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Want To Start Raising Frogs


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The wife has a fish farm, and now wants to also raise frogs. We have plenty of tanks, but we went to look at some baby frogs and they are asking 1.65 Baht apiece, which we find pricy. Wondering, if by just going to the market and bying a few kilo of frogs, would they be old enough to breed. The rains are comming soon and I believe that is their breeding time. We could even put a sprinkler in there and maybe get them started.

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I.65 baht for frogs might be a good price depending on how big they are. They usually start at 1 baht, and I have paid 4 baht for bigger young ones.

They will breed when the rains come if you have the right conditions and you have breeding pairs. They have to be old enough. The males have a dark circles on the sides of their throat. The females do not. I tried raising some breeders from the market once but they were so stressed from the market, that they died a few days later

Once they reproduce you will have to separate the tadpoles from the adults and then as the froglets develop you need to keep the big ones separate from the smaller ones. Frogs are very cannibalistic and they can eat frogs of nearly their same size. Keep the water reasonable clean and not too deep so they can touch the bottom or give them things to hang on to or climb on.

There are other more experienced frog wranglers on this forum, I haven't done it for a few years now.

Edited by canuckamuck
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I.65 baht for frogs might be a good price depending on how big they are. They usually start at 1 baht, and I have paid 4 baht for bigger young ones.

They will breed when the rains come if you have the right conditions and you have breeding pairs. They have to be old enough. The males have a dark circles on the sides of their throat. The females do not. I tried raising some breeders from the market once but they were so stressed from the market, that they died a few days later

Once they reproduce you will have to separate the tadpoles from the adults and then as the froglets develop you need to keep the big ones separate from the smaller ones. Frogs are very cannibalistic and they can eat frogs of nearly their same size. Keep the water reasonable clean and not too deep so they can touch the bottom or give them things to hang on to or climb on.

There are other more experienced frog wranglers on this forum, I haven't done it for a few years now.

Thanks for your reply. How old do they need to be, in order to breed? We set up the tanks as you mentioned and put in 100 frogs per tank, in 2 tanks to see what happens, and how it all works out.

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Thanks for your reply. How old do they need to be, in order to breed? We set up the tanks as you mentioned and put in 100 frogs per tank, in 2 tanks to see what happens, and how it all works out.

I don't know at what size frogs are when they become able to breed, but I know last year's batch should be up to the task; at least something close to full grown or market size at least.

I think you would have better results with 6 frogs in a tank, 3 of each gender and the rest in the other tank to be subbed in if no romance occurs. Get the sprinkler on em and they will probably get in the mood for love. Get the eggs out as soon as you see them and put them in a cement ring with water in it or a similar safe container. the water should have some circulation.

How big are your frog tanks by the way?

^ Frogs eat frog food of course, but you can also use high protein fish food pellets.

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Hi canuck. The tanks are 2 by 3 meters, she only put in 100 frogs per tank. I think she was hopping they would breed at 3 or 4 months old.

Hi BEENTHEREDONETHAT, we feed them the same feed we give to pla douck, 32% protein.

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There is a government fish hatchery in Petchabun that does frogs and occasionally prawns. They sell to the public and are good about giving information (in Thai). It is a little difficult to find but a very good source of information.

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