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B Visa Extended To One Year , Must Do Outside Tland ?

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I have jumped through thte hoops -I have the company, I have the one year WP d as of yesterday , I have the revenue Dept registration number and 5 full time , 500- 700 baht a day employees for my WP

my 90 day issued Non B expires this Friday ( I know , a holiday ) Do I really have to leave Thailand and obtain a brand new visa? (I used to get my investor visa extended at Immigration every year. )

I cannot believe they expect new business owners to leave every 90 days , I simply cannot go.. My business has horses and I can not trust any worker to care for them for the three days it will take .

I'm very close to just closing down ( though I haven't even opened yet ) and writing it off as a very very bad decision to even try to do business here, the worker situation is impossible,too.

one worker tried to extort money when I informed him to make sure to bring his ID as the revenue Dept was due to pay a vist " YOu pay me more to show up that day.."

Really not interested, anymore in supporting this attitude so prevalent in the country- that foreigners are aliens tobe used and abused..

If you're thinking about it.. don't do it is my advice-

So to Malaysia ? Or can it be done at immigration?

Thanks in advance

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A new company will not meet the requirements for extension of stay (financials for more than a year is a basic requirement) so until then you must leave every 90 days. If company is established and you have the required paperwork then one year extensions are available from Immigration.

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Running a business here as a foreigner often involves a lot of hoop jumping....

And yes the next hoop to jump is that you will have to leave Thailand to get a new non immigrant B visa, as with a newly registered company and no annual accounts you will not get a one year Extension of Permission to Stay on the basis of Employment in the Kingdom of Thailand (Police Order 777/2551 Section 2.1).

Go to KL with the correct papers and you should get a Multi Entry One Year Non Immigrant B Visa - however the KL Thai Embassy will be closed on the 13th.

If you don't have time to sort your papers out before Friday then you can get a max 7 day extension to buy you more time.

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