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It's A Hard Road Home For Thaksin


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It's a hard road home for Thaksin

Piyanart Srivalo

BANGKOK: -- It is widely known that the ultimate goal of the ruling Pheu Thai Party's reconciliation drive is to bring fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra home scot-free. But it appears that the road to his return is not strewn with rose petals. While Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is trying hard to restore reconciliation in the country, she should not forget that her core supporters could turn against her.

Some groups within the red-shirt movement do not seem happy about the ruling party's latest strategy, especially the meeting between Yingluck and some of her Cabinet members and Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda at his residence today.

They warned the government of a backlash from trying to appease the elite while disappointing its red-shirt supporters. They insisted that the government should bring the wrongdoers in the deaths of the 91 victims of the crackdown in April-May 2010 to justice.

The red-shirt supporters were also dismayed when they heard several of their leaders urging them to forgive and forget in exchange for the country's future or for the sake of the country. The red supporters felt that the victims, who were sacrificed for the ruling party, were abandoned while the leaders are now rewarded with ministerial posts.

However, Thaksin is aware of that. He tried to boost the popularity of the government among the red shirts during the Songkran holiday. He tried to show sympathy for his supporters after the government was accused of deserting the red-shirt supporters. But it did not work.

Despite realising that the meeting with Prem could lead to a big and severe wound in the future, Yingluck and her party pushed hard for reconciliation and suggested several options

First, Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, who is close to Thaksin, said he tried to raise the reconciliation issue at the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday. But he may have just wanted to test the waters, as in the end, he did not propose it for consideration. He earlier proposed to the government to heed suggestions from the Truth for Reconciliation Commission of Thailand. But its chairman Kanit na Nakorn rejected the idea as he did not want to be manipulated as a political tool for Pheu Thai.

Second, another close aide of Thaksin, Noppadon Pattama, suggested issuing a reconciliation bill sponsored by small political parties or civic groups or the people, not the one sponsored by the ruling Pheu Thai, in order to avoid criticism over a conflict of interest. Noppadon's suggestion seems to be the most welcome as Chart Thai Pattana, a coalition partner, supported the idea.

Third, Snoh Thienthong, a Pheu Thai key figure and party-list MP, voiced support for a reconciliation bill to bring Thaksin home on condition that Thaksin will not ask for the return of his seized Bt46 billion. But critics believe it would not be possible, as Thaksin definitely wants his money back.

Last, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who was the first person in Pheu Thai to suggest a draft for reconciliation, suggested that the Pheu Thai Party sponsor the bill but his proposal was ignored by his party colleagues. His idea is likely to fizzle out, as the PM has repeatedly made it clear that she will leave the issue to the legislature.

However, the final say on which proposal will be used could not be made by anyone else than the only man who will benefit from the reconciliation bill - Thaksin.

The reason why Thaksin and his sister's government are pushing so hard for reconciliation is because they think the government now has solid stability while the resistance is so weak.

But one thing Thaksin, Yingluck and her government members should be well aware of is that a pardon for Thaksin is a very sensitive issue. Not only does the public closely follow the issue but also the military, which has kept a keen eye on it.


-- The Nation 2012-04-26

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The red supporters felt that the victims, who were sacrificed for the ruling party, were abandoned while the leaders are now rewarded with ministerial posts.

Golly gee, yah think? This is what you get when you SELL your votes. Live and LEARN.

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However, the final say on which proposal will be used could not be made by anyone else than the only man who will benefit from the reconciliation bill - Thaksin.

On the carcasses of those of all hues, red, yellow multi-coloured, civilian and military personnel who died or were injured physically and mentally.

Those innocent hospital patients who were nothing more than hostages and human shields to be used by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture Those whose business and property was destroyed by arsonists or was looted by the out of control mobs indeed the list is a long one.

All this as a result of one persons sponsorship of terrorism to enhance his and his family and their brown nosing acolytes grasp on power and the resultant self enrichment programme that could have resulted in the event of the success of the megalomaniacs sponsored putsch.

Hopefully the road back will be impassable due to surface conditions and monumental road blocks so as to secure this country from the rule of tyranny that would have been imposed had the sponsored terrorist won the day.

I worry that it must get worse before it can get better.

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We saw Thaksin singing "Let it Be" the other day. Now he should change the tune to "The Long and Winding Road" (that leads back home).

In consideration of the thread title, It's A Hard Road Home for Thaksin, he could sing his version of







Edited by Buchholz
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Some of my in-laws sure seem much less enthusiastic about the PTP now due to rising prices, several key promises delayed/put on back burner, etc. You get what you are paid to vote for.

Did the Isaan/songkran trip and politics unusually not discussed. One of the older ladies (70ish?) waited until we were alone to quietly say "I don't like Thaksin." Can only hope the feeling is contagious.

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The Redshirts want the "wrongdoers" to be brought to justice. I agree so on another thread today an honourable honest Thai shows the lead with vowing to support the inquiry. Justice to be served also includes the main wrong doer being the leader and financier of the whole attack on Bangkok. If the Reds had any sense they should trade the hard arm constant threats for demanding in mediation to a Dems - Reds governance at the next election. They need to learn that the guy who is screwing them big time is the exiled one in Dubai...he is there for a good reason. He should stay there. Thaksin and the Shinawtra's rape and pillage is not what Thailand needs. The Reds would gain a lot if they were with a Dems governance that can make the Thai economy work even when it is under attack. Meanwhile if the crap and corruption is not sorted as it was righty applied within the final paragraph of this opinion as the existing final solution (as it will be until democracy can flourish} is the "keen eye" of the Army.

"Long live the Queens Brigade".

Can you tell me who the "Queens Brigade" are?

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However, the final say on which proposal will be used could not be made by anyone else than the only man who will benefit from the reconciliation bill - Thaksin.

On the carcasses of those of all hues, red, yellow multi-coloured, civilian and military personnel who died or were injured physically and mentally.

Those innocent hospital patients who were nothing more than hostages and human shields to be used by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture Those whose business and property was destroyed by arsonists or was looted by the out of control mobs indeed the list is a long one.

All this as a result of one persons sponsorship of terrorism to enhance his and his family and their brown nosing acolytes grasp on power and the resultant self enrichment programme that could have resulted in the event of the success of the megalomaniacs sponsored putsch.

Hopefully the road back will be impassable due to surface conditions and monumental road blocks so as to secure this country from the rule of tyranny that would have been imposed had the sponsored terrorist won the day.

"Those innocent hospital patients who were nothing more than hostages and human shields to be used by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture"

Can you explain to me just how the hospital patients were used as "hostages and human shields" "by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture". This just plainly did not happen.

Or is this just more fiery rhetoric to appeal to the cheerleaders..............

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However, the final say on which proposal will be used could not be made by anyone else than the only man who will benefit from the reconciliation bill - Thaksin.

On the carcasses of those of all hues, red, yellow multi-coloured, civilian and military personnel who died or were injured physically and mentally.

Those innocent hospital patients who were nothing more than hostages and human shields to be used by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture Those whose business and property was destroyed by arsonists or was looted by the out of control mobs indeed the list is a long one.

All this as a result of one persons sponsorship of terrorism to enhance his and his family and their brown nosing acolytes grasp on power and the resultant self enrichment programme that could have resulted in the event of the success of the megalomaniacs sponsored putsch.

Hopefully the road back will be impassable due to surface conditions and monumental road blocks so as to secure this country from the rule of tyranny that would have been imposed had the sponsored terrorist won the day.

I worry that it must get worse before it can get better.

me too
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However, the final say on which proposal will be used could not be made by anyone else than the only man who will benefit from the reconciliation bill - Thaksin.

On the carcasses of those of all hues, red, yellow multi-coloured, civilian and military personnel who died or were injured physically and mentally.

Those innocent hospital patients who were nothing more than hostages and human shields to be used by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture Those whose business and property was destroyed by arsonists or was looted by the out of control mobs indeed the list is a long one.

All this as a result of one persons sponsorship of terrorism to enhance his and his family and their brown nosing acolytes grasp on power and the resultant self enrichment programme that could have resulted in the event of the success of the megalomaniacs sponsored putsch.

Hopefully the road back will be impassable due to surface conditions and monumental road blocks so as to secure this country from the rule of tyranny that would have been imposed had the sponsored terrorist won the day.

"Those innocent hospital patients who were nothing more than hostages and human shields to be used by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture"

Can you explain to me just how the hospital patients were used as "hostages and human shields" "by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture". This just plainly did not happen.

Or is this just more fiery rhetoric to appeal to the cheerleaders..............

Well what exactly then were the Red Tshirt Gang doing running amok in the hospital, strong-arming and terrorizing the innocent sick and elderly? Absolute scum! But hey... go ahead and defend their actions Ol' PP!

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Now that Thaksin and his sister are making overtures to Prem it has become unclear who Thaksin was directing all his "Amartiya" jibes at in 2009 and 2010 when his red and black shirt militants were on the march. The media and the red shirts commonly assumed that Prem was the target. Some clarification would now be appreciated.

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We saw Thaksin singing "Let it Be" the other day. Now he should change the tune to "The Long and Winding Road" (that leads back home).

Forget Macca's soppy stuff, he should should have gone with hardcore Lennon......

":A working class hero is something to be,

But you're still <snip> peasants as far as I can see."

Go on, Thaks.... give 'em some truth!

Edited by metisdead
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"Those innocent hospital patients who were nothing more than hostages and human shields to be used by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture"

Can you explain to me just how the hospital patients were used as "hostages and human shields" "by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture". This just plainly did not happen.

Or is this just more fiery rhetoric to appeal to the cheerleaders..............

Stuck your head in the sand as usual dear PhiPhiDon? Either your IQ is lower than average, or you are completely brainwashed, a troll or even mister Thaksin himself!

Check this link:


And read (from left to right) especially this quote:

"Protesters later cleared part of the road in front of the hospital to allow access for ambulances and patients, and were erecting a new barricade of tyres and bamboo poles on the other side of the road."

Oh I forgot, you ..............ignore me.............. (but I don't)

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Didnt they storm the hospital because they claimed there were snipers on the roof... but when they got to the roof there was nobody there... so instead they dragged one of the patients onto the red stage... i dont have any links to news articles but i do remember something like that happening... does anyone have any links about that?

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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

The reason that Thaksin is popular is that rural people's lives improved while he was in power, and they associate that improvement with him. Under the Do-nothing-Dems the the improvement in quality of life ground to a halt in the provinces, and people's hopes and aspirations of a better life.

Politics in Thailand are complicated, but what all the poor know for certain is that they are going to get robbed by the elite, and whether it is by the conservative elite or by the elite they are going to get robbed. Would you prefer to be robbed by someone who gives you something back, or by someone who doesn't? Which is why populist politicians will get elected here and which is why the yellow shirts want to deny provincials the vote.

Say what you will....Thaksin is THE figure in Thai politics, and one way or another he has to be dealt with...and for all the swivel-eye right-wing nutters, no I don't mean he should be assassinated...he needs to be brought back into public life and an accommodation made. Ammart do not go to jail in Thailand, the trial was a pig circus, and he should be allowed to appeal and stay on bail for the years and years like the other ammart do.

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Didnt they storm the hospital because they claimed there were snipers on the roof... but when they got to the roof there was nobody there... so instead they dragged one of the patients onto the red stage... i dont have any links to news articles but i do remember something like that happening... does anyone have any links about that?

yes you do strange things if you mix lao kao and Yabaa

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The Redshirts want the "wrongdoers" to be brought to justice. I agree so on another thread today an honourable honest Thai shows the lead with vowing to support the inquiry. Justice to be served also includes the main wrong doer being the leader and financier of the whole attack on Bangkok. If the Reds had any sense they should trade the hard arm constant threats for demanding in mediation to a Dems - Reds governance at the next election. They need to learn that the guy who is screwing them big time is the exiled one in Dubai...he is there for a good reason. He should stay there. Thaksin and the Shinawtra's rape and pillage is not what Thailand needs. The Reds would gain a lot if they were with a Dems governance that can make the Thai economy work even when it is under attack. Meanwhile if the crap and corruption is not sorted as it was righty applied within the final paragraph of this opinion as the existing final solution (as it will be until democracy can flourish} is the "keen eye" of the Army.

"Long live the Queens Brigade".

Small problem though. The reds will never join what they see as the Hi So Party. Despite the fact that the Dems do show some intelligence when running the economy, while PTP has been unbelievably incompetent and threaten to ruin the Thai economy. The problem is that the Dems have a long, long history of corruption, of lining Hi So pockets and ignoring the masses, so why should they believe Dems.

How this country desperately needs another option for the voters, rather than the self serving thugs, thieves and mafiosi that currently describe themselves as politicians.

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The red supporters felt that the victims, who were sacrificed for the ruling party, were abandoned while the leaders are now rewarded with ministerial posts.

Golly gee, yah think? This is what you get when you SELL your votes. Live and LEARN.

<deleted post>

It was 500 in my wife village last time around.

I had to laugh when a friend of my wife told her that she and her boyfriend were going to join the protests in BKK. She was to get 500 a day, while as someone willing to get involved in violence the boyfriend was to get 1,000 a day.

What makes this so sad is the same couple happily joined an earlier protest for 500 a day. That was the Yellow shirt take over of the airport.

Both said at the time that they were Thaksin supporters.

What price integrity.

Edited by soundman
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