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Looking For Book Publishing In Bkk.

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Just put the finishing touches on my book. I'd like to get it printed here in bkk. Any local book publishers someone can recommend? The goal is to get it in Asia Book and other local bookstores, but printing it is first step. Thanks.

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I don't know your experience at having books published here in Thailand but perhaps it's not as easy as it seems - firstly almost 100% of so called English language book publishes in Bangkok are vanity publishers (meaning that you have to pay them for the privilege of having a book published, Some (few) will agree to distribute it for you as well (for an additional fee!). To publish a book in the west you will need to get yourself a literary agent as publishers to not as a matter of course accept unsolicited work. If you are lucky enough to get an agent he or she will also sell the foreign publishing rights for you. The hard part is getting an agent to represent you and after submitting your work expect to wait as long as six months or longer for an answer. NEVER pay an agent - if they ask for a reading fee they are most probably a sham, it's the agents job to get you a deal with a publisher and to get an advance payment not to try and get money from you!

However, depending on the content of your manuscript and how well it is written and edited there maybe a way to get it published in Thailand.Silkworm Books is a general, independent English book publisher based in Chiang Mai. Khun Trasvin is the owner and believe me she seriously understands the quality - or lack of, in a manuscript. If she believes in your work she has the means and distributorship to publish. If she accepts your work don't expect to make a fortune her first runs are/were usually only about 2,000 copies on which (once sold) you will receive a royalty. Good luck with your writing.

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There are printers on the ground level of MBK who will print and bind books but if you want to get it into bookstores such as Asia Books, the cover, binding and layout must be of a much higher level then you will get there.

A friend wrote a book and did get it into local bookstores but it wasn't easy and he eventually barely broke even on expenses.

First of all, it has to be in book format using a program such as PAGEMAKER, not WORD. Getting the chapters and pagination set properly is not as easy as you might think. It will need to be professionally proofread. I can guarantee that no matter how many times you try to do it yourself, you wont catch all the errors. You will also need an editor as no author of any note goes without one. You are just to close to the content to look at it objectively.

Then you will have to find and pay a graphic designer for the cover as it must look professional to have any chance of distribution. That also means obtaining cover art and paying the artist for it's use. Bookstores have strict rules about what sort of cover art and text they will allow so you will have to be aware of that also.

There are countless more details but the point is; you really do need a competent agent who knows the business.

BTW, even if you were to get it into chains like Asia Books, don't count on a lot of sales. Their distribution system is chaotic and you will be lucky to get one or two copies tucked into a lower shelf at some but never all the stores.

There are a few bookstores in Bangkok and Pattaya that will accept books on consignment but you won't end up with much to show for it. You will have to print a minimum number of books, usually no less than 500 copies so you will also have to have a decent place to store them.

Derek Sharron, the author of "MY NAME IS LON, DO YOU LIKE ME" is an agent working out of Pattaya. A friend who dealt with him found him to be reputable. His contact info is on the faceplate of his book, available at most local bookstores.

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There are printers on the ground level of MBK who will print and bind books but if you want to get it into bookstores such as Asia Books, the cover, binding and layout must be of a much higher level then you will get there.

A friend wrote a book and did get it into local bookstores but it wasn't easy and he eventually barely broke even on expenses.

First of all, it has to be in book format using a program such as PAGEMAKER, not WORD. Getting the chapters and pagination set properly is not as easy as you might think. It will need to be professionally proofread. I can guarantee that no matter how many times you try to do it yourself, you wont catch all the errors. You will also need an editor as no author of any note goes without one. You are just to close to the content to look at it objectively.

Then you will have to find and pay a graphic designer for the cover as it must look professional to have any chance of distribution. That also means obtaining cover art and paying the artist for it's use. Bookstores have strict rules about what sort of cover art and text they will allow so you will have to be aware of that also.

There are countless more details but the point is; you really do need a competent agent who knows the business.

BTW, even if you were to get it into chains like Asia Books, don't count on a lot of sales. Their distribution system is chaotic and you will be lucky to get one or two copies tucked into a lower shelf at some but never all the stores.

There are a few bookstores in Bangkok and Pattaya that will accept books on consignment but you won't end up with much to show for it. You will have to print a minimum number of books, usually no less than 500 copies so you will also have to have a decent place to store them.

Derek Sharron, the author of "MY NAME IS LON, DO YOU LIKE ME" is an agent working out of Pattaya. A friend who dealt with him found him to be reputable. His contact info is on the faceplate of his book, available at most local bookstores.

You are talking about vanity publishing - a system where the author can not get representation by a literary agent and so pays to PRINT his own book. If you want to spend 1-2 years writing a 200/240,000 word masterpiece and then take it to MBK to get some yo-yo to print it good luck to you! I just happen to know a great number of published authors and each will laugh out loud at the thought of self publishing. However if you are hell bent on throwing your money away forget MBK use the internet. Lulu.Com will allow you to vanity publish your manuscript FREELY including cover artwork then, for a fee they will publish it on Amazon.Com (I'm not sure but I believe they are owned by Amazon). Finally remember to publish a book you will need an ISBN number which, MBK doesn't sell!! Ha-ha


Further information I checked the statement by ddDave "Derek Sharron, the author of "MY NAME IS LON, DO YOU LIKE ME" is an agent working out of Pattaya". he Is not a registered literary agent and infact his manuscript was 'published' by Bangkok Books. Below is their rates(taken from their website)

E-publish your book with us and sell worldwide on Amazon, Apple, Sony, Barnes & Noble, Google, Android marketplace, Kobo, bangkokbooks, asiabooks, AIS e-bookstore, B2S e-bookstore and many more.

Get your e-published book ready as printed book - use our Digital Print Services. We ship worldwide by registered airmail or courier.

Quick turnaround: E-books within 24-72 hours, Printed books 3-7 days


E-books = FREE

Printed books: starting from US$3.99 per book (for a 200-pages book), high quality printing

Optional services: Professional cover page design: US$ 199.- (front cover) or US$299.- (front, back, spine)



From : BambooSinfonia Publishing

PM me and I will tell you everything that you would like to know about publishing here in Thailand.

If your book is interesting, we would translate it into French and German as well.

If not, :-( , we would be happy to connect you to all of the other publishers in the area. We have translated some of the other publishers books, so we are on good standing with them.

Many people print and sell their own books in Thailand. Some do well, and some others, not so well.

Some authors pay for their own printing, and we receive a % for storage and distribution. This way, they receive more of the book's income. Other authors have us pay for everything and they receive a royalty. We have a far wider distribution system than only AsiaBooks / Bookazine.

I can provide you with many references from authors of note in the country as to our competence and integrity.


Further information I checked the statement by ddDave "Derek Sharron, the author of "MY NAME IS LON, DO YOU LIKE ME" is an agent working out of Pattaya". he Is not a registered literary agent and infact his manuscript was 'published' by Bangkok Books. Below is their rates(taken from their website)

No I am not, nor have I ever represented myself as an agent. I do however assist many authors trying to get their books published either locally or in the US /UK /Europe, without expecting anything in return.

Our company is also the largest non-Thai language distributor to AsiaBooks / Bookazine. We have sold many more French and German language books in the past five years through AsiaBooks/Bookazine than they had sold in their 40 year history. We also have the best selling English language book in the country.



From : BambooSinfonia Publishing

PM me and I will tell you everything that you would like to know about publishing here in Thailand.

If your book is interesting, we would translate it into French and German as well.

If not, :-( , we would be happy to connect you to all of the other publishers in the area. We have translated some of the other publishers books, so we are on good standing with them.

Many people print and sell their own books in Thailand. Some do well, and some others, not so well.

Some authors pay for their own printing, and we receive a % for storage and distribution. This way, they receive more of the book's income. Other authors have us pay for everything and they receive a royalty. We have a far wider distribution system than only AsiaBooks / Bookazine.

I can provide you with many references from authors of note in the country as to our competence and integrity.


Further information I checked the statement by ddDave "Derek Sharron, the author of "MY NAME IS LON, DO YOU LIKE ME" is an agent working out of Pattaya". he Is not a registered literary agent and infact his manuscript was 'published' by Bangkok Books. Below is their rates(taken from their website)

No I am not, nor have I ever represented myself as an agent. I do however assist many authors trying to get their books published either locally or in the US /UK /Europe, without expecting anything in return.

Our company is also the largest non-Thai language distributor to AsiaBooks / Bookazine. We have sold many more French and German language books in the past five years through AsiaBooks/Bookazine than they had sold in their 40 year history. We also have the best selling English language book in the country.

Derek - thank you for your note - I was not trying to caste any aspersions on your good self - just trying to correct the advice given by another contributor to the instigator of the thread in trying to publish a manuscript himself. You are most possibly aware of a saying used in the publishing trade - If many agents will not accept your manuscript forget it - if there's money to be made from it they want it!! I have never known any agent to turn down a manuscript that he or she believes will sell and make money. One may make a mistake but keep trying and if you get repeated no, no, no, either the manuscript is no good or Mr.10-15% just doesn't want to make money and knowing agents as I do, i find that impossible to believe!


There are printers on the ground level of MBK who will print and bind books but if you want to get it into bookstores such as Asia Books, the cover, binding and layout must be of a much higher level then you will get there.

A friend wrote a book and did get it into local bookstores but it wasn't easy and he eventually barely broke even on expenses.

First of all, it has to be in book format using a program such as PAGEMAKER, not WORD. Getting the chapters and pagination set properly is not as easy as you might think. It will need to be professionally proofread. I can guarantee that no matter how many times you try to do it yourself, you wont catch all the errors. You will also need an editor as no author of any note goes without one. You are just to close to the content to look at it objectively.

Then you will have to find and pay a graphic designer for the cover as it must look professional to have any chance of distribution. That also means obtaining cover art and paying the artist for it's use. Bookstores have strict rules about what sort of cover art and text they will allow so you will have to be aware of that also.

There are countless more details but the point is; you really do need a competent agent who knows the business.

BTW, even if you were to get it into chains like Asia Books, don't count on a lot of sales. Their distribution system is chaotic and you will be lucky to get one or two copies tucked into a lower shelf at some but never all the stores.

There are a few bookstores in Bangkok and Pattaya that will accept books on consignment but you won't end up with much to show for it. You will have to print a minimum number of books, usually no less than 500 copies so you will also have to have a decent place to store them.

Derek Sharron, the author of "MY NAME IS LON, DO YOU LIKE ME" is an agent working out of Pattaya. A friend who dealt with him found him to be reputable. His contact info is on the faceplate of his book, available at most local bookstores.

You are talking about vanity publishing - a system where the author can not get representation by a literary agent and so pays to PRINT his own book. If you want to spend 1-2 years writing a 200/240,000 word masterpiece and then take it to MBK to get some yo-yo to print it good luck to you! I just happen to know a great number of published authors and each will laugh out loud at the thought of self publishing. However if you are hell bent on throwing your money away forget MBK use the internet. Lulu.Com will allow you to vanity publish your manuscript FREELY including cover artwork then, for a fee they will publish it on Amazon.Com (I'm not sure but I believe they are owned by Amazon). Finally remember to publish a book you will need an ISBN number which, MBK doesn't sell!! Ha-ha

MBK doesn't sell Ha ha...? I can't tell if your trying to be helpful or you were born an idiot and want to display that talent in Public. He was just asking for help...why would you bother to answer it if your just trying to be smart A## . Maybe you should go back to school to learn basic social skills because you seem to of skiped that class.


There are printers on the ground level of MBK who will print and bind books but if you want to get it into bookstores such as Asia Books, the cover, binding and layout must be of a much higher level then you will get there.

A friend wrote a book and did get it into local bookstores but it wasn't easy and he eventually barely broke even on expenses.

First of all, it has to be in book format using a program such as PAGEMAKER, not WORD. Getting the chapters and pagination set properly is not as easy as you might think. It will need to be professionally proofread. I can guarantee that no matter how many times you try to do it yourself, you wont catch all the errors. You will also need an editor as no author of any note goes without one. You are just to close to the content to look at it objectively.

Then you will have to find and pay a graphic designer for the cover as it must look professional to have any chance of distribution. That also means obtaining cover art and paying the artist for it's use. Bookstores have strict rules about what sort of cover art and text they will allow so you will have to be aware of that also.

There are countless more details but the point is; you really do need a competent agent who knows the business.

BTW, even if you were to get it into chains like Asia Books, don't count on a lot of sales. Their distribution system is chaotic and you will be lucky to get one or two copies tucked into a lower shelf at some but never all the stores.

There are a few bookstores in Bangkok and Pattaya that will accept books on consignment but you won't end up with much to show for it. You will have to print a minimum number of books, usually no less than 500 copies so you will also have to have a decent place to store them.

Derek Sharron, the author of "MY NAME IS LON, DO YOU LIKE ME" is an agent working out of Pattaya. A friend who dealt with him found him to be reputable. His contact info is on the faceplate of his book, available at most local bookstores.

You are talking about vanity publishing - a system where the author can not get representation by a literary agent and so pays to PRINT his own book. If you want to spend 1-2 years writing a 200/240,000 word masterpiece and then take it to MBK to get some yo-yo to print it good luck to you! I just happen to know a great number of published authors and each will laugh out loud at the thought of self publishing. However if you are hell bent on throwing your money away forget MBK use the internet. Lulu.Com will allow you to vanity publish your manuscript FREELY including cover artwork then, for a fee they will publish it on Amazon.Com (I'm not sure but I believe they are owned by Amazon). Finally remember to publish a book you will need an ISBN number which, MBK doesn't sell!! Ha-ha

MBK doesn't sell Ha ha...? I can't tell if your trying to be helpful or you were born an idiot and want to display that talent in Public. He was just asking for help...why would you bother to answer it if your just trying to be smart A## . Maybe you should go back to school to learn basic social skills because you seem to of skiped that class.

Thank you for your educated comment and proof that you are unable to read - my post was giving advice AGAINST going to MBK and paying to print your own books! As for the idiot comment it's okay being one but quite another thing confirming it in writing!........ Check your post - "you seem to of skiped that class" shouldn't that read .... you seem to HAVE SKIPPED that class? Never mind, I accept your apology


There are printers on the ground level of MBK who will print and bind books but if you want to get it into bookstores such as Asia Books, the cover, binding and layout must be of a much higher level then you will get there.

A friend wrote a book and did get it into local bookstores but it wasn't easy and he eventually barely broke even on expenses.

First of all, it has to be in book format using a program such as PAGEMAKER, not WORD. Getting the chapters and pagination set properly is not as easy as you might think. It will need to be professionally proofread. I can guarantee that no matter how many times you try to do it yourself, you wont catch all the errors. You will also need an editor as no author of any note goes without one. You are just to close to the content to look at it objectively.

Then you will have to find and pay a graphic designer for the cover as it must look professional to have any chance of distribution. That also means obtaining cover art and paying the artist for it's use. Bookstores have strict rules about what sort of cover art and text they will allow so you will have to be aware of that also.

There are countless more details but the point is; you really do need a competent agent who knows the business.

BTW, even if you were to get it into chains like Asia Books, don't count on a lot of sales. Their distribution system is chaotic and you will be lucky to get one or two copies tucked into a lower shelf at some but never all the stores.

There are a few bookstores in Bangkok and Pattaya that will accept books on consignment but you won't end up with much to show for it. You will have to print a minimum number of books, usually no less than 500 copies so you will also have to have a decent place to store them.

Derek Sharron, the author of "MY NAME IS LON, DO YOU LIKE ME" is an agent working out of Pattaya. A friend who dealt with him found him to be reputable. His contact info is on the faceplate of his book, available at most local bookstores.

You are talking about vanity publishing - a system where the author can not get representation by a literary agent and so pays to PRINT his own book. If you want to spend 1-2 years writing a 200/240,000 word masterpiece and then take it to MBK to get some yo-yo to print it good luck to you! I just happen to know a great number of published authors and each will laugh out loud at the thought of self publishing. However if you are hell bent on throwing your money away forget MBK use the internet. Lulu.Com will allow you to vanity publish your manuscript FREELY including cover artwork then, for a fee they will publish it on Amazon.Com (I'm not sure but I believe they are owned by Amazon). Finally remember to publish a book you will need an ISBN number which, MBK doesn't sell!! Ha-ha

MBK doesn't sell Ha ha...? I can't tell if your trying to be helpful or you were born an idiot and want to display that talent in Public. He was just asking for help...why would you bother to answer it if your just trying to be smart A## . Maybe you should go back to school to learn basic social skills because you seem to of skiped that class.

Oh, and one more comment have you ever thought of getting a brain transplant? I can recommend a few good monkeys who will swap for a price!! next time speak from your mouth not your a'hole!!


Grawburg- congrats on your book. I would send it to big global publishing houses first- unlikely to succeed but worth a shot. Then go to amazon.com and self publish there as an ebook.

Just out of curiosity- what was your writing regime -did you try ot write daily, x number of words? Or was it more ad hoc (i have just started my own novel now,...)

  • 6 years later...
On 4/13/2012 at 4:30 PM, Nisa said:

What is the book about?


I bought a 'learn Thai' book (authored by native English speaker) published in Thailand before coming to Thailand.


I was horrified to find so many mistakes afterwards.


It seems that books are not vetted for accuracy before publishing?

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