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Doing A Midnight Runner On The Wife


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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.

..actually, you arent the only one who was pondering the powder reference. I sort of concluded it might be cocaine. Then again, maybe its some underground code name for something else and im glad to be naive enough not to know. (ive already been corrupted as it is by thaivisa members just by googling Rebecca Loos and finding out what the animal reference was).

I had the same thought.. but..our friend theblether is excused if he doesn't want to say more whistling.gif

Firstly, the Rebecca Loos incident wasn't me......that was TommoPhysicist!!! ( I think ) ...... but hey if I did the crime I would do that time, and that incident was criminally funny.

As for the powder, yes you have got it right!!!........once again though I am totally innocent, I've never touched it in my life. I've seen the effect it has on people, horrific. One of my best pal's died in surreal circumstances because of it at the age of 37, 4 years ago this week.

I'm not getting into that story though, it was just unbelievable.

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What decade were you born in Sir? Do you seriously believe dating 100 women in 10 years in this day and age is unusual? Nay, impossible?

The internet has opened a whole new world Sir, to date over 100 women in 10 years is now....easy. In fact it's doable in one year.

Conquest? Where did I say I slept with them all? I can guarantee you I didn't.

You've made a fool out of yourself by your Victorian assumption. Quite simply you don't know what you are talking about, there are plenty on this site that know your post is laughable.

So go grab your dog eared copy of Lady Chatterleys Lover and have a titter below the duvet. That's as up to date with modern dating as you are with your pathetic post.

You use the Skankatron (internet procurement device) to get "women", call it "dating" and then claim I am pathetic? LOL!

I've known more Thai women than you and haven't even been in the country yet! There is an ancient time-tested method... meeting them at the Thai market and being invited to go eat Thai food. Seems superior to your method so far as I am concerned.

Tell me, is Thailand as filled with UK wanke_rs as TV is? I may need to reevaluate my plans.

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So, waiting for the OP to come up with an update. This topic is turning into a free for all farang women against farang men who left farangland for far away places to frolic in the frothy lifestyle of a lonely farmer gone mad at a sheep farm.

Did he bloody leave the *itch or not?

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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.

..actually, you arent the only one who was pondering the powder reference. I sort of concluded it might be cocaine. Then again, maybe its some underground code name for something else and im glad to be naive enough not to know. (ive already been corrupted as it is by thaivisa members just by googling Rebecca Loos and finding out what the animal reference was).

I still don't understand the animal reference, but I suspect Smokie has something to do with this, what with him being an islander and all



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why wait till midnight! Get going! Life is way too short and if she finds out your intentions, maybe even shorter.

Especially with that little "Share this on Google Plus" button.

Edited by theajarn
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What decade were you born in Sir? Do you seriously believe dating 100 women in 10 years in this day and age is unusual? Nay, impossible?

The internet has opened a whole new world Sir, to date over 100 women in 10 years is now....easy. In fact it's doable in one year.

Conquest? Where did I say I slept with them all? I can guarantee you I didn't.

You've made a fool out of yourself by your Victorian assumption. Quite simply you don't know what you are talking about, there are plenty on this site that know your post is laughable.

So go grab your dog eared copy of Lady Chatterleys Lover and have a titter below the duvet. That's as up to date with modern dating as you are with your pathetic post.

You use the Skankatron (internet procurement device) to get "women", call it "dating" and then claim I am pathetic? LOL!

I've known more Thai women than you and haven't even been in the country yet! There is an ancient time-tested method... meeting them at the Thai market and being invited to go eat Thai food. Seems superior to your method so far as I am concerned.

Tell me, is Thailand as filled with UK wanke_rs as TV is? I may need to reevaluate my plans.

Thai women don't live outside of Thailand. I know you don't believe this, how could you having never lived in Thailand, but it true.

By way of illustration my first wife was from Texas and she was a great wife. She asked me if I wanted another beer and changed my ashtray every time she got up. We moved. She changed and it was "you have to stop drinking and smoking." These things would never have occurred to her in Texas.

Same thing with Farang men. I am no longer the man I was in the West. I eat spicy food and have a harem and I'm not even faithful to them. I'm a Thai guy now.

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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.

..actually, you arent the only one who was pondering the powder reference. I sort of concluded it might be cocaine. Then again, maybe its some underground code name for something else and im glad to be naive enough not to know. (ive already been corrupted as it is by thaivisa members just by googling Rebecca Loos and finding out what the animal reference was).

I'm not going there, dreamed of chickens last night 8-(

Nor will I investigate the combustion one, my life's complicated enough already. . .

You use the Skankatron (internet procurement device) to get "women", call it "dating" and then claim I am pathetic? LOL!

I've known more Thai women than you and haven't even been in the country yet! There is an ancient time-tested method... meeting them at the Thai market and being invited to go eat Thai food. Seems superior to your method so far as I am concerned.

Tell me, is Thailand as filled with UK wanke_rs as TV is? I may need to reevaluate my plans.

A tool is a tool, all depends on how you use it. Personally I prefer girls that have never touched a computer, but some of my friends have greatly improved the class of ladies they've met through the intertubes - yes it was pretty bad before, looking for love in all the wrong places. . .

And yes, plenty of brits here but some of them aren't too bad 8-). On the other hand over 500 of them are in the monkey house, talked to an embassy staffer recently says they're kept pretty busy, she guessed ten times that number should be. . .

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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.

..actually, you arent the only one who was pondering the powder reference. I sort of concluded it might be cocaine. Then again, maybe its some underground code name for something else and im glad to be naive enough not to know. (ive already been corrupted as it is by thaivisa members just by googling Rebecca Loos and finding out what the animal reference was).

I'm not going there, dreamed of chickens last night 8-(

Nor will I investigate the combustion one, my life's complicated enough already. . .

You use the Skankatron (internet procurement device) to get "women", call it "dating" and then claim I am pathetic? LOL!

I've known more Thai women than you and haven't even been in the country yet! There is an ancient time-tested method... meeting them at the Thai market and being invited to go eat Thai food. Seems superior to your method so far as I am concerned.

Tell me, is Thailand as filled with UK wanke_rs as TV is? I may need to reevaluate my plans.

A tool is a tool, all depends on how you use it. Personally I prefer girls that have never touched a computer, but some of my friends have greatly improved the class of ladies they've met through the intertubes - yes it was pretty bad before, looking for love in all the wrong places. . .

And yes, plenty of brits here but some of them aren't too bad 8-). On the other hand over 500 of them are in the monkey house, talked to an embassy staffer recently says they're kept pretty busy, she guessed ten times that number should be. . .

Fine. I didn't come here to start shit. Guess I just had my BS meter pegged by another poster and needed to say so. I'll stick to reading this site in order to glean the odd useful bit of information. No particular personal offense intended though I'll understand if the perception is contrary Big John.

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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.

..actually, you arent the only one who was pondering the powder reference. I sort of concluded it might be cocaine. Then again, maybe its some underground code name for something else and im glad to be naive enough not to know. (ive already been corrupted as it is by thaivisa members just by googling Rebecca Loos and finding out what the animal reference was).

I'm not going there, dreamed of chickens last night 8-(

Nor will I investigate the combustion one, my life's complicated enough already. . .

You use the Skankatron (internet procurement device) to get "women", call it "dating" and then claim I am pathetic? LOL!

I've known more Thai women than you and haven't even been in the country yet! There is an ancient time-tested method... meeting them at the Thai market and being invited to go eat Thai food. Seems superior to your method so far as I am concerned.

Tell me, is Thailand as filled with UK wanke_rs as TV is? I may need to reevaluate my plans.

A tool is a tool, all depends on how you use it. Personally I prefer girls that have never touched a computer, but some of my friends have greatly improved the class of ladies they've met through the intertubes - yes it was pretty bad before, looking for love in all the wrong places. . .

And yes, plenty of brits here but some of them aren't too bad 8-). On the other hand over 500 of them are in the monkey house, talked to an embassy staffer recently says they're kept pretty busy, she guessed ten times that number should be. . .

Fine. I didn't come here to start shit. Guess I just had my BS meter pegged by another poster and needed to say so. I'll stick to reading this site in order to glean the odd useful bit of information. No particular personal offense intended though I'll understand if the perception is contrary Big John.

Probably good advice for most people until they have at least a clue to what is going on in another country and culture before commenting or judging or evaluating it.

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Probably good advice for most people until they have at least a clue to what is going on in another country and culture before commenting or judging or evaluating it.

I wasn't offering advice kerry.

Given the jackassery I've observed in your posts (I've read quite a few) I rather doubt you are in any position to comment on culture but do go on. Don't worry about being sanctimonious, you've already achieved that.

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Wifey lets me go out no problems at all, she has turned into one of those strict buddhist. No drinking, etc.

She hates the bar scenes here as she gets approached a lot, I can't even go to the toilet sometimes without some dude trying to chat her up and she is sick and tired of it. So it suits me fine and she is not a jealous type. I even drink with some of her friends.

I've only dated one Thai girl, so far so good, been with her 10 years.

It must be miserable being with a grumpy bitch, my mates is married to one and he also is thinking of doing the runner clap2.gif

I also got another friend who all of us are trying to make him do the runner, his wife has him by the balls and is the biggest psycho I have ever seen, she even tried to glass him once but he still loves her wub.png

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In THIS thread, you said murder by partner is the 3rd most common cause of death for French woman

Has anyone ever done any research into the most common causes of death for spouses of Thaivisa forum members? Allegedly.

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In THIS thread, you said murder by partner is the 3rd most common cause of death for French woman

Has anyone ever done any research into the most common causes of death for spouses of Thaivisa forum members? Allegedly.

I think it would be suicide.

He stabbed himself 20 times in the head. Clearly suicide.


He shot himself 50 times in the head. Clearly suicide.


He jumped from the balcony (despite bruises in the shape of hands on his back). Clearly suicide.

As far as I recall many strange deaths in Phuket are put down to heart attacks.


Edited by jackinbkk
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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.

..actually, you arent the only one who was pondering the powder reference. I sort of concluded it might be cocaine. Then again, maybe its some underground code name for something else and im glad to be naive enough not to know. (ive already been corrupted as it is by thaivisa members just by googling Rebecca Loos and finding out what the animal reference was).

You've got that right. I did a bit of research on spontaneous combustion, and it is not something to take lightly. I was a bit sceptical, and the web site I was browsing also mentioned "spontaneous involuntary invisibility". "What a load of cobbl... just a minute - how often have I walked into a bar and spontaneously gone involuntarily invisible?"

"over here mate! In the thirsty corner. Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps please..."

Anyway, in the 18th century, a French court cleared a man of murder on the grounds that his wife had spontaneously combusted, so that might be a helpful suggestion for Chops...


Form a queue! Everyone get in line....

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I cannot agree with this comment :

....He shot himself 50 times in the head. Clearly suicide....

More accurately would be that his gun went off while he was cleaning it; albeit 50 times ermm.gif

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What i did was to kick her out. (but it works just as well if you move)

And i told her i hadn't informed my home country that i was married,

and i would probably move to Cambodia, and she wouldn't get a single baht from me,

it wouldn't be any problem for me what-so-ever, while she on the other hand would be stuck married.

-After a year she searched me up at one of my drinking holes and wanted a divorce without compensation,

we went to ampoe the day after.

Being the gentleman i am i still gave her 5000 baht for a last bj coffee1.gif

Anyway you and those replying have gotten me to consider my current sexless relation,

i'm rather depressed as is

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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.


You've got that right. I did a bit of research on spontaneous combustion, and it is not something to take lightly. I was a bit sceptical, and the web site I was browsing also mentioned "spontaneous involuntary invisibility". "What a load of cobbl... just a minute - how often have I walked into a bar and spontaneously gone involuntarily invisible?"

"over here mate! In the thirsty corner. Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps please..."

Anyway, in the 18th century, a French court cleared a man of murder on the grounds that his wife had spontaneously combusted, so that might be a helpful suggestion for Chops...


Enough of the flaming guys. (some were deleted)

There's no flame with spontaneous combustion, just intense localised heat.

Anyway, talking of flaming guys, its a long time till November 5th; has anyone started making plans yet


EDIT: I can see this post getting me into trouble with interpol, let alone anyone else...

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OP. Just curious, have you left her yet? rolleyes.gif

Chop may have gotten the chop from his Missus if she read this thread. whistling.gif

Maybe he'll be back as 'Chopped' with a slightly squeakier voice...


How do you know he didn't have that already?

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OP. Just curious, have you left her yet? rolleyes.gif

Chop may have gotten the chop from his Missus if she read this thread. whistling.gif

Maybe he'll be back as 'Chopped' with a slightly squeakier voice...


How do you know he didn't have that already?

You mean - like this?

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In THIS thread, you said murder by partner is the 3rd most common cause of death for French woman

Has anyone ever done any research into the most common causes of death for spouses of Thaivisa forum members? Allegedly.

I think it would be suicide.

He stabbed himself 20 times in the head. Clearly suicide.


He shot himself 50 times in the head. Clearly suicide.


He jumped from the balcony (despite bruises in the shape of hands on his back). Clearly suicide.

As far as I recall many strange deaths in Phuket are put down to heart attacks.


Sigh . . . I'm wasted around here. I really am.

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In THIS thread, you said murder by partner is the 3rd most common cause of death for French woman

Has anyone ever done any research into the most common causes of death for spouses of Thaivisa forum members? Allegedly.

I think it would be suicide.

He stabbed himself 20 times in the head. Clearly suicide.


He shot himself 50 times in the head. Clearly suicide.


He jumped from the balcony (despite bruises in the shape of hands on his back). Clearly suicide.

As far as I recall many strange deaths in Phuket are put down to heart attacks.


Sigh . . . I'm wasted around here. I really am.

the pearls of strong drink...


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lol u would be surprised how many thai women have never smoked or been to a bar or pub.

just saying..

just saying, but hardly thinking and hardly saying anything worth listening to.

you are entitled to your opinion. just speaking from experience whistling.gif

gotta get out of Issan I suppose!

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