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Is Thai A Race Or A Nationality?


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People misuse the word "race" all the time. Of course it gets more complicated that mainstream anthropology now rejects the entire concept of race. Even if there are no races, people can still be racist (because most people think there are).

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I copied this from a "Yahoo Answers search

"In traditional anthropological studies there are actually 5 races.

These are

1) Mongoloid (Asian and American Indian)

2) Caucasoid (European)

3) Australoid (Australian and oceanic)

4) Negroid (east African black)

5) Capoid (south African black)

Thais are Asian

These Race classifications are divided in ethnic groups

This is a list of Thai ethnic Groups

Listed by language group

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Race and country.

Before it was Siam that was a country name.

The usual Thai is sepperating between:



Mountain people (Thai yai, etc)


Farangs (we are all the same)


Which is rater bizarr

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There are no human races except homo sapiens. 'Traditional' anthropology is bizarre and flawed in respect to the categories listed in the last message (did you know that 'Caucasians' were named after the 'Caucasus' area- which is where the most beautiful people were supposed to live?- feel Eastern European today?)

So Thais are human like the rest of us.

And the Thai 'nation' itself has tenuous historical reality- less than a hundred years old, isn't it? The groups which live in the current nation of Thailand would not all agree, possibly, that they are the same as each other ethnically.

Very true. Not that many years ago, some countries still had a "Race" field in their immigration slips. I always put "Human" in there. Got a few stares and a couple of notes scribbled on the form, but never had a problem with it. I guess if the color of my skin had been darker it might not have gone down so well. I don't think this happens anywhere nowadays.

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Thai's are a race, as geekfreaklover pointed out, the only race which can point at things with their lips.

I love that!

LOL, sorry but you are wrong about this. Indonesians and Filipinos do exactly the same thing with their lips. Can be confusing at the beginning until you realize what they are doing :D

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There are no human races except homo sapiens. 'Traditional' anthropology is bizarre and flawed in respect to the categories listed in the last message (did you know that 'Caucasians' were named after the 'Caucasus' area- which is where the most beautiful people were supposed to live?- feel Eastern European today?)

So Thais are human like the rest of us.

And the Thai 'nation' itself has tenuous historical reality- less than a hundred years old, isn't it? The groups which live in the current nation of Thailand would not all agree, possibly, that they are the same as each other ethnically.

That means there are no races of dogs or no races of horses as well?

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> I am alittle confused is thai a race or nationality?

The concept of race is subjective, sociologically defined, not scientifically. We are all one species, with an infinite variation of DNA inheritance patterns mixed going back to before we were homo sapiens.

The Thais would say they are a race, but they use queues like language, height and skin color to distinguish for example between "kon pak glang" and "kon isaan", where there is infinite variability in DNA between the two, no hard lines of black and white, just grey.

These two groups together are what are counted as "Thai ethnicity" in the statistics, along with I believe northern remnants of the "Lanna" people in the north.

Ethnic Malay in the south, Khmer-speakers along the Isaan/Cambodian border and recent (<4 generation) Chinese immigrant DNA is considered ethnically separate by most Thais as well as themselves.

But all these are completely arbitrary designations, again, have no scientifically verifiable physical basis for distinguishing individuals.

The hilltribes and Karen/Mon along the Burmese border areas are definitely considered completely alien, non-Thai, often not being given any rights of citizenship even after many generations of residence in Thai territory, effectively stateless and beyond the pale for most Thais.

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There are no human races except homo sapiens. 'Traditional' anthropology is bizarre and flawed in respect to the categories listed in the last message (did you know that 'Caucasians' were named after the 'Caucasus' area- which is where the most beautiful people were supposed to live?- feel Eastern European today?)

So Thais are human like the rest of us.

And the Thai 'nation' itself has tenuous historical reality- less than a hundred years old, isn't it? The groups which live in the current nation of Thailand would not all agree, possibly, that they are the same as each other ethnically.

Very true. Not that many years ago, some countries still had a "Race" field in their immigration slips. I always put "Human" in there. Got a few stares and a couple of notes scribbled on the form, but never had a problem with it. I guess if the color of my skin had been darker it might not have gone down so well. I don't think this happens anywhere nowadays.

Singapore doesn't ask on its immigration forms but it does on an awful lot of other official paperwork.

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