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Do You Get Dirty Looks From Thai Women?


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I went jogging today and because I had my shirt off I stopped in at the market to buy some juice on the way home, a father told his son "that farang has no money to buy a shirt", I told him I was only following ancient thai tradition and I hope the women will go back to the ancient ways also before us farang taught you our useless traditions" I hope he could understand and teach his son!

Dont feel bad, most indians and middle easterners are hated more than africans, I know some Africans with very dark skin who are treated like superstars in Thailand. Maybe its the football or the movies?

Well stay here, and keep it up you are DIVERSIFYING them!

Hi Converse

Sorry to hear about your reception from Thai women. I am a little surprised actually because I would have thought that they would have a more liberal attitude in Bangkok, being the capital and used to foriegn women. Like others said, unfortunately dark skin is viewed in a bad way here. For Thais it means that you are poor, have to work outside so you're darker from the sun, that is the theory behind it, I alway wondered about it because many of my students who have dark skin are infact rich.

I am a farang like you and although I have white skin, I often get a cold reception. Not usually when I am in Chiang Mai, which is a tourist place where Thais are used to foreigners, but when I am in other provinces or areas that are not used to farangs, I get stared at and sometimes receive an unfriendly manner, especially when in small local shops and stuff.

I do not to let it get to me, try to do the same. Remember that it is their problem for being small minded to think this way just because of the colour of your skin.

Put a shirt on waงดา. That father wasnt saying you dont have money for a shirt.
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Hello converse, Im dark skinned too and whilst i sort of pass off as a little more Asian i do feel where you are coming from.

I think we all have to accept that Thailand is way behind the rest of the world, and they have no concept on racism or the education of what happened in the rest of the world say 100 years ago. All of this means they can come across as quite rude and ignorant.

The fact that they all want to be white with whitening creams simply indicates to me that they are not comfortable in their own skins, they are very insecure and all want to look like chinese mixed with westerners eyes.

I kind of agree with that. I also acknowledge what others have said, namely that the same would apply to Western women (and men) who do all kinds of unnatural or unhealthy stuff to get a tan.

However, I think they don't always mean to be like that - They can also be quite nice when they accept you, but yes the 'N' word i have heard them mutter on a regular basis and quite loudly in the presence of us dark skinned girls.

Not sure which N-word that is, but if it's the Thai word for black person then that's just the Thai word for black person. I use it myself too when speaking Thai and talking about a black friend. Actually in many European countries there's not much wrong with the word, I only recently realized that black people from the UK and US are often offended by it even when it's used in a non-English language, or when discussing racism and language itself as a topic. Which is why I don't use the word here because I don't want to offend.

Anyway it's quite common in Thai usage, as you can readily see with a Google search. And discussing beauty and physical appearance is just a popular topic in Thailand anyway.

Here a topic on 'beautiful' pop stars, which includes quite a few African Americans, duly referenced in Thai with the Thai word for people of African origin. (The น-word? smile.png ) http://www.dek-d.com...hp?id=1420543

To add some balance, the same kind of topic discussing handsome men, here specifically handsome African (or mixed African) football stars: http://webboard.gg.i...topic/44/298689

On the OP, I don't think it's an inherent dislike of darker skin, I think it's the association with more recent African immigrants and visitors to Thailand who are involved in shadier business. (Both men and women). So my advice to the OP would be the same as I give to male black friends, namely to dress as American as possible. I think for men a casual and clean US look works well; polo shirt, baseball cap and all that. Think Tiger Woods. That says 'Western', meaning different from people direct from Africa. For black women I can't say I have direct experience but I have a feeling that a business look will work well; similar to what a Thai women office manager would wear. Or Western backpacker look. I'd say pick either of these.

if the words negro then its fine, if its the other n word to describe a black skinned person then it has been banned from english language including the oxford dictionary. its racist unless you are black and use the word.
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Below is a small example of the kinds of daytime clothes i may wear depending on the situation. Jeans for activities, shorts for keeping cool, and a nice skirt or dress for out and about in town. I think nothing offensive in the least, in fact, ive have had some nice comments from ladies from time to time. (,,and actually, the other day i was wearing a smart cream skirt and white blouse, and a French tourist (granted not Thai) stopped me and said he thought i looked fabulous! He was smartly dressed himself. That made me feel really great. Particularly as im dealing with the aftermath of a broken nose and motorbike accident scars on my face. So, was an appreciated boost. )

I think its just way too easy to say that western women are not fitting Thai standards of appropriateness. Particularly when many Thai women wear quite sexy outfits (which, i do think often looks quite nice. Again depends how its put together. Prefer a woman looking a bit sexy and sophisticated, than overtly girly with bows and hello kitty bags!). Western women may be judged more, because we stand out as different. Could that be it?

:blink: !! And there I was completely agreeing with you until you got to bows and Hello Kitty bags.. What's could be wrong with that? This is Asia. It's how many people like to dress some of the time.

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Winnieeeeeeeeeeee, now now!..i didnt say there was anything WRONG with bows and hello kitty stuff, just that I personally PREFER the style of women who dress in more a more grown up elegant sexy sophisticated kind of look. I have some supercute friends who do the supercute dressy thing, and it suits them. I do find grown women wearing kiddy style clothes and carrying kid style bags a little bizarre, that thats just my taste talking. For me, as a woman, i have real appreciation for a women who can pull of the kind of style i admire. Just my personal taste, thats all! happy.png

Edited by eek
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Winnieeeeeeeeeeee, now now!..i didnt say there was anything WRONG with bows and hello kitty stuff, just that I personally PREFER the style of women who dress in more a more grown up elegant sexy sophisticated kind of look. I have some supercute friends who do the supercute dressy thing, and it suits them. I do find grown women wearing kiddy style clothes and carrying kid style bags a little bizarre, that thats just my taste talking. For me, as a woman, i have real appreciation for a women who can pull of the kind of style i admire. Just my personal taste, thats all! happy.png

Fair enough. Just baiting. ;)

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As above.

Or put in a simpler way, most Thais are racist.


Shouldn't you change your ridiculous post to read "most Thai women are racist" as the OP isn't having issues with Thai men, just Thai women.

I don't think the post is ridiculous! It does suggest a mindset that relates to possibly why the op is getting this reaction. Whether by ignorance or nationalism a large number of Thais are racist.

There are a large number of "farangs" living here that will make any number of excuses for Thai people rather than face up to the fact that they may be less than perfect.

I'm surprised the op hasn't received the if you don't like it go back home card as yet.

As a black man happily married to a Thai woman with a child who's been subjected to racism from fellow 3 year olds I dare you to tell me I'm wrong, bitter or delusional.

It is what it is. Every race has its share of racists, some places deal with it Asia mostly doesn't.

We love our non racist varied and mixed friendship group, the rest get to miss out on this fantastic group of people. As in if they don't like us, their problem never ours.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I find the fact that you as a black male supporting racial generalisations quite sad. So, I assume then as a black male that you have all the stereotypical black male characteristics? You take no offence when people generalise you because of your race?

So, in your opinion it's not wrong to say that a large number of Thais are racist. So it must be okay when people say that a large number of black men are not educated, have no job, have multiple children with multiple partners, are involved in gangs, etc. Same thing isn't it? I'm not saying all black men, just most, or a large number at least. whistling.gif

Sorry, Regine but I think you have lost the plot ! Converse is experiencing what many of us who have lived here for a while know to be true. There is racism everywhere in the world but unfortunately Thais are, in my opinion very racist, xenophobic and discriminatory even against their own people. I know of large corporations where the office girl with the darker skin somehow has a huge pile of paperwork to deal with whilst the 'fair' ones do not. I have seen first hand how hi - so children in international schools will not play with Thais who have dark skin. I find Bangkok to be worse than Issan where most people have darker skin anyway. Thai feudalism and their social hierarchy informs their attitudes. As a white male, I look at the pale skinned Thai women, many of whom are spending heaps each month to use whitening drugs and feel sorry for them that they are not comfortable in their own skin. To Converse I say, hold your head high and remember they own the problem not you.

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recently, my afriacan female friend and i were sitting near a group of thais. they were talking in their own group and called my friend a King Kong and giggled. they were foolish enough to not know that King kong is an English word and can be understood by educated and well mannered people. My friend got tears in her eyes almost instantly and she excused herself for restroom. i didnt say anything to those people... " its simply not worth it " !!

I am an indian with a fair complexion and a lightly trimmed beard. I'm happy with my looks. And i have this good indian friend with a clean shaven face (fair). We dont look bad but yes we look like indians coz we are indians. And like many of you all, we are (many times) treated like cockroaches. what i think is that its the mindset of them that creates this problem. they are very insecure and lack confidence and if they're beautiful, many of them have their ego. Believe it or not but my friends and i have even been treated incredibly foul by educated university secretaries, and these secretaries are in an internatinal faculty.

once my bangladeshi freind went to rent an apartment, the receptionist turned and asked her manager who was around 5m away saying, do we allow asians? my friend left.

let me tell you an interesting incident. my friend and i went to a club. Normally, we stay on our own, coz trying to make friends with people around usually brings embarrassment. we do get girls approach soemtimes but when we tell them that we r indians, they dont even excuse themselves before leaving. and once my friend told a real hot girl that he is brazilian. (he looks like an indian version of KAKA), he said jokingly, didnt wanting to fool her. it turned out that she and her friend wanted to hook up with him for a threesome. they drank and danced together for 30 mins, they came out to get a cab, and when he was asked again if he were a brazilian, he laughed and said no, he was just joking, he's an indian. the girls got shocked as if the moon disappeared in to the universe.. and refused to go with him. he asked them why, whats wrong with being an indian, you liked me, we had a good time... they said indians are dark and scary looking, thais dont like indians/asians ...

now put on your thinking cap.. all this while they called him cute... and all of a sudden he became scary... lol.. i LMAO for days... the probelm is with their mentality.. not uneducation. those girls were master degree students. and there are plenty of them that behave like this. if you get to go to the suburbs or rural thailand, you will see that the real uneducated thais are soooooooo nice... not matter how dark, short or ugly you are, they will always find some good thing about you and compliment. Thais is bangkok are followers, especially the ones who like to look modern, willing to get attention, etc.

but i dont hate Thais, in fact i love them.. i have many many thai female friends that are really really nice. The real problem is with being humans.... we hate each other more than we love. So, may be you should never bother these people in the first place.

But i do realise one thing, Thais are conservative and once they know you they dont discriminate.

Edited by Sunny1987
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Then i guess there needs to be more positive exposure. Thai Adverts, movies, etc, showing Indians and blacks in strong roles (not comic ones!). Alter the mindset.

Personally if i had overheard those girls talking like that about a friend, i would have told them in Thai that they are impolite and asked them why. Or would have done the telephone thing i sometimes do, which is indirect, but gets the point across. Basically pretend to phone someone up and speak (loud enough to be heard) in thai saying i cant believe how rude some girls were about my friend. Might add in something like, will write about it for the farang paper because im shocked how racist some thai can be. Hmm..would be good to learn a thai language equivalent of " shows a lack of good breeding"..would probably be a real stinger that one!

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That's interesting - I am also Caucasian and my skin is super white and it's impossible for me to tan. But Thais here totally love it and I get a lot of attention and stares, but all in a very nice way.

But having said, yes unfortunately it's true that Thais are still quite racist - my colleague is Indian and sometimes also does not have an easy time here.

Yes, the thai's love the white skin, although I'm not sure why. Especially in this hot, sunny climate.
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Most Thais can't tell the difference between Africans and Black British and up until a few years ago were incredulous that black people came from outside Africa or America.

Seriously? God I can't believe it!

To answer eek and 2unique, I'm a mixed white/black african with a fairly dark but not ebony skin. My father was Congolese and my mother is French and very white. I think I should have been darker because of my father but it didn't happen (although I have to be careful at the beach because then I burn like a toast) laugh.png I spent 12 years in England before coming to Bangkok to do a teacher training course, in Silom to be exact. My students were intrigued about my skin colour, but in a nice, amusing way. It was like a mixed african background with parents from different countries was a completely alien idea to them.

I'm still in Silom at the moment and now I realise the stares are mostly from those young, gorgeous white office workers in the mornings BTS. But there was also the older girl at the bakery that was giving me such a sour face every time I walked in I stopped going there ... The women selling clothes on Silom, frowning with distaste and pointing at their rails, saying 'small, small'. Well I know I can't fit their tiny dresses and jeans, but I can fit some of the baggy tops and hell I'm going to buy them! The look on their faces when I walk by wearing the top is absolutely priceless. It's like "Gosh, did you see that? She can wear it!' The women at food stalls behave like I disturb them greatly from an important business when I come close ... The fashionable girls at the mall in Victory Monument smirked and stared when I was looking for business clothes and just on thursday, that very pretty, petite little girl in MBK did a pose and said scornfully 'What? For you?' when I asked if she had size 4 low top Converse. It was for me, there was nobody else in the shop and I couldn't help looking at her like she was stupid and she noticed, that wasn't awkward ... I don't know if she felt threatened by my colour, my money or just because I interrupted her conversation with her boyfriend sitting next to her but her total lack of manners infuriated me, I thought of doing something very brutal and spiky with her perfect hair ... It can't be my looks, I'm pretty average with enough BMI to share with a skinny thai girl. But I must agree when eek said it's not only skin colour. It's like I keep receiving nasty superficial attitude by women trying to impose their good looks on me. I mean even the cleaners here are perfect. Do they expect me to admit I'm physically inferior (big, black, strange?) and be a meek, supplicating wreck when I come to ask for something? sick.gif I seriously have much better things to do with my time, sorry girls!

There's been other incidents and sometimes I just want to scream 'Yeah, I'm different. Get on with it!' I'm thinking about getting the T-shirt done in English and in Thai. Or maybe I should try something like 'Look a plane!' and point at the sky to get the attention off me?

I'm surprised that eek is having such reception in Chiang Mai. Everyone I talked to told me Chiang Mai is much nicer and relaxed than Bangkok and the people there are lovely. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll think of tumbleweed rolling by next time I get 'the look' and try not to laugh out loud cheesy.gif, that might do the trick. I always try to make lemonade when life give me lemons instead of sucking the lemons, it taste better. Maybe you could suggest those ladies to do the same and stop giving attitude to you?

Sorry about the sarcastic, dry remarks. It's my way of venting my frustration. I don't mean to offend anyone happy.png

Well what I am seeing here has a lot to do with you shopping for clothes. I think you need to understand that size and being fat is just something that is talked about in the open. They are not trying to be offensive by telling you its too small. People calling you big or fat is not considered offensive in this culture and I think that takes a lot to get used to for people from the west.

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recently, my afriacan female friend and i were sitting near a group of thais. they were talking in their own group and called my friend a King Kong and giggled. they were foolish enough to not know that King kong is an English word and can be understood by educated and well mannered people. My friend got tears in her eyes almost instantly and she excused herself for restroom. i didnt say anything to those people... " its simply not worth it " !!

I am an indian with a fair complexion and a lightly trimmed beard. I'm happy with my looks. And i have this good indian friend with a clean shaven face (fair). We dont look bad but yes we look like indians coz we are indians. And like many of you all, we are (many times) treated like cockroaches. what i think is that its the mindset of them that creates this problem. they are very insecure and lack confidence and if they're beautiful, many of them have their ego. Believe it or not but my friends and i have even been treated incredibly foul by educated university secretaries, and these secretaries are in an internatinal faculty.

once my bangladeshi freind went to rent an apartment, the receptionist turned and asked her manager who was around 5m away saying, do we allow asians? my friend left.

let me tell you an interesting incident. my friend and i went to a club. Normally, we stay on our own, coz trying to make friends with people around usually brings embarrassment. we do get girls approach soemtimes but when we tell them that we r indians, they dont even excuse themselves before leaving. and once my friend told a real hot girl that he is brazilian. (he looks like an indian version of KAKA), he said jokingly, didnt wanting to fool her. it turned out that she and her friend wanted to hook up with him for a threesome. they drank and danced together for 30 mins, they came out to get a cab, and when he was asked again if he were a brazilian, he laughed and said no, he was just joking, he's an indian. the girls got shocked as if the moon disappeared in to the universe.. and refused to go with him. he asked them why, whats wrong with being an indian, you liked me, we had a good time... they said indians are dark and scary looking, thais dont like indians/asians ...

now put on your thinking cap.. all this while they called him cute... and all of a sudden he became scary... lol.. i LMAO for days... the probelm is with their mentality.. not uneducation. those girls were master degree students. and there are plenty of them that behave like this. if you get to go to the suburbs or rural thailand, you will see that the real uneducated thais are soooooooo nice... not matter how dark, short or ugly you are, they will always find some good thing about you and compliment. Thais is bangkok are followers, especially the ones who like to look modern, willing to get attention, etc.

but i dont hate Thais, in fact i love them.. i have many many thai female friends that are really really nice. The real problem is with being humans.... we hate each other more than we love. So, may be you should never bother these people in the first place.

But i do realise one thing, Thais are conservative and once they know you they dont discriminate.

It is said that is what keeps the NOrwegians and the Swedes and the germans and all the other blondes coming back to Thailand while the Southern European/South American people are staying away. I get called a KACK everyday or KING KONG or ISLAM, the son of Bin Laden. I've heard em all, and I dont really have dark skin. I just have dark hair and a roman nose. ANY culture around the globe that has a lack of diversity and a stunted education system will see the very same flaws. Now I really want to go and cut off Professor Taksins balls..

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Converse, try to be free,self-confident and proud of yourself, you do not need give intention what people look to you, it is not worth to make space in your mind for people who looks dirty to you.

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It just that they are not familiar with dark skinned "farang", so they are just curious to identify where you come from. Thai people are usually nice to foreigners esp "farang" or westerner. For uneducated Thais, they thought that all "farang" have pale skin.

Some stereotypes of dark skinned people are negative, but it was just the way they grow up with.

I think Thais like pale skin because most of them have dark skin. Vice versa, most caucasian men I know like dark skin woman, just because it's rare at where they live.

Thai people are not racist. They are usually nice to foreigners. They are just afraid to have to speaker English to foreigners. English is not Thai official language like neighboring countries which were ruled by English speaking countries.

As an Asian men lived in USA for 10 years, I can definitely tell you that I faced a lot worse treament from Americans that you did here.

You have to be strong once you stay outside your country and adapt to the environment. Don't try to change someone else because you will be dissapointed. Try to change your thought and attitude, you will be happier. ..

Edited by SunnyBkk
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  • 5 months later...

Yes Thais are very extreme in their belief that the darker the skin the poorer and less educated the person ... as in having to do manual labor out in the hot sun for little money. White skin represents the upper class, people who deserve respect in their eyes.

If I were you I would just feel sorry for those who treat you disrespectfully and consider them to be less well educated and superficial.

White skin is unfortunately the absolute ideal and even deodorant needs to be skin whitening to sell well ...

Maybe you can find some better educated Thais or socialize with expats.

I think the word for that is RACIST, but I'm sure they'll be a ton of Expat defending Thais shameful attitude and treatment of foreigners and people of other races.

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Most Thais aren't judging you because of your skin. They think perhaps your rich black chick with a nice body and maybe they are jealous. You might be dressing to nice really. Try dressing down a bit. Also if you are expecting a certain look you might be giving off one without knowing it.. that happens. Good luck.

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  • 6 months later...

As far as dirty looks go it depends where you are. The closer to the center of Bangkok you get no looks. The further away the more you get. We all get dirty looks. It has nothing to do with gender.

No, but it does have something to do with race. If you read through the thread you will see that the problem concerns a black woman. Many Thais do have very stroing biases towards persosn with darker skin..and often no sense that there is anything wrong with such biases.

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This is the first I've seen this topic and I've now read most of the replies. I have to say that I agree with SBK. I just smile at everyone and it seems to work. I guess I've just trained myself to ignore stares that may, or may not be nasty. If they are nasty then that is their problem that I have no control of. I actually feel sorry for people who are so shallow that they judge people by the colour of their skin or what they wear, and without even knowing them. I get lots of stares in rural areas, but that is probably because of my bright red hair and white freckled skin. Little children sometimes want to touch it. In Chiang Mai where I spend most of my time I haven't been bothered much. But, I don't have to work, so I don't know how it would be with fellow staff. I do understand that black women could have far more problems than me.

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I am white and freckled and have been asked whether I have a disease to explain the spots all over me!!! That was a nice experience! I am Scottish, it's in the genes!

I find that I get looked at the further I am from the big cities and especially if I am with my Thai partner as they generally can't believe that we are together, they normally think that he is the tour guide! He now finds the staring harder to handle now we are back in Thailand as we spent 2 years in the UK where nobody even glanced at him or us when out together. The UK is used to many different ethnic backgrounds living together which Thailand does not experience to the same degree.

I have stop myself from reacting each time someone stares as I think that this is just a new person who has not seen a cultural mix like this before and it is simply intersting or unusual to them. I find a smile or a hello in Thai will normally help!

My partner in the past every time he saw a black woman in thailand used to say 'Tracey Chapman!' As if all black woman actually look anything like tracey chapman but this was his only experience of a black woman that he could relate to. Suffice to say he doesn't say that anymore now he is a man of the world!! (and after i told him to quit it!)

OP- it will get you down but don't think that you are alone in this, we all look different to some thai people and just think of yourself giving them a new experience when they see you, by reacting politely and smiling hopefully they may react differently to the next different person they see!

it's sad but in thailand most ppl think a farang and thai pairing would mean male usually older farang with younger thai girl who is either a bargirl or involved in something related to the flesh trade.

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recently, my afriacan female friend and i were sitting near a group of thais. they were talking in their own group and called my friend a King Kong and giggled. they were foolish enough to not know that King kong is an English word and can be understood by educated and well mannered people. My friend got tears in her eyes almost instantly and she excused herself for restroom. i didnt say anything to those people... " its simply not worth it " !!

I am an indian with a fair complexion and a lightly trimmed beard. I'm happy with my looks. And i have this good indian friend with a clean shaven face (fair). We dont look bad but yes we look like indians coz we are indians. And like many of you all, we are (many times) treated like cockroaches. what i think is that its the mindset of them that creates this problem. they are very insecure and lack confidence and if they're beautiful, many of them have their ego. Believe it or not but my friends and i have even been treated incredibly foul by educated university secretaries, and these secretaries are in an internatinal faculty.

once my bangladeshi freind went to rent an apartment, the receptionist turned and asked her manager who was around 5m away saying, do we allow asians? my friend left.

let me tell you an interesting incident. my friend and i went to a club. Normally, we stay on our own, coz trying to make friends with people around usually brings embarrassment. we do get girls approach soemtimes but when we tell them that we r indians, they dont even excuse themselves before leaving. and once my friend told a real hot girl that he is brazilian. (he looks like an indian version of KAKA), he said jokingly, didnt wanting to fool her. it turned out that she and her friend wanted to hook up with him for a threesome. they drank and danced together for 30 mins, they came out to get a cab, and when he was asked again if he were a brazilian, he laughed and said no, he was just joking, he's an indian. the girls got shocked as if the moon disappeared in to the universe.. and refused to go with him. he asked them why, whats wrong with being an indian, you liked me, we had a good time... they said indians are dark and scary looking, thais dont like indians/asians ...

now put on your thinking cap.. all this while they called him cute... and all of a sudden he became scary... lol.. i LMAO for days... the probelm is with their mentality.. not uneducation. those girls were master degree students. and there are plenty of them that behave like this. if you get to go to the suburbs or rural thailand, you will see that the real uneducated thais are soooooooo nice... not matter how dark, short or ugly you are, they will always find some good thing about you and compliment. Thais is bangkok are followers, especially the ones who like to look modern, willing to get attention, etc.

but i dont hate Thais, in fact i love them.. i have many many thai female friends that are really really nice. The real problem is with being humans.... we hate each other more than we love. So, may be you should never bother these people in the first place.

But i do realise one thing, Thais are conservative and once they know you they dont discriminate.

thais are asian too so are japanese so you cannot put indian/asian you only use it that way when it involves non asian ppl like how a white person talks to a black about indian/asian.

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