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What'S Your Biggest Achievement Here In Thailand


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Someone that has a child and then leaves it with a crazy woman....awesome level of achievement there mate.

You should NEVER refer to children as IT.

To do so, tells me much about who you are and your attitude to children and life in general.

With respect, you have my sympathies.

Tell me more mystical fortune teller....

Got any more awe inspiring logos coming out of your sheltered workshop any time soon ??

Would love to see them.

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So you are an absentee father, but you design logos so that makes you alright. And the logo thing has what to do with the thread, or is that achievement number 2?

You, dear sir are a cretin.

And a dullard.

It's always nice to have a couple of achievements.

I'm sure.

If I was trying to flatter a chap, I might have used other terms, but we've not all kissed the blarneystone with quite as much tongue as did theblether


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A polite notice to this forum's moderators.

I am a respectable local businessman. Here in Bangkok, I have many corporate clients who are leaders in their respective fields.

I also do consultancy work for the Department of Highways. Attached is the new logo I have just made on their behalf. It is based on a print that dates back to about 1912. Much of the logo has been re-designed, but I have retained the original elephant tusks.

Reading through this thread that I have started, it is clear that I am being stalked by a bizarre and somewhat obsessive individual. The gentleman in question has replied to this thread 10 times during the course of a mere 81 replies. Not once has he attempted to answer the question that I posed in my opening post. His raison d’etre seems to border on psychological issues that I would prefer not to be a part of.

May I politely encourage you to close this thread. I personally have very little doubt that this forum's sponsors may consider it worrying that this thread is being dominated by an individual who one might politely describe as being of "unsound mind".

Thanks in advance and kind regards.


You really are a nutter.......listen boss, you are nothing to me except a way to pass my day irritating trolls. Your sum achievements in life so far are not much more than nothing, I have a 17 year old daughter who could have designed that in her sleep.

Now get this......she actually talks to me, she loves me, she respects me and this week she asked to move in with me. So let us answer your OP, your greatest achievement is possibly fathering a son that wont talk to you. I reckon there is no guarantee you have a son at all, and with a bit of luck your wife had a bit on the side, as the idea of you fathering anyone in your mental state is disturbing.

You are not in my class in any way, you dont have the wit or ability to tackle me head on, instead you run to moderation to prove how weak you are. Join me on the trolling thread and show me and the rest of the forum your real ability as a man.

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

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A polite notice to this forum's moderators.

I am a respectable local businessman. Here in Bangkok, I have many corporate clients who are leaders in their respective fields.

I also do consultancy work for the Department of Highways. Attached is the new logo I have just made on their behalf. It is based on a print that dates back to about 1912. Much of the logo has been re-designed, but I have retained the original elephant tusks.

Reading through this thread that I have started, it is clear that I am being stalked by a bizarre and somewhat obsessive individual. The gentleman in question has replied to this thread 10 times during the course of a mere 81 replies. Not once has he attempted to answer the question that I posed in my opening post. His raison d’etre seems to border on psychological issues that I would prefer not to be a part of.

May I politely encourage you to close this thread. I personally have very little doubt that this forum's sponsors may consider it worrying that this thread is being dominated by an individual who one might politely describe as being of "unsound mind".

Thanks in advance and kind regards.


You really are a nutter.......listen boss, you are nothing to me except a way to pass my day irritating trolls. Your sum achievements in life so far are not much more than nothing, I have a 17 year old daughter who could have designed that in her sleep.

Now get this......she actually talks to me, she loves me, she respects me and this week she asked to move in with me. So let us answer your OP, your greatest achievement is possibly fathering a son that wont talk to you. I reckon there is no guarantee you have a son at all, and with a bit of luck your wife had a bit on the side, as the idea of you fathering anyone in your mental state is disturbing.

You are not in my class in any way, you dont have the wit or ability to tackle me head on, instead you run to moderation to prove how weak you are. Join me on the trolling thread and show me and the rest of the forum your real ability as a man.

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

Still stalking?

Edited by MediumPaceBowler
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A polite notice to this forum's moderators.

I am a respectable local businessman. Here in Bangkok, I have many corporate clients who are leaders in their respective fields.

I also do consultancy work for the Department of Highways. Attached is the new logo I have just made on their behalf. It is based on a print that dates back to about 1912. Much of the logo has been re-designed, but I have retained the original elephant tusks.

Reading through this thread that I have started, it is clear that I am being stalked by a bizarre and somewhat obsessive individual. The gentleman in question has replied to this thread 10 times during the course of a mere 81 replies. Not once has he attempted to answer the question that I posed in my opening post. His raison d’etre seems to border on psychological issues that I would prefer not to be a part of.

May I politely encourage you to close this thread. I personally have very little doubt that this forum's sponsors may consider it worrying that this thread is being dominated by an individual who one might politely describe as being of "unsound mind".

Thanks in advance and kind regards.


You really are a nutter.......listen boss, you are nothing to me except a way to pass my day irritating trolls. Your sum achievements in life so far are not much more than nothing, I have a 17 year old daughter who could have designed that in her sleep.

Now get this......she actually talks to me, she loves me, she respects me and this week she asked to move in with me. So let us answer your OP, your greatest achievement is possibly fathering a son that wont talk to you. I reckon there is no guarantee you have a son at all, and with a bit of luck your wife had a bit on the side, as the idea of you fathering anyone in your mental state is disturbing.

You are not in my class in any way, you dont have the wit or ability to tackle me head on, instead you run to moderation to prove how weak you are. Join me on the trolling thread and show me and the rest of the forum your real ability as a man.

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

Still stalking?

No....in Scotland we call it fronting up. I am pretty sure the forum members will enjoy seeing you squirm. Next attempt please.

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Join me on the trolling thread

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

There is a trolling thread ??

yes there is......it was put in place to let this guy clear the slate and to help improve the forum with his insight and knowledge of Thailand. He cant do it as he has a tenuous grip on reality. He will find that I am just as tenacious as he when it comes to annoying people. biggrin.png

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Join me on the trolling thread

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

There is a trolling thread ??


Thaivisa's resident stalker is whacko. Leave him alone. He's consumed by bitterness and envy.


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Join me on the trolling thread

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

There is a trolling thread ??


Thaivisa's resident stalker is whacko. Leave him alone. He's consumed by bitterness and envy.




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Join me on the trolling thread

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

There is a trolling thread ??


Thaivisa's resident stalker is whacko. Leave him alone. He's consumed by bitterness and envy.


You are joking, aren't you?


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Join me on the trolling thread

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

There is a trolling thread ??


Thaivisa's resident stalker is whacko. Leave him alone. He's consumed by bitterness and envy.


You are joking, aren't you?


I am heading out for a beer.......my daughter is sitting in Scotland with her pals reading this thread and they think the OP is pitiful and hysterical. The OP finally has a claim to fame, he is recognized throughout the world as being a moron.

Night night. drunk.gif

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Biggest Achievement Here In Thailand

1. Still having money in the bank

2. Not being run over crossing the roads in Pattaya (I don't drive)

3. No overt violent incidents with baht bus drivers

4. "Discovering" Pao Chinese restaurant, Pattaya Klang between 2nd and 3rd

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Join me on the trolling thread

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

There is a trolling thread ??


Thaivisa's resident stalker is whacko. Leave him alone. He's consumed by bitterness and envy.


You are joking, aren't you?


That's a fair reply.

On one hand, it might seem reasonable to keep this thread alive in order that the stalker can come back and offer further entertainment. But is it really entertainment? Is it not a bit like laughing at a performing monkey?

To be honest, I'm worried about how this forum's sponsors will be viewing this. Let's be honest, would you pay to advertise on a Thailand forum that allows itself to dominated by an obsessive stalker who doesn't even live in this country?

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You are joking, aren't you?


That's a fair reply.

On one hand, it might seem reasonable to keep this thread alive in order that the stalker can come back and offer further entertainment. But is it really entertainment? Is it not a bit like laughing at a performing monkey?

To be honest, I'm worried about how this forum's sponsors will be viewing this. Let's be honest, would you pay to advertise on a Thailand forum that allows itself to dominated by an obsessive stalker who doesn't even live in this country?

Oh, the irony of it!

I don't feel qualified to comment...

When you look at their tax accounts, I think you'll find that quite a proportion of the working guys in this forum don't live in this country - a lot of them don't live in any country


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You are joking, aren't you?


That's a fair reply.

On one hand, it might seem reasonable to keep this thread alive in order that the stalker can come back and offer further entertainment. But is it really entertainment? Is it not a bit like laughing at a performing monkey?

To be honest, I'm worried about how this forum's sponsors will be viewing this. Let's be honest, would you pay to advertise on a Thailand forum that allows itself to dominated by an obsessive stalker who doesn't even live in this country?

Oh, the irony of it!

I don't feel qualified to comment...

When you look at their tax accounts, I think you'll find that quite a proportion of the working guys in this forum don't live in this country - a lot of them don't live in any country


And do you have access to their tax accounts? I mean, do you have tedious stuff such as evidence or sources or statistics. Sorry to be dull!

I think you're wrong.

Not so long ago, there was a (fairly) influential man on this forum called Mr Luddite. He talked repeatedly about how he would never buy property here in Thailand.

And he got banned. Why?

Do you think this forum exists for your benefit? Or do you think it exists for the benefit of the sponsors?

If it's the latter, what services are the sponsors offering?

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You are joking, aren't you?


That's a fair reply.

On one hand, it might seem reasonable to keep this thread alive in order that the stalker can come back and offer further entertainment. But is it really entertainment? Is it not a bit like laughing at a performing monkey?

To be honest, I'm worried about how this forum's sponsors will be viewing this. Let's be honest, would you pay to advertise on a Thailand forum that allows itself to dominated by an obsessive stalker who doesn't even live in this country?

Oh, the irony of it!

I don't feel qualified to comment...

When you look at their tax accounts, I think you'll find that quite a proportion of the working guys in this forum don't live in this country - a lot of them don't live in any country


And do you have access to their tax accounts? I mean, do you have tedious stuff such as evidence or sources or statistics. Sorry to be dull!

I think you're wrong.

Not so long ago, there was a (fairly) influential man on this forum called Mr Luddite. He talked repeatedly about how he would never buy property here in Thailand.

And he got banned. Why?

Do you think this forum exists for your benefit? Or do you think it exists for the benefit of the sponsors?

If it's the latter, what services are the sponsors offering?

I know from my own tax affairs what is taxable in Thailand and what is not, and therefore, assuming that they are being honest in their tax submissions, can guess how others are handling their tax affairs.

I would not like to speculate whether ludditeman was banned because of sinister editorial influence by advertisers, but I try to avoid such paranoid thinking for fear of pizza vans


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OK, time for me to come clean, I made 159 not out then took 20/0 at the RSBC back in 32, then jumped on me charger and shagged the colonel's wife silly.....In them days we REALLY did stuff, not like you <deleted> today with your "A is for Apple" dribble....or your Irish scams

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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Join me on the trolling thread

You cant do it.....you are disturbed.

There is a trolling thread ??


Thaivisa's resident stalker is whacko. Leave him alone. He's consumed by bitterness and envy.


Enough already.


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