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Kuwait's parliament OKs death penalty for insulting Prophet Muhammad


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Kuwait's parliament OKs death penalty for insulting Prophet Muhammad

2012-04-13 07:31:37 GMT+7 (ICT)

KUWAIT CITY, KUWAIT (BNO NEWS) -- Kuwait's National Assembly on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly in favor of amendments to the country's penal code to apply the death penalty for those who insult Islam's Prophet Muhammad or his wives, a local newspaper reported on Thursday.

Forty-six members of parliament, including all cabinet ministers, voted in favor of the controversial amendments during the first round of voting on Wednesday. Four Shiite members of parliament opposed the amendments, two MPs refused to vote, and one Sunni MP abstained from voting.

According to the Kuwait Times, the amendments call for the death penalty for those who insult the Prophet Muhammad and his wives. It also stipulates a life-term sentence for anyone who insults the Prophet Muhammad's companions, although the report did not specify what would be deemed an insult.

The amendments still need approval during a second round of voting, which is expected to take place by the end of April, and approval from the government. Wednesday's vote took place after heated debates between Sunni MPs, who promoted the bill, and Shiite MPs who insist highly revered Imams must be included in the law.

Kuwait's penal code, of which aspects are based on Sharia law, already imposes hefty penalties, including lengthy jail terms, for those who insult the Prophet Muhammad, his wives, or his companions. Kuwait also imposes hefty penalties against other religious offenses.

According to human rights organization Amnesty International, no executions have been recorded in Kuwait since 2007, but at least seventeen people were sentenced to death for murder and drug-trafficking last year.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-04-13

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A bit of research clearly shows why Kuwait would want to stifle criticism of the Prophet Mohammad... :-) Hard to put a revisionist spin on raping women and selling them as slaves..


Beyond the desperation of the 21st century apologist however, there is absolutely nothing in the historical text that supports this rosy revision of Muslim history. The women of the Banu Mustaliq were sold into slavery following their rape:

"We went out with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing 'azl (Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception). But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah's Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), and he said: It does not matter" (Sahih Muslim 3371)

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Yet another example of a religion so unsure of itself that it has to execute anyone who says anything unflattering about it. Muhammed died a long time ago. A dead person has no brain, so how is he going to get offended by anything? Muhammed was a raider. He was the head of a marauding gang which rode around and stole from villages and raped their women. Is that the best the desert fanatics can find for a religious hero?

Quite true ,but All over the Islamic world Christians are being murdered and their places of worship burned to the ground right now at this moment in time,and of course this is on the increase as these stone age religious bigots become ever more emboldened by their various Governments actions ,which is to do nothing ,as obviously with Mohammed you are with him or against him, no "middle way " is permitted, in other words zero tolerance to those of a different faith,..
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A baiting post has been removed.

This is not a trash Muslims or Mohammad thread. It's about Kuwait's parliament's approval of the death penalty. Stick to the topic and factual information about the legislation.

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Just to think we rescued the filthy rich sheikdom from Saddam the secular tyrant. If you want to play out the fable of the Emperor's new clothes on a global scale it is best to outlaw any discussion of the Emperor's attire under pain of death just in case the associated cult goes pop. Actually Robert Spencer has just written a book called 'Did Muhammad exist?' I guess he won't be traveling to Kuwait for any book signing. Kuwait has been moving in a more extreme direction of late in line with the Arab spring I guess, there are also calls for the removal of all churches from Kuwait and the prevention of more being built. Too bad nobody kicks up a giant stink about this so they continue down the asinine path they are now on where insulting their prophet is unacceptable on pain of death but calling for the removal of all churches is evidently acceptable.


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The above posters should not be planning a trip now to Kuwait!!! clap2.gif

I can speak for one of them at least and say that you will not find that on his 'to-do' list.

Could be the last item on his 'bucket list'.

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Wow the level of ignorance is just ridiculous with you guys. I lived in Kuwait for years, This law has nothing to do with discouraging non-Muslims from disrespecting Islam. It's Kuwait's version of Orange vs. Green drama. The Sunni Govt want's greater controls over it's Shiite minority who, being backed by Iran are trying to push for greater control in the country and region as a whole. Shiite Muslims have a different take on Islam than Sunnis and will openly insult Mohammed and his disciples.

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This headline in translation...

Headline : Kuwait Parliament oks death penalty for insulting Prophet Muhammad

Translation: ESL Teachers Urgently needed in Kuwait! High pay and low life expectancy! Free pine box permanent housing! Call now! 1-800-BAD-IDEA!

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Death penalty for anyone saying non-flattering things about the Big M or his wives. If I was a Muslim and wanted to gain religious points, I would recommend the following:

>>>> death penalty for anyone offending any of Muhammed's slaves - the ones he carried off from raiding neighboring villages, or wherever he got them.

>>>> death penalty for anyone offending Muhammed's stable boys or masseuses.

>>>> death penalty for anyone who insinuates Muhammed was a weirdo for wanting to force himself on 14 year old Jewish slave girls.

>>>> Death penalty for anyone who insinuates that any of Muhammed's fellow raiders were buggerers.

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Lived in q8 for five years. It's not a nice place and the arrogance and bigotry I found there was disgusting. There were good people there -I stayed five years after all- but the racism and abuse of non kuwaitees was appalling. Kuwaitees can and do rape, kill and treat people as virtual slaves with impunity. I suspect kuwaitees will have few problems with this law but it will be used to further oppress the foreign workers there.

I was there for 3, one of those years was 2001, in September when the drama happened. Not only was the nation one of the first to give aid, but the people there, my friends, even strangers were genuinely concerned for me, and apologetic as if they had reason to be. While I was there I never, ever not once, received any kind of racism directed at me what so ever for being an American, or any reason for that matter. A big change from back in the States where I experienced it occasionally because of the color of my skin. Further, when Hurricane Katrina hit, within just a few days they pledged $500 MILLION in free oil. And of course that bigoted scum bag Bush, refused it, and it took weeks for FEMA to step into action.

I have never been treated so well by a foreign host as I had when I lived in Kuwait, friends, even casual aquaintences, would fight you, almost coming to blows, over the right to pick up the check for a meal or outing. Laid back, safe, Tax free, cheap cost of living (other than accommodation) and your over all quality of life there is really high. So I don't know why you got it twisted, but me, Hell I was living it up!

Do you just not like Muslims or Arabs or something?

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This headline in translation...

Headline : Kuwait Parliament oks death penalty for insulting Prophet Muhammad

Translation: ESL Teachers Urgently needed in Kuwait! High pay and low life expectancy! Free pine box permanent housing! Call now! 1-800-BAD-IDEA!

LOL, Yeah untill those broke bastards find out how much money they get paid and you'll have em there in droves with their palms open and their mouths shut!

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An off-topic post has been removed. Please restrict your comments to the OP, which is about the Kuwaiti government's use of the death penalty for insulting Mohammad.

A recap of what Mohammad did or didn't do is off-topic.

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An off-topic post has been removed. Please restrict your comments to the OP, which is about the Kuwaiti government's use of the death penalty for insulting Mohammad.

A recap of what Mohammad did or didn't do is off-topic.

I can see this thread is about legal sanction, sure. However it is a little tricky to discuss if what Mohammad did is off topic, seeing as he is regarded as the 'perfect Man' by devout Muslims. If accurately talking of his recorded deeds is considered by some as an insult that in effect means we have a similar situation to the Thai LM laws, as I can freely comment on His Majesty's deeds providing that comment is not considered to be criticism - the power rests with those empowered with determining what constitutes criticism.

I can see why this is the case though. :)

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The OP, if you re-read it, doesn't talk about what Mohammad did or didn't do. It talks about a political decision. It mentions that some people voted for it, others against it.

This thread will not be allowed to descend into an Islam bashing, rehash of events which are not even factually known to exist.

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The OP, if you re-read it, doesn't talk about what Mohammad did or didn't do. It talks about a political decision. It mentions that some people voted for it, others against it.

This thread will not be allowed to descend into an Islam bashing, rehash of events which are not even factually known to exist.

You know how it is, Haters gonna hate. Can't even have a rational talk about Islam, Muslims, Arabs or their Countries, without a bunch of bigots jumping out like monkeys to beat on their chest and throw crap around.

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The OP, if you re-read it, doesn't talk about what Mohammad did or didn't do. It talks about a political decision. It mentions that some people voted for it, others against it.

This thread will not be allowed to descend into an Islam bashing, rehash of events which are not even factually known to exist.

You know how it is, Haters gonna hate. Can't even have a rational talk about Islam, Muslims, Arabs or their Countries, without a bunch of bigots jumping out like monkeys to beat on their chest and throw crap around.

So do you think the death penalty for insulting someone who may or may not have ever existed is 'rational'?

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The OP, if you re-read it, doesn't talk about what Mohammad did or didn't do. It talks about a political decision. It mentions that some people voted for it, others against it.

This thread will not be allowed to descend into an Islam bashing, rehash of events which are not even factually known to exist.

You know how it is, Haters gonna hate. Can't even have a rational talk about Islam, Muslims, Arabs or their Countries, without a bunch of bigots jumping out like monkeys to beat on their chest and throw crap around.

So do you think the death penalty for insulting someone who may or may not have ever existed is 'rational'?

Dan, I could think of many names to describe full blown Islamic Sharia law ,but somehow "rational" does not come into the equation!!
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