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It's A Hard Road Home For Thaksin


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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

The reason that Thaksin is popular is that rural people's lives improved while he was in power, and they associate that improvement with him. Under the Do-nothing-Dems the the improvement in quality of life ground to a halt in the provinces, and people's hopes and aspirations of a better life.

Politics in Thailand are complicated, but what all the poor know for certain is that they are going to get robbed by the elite, and whether it is by the conservative elite or by the elite they are going to get robbed. Would you prefer to be robbed by someone who gives you something back, or by someone who doesn't? Which is why populist politicians will get elected here and which is why the yellow shirts want to deny provincials the vote.

Say what you will....Thaksin is THE figure in Thai politics, and one way or another he has to be dealt with...and for all the swivel-eye right-wing nutters, no I don't mean he should be assassinated...he needs to be brought back into public life and an accommodation made. Ammart do not go to jail in Thailand, the trial was a pig circus, and he should be allowed to appeal and stay on bail for the years and years like the other ammart do.

Ignoring the sycophancy - when was Thaksin denied the right to appeal? Could it be he didn't lodge an appeal because he would have to come back. Some of the other charges were nearly ready, and there was a small problem with a cake-box to explain.

FYI Thaksin is not the Thai version of Robin Hood.

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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

The reason that Thaksin is popular is that rural people's lives improved while he was in power, and they associate that improvement with him. Under the Do-nothing-Dems the the improvement in quality of life ground to a halt in the provinces, and people's hopes and aspirations of a better life.

Politics in Thailand are complicated, but what all the poor know for certain is that they are going to get robbed by the elite, and whether it is by the conservative elite or by the elite they are going to get robbed. Would you prefer to be robbed by someone who gives you something back, or by someone who doesn't? Which is why populist politicians will get elected here and which is why the yellow shirts want to deny provincials the vote.

Say what you will....Thaksin is THE figure in Thai politics, and one way or another he has to be dealt with...and for all the swivel-eye right-wing nutters, no I don't mean he should be assassinated...he needs to be brought back into public life and an accommodation made. Ammart do not go to jail in Thailand, the trial was a pig circus, and he should be allowed to appeal and stay on bail for the years and years like the other ammart do.

And now, if you learn a bit history.

1997 was the big crises with Chavalit and Thaksin in Government.

The do nothing Democrats repaired Thailand after it, but couldn't hand out money.

When Thailand was repaired Thaksin just made the projects the Democrats planed already (healthcare was a Democrat plan). Therefore he didn't know anymore what to do in his second term.

Economic grow also went down at the end of his time.....

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The red supporters felt that the victims, who were sacrificed for the ruling party, were abandoned while the leaders are now rewarded with ministerial posts.

Golly gee, yah think? This is what you get when you SELL your votes. Live and LEARN.

<deleted post>

It was 500 in my wife village last time around.

I had to laugh when a friend of my wife told her that she and her boyfriend were going to join the protests in BKK. She was to get 500 a day, while as someone willing to get involved in violence the boyfriend was to get 1,000 a day.

What makes this so sad is the same couple happily joined an earlier protest for 500 a day. That was the Yellow shirt take over of the airport.

Both said at the time that they were Thaksin supporters.

What price integrity.

Just that the yellows didn't hand out money and they were mostly Bangkokians and Southern people.

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He should just come home, go to jail and stop &lt;deleted&gt;#&ing the entire country around with his cowardice crap. At least he will be semi safe in prison. If he comes home a free man I fear he won't last long.

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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

Look at the statistics of the average household debt since he was in power! He made them poorer than broke! All he did was riding the upward economic wave that came after the crisis! He gave handouts, and most important loans! A lot of people upcountry lost their lands to the banks and became slaves of the Thaksin Economics!

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However, the final say on which proposal will be used could not be made by anyone else than the only man who will benefit from the reconciliation bill - Thaksin.

On the carcasses of those of all hues, red, yellow multi-coloured, civilian and military personnel who died or were injured physically and mentally.

Those innocent hospital patients who were nothing more than hostages and human shields to be used by the Red Shirts to cover their escape from capture Those whose business and property was destroyed by arsonists or was looted by the out of control mobs indeed the list is a long one.

All this as a result of one persons sponsorship of terrorism to enhance his and his family and their brown nosing acolytes grasp on power and the resultant self enrichment programme that could have resulted in the event of the success of the megalomaniacs sponsored putsch.

Hopefully the road back will be impassable due to surface conditions and monumental road blocks so as to secure this country from the rule of tyranny that would have been imposed had the sponsored terrorist won the day.

I couldn't agree with you more.

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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

The reason that Thaksin is popular is that rural people's lives improved while he was in power, and they associate that improvement with him. Under the Do-nothing-Dems the the improvement in quality of life ground to a halt in the provinces, and people's hopes and aspirations of a better life.

Politics in Thailand are complicated, but what all the poor know for certain is that they are going to get robbed by the elite, and whether it is by the conservative elite or by the elite they are going to get robbed. Would you prefer to be robbed by someone who gives you something back, or by someone who doesn't? Which is why populist politicians will get elected here and which is why the yellow shirts want to deny provincials the vote.

Say what you will....Thaksin is THE figure in Thai politics, and one way or another he has to be dealt with...and for all the swivel-eye right-wing nutters, no I don't mean he should be assassinated...he needs to be brought back into public life and an accommodation made. Ammart do not go to jail in Thailand, the trial was a pig circus, and he should be allowed to appeal and stay on bail for the years and years like the other ammart do.

Agree with a lot you say. Thaksin did get things done for the poor and they were better off. Then again everyone was better off then when the world economy was cooking. He certainly did enrich himself but then aren't most Thai politicians are corrupt anyway?

The trial however was not a 'pig circus' even if the guilty party and his wife were as greedy as pigs. He broke the law, tried to bribe the judges and then absconded when he knew the game was up.

As to bringing him back...... look around, he is already here.

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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

The reason that Thaksin is popular is that rural people's lives improved while he was in power, and they associate that improvement with him. Under the Do-nothing-Dems the the improvement in quality of life ground to a halt in the provinces, and people's hopes and aspirations of a better life.

Politics in Thailand are complicated, but what all the poor know for certain is that they are going to get robbed by the elite, and whether it is by the conservative elite or by the elite they are going to get robbed. Would you prefer to be robbed by someone who gives you something back, or by someone who doesn't? Which is why populist politicians will get elected here and which is why the yellow shirts want to deny provincials the vote.

Say what you will....Thaksin is THE figure in Thai politics, and one way or another he has to be dealt with...and for all the swivel-eye right-wing nutters, no I don't mean he should be assassinated...he needs to be brought back into public life and an accommodation made. Ammart do not go to jail in Thailand, the trial was a pig circus, and he should be allowed to appeal and stay on bail for the years and years like the other ammart do.

He gave them breadcrumbs while he was robbing them on billions.

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Now that Thaksin and his sister are making overtures to Prem it has become unclear who Thaksin was directing all his "Amartiya" jibes at in 2009 and 2010 when his red and black shirt militants were on the march. The media and the red shirts commonly assumed that Prem was the target. Some clarification would now be appreciated.

I'm quite sure that it was Prem (and the people around him) whom they were vehemently attacking. But now a bit of deal-making settles everything. It's a pity that some people died along the way... or were they used as leverage?
When asked if the red shirts would be upset by tomorrow's meeting, Yongyuth said he did not think they opposed the tradition of seeking Songkran blessings, or Prem directly.

"red shirts not opposed to Prem directly"

Phfft... Yongyuth with more of his ridiculous and deceitful statements.. bah.gif

or are we to believe that perhaps he never read any copies of the many different Red Shirt magazines.... even ones in which he appeared in (on the left) and which screamed the opposite:


From Voice of Taksin:

The title reads: Kong Beng Jew coming home! Prem the aristocrat, going to hell!

["Jew" being the nickname of Chawalit]. This headline refers to Chawalit returning to politics with the Puea Thai Party.

Despite the arrival of Chawalit in the Puea Thai Party, the Red Shirt message has centered more on Privy Councilor Prem.

In the latter part of October, all the "Red" publications have been focusing on Prem--especially Voice of Taksin which has article after article harshly criticizing Prem.



Edited by hyperdimension
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We saw Thaksin singing "Let it Be" the other day. Now he should change the tune to "The Long and Winding Road" (that leads back home).

No, I thought his choice of song was quite appropriate, certainly if it was referring to Thailand.

So, he should just go away and "Let Thailand Be". It has suffered enough without the threat of the enormous civil unrest which is certainly a possibility if he does manage to squirm his way back into the country.

Edited by GeorgeO
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All this misguided nonsense about what Thaksin did for the people,it's absolute rubbish.Farangs have done more than he has!

Ask yourselves,who has done more for the people (your inlaws,and extended family) You or Thaksin?

Guaranteed there will be a few objecters,who will claim,their Wife, GF,and extended Family have never asked for a single Baht,but the other honest 98% of Farangs know that's B*** S***.and a Big Lie.

He will be coming back to take,not to give,as the gullible believe.

Edited by MAJIC
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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

The reason that Thaksin is popular is that rural people's lives improved while he was in power, and they associate that improvement with him. Under the Do-nothing-Dems the the improvement in quality of life ground to a halt in the provinces, and people's hopes and aspirations of a better life.

Politics in Thailand are complicated, but what all the poor know for certain is that they are going to get robbed by the elite, and whether it is by the conservative elite or by the elite they are going to get robbed. Would you prefer to be robbed by someone who gives you something back, or by someone who doesn't? Which is why populist politicians will get elected here and which is why the yellow shirts want to deny provincials the vote.

Say what you will....Thaksin is THE figure in Thai politics, and one way or another he has to be dealt with...and for all the swivel-eye right-wing nutters, no I don't mean he should be assassinated...he needs to be brought back into public life and an accommodation made. Ammart do not go to jail in Thailand, the trial was a pig circus, and he should be allowed to appeal and stay on bail for the years and years like the other ammart do.

sure......but did he make the trains run on schedule? perhaps he will meet the same fate as mussolini
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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

The reason that Thaksin is popular is that rural people's lives improved while he was in power, and they associate that improvement with him. Under the Do-nothing-Dems the the improvement in quality of life ground to a halt in the provinces, and people's hopes and aspirations of a better life.

Politics in Thailand are complicated, but what all the poor know for certain is that they are going to get robbed by the elite, and whether it is by the conservative elite or by the elite they are going to get robbed. Would you prefer to be robbed by someone who gives you something back, or by someone who doesn't? Which is why populist politicians will get elected here and which is why the yellow shirts want to deny provincials the vote.

Say what you will....Thaksin is THE figure in Thai politics, and one way or another he has to be dealt with...and for all the swivel-eye right-wing nutters, no I don't mean he should be assassinated...he needs to be brought back into public life and an accommodation made. Ammart do not go to jail in Thailand, the trial was a pig circus, and he should be allowed to appeal and stay on bail for the years and years like the other ammart do.

He gave them breadcrumbs while he was robbing them on billions.

As a villager locally is wont to tell me: For every 100 baht he 'gave' away 90 went into his pocket.

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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

The reason that Thaksin is popular is that rural people's lives improved while he was in power, and they associate that improvement with him. Under the Do-nothing-Dems the the improvement in quality of life ground to a halt in the provinces, and people's hopes and aspirations of a better life.

Politics in Thailand are complicated, but what all the poor know for certain is that they are going to get robbed by the elite, and whether it is by the conservative elite or by the elite they are going to get robbed. Would you prefer to be robbed by someone who gives you something back, or by someone who doesn't? Which is why populist politicians will get elected here and which is why the yellow shirts want to deny provincials the vote.

Say what you will....Thaksin is THE figure in Thai politics, and one way or another he has to be dealt with...and for all the swivel-eye right-wing nutters, no I don't mean he should be assassinated...he needs to be brought back into public life and an accommodation made. Ammart do not go to jail in Thailand, the trial was a pig circus, and he should be allowed to appeal and stay on bail for the years and years like the other ammart do.

Ignoring the sycophancy - when was Thaksin denied the right to appeal? Could it be he didn't lodge an appeal because he would have to come back.

It was not a requirement for him to be present in Thailand to file his appeal.

Legally, his lawyer here could have done so for his client, but Thaksin specifically directed him NOT to appeal the conviction.


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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

Look at the statistics of the average household debt since he was in power! He made them poorer than broke! All he did was riding the upward economic wave that came after the crisis! He gave handouts, and most important loans! A lot of people upcountry lost their lands to the banks and became slaves of the Thaksin Economics!

Another fallacy often repeated

So Thaksin comes to power to find a dramatic increase in public debt with the government using almost 11% of revenues to finance this debt. Under Thaksin the ratio of public debt to GDP decreased from just under 58% at the end of 200 to 41.7% in 2006. Yes, you read that right the ratio of public debt to GDP fell under Thaksin. Far from there being a “mountain of debt” the country was in a much more sustainable fiscal position. The so-called “financial ruin” that Thaksin brought to the Thai economy included budget surpluses between 2003-2005.

What do you think the new sufficiency economy government did when they came to power? Instead of running a budget surplus, they are going to run a deficit of 146 billion bahtin the 2007 budget of which 40 billion baht can be blamed on Thaksin. The other 100 billion baht is going to the military and other projects.


And here : http://asiancorrespo...ough-borrowing/

And here : http://asiancorrespo...sit-government/

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Look at the statistics of the average household debt since he was in power! He made them poorer than broke! All he did was riding the upward economic wave that came after the crisis! He gave handouts, and most important loans! A lot of people upcountry lost their lands to the banks and became slaves of the Thaksin Economics!

Another fallacy often repeated

I thought you'd know the difference between household debt and public debt.

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Look at the statistics of the average household debt since he was in power! He made them poorer than broke! All he did was riding the upward economic wave that came after the crisis! He gave handouts, and most important loans! A lot of people upcountry lost their lands to the banks and became slaves of the Thaksin Economics!

Another fallacy often repeated

I thought you'd know the difference between household debt and public debt.

or not. :rolleyes:

Speaking of household debt (and not public debt)... it's growing under Thaksin, ver. 4.0

March 30, 2012

The survey found that debt grew by 5.7 per cent year on year to Bt168,517 per household, while the ability to make debt payments averaged Bt10,978 per month, said Thanavath Phonvichai, director of the Economic and Business Forecasting Centre of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.

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Look at the statistics of the average household debt since he was in power! He made them poorer than broke! All he did was riding the upward economic wave that came after the crisis! He gave handouts, and most important loans! A lot of people upcountry lost their lands to the banks and became slaves of the Thaksin Economics!

Another fallacy often repeated

I thought you'd know the difference between household debt and public debt.

I do, thank you. I was responding to the common fallacy about "Thaksinomics". But just for you and KireB


Source: Charting Economics Thailand

BP: Household debt is rising, but household income is rising at a higher rate. This makes it easier to service debt.

Some of this information can be found in an NESDB report in late 2011.

Average household debt is likely to rise especially during the end of the yea. In the first half of 2011, average household debt went up to 136,562 baht per household from 134,699 baht in 2009, but the proportion of households with debt was reduced to 56.9% from 60.9% in 2009. It is expected that household debt will rise and savings will drop in the remainder of the year. This due to the decline in revenue resulted from flood impact.


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Technically it makes no difference to us ferang if Thaksin comes back or not, we cant vote and we dont have a say. the country will still be full of corruption & nonsense either way.

In the mean time Thaksin is over there teaching the Cambodians how to run their country, which probably means that Cambodia will start high taxes on imported items such as wines that are currently very cheap to buy in Cambodia.

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Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

Look at the statistics of the average household debt since he was in power! He made them poorer than broke! All he did was riding the upward economic wave that came after the crisis! He gave handouts, and most important loans! A lot of people upcountry lost their lands to the banks and became slaves of the Thaksin Economics!

Another fallacy often repeated

So Thaksin comes to power to find a dramatic increase in public debt with the government using almost 11% of revenues to finance this debt. Under Thaksin the ratio of public debt to GDP decreased from just under 58% at the end of 200 to 41.7% in 2006. Yes, you read that right the ratio of public debt to GDP fell under Thaksin. Far from there being a “mountain of debt” the country was in a much more sustainable fiscal position. The so-called “financial ruin” that Thaksin brought to the Thai economy included budget surpluses between 2003-2005.

What do you think the new sufficiency economy government did when they came to power? Instead of running a budget surplus, they are going to run a deficit of 146 billion bahtin the 2007 budget of which 40 billion baht can be blamed on Thaksin. The other 100 billion baht is going to the military and other projects.


And here : http://asiancorrespo...ough-borrowing/

And here : http://asiancorrespo...sit-government/

You know what is a fallacy dear PhiPhiDon? The fact that you don't understand the difference between household debt and public debt! clap2.gif

Also you use statistics of after the 2006 coup!

Here a 63 page report out 2004 ringing the alarm bells over the fact that the household-debt income ratio doubled!

Edited by KireB
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