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Is Chiang Mai a dystopia that needs an ethnic cleansing?

Have things really gotten that bad?

If so, let's snap to it and create an ultra-violent video game based on that premise.

An updated Clockwork Orange scenario in a real horrorshow Thai context!

The avatars would be the droogs Alex, Georgie, Pete, and Dim with their antagonist Billyboy. Throw in Anders Breivik for a modern touch.

They would prowl Chiang Mai by night looking for degenerate farangs to eliminate in creative ways.

Better living through chemistry at the Korova Milkbar, located... where else?... on Loi Kroh. Dirty, seedy, and squalid as it is.

A game like this would be the perfect outlet for those who are concerned about the present situation.

They could play to their heart's content and at the at the end of the day Chiang Mai would still be...

"Queer as a Clockwork Orange".

Bog help us all!

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Wow, got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning 'eh?

I seem to get along just fine with Thai folk here in CM as well as in rural Lamphun where we have our home. You sound like you're "hitting the wall": time to accept what is, or find a new home.

Really! It's not that bleak. Cheer up. :)


Not exactly sure what brought on that particular rant.

But I can see where their might be some truth in it given a little bit of time.

Chiang Mai has attracted an incredible amount of new expats here.

The last two times I went in for my 90 day report the wait was for more than a hour, Prior to that it had only been for no more than 45 minutes and that was the exception, Many was the time it was only five minutes,

Look at the line up for retirement visa's or renewals it is a long line and that dosen't count the ten that pre booked on line every day.


Is Chiang Mai a dystopia that needs an ethnic cleansing?

Have things really gotten that bad?

If so, let's snap to it and create an ultra-violent video game based on that premise.

An updated Clockwork Orange scenario in a real horrorshow Thai context!

The avatars would be the droogs Alex, Georgie, Pete, and Dim with their antagonist Billyboy. Throw in Anders Breivik for a modern touch.

They would prowl Chiang Mai by night looking for degenerate farangs to eliminate in creative ways.

Better living through chemistry at the Korova Milkbar, located... where else?... on Loi Kroh. Dirty, seedy, and squalid as it is.

A game like this would be the perfect outlet for those who are concerned about the present situation.

They could play to their heart's content and at the at the end of the day Chiang Mai would still be...

"Queer as a Clockwork Orange".

Bog help us all!

Wasn't a Clockwork Orange banned in Britain... maybe still?

If so, a lot of Brits won't know what you're on about.


Is Chiang Mai a dystopia that needs an ethnic cleansing?

Have things really gotten that bad?

If so, let's snap to it and create an ultra-violent video game based on that premise.

An updated Clockwork Orange scenario in a real horrorshow Thai context!

The avatars would be the droogs Alex, Georgie, Pete, and Dim with their antagonist Billyboy. Throw in Anders Breivik for a modern touch.

They would prowl Chiang Mai by night looking for degenerate farangs to eliminate in creative ways.

Better living through chemistry at the Korova Milkbar, located... where else?... on Loi Kroh. Dirty, seedy, and squalid as it is.

A game like this would be the perfect outlet for those who are concerned about the present situation.

They could play to their heart's content and at the at the end of the day Chiang Mai would still be...

"Queer as a Clockwork Orange".

Bog help us all!

Wasn't a Clockwork Orange banned in Britain... maybe still?

If so, a lot of Brits won't know what you're on about.

I think Kubrick's film was banned.

But I don't think Burgess' book ever was.

I may be wrong.

But whatever the case, as a lifelong anglophile I'm confident my beloved limeys are hip to everything.


It's hard to take issue with your main points.

The spectre you raise of a revivial of the death squads may be a little over the top.

But then again it may not be.

Anyway, don't dwell on it. You'll have the greenhorns peeing in their boots. Songkran will seem dry by comparison.

I also think you've overstated the economic plight of the recent newcomers.

The middle-classes of the US and Europe have taken a financial hit lately, no question about that. But I don't think it's as bad as you imply.

They come here because their money goes farther. Not because they face any real deprivation in their own countries.

In terms of social services most of them probably sacrifice a lot by living here.

The younger among them are no doubt fleeing nanny-state laws that curtail their freedoms and make living in those countries such a crushing bore.

You can't even ride in the back of a pick-up truck anymore.

Developments like that even Orwell and Kafka were unable to foretell.

Is it any wonder they want to get away?

And climate surely plays some part. Many of the places farangs come from are a cold-hell for much of the year. The rest of the time often rainy and sunless.

Amid such gloom, thoughts of a land of perpetual summer must act like rocket fuel on their fantasies.

Go for the sun... go for the pussy... but go!

The comparison you make with the present plague of farangs and the [virtual] occupation of Thailand by the US Military is excellent.

Although a proud Artful Dodger myself, I had a lot of friends among the many, mostly Airforce guys who stayed on and settled here in the late 70's.

As physical specimens the two groups couldn't have been any more different.

The GI's were prime examples of young manhood. Even the middle-aged officers were fit and healthy looking.

The tourists who followed were a mixed bag. The full spectrum of humanity. The whole banquet... everything from fruit to nuts.

Otherwise, similarities and dissimilarities could be discussed ad infinitum.

Sink them all. The important point you make is that the Thais finally couldn't take it anymore and expelled the lot of them.

Could it happen again?

Tune in again next week.

In the meantime our leading ladies are getting nose-jobs and eyes sawng-chahn really pee-set.

Just for you. You hansum man!


I think we begin by characterizing the worst of us, our most disagreeable behaviors, and generalize these dismaying qualities of character to the whole of our population here. (My advice - stay out of bars.) This is statistical nonsense and cannot be proved. As a general thing, it omits every foreign resident I've met here, curious and kindly folk by and large, but that's not a significant statistic either.

Next we hear that the (imaginary) harms we do will cause Thais to 'rise up.' It must be grand to be so close to not only the thinking of the people, but the decisions of leaders, considering their financial interests (condo, housing, and apartment owners among them - some of these leaders and bankers pretty well placed).

Diatribe is the word, all right. Nary a fact, fiery speculation, and inflammatory conclusion. Or perhaps it's merely massively immature; it certainly is all wrong.

I admit I've been dismayed by some behaviors I've seen. But most of us and enough of them? Nonsense! Well, I mean, in my Humble opinion.


A despicable act of inflammatory rhetoric, by a specialist in schadenfreude, whose sole goal is to perpetuate paranoia among the weak-minded, and to draw attention to themselves. To be blunt: a troll.

The OP, in my opinion should be permanently banned. And, yes, I have reported this message to the moderators.

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