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Few Red-Shirts Cross Over For Thaksin


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Interesting to note that the family of Thaksin seem to absent from this three ring circus in Cambodia.

One is led to wonder why this may be, perchance they are fed up with a liar for a parent and a relative, or is this situation due to Thaksins command ?

Reminds of the time that Thaksin called upon all his supporters to rally on the streets of Bangkok some few years back.

Thaksin exhorted the demonstrators to bring along or send their wives and children to join the demonstration .

Funnily enough though Thaksins family were shipped of to Hong Kong for their safety.

The plebs can be sacrificed but the Thaksin amart are to be preserved at all costs.

Surely not double standards ?

Edited by siampolee
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To compare Thaksin with Aung San Suu Kyi is an insult to the lady, IMHO

That's exactly what Hun Sen did. From Thailand and Cambodia Argue About Thaksin & the Coup:

"Many people are talking about Mrs. Suu Kyi of Burma. Why can't I talk about the victim, Thaksin?" Mr. Hun Sen said on October 23.

"That cannot be regarded as interference by Cambodia into Thai internal affairs. Without the coup d'etat in 2006, such a thing would not have happened," Hun Sen said.

Soft-spoken Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva lashed out Mr. Hun Sen's remarks.

"There are few people in the world who believe Thaksin is similar to that of Ms. Suu Kyi," Mr. Abhisit said later that day.

"I hope Prime Minister Hun Sen will receive the right information and change his mind on the matter."

Well there's the problem, as there is background to this remark and it's from the very lady herself as regarding the comparison between her situation (note that abhisit changed Hun Sens words from "victim" (of the situation) to "being the same as" Ms. Suu Kyi).

AFP has a quote from NLD spokesman Nyan Win who states that after meeting Suu on Saturday, she specifically referred to the situation in Thailand. Key excerpt:

“A new government coming to power under a constitution drawn up by the military will never be stable,” he cited her as saying. “We do not need to see very far. We just see Thailand,” she said. “Thaksin was an elected person. The military seized the power from an elected person. The constitution was drawn up by the military,” she said.

“After that, what happened with the first (government)? It was not stable,” she said of the short-lived administration that followed the coup. “This was a result of the constitution being written by the military.”


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While the numbers are quibbled over, can we agree that is wasn't quite the Nuremburg Rally, even the smallest of them. If Hitler had had a similar turnout, WWII may never have happened.

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While the numbers are quibbled over, can we agree that is wasn't quite the Nuremburg Rally, even the smallest of them. If Hitler had had a similar turnout, WWII may never have happened.

Different place, different era, different person, therefore offtopic.gif

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That's exactly what Hun Sen did. From Thailand and Cambodia Argue About Thaksin & the Coup:

"Many people are talking about Mrs. Suu Kyi of Burma. Why can't I talk about the victim, Thaksin?" Mr. Hun Sen said on October 23.

"That cannot be regarded as interference by Cambodia into Thai internal affairs. Without the coup d'etat in 2006, such a thing would not have happened," Hun Sen said.

Soft-spoken Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva lashed out Mr. Hun Sen's remarks.

"There are few people in the world who believe Thaksin is similar to that of Ms. Suu Kyi," Mr. Abhisit said later that day.

"I hope Prime Minister Hun Sen will receive the right information and change his mind on the matter."

Well there's the problem, as there is background to this remark and it's from the very lady herself as regarding the comparison between her situation (note that abhisit changed Hun Sens words from "victim" (of the situation) to "being the same as" Ms. Suu Kyi).

AFP has a quote from NLD spokesman Nyan Win who states that after meeting Suu on Saturday, she specifically referred to the situation in Thailand. Key excerpt:

“A new government coming to power under a constitution drawn up by the military will never be stable,” he cited her as saying. “We do not need to see very far. We just see Thailand,” she said. “Thaksin was an elected person. The military seized the power from an elected person. The constitution was drawn up by the military,” she said.

“After that, what happened with the first (government)? It was not stable,” she said of the short-lived administration that followed the coup. “This was a result of the constitution being written by the military.”


She is saying that she does not approve of military coups. That does not automatically mean that Thaksin's situation is entirely the same as hers nor that Thaksin is totally innocent of all allegations and charges of breaches of the law. The differences are stark with the most siginificant difference being that she did not run away and served her full term of over 20 years, whilst Thaksin ran away like a coward without yet serving a single day of confinement.

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Interesting to note that the family of Thaksin seem to absent from this three ring circus in Cambodia.

One is led to wonder why this may be, perchance they are fed up with a liar for a parent and a relative, or is this situation due to Thaksins command ?

Reminds of the time that Thaksin called upon all his supporters to rally on the streets of Bangkok some few years back.

Thaksin exhorted the demonstrators to bring along or send their wives and children to join the demonstration .

Funnily enough though Thaksins family were shipped of to Hong Kong for their safety.

The plebs can be sacrificed but the Thaksin amart are to be preserved at all costs.

Surely not double standards ?

Not completely:

"Accompanied by his son Panthongtae, his younger sister Yaowapa Wongsawat, as well as leading members of the ruling Pheu Thai Party and the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) or the Red Shirt movement, Thaskin led them on a round of alms giving to 256 Buddhist monks in a merit-making ceremony."

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While the numbers are quibbled over, can we agree that is wasn't quite the Nuremburg Rally, even the smallest of them. If Hitler had had a similar turnout, WWII may never have happened.

Different place, different era, different person, therefore offtopic.gif

Thaksin = Hitler is always on topic...

For some posters, that is...


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He is on the lookout for morons, and he's got his work cut out.

I assume from your answers you are admitting that your post was fiction. Stallone will have found his first moron.

Brilliant assumption. He has indeed.

For those who haven't got a colossal chip on their shoulder, my post will remain on the forum.

Has he threatened you yet, pastitche?

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What's in it for Cambodia and Laos? I'll make a stab at answering that:

>>>> the main motivation for SE Asians is money. T has a lot of it, and is willing to spend it on his non-stop self-aggrandizement campaign.

>>>> Fueling T's self-burnishment, also rips Thailand's social fabric. For Cambodia's leaders, a weaker Thailand is advantageous, particularly in lieu of the hassles over the Hindu Temple on their borders.

>>>> It will likely will compel T to spend money in those countries - though much of the investment promises which T makes to small countries, don't manifest. At various times, he's promised investment in Nicaragua, Dubai, several African countries (blood diamonds, anyone?), at least one Pacific island, plus Montenegro, HK, and mansions in Australia and UK. Few of those promised investments actually manifest.

Lots of soft-loans from Thailand?

It worked for Burma.

Yes it did. Thaksin got the money and the Thai pople got the bill.

This is the way of Thaksin.

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She is saying that she does not approve of military coups. That does not automatically mean that Thaksin's situation is entirely the same as hers nor that Thaksin is totally innocent of all allegations and charges of breaches of the law. The differences are stark with the most siginificant difference being that she did not run away and served her full term of over 20 years, whilst Thaksin ran away like a coward without yet serving a single day of confinement.

The difference being that abhisit was twisting another persons words trying to make political points from it. In fact at the time people actually believed (and still do on this forum) that Thaksin had compared himself to Aung San Suu Kyi. Abhisit is a nasty piece of work like that.

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"I want to return home, but have to wait for politics to return to normal and for the country to get a bit better," Thaksin said.

There have been two elections, and this is the fourth elected-government, since the end of the military- appointed government of PM-Sorayud. Indeed things were plainly good enough for him to return back in the summer of 2008.

But now he can't return, until the country is better, and politics are normal ?

I feel this is a little-harsh, on his clone-sister PM-Yingluck, and his loyal PTP/Red-Shirts in-power, that nine months on from the election, they still haven't succeeded in making the country a little bit better ?

Perhaps his standards or expectations are too high !

Or possibly there is another unspoken requirement, for him to end his self-exile, as many might suspect ? cool.png

From the original post:

"But now he can't return, until the country is better, and politics are normal ?"

What does this mean.

'Normal' IMHO means that everybody is respecting the law, every law, the law is applied equally, politicians have deep respect for the pillars of democracy and speak and act in words and actions which enhance the quality of democracy and build a better quality of life for millions of Thais, politicians and more act with good morals and are positive role models for my kids and my grandchildren born here in this wonderful country, and politicians take whatever policies and actions are needed to stamp out corruption, nepotism, collusion, cronyism, etc.

Somehow I doubt this is what the paymaster means by 'better and normal', maybe I'm wrong. What do you think?

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She is saying that she does not approve of military coups. That does not automatically mean that Thaksin's situation is entirely the same as hers nor that Thaksin is totally innocent of all allegations and charges of breaches of the law. The differences are stark with the most siginificant difference being that she did not run away and served her full term of over 20 years, whilst Thaksin ran away like a coward without yet serving a single day of confinement.

The difference being that abhisit was twisting another persons words trying to make political points from it. In fact at the time people actually believed (and still do on this forum) that Thaksin had compared himself to Aung San Suu Kyi. Abhisit is a nasty piece of work like that.

Twisting what words?

Relative to Thaksin and Hun Sen, Abhisit is not a nasty piece of work. Why do you keep trying to bring up Abhisit? Please keep on topic. Do you agree with Hun Sen when he compared Thaksin with Aung San Suu Kyi? Maybe you think Thaksin deserves a Nobel prize.

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She is saying that she does not approve of military coups. That does not automatically mean that Thaksin's situation is entirely the same as hers nor that Thaksin is totally innocent of all allegations and charges of breaches of the law. The differences are stark with the most siginificant difference being that she did not run away and served her full term of over 20 years, whilst Thaksin ran away like a coward without yet serving a single day of confinement.

The difference being that abhisit was twisting another persons words trying to make political points from it. In fact at the time people actually believed (and still do on this forum) that Thaksin had compared himself to Aung San Suu Kyi. Abhisit is a nasty piece of work like that.

"Abhisit is a nasty piece of work like that." Must have been his education, Oxford and all that. Blame the English.

Anyway, few red-shirts crossed into Laos for Thaksin, maybe the Lao government made it too difficult and was not really in a friendly 'eternal friend' mode for this fugitive. Was k. Kwanchai the first to spread the rumour on a possible assassination plot? Was that why k. Thaksin was so heavily surrounded in Laos? Funny that in Cambodia red-shirts were able to pull his arms and embrace him. Not only terrible lack of decorum but also amazing after reading another topic with "Cambodia Deploys Huge Security For Thaksin Rally"

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She is saying that she does not approve of military coups. That does not automatically mean that Thaksin's situation is entirely the same as hers nor that Thaksin is totally innocent of all allegations and charges of breaches of the law. The differences are stark with the most siginificant difference being that she did not run away and served her full term of over 20 years, whilst Thaksin ran away like a coward without yet serving a single day of confinement.

The difference being that abhisit was twisting another persons words trying to make political points from it. In fact at the time people actually believed (and still do on this forum) that Thaksin had compared himself to Aung San Suu Kyi. Abhisit is a nasty piece of work like that.

Twisting what words?

Relative to Thaksin and Hun Sen, Abhisit is not a nasty piece of work. Why do you keep trying to bring up Abhisit? Please keep on topic. Do you agree with Hun Sen when he compared Thaksin with Aung San Suu Kyi? Maybe you think Thaksin deserves a Nobel prize.

For the last time Hun Sen said that thaksin was a victim the same as ASSK, in other words they had both won an election, they had both had the results of that election taken from them by a military coup. Abhisit then said that Hun Sen had compared Thaksin to ASSK

Soft-spoken Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva lashed out Mr. Hun Sen's remarks.

"There are few people in the world who believe Thaksin is similar to that of Ms. Suu Kyi," Mr. Abhisit said later that day.

"I hope Prime Minister Hun Sen will receive the right information and change his mind on the matter."

Which is a completely different meaning of what was said.

As far as off topic posts go all of this came about from a rubl post reiterating his heros words and you answering him. I was pointing out the truth and meaning of what was said

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She is saying that she does not approve of military coups. That does not automatically mean that Thaksin's situation is entirely the same as hers nor that Thaksin is totally innocent of all allegations and charges of breaches of the law. The differences are stark with the most siginificant difference being that she did not run away and served her full term of over 20 years, whilst Thaksin ran away like a coward without yet serving a single day of confinement.

The difference being that abhisit was twisting another persons words trying to make political points from it. In fact at the time people actually believed (and still do on this forum) that Thaksin had compared himself to Aung San Suu Kyi. Abhisit is a nasty piece of work like that.

"Abhisit is a nasty piece of work like that." Must have been his education, Oxford and all that. Blame the English.

Anyway, few red-shirts crossed into Laos for Thaksin, maybe the Lao government made it too difficult and was not really in a friendly 'eternal friend' mode for this fugitive. Was k. Kwanchai the first to spread the rumour on a possible assassination plot? Was that why k. Thaksin was so heavily surrounded in Laos? Funny that in Cambodia red-shirts were able to pull his arms and embrace him. Not only terrible lack of decorum but also amazing after reading another topic with "Cambodia Deploys Huge Security For Thaksin Rally"

Never mind, "overcome" to Thailand.jap.gif

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"I want to return home, but have to wait for politics to return to normal and for the country to get a bit better," Thaksin said.

There have been two elections, and this is the fourth elected-government, since the end of the military- appointed government of PM-Sorayud. Indeed things were plainly good enough for him to return back in the summer of 2008.

But now he can't return, until the country is better, and politics are normal ?

I feel this is a little-harsh, on his clone-sister PM-Yingluck, and his loyal PTP/Red-Shirts in-power, that nine months on from the election, they still haven't succeeded in making the country a little bit better ?

Perhaps his standards or expectations are too high !

Or possibly there is another unspoken requirement, for him to end his self-exile, as many might suspect ? cool.png

From the original post:

"But now he can't return, until the country is better, and politics are normal ?"

What does this mean.

'Normal' IMHO means that everybody is respecting the law, every law, the law is applied equally, politicians have deep respect for the pillars of democracy and speak and act in words and actions which enhance the quality of democracy and build a better quality of life for millions of Thais, politicians and more act with good morals and are positive role models for my kids and my grandchildren born here in this wonderful country, and politicians take whatever policies and actions are needed to stamp out corruption, nepotism, collusion, cronyism, etc.

Somehow I doubt this is what the paymaster means by 'better and normal', maybe I'm wrong. What do you think?

I share your doubt, about Thaksin's understanding of 'better and normal', I think he sees things in more-personal terms.

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If he's getting death threats in a foreign country, what chance does he have in Thailand? His life is always going to be under threat. never will he be able to walk the streets safely again. Seh Daeng was taken out quite easily, and I don't see Taksin being any safer were he to return.

Taking him out, especially inside Thailand, will perhaps result in more blood shed than Thailand for which Thailand is ready. Surely the dems see this. Making him a martyr by killing him in Thailand could be a huge mistake for the whole country.

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While the numbers are quibbled over, can we agree that is wasn't quite the Nuremburg Rally, even the smallest of them. If Hitler had had a similar turnout, WWII may never have happened.

Different place, different era, different person, therefore offtopic.gif

Thaksin = Hitler is always on topic...

For some posters, that is...


I fully agree with you on this one, but I can't remember to have read one single post of you that is an actual argument about the topic at hand, usually it's just cheering/sneering for the red/yellow fans or comments about the sources. wink.png

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...in other words they had both won an election, they had both had the results of that election taken from them by a military coup.

Except Thaksin didn't win his last, April 2006 election, he also resorted to a cynical electoral fraud - something no one ever expects from ASSK.

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She is saying that she does not approve of military coups. That does not automatically mean that Thaksin's situation is entirely the same as hers nor that Thaksin is totally innocent of all allegations and charges of breaches of the law. The differences are stark with the most siginificant difference being that she did not run away and served her full term of over 20 years, whilst Thaksin ran away like a coward without yet serving a single day of confinement.

The difference being that abhisit was twisting another persons words trying to make political points from it. In fact at the time people actually believed (and still do on this forum) that Thaksin had compared himself to Aung San Suu Kyi. Abhisit is a nasty piece of work like that.

Twisting what words?

Relative to Thaksin and Hun Sen, Abhisit is not a nasty piece of work. Why do you keep trying to bring up Abhisit? Please keep on topic. Do you agree with Hun Sen when he compared Thaksin with Aung San Suu Kyi? Maybe you think Thaksin deserves a Nobel prize.

For the last time Hun Sen said that thaksin was a victim the same as ASSK, in other words they had both won an election, they had both had the results of that election taken from them by a military coup. Abhisit then said that Hun Sen had compared Thaksin to ASSK

"There are few people in the world who believe Thaksin is similar to that of Ms. Suu Kyi" is what Abhisit said. Maybe if he said "There are few people in the world who believe Thaksin's situation is similar to that of Ms. Suu Kyi", then it would have been more correct, but I'm sure that is what Abhisit meant anyway.

You are simply nitpicking in order to make anti-Abhisit remarks, because you can't counter-argue against the nasty facts of Thaksin and Hun Sen that we have highlighted in this and other threads.

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The difference being that abhisit was twisting another persons words trying to make political points from it. In fact at the time people actually believed (and still do on this forum) that Thaksin had compared himself to Aung San Suu Kyi. Abhisit is a nasty piece of work like that.

Twisting what words?

Relative to Thaksin and Hun Sen, Abhisit is not a nasty piece of work. Why do you keep trying to bring up Abhisit? Please keep on topic. Do you agree with Hun Sen when he compared Thaksin with Aung San Suu Kyi? Maybe you think Thaksin deserves a Nobel prize.

For the last time Hun Sen said that thaksin was a victim the same as ASSK, in other words they had both won an election, they had both had the results of that election taken from them by a military coup. Abhisit then said that Hun Sen had compared Thaksin to ASSK

"There are few people in the world who believe Thaksin is similar to that of Ms. Suu Kyi" is what Abhisit said. Maybe if he said "There are few people in the world who believe Thaksin's situation is similar to that of Ms. Suu Kyi", then it would have been more correct, but I'm sure that is what Abhisit meant anyway.

You are simply nitpicking in order to make anti-Abhisit remarks, because you can't counter-argue against the nasty facts of Thaksin and Hun Sen that we have highlighted in this and other threads.

Exactly. Phip d is twisting Abhist's words to make political points.

Lamp blacked kettle / shiny tea service

There is little possible comparison between The Lady and Thaksin.

Anyone attempting to make single word comparisons with such lack of viable technique, is doing the work of Sisyphus, with as little chance of success.

Thaksin and Hun Sen are two obviously authoritarian demi-dictators at heart, regardless of faux democracy veneers thin as tissue, San Su Kyi, is a true democratic leader and icon, there are no valid comparisons available.

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While the numbers are quibbled over, can we agree that is wasn't quite the Nuremburg Rally, even the smallest of them. If Hitler had had a similar turnout, WWII may never have happened.

Different place, different era, different person, therefore offtopic.gif

Thaksin = Hitler is always on topic...

For some posters, that is...


I fully agree with you on this one, but I can't remember to have read one single post of you that is an actual argument about the topic at hand, usually it's just cheering/sneering for the red/yellow fans or comments about the sources. wink.png

You need to read more.

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While the numbers are quibbled over, can we agree that is wasn't quite the Nuremburg Rally, even the smallest of them. If Hitler had had a similar turnout, WWII may never have happened.

Different place, different era, different person, therefore offtopic.gif

Thaksin = Hitler is always on topic...

For some posters, that is...


I fully agree with you on this one, but I can't remember to have read one single post of you that is an actual argument about the topic at hand, usually it's just cheering/sneering for the red/yellow fans or comments about the sources. wink.png

then you'll need to read more ... "longtom"

edit : oops, didn't see #117


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-- deleted quote limit --

Twisting what words?

Relative to Thaksin and Hun Sen, Abhisit is not a nasty piece of work. Why do you keep trying to bring up Abhisit? Please keep on topic. Do you agree with Hun Sen when he compared Thaksin with Aung San Suu Kyi? Maybe you think Thaksin deserves a Nobel prize.

For the last time Hun Sen said that thaksin was a victim the same as ASSK, in other words they had both won an election, they had both had the results of that election taken from them by a military coup. Abhisit then said that Hun Sen had compared Thaksin to ASSK

"There are few people in the world who believe Thaksin is similar to that of Ms. Suu Kyi" is what Abhisit said. Maybe if he said "There are few people in the world who believe Thaksin's situation is similar to that of Ms. Suu Kyi", then it would have been more correct, but I'm sure that is what Abhisit meant anyway.

You are simply nitpicking in order to make anti-Abhisit remarks, because you can't counter-argue against the nasty facts of Thaksin and Hun Sen that we have highlighted in this and other threads.

Exactly. Phip d is twisting Abhist's words to make political points.

Lamp blacked kettle / shiny tea service

There is little possible comparison between The Lady and Thaksin.

Anyone attempting to make single word comparisons with such lack of viable technique, is doing the work of Sisyphus, with as little chance of success.

Thaksin and Hun Sen are two obviously authoritarian demi-dictators at heart, regardless of faux democracy veneers thin as tissue, San Su Kyi, is a true democratic leader and icon, there are no valid comparisons available.

Animatic, you are perhaps joking (I don't think so), have mis-read PPDs post (possible, but if you did, it is here ) or you are twisting PPDs statement into something that he did not say in order to "make political points" (most likely case, perhaps??).

What each of the 3 politicians said is written in this thread and their statements haven't been twisted as each has been quoted.

The interpretation of each statement is, naturally, up to the reader - there is nothing complicated about the 3 quotes.

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While the numbers are quibbled over, can we agree that is wasn't quite the Nuremburg Rally, even the smallest of them. If Hitler had had a similar turnout, WWII may never have happened.

Different place, different era, different person, therefore offtopic.gif

A post comparing the numbers of this and another political rally is "off topic"? Followed by reams of verbiage re the semantics of a vague comparison not at all linked to this event.

I don't know who died and made you a moderator, but I request a re-reading of the will.

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