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There are many of us with high blood pressure from reading of forum but do not believe the weather has much effect and most take some form of medication to keep it within normal levels (and never noticed any requirement for more here than elsewhere). Air pollution in Bangkok these days seems to be much less than 30 years ago to my eyes/nose (when lead gas and dirty black diesel filled the air). CNG for taxi/public vehicles has made a huge improvement.

Seems to be! It's still bad so not really worth comparing it with an even worse situation.

There are 2 types of pollution, so called London smog (sulphur) which is visible, and so called LA smog which is invisible and just as insidious in its own way. Yes it is very likely the former is much better than before, but not the latter which most likely is worse, there are also environmental concerns that may be considered as pollution, ranging from building dust, to the air con. All in all probably worse than 30 years ago as there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide if you get my drift. If you are not the sort to suffer, lucky you but it does not go for every body at all, and if BP issues are in the equation too then yes there is a need for attention.

Anybody coming to thailand shortly also needs to be aware that it is currently very, very hot, which must have an effect on someone suffering high blood pressure. But excellent advice to get medicine in place before coming.

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Thank you, well the thai food is not a problem, can ask for less salt or cook at home but the combination of hot climate and pollution should be considered.


Actually I do not buy into Bangkok being more polluted than other large cities. This is a flat area so there is good air circulation and public transport change to CNG, which is pollution free, has done wonders. This is not LA bowl. Yes there is the normal big city pollution near heavy traffic areas but in general it is not that bad. I can breath easier here than I could in Denver (lack of oxygen there). Heat is not an issue for most expats as all living/working/shopping/sleeping is in airconditioned areas. But you will have to limit outside activities (such as golf or walking). Believe staying out of direct sun is likely the most important consideration (which is easier in Bangkok than at a beach location).

I would not even consider 'getting medications' in place before coming if that means buying. Treat current conditions not what you expect. Almost all the normal medicines are available here (often cheaper) so better to have regular tests and fresh medications if needed.


Actually I do not buy into Bangkok being more polluted than other large cities. This is a flat area so there is good air circulation and public transport change to CNG, which is pollution free, has done wonders. This is not LA bowl. Yes there is the normal big city pollution near heavy traffic areas but in general it is not that bad. I can breath easier here than I could in Denver (lack of oxygen there). Heat is not an issue for most expats as all living/working/shopping/sleeping is in airconditioned areas. But you will have to limit outside activities (such as golf or walking). Believe staying out of direct sun is likely the most important consideration (which is easier in Bangkok than at a beach location).

I would not even consider 'getting medications' in place before coming if that means buying. Treat current conditions not what you expect. Almost all the normal medicines are available here (often cheaper) so better to have regular tests and fresh medications if needed.

I meant blood pressure medications, who said anything about other drugs!!!

Actually, as one who suffers badly from non allergic rhinitis (in Bangkok specifically) and really does have some very painful sinus symptoms at times, I really don't like your assertion at all. As I said some people it doesn't bother, others it really does. Ok, we make our choices and live with the consequences, but it would be nice to be believed.

Meanwhile I'll tell my nose not to run, because you said it is not so bad, lol.


Actually I was not attacking your views but stating my own to thread (not to you) and general pollution statements. As for your specific medication statement I said nothing about "other drugs" but stand by my view he should not stock up on medications like this which are subject to change.


Thank you for your reply, actually few my friends who live in Bkk are complaining about the current heat - almost 40 degrees and they are healthy, so just wondering if person with hypertension can handle this, for example if there is a need to increase the dose or so...

I'm also new with hypertension, on medication about 7 months, it has been adjusted several times. From doctors not much information...

It's a very interesting point, scientifically not significant it seems provided your well topped up with liquids (I frequently fall foul of this basic requirement).

I have a friend who is currently laid up with a bad hip. He hates air conditioning as he says it gives him a cough and his room is hotter than it is outside. I look at him increduously, is he a lizard or a cockroach? He looks as right as rain, whereas I can not sleep if the temperature is over about 28 degrees and if I do then I wake up parched. I think I'm fairly fit though save problems with the pollution.

So my main point is that a lot of this is about your own constitution and only you can know how your body reacts to heat and/or pollution. If you do suffer, then I would high tail it down to Pattaya for instance pretty sharpish, which is where I would be if it wasn't for work.

Second point is that with out a doubt Bangkok is polluted some areas more than others, and a lot of people don't get on with air con either so the problem might not go away when you shut the door to the outside world, again only you can predict this.

Happily, what I have noticed with myself and friends is that when you come over from Farangland, brimming with good health hopefully, then it does take 2-3 weeks for the environment to get to you, and as noted some people are never effected at all, you could wallow in the heat and pollution as some do.


Actually I was not attacking your views but stating my own to thread (not to you) and general pollution statements. As for your specific medication statement I said nothing about "other drugs" but stand by my view he should not stock up on medications like this which are subject to change.

I suppose of more interest is why some are effected. I think a lot of people generally feel sick, fatigued or headachy when it is hot, and yet there doesn't appear to be a medical reason such as raised blood pressure. And I think same for effects of pollution. Of course if you suffer both, then that's a bind and you will be very aware of the environment, and if you suffer neither then life's a ball and what on earth is everyone else moaning about.

Oddly enough it's very humid today, and under these conditions I feel good, but the next man will complain of lethargy.

So in general, I wonder how it is possible to feel bad/sick when in fact there is no physiological reason !.

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