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Well... Christmas is here..

I made a decision a few years ago that I didn't like Christmas.. and was happy enough to spend christmas in Thailand for the first time last year in Thailand forgetting about Christmas..

So last year a friend came to see me over the xmas period... and we went out a got drunk, and went and ate some good food.. not for xmas you understand, but well...

Anywell this year.. same sentiments.. but no friend... i can't help feeling the xmas spirit, i want to go and do something special... what happened to forgetting about christmas


totster :o


You can't Mate.

if you were bought up with it, no matter how many times you denounce its existance, its in your blood.

I am about 2 have my WORST Xmas ever... so lets raise a glass together.

Its in my blood too, but not here .. I really miss the UK now, at this minute

Happy Xmas (if you can ) :o


I do not miss the UK and I will have a good time this Christmas here in Thailand. I will collect my wife's family amd relatives from the village, bring them to our house in Surin and try and show them a little of what the spirit of Christmas is all about. We did it last year and everyone had a good time. I am sure that we will have a good time tomorrow too. The Christmas tree is lit, presents for our extended family lie under the tree and carols and Christmas music is playing. What more do you want for Christmas other than good friends and family having fun?

And a merry Christmas to all!


Plan Z for me! :o

Riding up to Khao Lak on Xmas morn on the back of a Harley Davidson for a charity rally. Then stay and work in the media tent for tsunami memorials. I never, ever have a normal Xmas! :D

I can't wait for a nice dollop of sage and onion this Christmas.

I am in desperate need of a good stuffing

I'm sure that someone at Farose would oblige, assuming you could keep your feet for long enough of course.

You can't Mate.

if you were bought up with it, no matter how many times you denounce its existance, its in your blood.

I am about 2 have my WORST Xmas ever... so lets raise a glass together.

Its in my blood too, but not here .. I really miss the UK now, at this minute

Happy Xmas (if you can ) :D

Cheers TP.. I really hope this period isn't too bad for you, best wishes...

I can't wait for a nice dollop of sage and onion this Christmas.

I am in desperate need of a good stuffing.

Hmm... first the IJWT dream incident... now this... :o

Plan Z for me!  :D

Riding up to Khao Lak on Xmas morn on the back of a Harley Davidson for a charity rally. Then stay and work in the media tent for tsunami memorials. I never, ever have a normal Xmas!  :D

Ooo.. plan Z sounds great, thats my kind of Chritmas.. break from tradition, escape the norm....

Well... looks like I'm gonna go for a barbecue tonight followed drinking and dancing at the local nightclub ... :D

totster :D


Afraid my Christmas was a bit on the crap side also. As much as I tried to make something of it, it just wasn't happening where I was at.

After driving around Krung Thep all Christmas Day (having my original plans completely railroaded) I did manage to make it down to Londoners around 8pm-ish to get a meal, but by then the feeling was "too little, too late".

Still New Year's ahead with my plans for that set in stone.

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