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Thai Women More Materialistic - Survey


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Thai women more materialistic _ survey

Thai women are becoming increasingly materialistic due to growing financial independence and self-confidence, according to a survey by Far East DDB Plc.

The advertising agency surveyed 400 women aged between 15 and 35 years in Bangkok, Chiang Rai, Ratchaburi, Ubon Ratchathani, Lop Buri and Hat Yai. Respondents were asked questions related to their values, dreams and the opposite sex.

When asked what they most wished for, 31% of the respondents said they wanted a car, 26% said money, 23% mentioned homes, 9% said mobile phones, 8% wanted stable jobs, 7% wanted higher education, and only 3% said they wanted a male companion.

Two-thirds of the respondents, or 66%, stated that they wanted consumer goods, which was higher than the survey team's expectation. Compared with similar surveys in the past, women seemed more materialistic than they used to be.

Pornpimon Kaewdusit, research director of Far East DDB, said women's wishes for material goods may be a result of their increasing presence in the workforce and access to more purchasing power.

--Bangkok Post 2004-01-23

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Interesting post ...

A wise person once quipped "Beware of the person who uses statistics as a drunken man uses a lamp post, for support rather than for illumination."

Relative to your post, we know what the survey reported. But what did it not report? For example, the survey said only 3% wanted a male companion. But did it ask how many were already happily seeing or married to a male companion? Other questions could be asked for the other categories. With any survey, you have ask not only what did the survey ask, but also what did it not ask?

Also ... lemmee see ... could be the new math, but I think 31+26+23+9+8+7+3 = 107 percent. How did they manage that? Or is there a typo in there somewhere?

Aside from my bit of good-natured badgering :o , the survey results seem to make sense. Don't most people want to seek some of life's luxuries once they have the means and opportunity?


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400 women interviewed in six cities, that works out to an average of 66 women per city.

Not exactly broad based was it ?

Were these women bar girls, office workers, factory workers or housewives.

Not many thai women when approached by a stranger in the streets are going to exclaim " Oh I need a man more than anything else in the world"

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and only 3% said they wanted a male companion.
does that mean 97% of them are lesbians?
31% of the respondents said they wanted a car
69% prefer walking?
23% mentioned homes
77% would like to sleep in the streets?
26% said money
only 26% of them are smart enough to realize that they can have all once they have got money?
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I really do not think that exposure to money or farang men or anything else had made them more so than earlier surveys,,what I do think makes a difference is TV. every home and office,resturant and food shop,parts house or repair shop, Barber shop or cashier at the hospital, has a TV running at all times.you drive by a house that only cost 15 baht to build with only 1 wall and a roof and setting out in the open,is an operating TV set and a bunch of folks watching at all times.

And on these TVs there is always rich folks with fancy cars and homes,fancy cloths and bank accts.,you do not see many programs of a Thai woman planting rice plants from the seed beds and poking a water buffalo in the ass with a stick to get the plowing done.

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Two-thirds of the respondents, or 66%, stated that they wanted consumer goods, which was higher than the survey team's expectation. Compared with similar surveys in the past, women seemed more materialistic than they used to be.

Pornpimon Kaewdusit, research director of Far East DDB, said women's wishes for material goods may be a result of their increasing presence in the workforce and access to more purchasing power.

So what. It seems to me that postings of this type betray a somewhat patronising attitude towards Thai people, and Thai women in general.

Contrary to popular belief, not all Thais are impoverished peasants and not all Thai women are worthless whores working in slut bars.

If a working woman in England, America or Australia says that that she wants a car, a home, a washing machine or a telelphone, no one bats an eyelid. If a modern Thai career woman says the same, it's considered worthy of a new thread on the internet.

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Absolutely John.

My old Pop told me once that "Men want Sex and Women want Money".

Fair enough......

Thai women are no different to any other in this World ( except they are often

more beautiful) and they naturally want the same good things.

Sadly, though they are generally very poor, with low paid, slave labourstyle jobs.

I like them a lot, and I respect most of them for trying so hard to survive.

And when they try to get some more money out of me, I give it to them if I can.

Good Luck to them..........I miss them now that I am back in the dismal UK

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Thai women are no different to any other in this World

i think thats not really true. Of course all womens all over the world wants to have this. But the differnce is in the style. You can have a woman she wants that but she is very lovely to you, is doing everything in da house. And you can have once she is so emanzipatet (I hope that's right, my english ism't very good.) that she will do nothing for you at home. Not washing your dresses, not cooking, all those things.

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I don't see that wanting a house or car is being materialistic, and I don't think it is just Thai women, either. Ask the men and they will say the same things, wanting to better ones lifestyle is human nature. Its a rare bird who prefers to live in poverty.

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I don't see that wanting a house or car is being materialistic, and I don't think it is just Thai women, either. Ask the men and they will say the same things, wanting to better ones lifestyle is human nature. Its a rare bird who prefers to live in poverty.

Exactly....right on sbk . :o

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I must be missing my wife stuck in Sydney... But I have agreed with you twice in one day. I endorse what you say

I don't see that wanting a house or car is being materialistic, and I don't think it is just Thai women, either. Ask the men and they will say the same things, wanting to better ones lifestyle is human nature. Its a rare bird who prefers to live in poverty.

But there is nothing wrong in my mind to want to make your own life and yourr family's life a bit better. There is a wonderful IT Industry W@nk word/term "Continuos Improvement", little steps, always improving.

I think the real issue is how ruthless you are in getting these things and the size of the improvement steps...

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Thai women are not more materialistic that any other women in the world.

Women want safety, house, money, children, whatever,...

The difference in between Thai women (and quite a few other nationalities in this region) and the farang women is the fact that they make it clear.

Money is KEY.

I read a survey made among Japanese women about what they were looking for in a man. The big majority of them replied that the first criteria was money, second the job (hence the money again,..),... Looks or age were very low in their list of criteria.

You like it or do not like it, it is not going to change soon. As somebody else wrote on this forum, men want sex and girls want "money". And it has nothing to do with Thai women being "different",...

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