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Why Is It So Difficult To Find A Good Friend In Thailand


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The guy has a trillion online names to choose from, and he chose one that reveals a huge amount about himself and the way he interacts with people and society.

Well put. My other choice to mca was nazirichbastardgoatfelcher_1548

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OK . enough of this nonsense people. Let's cut to the chase.

Isn't it obvious why a person who chooses an online name 'thequietman' can't get friends?

A joke? A Bendix ™ joke?

I thought your sense of humor was surgically removed during the insertastickupassectomy procedure?

Has it grown back?

It wasnt a joke. It was a caustically satirical observation, full of pointed truths and psychological insight.

A joke? Pah . . I spit on your jokes. Jokes are for comedians. I'm a social commentator.

The guy has a trillion online names to choose from, and he chose one that reveals a huge amount about himself and the way he interacts with people and society.

In that regard, the thread is irrelevant, and the answer to the OP's original question is crystal clear.

Much like your online name is a phonetical reference to what you like to do on a Saturday night down Patpong?

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laugh.png But Dlock. I must digress. - I have it on good authority that in fact Dlock is the ancient ritual of the Oomagoolies pygmy tribe of Papau New Guinea where, upon coming across a virgin caucasian male, the village elders lined up and backscuttled the aforementioned virgin whilst singng Gang Bang by Black Lace.


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laugh.png But Dlock. I must digress. - I have it on good authority that in fact Dlock is the ancient ritual of the Oomagoolies pygmy tribe of Papau New Guinea where, upon coming across a virgin caucasian male, the village elders lined up and backscuttled the aforementioned virgin whilst singng Gang Bang by Black Lace.


Now you are just being childish.

But I do like the word "backscuttled".

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I had a good friend...then one night I found him in a ladyboy bar with a penis in his hand....I was shocked.

A ladyboy bar that you just happened to stroll into under the misconception that it was a 7-11 sam? biggrin.png


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OK . enough of this nonsense people. Let's cut to the chase.

Isn't it obvious why a person who chooses an online name 'thequietman' can't get friends?

A joke? A Bendix ™ joke?

I thought your sense of humor was surgically removed during the insertastickupassectomy procedure?

Has it grown back?

It wasnt a joke. It was a caustically satirical observation, full of pointed truths and psychological insight.

A joke? Pah . . I spit on your jokes. Jokes are for comedians. I'm a social commentator.

The guy has a trillion online names to choose from, and he chose one that reveals a huge amount about himself and the way he interacts with people and society.

In that regard, the thread is irrelevant, and the answer to the OP's original question is crystal clear.

Does that mean you are a big fan of washng machines?

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You simply can't be friend with thai people.it is not a question of language skills, their life is so shallow that friendship has no meaning to them.They tend to do everything in groups, but there is no friendship, only a meaningless togetherness in daily activities.This is obviously contagious for foreigners, living a life where depression, alcoholism and sexdependency tend to surrogate this lack of genuine communication.

You live in Thailand for the ease of life, the comfort, the relaxed atmosphere, NOT for friendship of genuine communication.it is the price you have to pay for living here.

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Yes! I hear exactly what you're saying re 'friends' and Bangkok - SO to the point as well that they're either Soi Cowboy piss cat enthusiasts, only here to pursue their sexual thrills (at the bars or manipulating their way into girls pants), or they're just plain superficial idiots with their unspoken yet blatantly clear 'how well are you doing in Thailand?' or 'who were you and how well were you doing before you came to Thailand'.

I prefer staying away from the familiarity of my own country, because quite honestly the mindset to many, if not most, in the West is just plain neanderthal.

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You simply can't be friend with thai people.it is not a question of language skills, their life is so shallow that friendship has no meaning to them.They tend to do everything in groups, but there is no friendship, only a meaningless togetherness in daily activities.This is obviously contagious for foreigners, living a life where depression, alcoholism and sexdependency tend to surrogate this lack of genuine communication.

You live in Thailand for the ease of life, the comfort, the relaxed atmosphere, NOT for friendship of genuine communication.it is the price you have to pay for living here.

clap2.gif a classic post! I would be a seriously depressed alcoholic with sexdependent tendencies if I had your outlook.cheesy.gif

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Was this you on the right during high-school?


nope, I make friends easily, i just cant abide dick heads, just like yourself.

If you have anything constructive to say, I appreciate it. If not, then you are one of the knobs I try to avoid. So anyway, back to my question !

Hi Quietman, I am from the UK and have found it very easy to make friends here in Thailand, I prefer the company of people from the UK or America as we would have more in common. When I lived in the UK, I lost friends because I do not drink and most people I met just wanted to drink all the time. I have never had that problem here in Thailand and I have Farang friends and we all meet up regularly,I don't mind them drinking although I must say I hate drunkenness and I am never excluded because I don't dring unlike back in the UK.
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Hi, yes, thanks. I have my garden, so that kills a lot of time for me. But its just sometimes, its nice to have a beer and talk.

get a dog. they make best friends and like when they are talked to. i'm not joking!

Yes Naam,I agree with you, a dog is probably the best friend you'll get, but a dog likes to be walked, and walking a dog is the best enjoyment of having one, what chance do you have of doing that in Thailand without getting pestered by other dogs?
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OK . enough of this nonsense people. Let's cut to the chase.

Isn't it obvious why a person who chooses an online name 'thequietman' can't get friends?

ok, i'll bite. biggrin.png

the only Bendix that I am aware of is a Bendix washing machine. an item that is designed to wring the piss and <deleted> out of dirty nappies. a machine whose sole goal in life is to go around and around and which you have to deposit a powder like substance in order to get it to clean. basically, your very own shit remover.

Now...... the quietman...... a very well known and much liked classic movie loved by critics and people alike. the name refers to an irish-american boxer, strong and handsome, who comes back to the beautiful isle of ireland in search of his home and ultimitely the love of his life. a millionaire sportmans with the heart of a lion and huge fists to boot.

ok, which name would you chose tv'ers ? whistling.gif

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OK . enough of this nonsense people. Let's cut to the chase.

Isn't it obvious why a person who chooses an online name 'thequietman' can't get friends?

ok, i'll bite. biggrin.png

the only Bendix that I am aware of is a Bendix washing machine. an item that is designed to wring the piss and <deleted> out of dirty nappies. a machine whose sole goal in life is to go around and around and which you have to deposit a powder like substance in order to get it to clean. basically, your very own shit remover.

Now...... the quietman...... a very well known and much liked classic movie loved by critics and people alike. the name refers to an irish-american boxer, strong and handsome, who comes back to the beautiful isle of ireland in search of his home and ultimitely the love of his life. a millionaire sportmans with the heart of a lion and huge fists to boot.

ok, which name would you chose tv'ers ? whistling.gif


Very good.

(The quiet man was also a bloke who was leader of the UK Conservative party for a short time.) biggrin.png

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Was this you on the right during high-school?


No that was me....I was always the new kid in school because my dad was in the military...arse wipe.....I thought I tore this picture up...are you the but that called me a colored person..? clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I find it odd that quite a few people don't think they can have (or that it takes too much effort) to find a good Thai friend. There is plenty that we have in common and not all are looking for free rides.

I would say that I have a similar problem as thequietman, but would say that I can not find a dwcent farang friend. I have lots of Thai friends, and not just drinking buddies.

thequietman: good luck, finding good friends is always worth the effort. Better to have 1 good friend than 10 knobs.

although if i were of a different persuasion, we could turn that sentence around and i would be very happy. wink.png

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There are some interesting observations here regarding striking up conversations with other farang you see around.

The obvious question is 'why?'

You wouldnt initiate conversation with random men back home, so why do it here, simply because they are the same race as you. It's no different from saying that you should initiate contact and strike up a conversation with people wearing the same colour teeshirt.

I'd take it further. If anyone randomly strikes up conversation with me, I make it a point to be very wary. If they are farang in Thailand, even more so.

Go away people. Leave me alone. Simply having fair skin and blue eyes does not give you the right to invade my life.


Bendix, presumably you are responding to post no. 38. mjj is not actually talking about initiating a conversation, but merely saying hello to someone who will look anywhere and everywhere rather than acknowledge his existence. This is a fairly common phenomenon in rural and small town Thailand, where in an area with relatively few farang you find two next to each other in a checkout queue.

But why are you so terrified of casual conversations? I am not the chattiest of people, and I always remember being in BigC in Nakon Sawan waiting for my dear wife to unlose herself and remember that I was around, when I was spoken to by an American gent who had his Thai wife/gf in tow, he was immediately telling me that he had only been in the area for a week and it had taken him two hours of taxi, minibus and bus to get there. What a nice, friendly person, I think I was the first English speaker he'd come across in a week. Are you saying your response would have been to blank him and stride away? Surely not.

Not trying to pre-empt a caustic response, but it's good to se you back on TV.

Rott, that is a very sensible post, I am in Big C in Nakhon Sawan quite often, if you see a tall, quite slim guy with long dark hair, say hello.
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Hi, yes, thanks. I have my garden, so that kills a lot of time for me. But its just sometimes, its nice to have a beer and talk.

get a dog. they make best friends and like when they are talked to. i'm not joking!

Yes Naam,I agree with you, a dog is probably the best friend you'll get, but a dog likes to be walked, and walking a dog is the best enjoyment of having one, what chance do you have of doing that in Thailand without getting pestered by other dogs?

Our dogs find there own exercise....they chase the burmese gardener and their kids every day from next door.

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Was this you on the right during high-school?


nope, I make friends easily, i just cant abide dick heads, just like yourself.

If you have anything constructive to say, I appreciate it. If not, then you are one of the knobs I try to avoid. So anyway, back to my question !

To: Thequietman, You made my Sunday morning, your first post and this one had me laughing out loud and latter everytime I though of your comments I had to chuckle, my wife thought that I had finally cracked. I really like your style and I am sure if we lived closer we could be friends. I have had much the same experience as you, as as a result keep myself pretty much to myself and I am happy. But if I could find a good friend life could possible be even more pleasant.

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I have lived rural for the last 7 years,I understand where u coming from!but to be honest the farangs I did meet in that time ain't been worth conversation with as they are all tied up with their own lives and one pair of guys from my home town whom I met began to burgle each other when the other was away,I decided solitude was a lot better, and now I have a small circle of Thai friends through having to learn the language who are genuine and do not expect nothing in return we all go Enduro every weekend and each take turns for the food

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There are some interesting observations here regarding striking up conversations with other farang you see around.

The obvious question is 'why?'

You wouldnt initiate conversation with random men back home, so why do it here, simply because they are the same race as you. It's no different from saying that you should initiate contact and strike up a conversation with people wearing the same colour teeshirt.

I'd take it further. If anyone randomly strikes up conversation with me, I make it a point to be very wary. If they are farang in Thailand, even more so.

Go away people. Leave me alone. Simply having fair skin and blue eyes does not give you the right to invade my life

I think you should change your name to spandex because I think your underware is too tight cutting of blood supply to your brain. Your the type of person that is excatly why Thailand and places like this are held in the dark ages. Just because one person tries to start a conversation with you doesn't mean he want to have sex with you or steel your wallet. If you don't trust your own intellagence why to you even leave your home. Please spare us your abrasive personality and your insecurities and wear a bag over your head while in public so those of us that like to smile and say hi will instead get a good laughcheesy.gifclap2.gif .


Bendix, presumably you are responding to post no. 38. mjj is not actually talking about initiating a conversation, but merely saying hello to someone who will look anywhere and everywhere rather than acknowledge his existence. This is a fairly common phenomenon in rural and small town Thailand, where in an area with relatively few farang you find two next to each other in a checkout queue.

But why are you so terrified of casual conversations? I am not the chattiest of people, and I always remember being in BigC in Nakon Sawan waiting for my dear wife to unlose herself and remember that I was around, when I was spoken to by an American gent who had his Thai wife/gf in tow, he was immediately telling me that he had only been in the area for a week and it had taken him two hours of taxi, minibus and bus to get there. What a nice, friendly person, I think I was the first English speaker he'd come across in a week. Are you saying your response would have been to blank him and stride away? Surely not.

Not trying to pre-empt a caustic response, but it's good to se you back on TV.

Rott, that is a very sensible post, I am in Big C in Nakhon Sawan quite often, if you see a tall, quite slim guy with long dark hair, say hello.

Always blame an American.....Oh wait they do like to talk...sometimes say high as well as break out into a full conversation without haveing to know who your mom is or your credit rating...Thanks for talkng to him....you may of just made his dayrolleyes.gif

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You simply can't be friend with thai people.it is not a question of language skills, their life is so shallow that friendship has no meaning to them.They tend to do everything in groups, but there is no friendship, only a meaningless togetherness in daily activities.This is obviously contagious for foreigners, living a life where depression, alcoholism and sexdependency tend to surrogate this lack of genuine communication.

You live in Thailand for the ease of life, the comfort, the relaxed atmosphere, NOT for friendship of genuine communication.it is the price you have to pay for living here.

'....their life is shallow that friendship has no meaning.'

Sounds like the sort of thing a depressed alcoholic sex dependant would spout.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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You simply can't be friend with thai people.it is not a question of language skills, their life is so shallow that friendship has no meaning to them.They tend to do everything in groups, but there is no friendship, only a meaningless togetherness in daily activities.This is obviously contagious for foreigners, living a life where depression, alcoholism and sexdependency tend to surrogate this lack of genuine communication.

You live in Thailand for the ease of life, the comfort, the relaxed atmosphere, NOT for friendship of genuine communication.it is the price you have to pay for living here.


I would have used the words ''Total Crap'' (I'm a commoner). smile.png

The guy obviously doesn't know or learned how to deal or communicate with the natives yet. rolleyes.gif

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you will never have a good friend in thailand only people you know but not real friends thai or franang so always keep friends from your home and keep in contact you might need them.thumbsup.gif

Sad but in your case true - you expectations create your reality.

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Move to a city.

When you're stuck in the sticks, if you've no Thai language skills, then you can hardly pick and choose.

You can meet other people every day in Pattaya. You get the odd <deleted> but they're easily avoidable. Once the novelty of having a younger wife and nice house out in the boondocks wears off you want a bit of company with like minded fellows. I have several friends who returned to Pattaya after a spell in the sticks but they were renters not buyers.

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You simply can't be friend with thai people.it is not a question of language skills, their life is so shallow that friendship has no meaning to them.They tend to do everything in groups, but there is no friendship, only a meaningless togetherness in daily activities.This is obviously contagious for foreigners, living a life where depression, alcoholism and sexdependency tend to surrogate this lack of genuine communication.

You live in Thailand for the ease of life, the comfort, the relaxed atmosphere, NOT for friendship of genuine communication.it is the price you have to pay for living here.


I would have used the words ''Total Crap'' (I'm a commoner). smile.png

The guy obviously doesn't know or learned how to deal or communicate with the natives yet. rolleyes.gif

Its obvious to me that you cannot see the irony in this post, he/she has pretty much nailed farangs in a few words. Nicely written.


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