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Mojito Club


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I think I've spotted a convergence of two different threads here that may solve a couple of problems. I've been rambling around TV hoping to find a lead on a properly made Mojito, to no avail. I came across a contentious thread discussing a Men's Club, which of course got a few panties in a bunch, and there is another, very uncontentious one, about keeping cool which led to a side discussion about Mojitos. So, how about modifying the Men's Club non-starter and melding the stay cool discussion side story into a Mojito Club. Seriously. We could find an adaptable bar owner and bar that has the right kind of laid back atmosphere, coerce...er...I mean, instruct them as to how a proper Mojito is made, throw in a selection of Spanish food (not Cuban, can be a very boring cuisine) etc. It can't hurt to try.



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Keep us informed of your progress in this worth while endeavor,

Not being a drinker could you see if they would have some thing else to offer.

Actually that's a good idea. I did a quick search on the non-alcoholic Mojito and this was the first hit. Looks to be a very cool drink.



Edited by DowntownAl
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There's a place making real Mojitos on Loy Kroh. Hand made, crushed ingredients etc. I've been back a few times of late as it is indeed a rarity to find a real one here in CM. 80 baht special i think. Small bar, just before the boxing stadium, on the right, next to an open air massage place.

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