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Is It Racism?


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Hi i'm just like most guys who visit Pattaya. I love to drink, I love to eat and i enjoy meeting with the ladies. However when i'm on holiday and i've had a bit too much fun i like to go to a Mosque to pray or talk with like minded muslims. I have noticed that there is only one mosque in Pattaya yet there are many temples. Are the Thais racist?

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Troll and a very boring one at that. mfr_closed1.gif

If not a troll, then go back to whatever hole you crawed out of and live the life your religion preaches. Not the double standards your living. angry.png

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I think it has more to do with money than racism because it takes money to build a mosque.

Some mosques in Thailand are built with government money or funds from foreign donors but the majority is build with money from local donations.

Another point to note is that the land on which a mosque is build is usually donated as well which poses another problem because a tax of 2% of the land value is applicable for land donated to non-profit organizations which often means that the community have to raise funds in order to pay the tax on behalf of the donors.

In summary the (perceived) lack of mosques in Pattaya is probably due to insufficient funds of the local muslim community to build more mosques.

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Ah wiz in Sid's the other night drinking with the Imam and I says to him "Nae wonder you sound so rough in the morning, drinking that blended nonsense; hae a gargle on the Glenmorangie" and he called a couple of Ally Akbars just for me at five this morning

In seriousness, I think you'd be more likely to get a good kicking than any spiritual remedy for your hang-over if you went down to the mosque a bit beery and bleary-eyed in the morning.


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Are Muslims a race?

Since when!

Isn't there something in the Koran forbidding use of alcohol and prostitutes?

Are you really a Muslim?

the Qr'an forbids wine, respectively getting intoxicated with wine. there's no mentioning of Singha, Heineken, Weihenstephaner, Vodka, Gin, Single Malt or Singapore Sling.

as far as prostitutes are concerned the Qr'an states the same commandment as far as "fornication" is concerned as does the Bible, both Old and New Testament.

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Troll and a very boring one at that. mfr_closed1.gif

If not a troll, then go back to whatever hole you crawed out of and live the life your religion preaches. Not the double standards your living. angry.png

living intelligently a double standard life is preferable to dumb postings like yours which, by the way, violate forum rules concerning insults ad hominem and derogatory statements concerning religion and faith.

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I can see the Imam changing his boozer, at this rate. I'm sat in the German pub in the next block to Sid's, and there's a Chinese fella just walked in with ten Chinese ladies. Local, like, not mainlanders. That takes me back, so it does, to my days in Dubai...


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I think having more temples than mosques in a country where there are more buddhists than muslims is not racist

The OP should be grateful he has not experienced the real racism faced by some farangs here (e.g. street vendors being slow to serve)

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i could be way off, but for some crazy reasons, i always thought Thailand was a Buddhist country, hence MANY templesrolleyes.gif

Also i know i am way off, but for some reason i presumed that religious and dedicated Muslims do not visit Pattaya

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i could be way off, but for some crazy reasons, i always thought Thailand was a Buddhist country, hence MANY templesrolleyes.gif

Also i know i am way off, but for some reason i presumed that religious and dedicated Muslims do not visit Pattaya

any specific reason for your presumption, e.g. do you draw parallels using your reasons for visiting Pattaya?

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I think having more temples than mosques in a country where there are more buddhists than muslims is not racist

The OP should be grateful he has not experienced the real racism faced by some farangs here (e.g. street vendors being slow to serve)

how true! i wonder how many Farangs starved to death because some racist street vendors deliberately slowed down their service ermm.gif

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i could be way off, but for some crazy reasons, i always thought Thailand was a Buddhist country, hence MANY templesrolleyes.gif

Also i know i am way off, but for some reason i presumed that religious and dedicated Muslims do not visit Pattaya

any specific reason for your presumption, e.g. do you draw parallels using your reasons for visiting Pattaya?

not sure where you come from, but i am yet to see arab countries with bars and half naked women, unless of course you consider wearing hijab to be the new bikini's.

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Troll and a very boring one at that. mfr_closed1.gif

If not a troll, then go back to whatever hole you crawed out of and live the life your religion preaches. Not the double standards your living. angry.png

living intelligently a double standard life is preferable to dumb postings like yours which, by the way, violate forum rules concerning insults ad hominem and derogatory statements concerning religion and faith.


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i could be way off, but for some crazy reasons, i always thought Thailand was a Buddhist country, hence MANY templesrolleyes.gif

Also i know i am way off, but for some reason i presumed that religious and dedicated Muslims do not visit Pattaya

any specific reason for your presumption, e.g. do you draw parallels using your reasons for visiting Pattaya?

not sure where you come from, but i am yet to see arab countries with bars and half naked women, unless of course you consider wearing hijab to be the new bikini's.

You need to get out more. Which Arab countries have you checked out, so far?

I understand Beirut is good for a night out.

In the place I used to drink, in Dubai, there was a belly dancer on between sets from the Russian ladies singing, and the bar was thick with dreadful Russian prostitutes, I believe. It was certainly a warning against the pearls of strong drink


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not sure where you come from, but i am yet to see arab countries with bars and half naked women, unless of course you consider wearing hijab to be the new bikini's.

You need to get out more. Which Arab countries have you checked out, so far?

I understand Beirut is good for a night out.

In the place I used to drink, in Dubai, there was a belly dancer on between sets from the Russian ladies singing, and the bar was thick with dreadful Russian prostitutes, I believe. It was certainly a warning against the pearls of strong drink


SC ... there you go again ... dreaming of the good old days ... licklips.gif

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i could be way off, but for some crazy reasons, i always thought Thailand was a Buddhist country, hence MANY templesrolleyes.gif

Also i know i am way off, but for some reason i presumed that religious and dedicated Muslims do not visit Pattaya

any specific reason for your presumption, e.g. do you draw parallels using your reasons for visiting Pattaya?

not sure where you come from, but i am yet to see arab countries with bars and half naked women, unless of course you consider wearing hijab to be the new bikini's.

You need to get out more. Which Arab countries have you checked out, so far?

I understand Beirut is good for a night out.

In the place I used to drink, in Dubai, there was a belly dancer on between sets from the Russian ladies singing, and the bar was thick with dreadful Russian prostitutes, I believe. It was certainly a warning against the pearls of strong drink


you right, and when you out little longer, you will also start to see gogo bars and women in bikini' walking around dubai

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the hole world is perverted christans jew muslims there is weiros in all so join the klingons and will will go to stove a core,jews and muslims is the the same they dont eat pork the tastest meat on platet earth plus they are all cowards in the eyes of the klingons,lol

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the hole world is perverted christans jew muslims there is weiros in all so join the klingons and will will go to stove a core,jews and muslims is the the same they dont eat pork the tastest meat on platet earth plus they are all cowards in the eyes of the klingons,lol

Helpmaboab, I need to stop drinking; I could scarcely understand a word of that.

He seems to be having a go at Naam, though.

Naam: Perhaps, your gardener could teach him a language?


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