still think cash in a bank is safe even after MF global huge inflation of 70's let alone rampant hyper inflation thats regularly occurred. Their is no safe investment only ones view and IMO gold silver are while they were a terrible investment for 20 years for next few years is probably safest since you wont loose it all. Other best thing if you do not already own your home (or your wife does) is get a house condo at least you and your wife will have somewhere to live but even then theirs the risk of civil war here be it small

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No risk ...

I would say a CD in any of the banks... up to 1 million is civered by Thai gov. So may need to split into 2 accounts at 2 different banks.

Notr going to make much money (about 3%), but it is safe.

No risk ...

I would say a CD in any of the banks... up to 1 million is civered by Thai gov. So may need to split into 2 accounts at 2 different banks.

Notr going to make much money (about 3%), but it is safe.

when will people understand cash is not safe not if you have high inflation but keep being fooled. I really cant understand why given all history 99% of people still think cash in a bank is safe even after MF global huge inflation of 70's let alone rampant hyper inflation thats regularly occurred. Their is no safe investment only ones view and IMO gold silver are while they were a terrible investment for 20 years for next few years is probably safest since you wont loose it all. Other best thing if you do not already own your home (or your wife does) is get a house condo at least you and your wife will have somewhere to live but even then theirs the risk of civil war here be it small

Very good point about the risk of hyper inflation devaluing cash. However, that one risk does not make gold (the value of which constantly fluctuates) a safer investment.

You make another good point when you say that there is no safe investment and that risk is a matter of opinion. This does not affect my opinion that cash deposits (split between various institutions as others have suggested) is the safest investment available to the OP.

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