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Why Is It So Difficult To Find A Good Friend In Thailand


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Was this you on the right during high-school?


you have to remember that a lot of thai wifes dont like their husband or boyfriends to have friends , its the old divide and seperate tactic. having said that a lot of farangs are dick heads and scammers los seems to attract the farang criminals and misfits
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I had a good friend...then one night I found him in a ladyboy bar with a penis in his hand....I was shocked.

I say if it was his, it's still acceptable.

Thats the problem...twas not his.

Another friend I had died after I loaned him $10k....always knew he would stiff me one day.

I never get the chance to hold anyone`s penis, as I`m always too busy sitting alone in the corner of a bar, nursing a few beers, sneering at people I don't even know..rather like the OP, God bless our poor souls.

So if anyone sees me, please be my friend? I`ll buy you a drink and promise to leave your penises alone.

And on that note, I think this thread has had a good run for it`s money.

It`s been great being here and you`ve all been a wonderful audiance.

I bid you all good night.

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Move to BKK, I have no shortage of amiable associates as well as a precious few good people that I'm blessed to count among my friends. Just find a activity you like doing and search for that community.

Yes but I just like to drink...sad.png

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Move to BKK, I have no shortage of amiable associates as well as a precious few good people that I'm blessed to count among my friends. Just find a activity you like doing and search for that community.

Yes but I just like to drink...sad.png


All in favor?


Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Wrong, Thai people would not say hi just because they pass each other in a western country. Some would some would not.

Mjj, you are spot on, that is just an instinctive demeanour. We often don`t like competitions. smile.png

You are sooo wrong, my wife and I get mugged all the time in shopping centers when back home by resident Thais. They can't beleive we choose to live here in Thailand, 'Why you no live in Australia?" etc....


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It might be a good idea for you to take another look at expat Thai communities and who it is that makes up these expat Thai communities.

I'll grant you, Thai students and Thai business travellers will be from somewhere near the top of the social ladder, you might argue the same for the Thai families who travel the world mob handed - But there are huge numbers of Thais from another part of Thai society who are "Working their passage"

I think we have different attitudes - I have nothing against hookers, gold diggers right on up the scale to respectable housewives and mothers and everyone in between. If they made it out of Thailand and have created a life for themselves overseas I reckon they are in the top 1% within the context of whatever their background may be.

If one of my daughters chose to be a stripper or escort I'd say more power to her, her body her life. But I'd be very disappointed if she chose to become a Goldman Sachs investment banker or a malpractice lawyer or other pond scum like that.

You've got to be kidding, right?

I'm sure you'd be really proud when someone tells you he and his mate banged the shit out of this hooker last night, only to proceed to show you pics of the event and they were of your daughter.

I firmly believe that, while clearly the choices, achievements or failures of our children are their own, we as parents play a huge part to play in the expectations our children have for their own future and the opportunities/choices open to them.

Meanwhile a liberal view is a good thing but as mjj points out - it has its believable limits.

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You've got to be kidding, right?

I'm sure you'd be really proud when someone tells you he and his mate banged the shit out of this hooker last night, only to proceed to show you pics of the event and they were of your daughter.

I firmly believe that, while clearly the choices, achievements or failures of our children are their own, we as parents play a huge part to play in the expectations our children have for their own future and the opportunities/choices open to them.

Meanwhile a liberal view is a good thing but as mjj points out - it has its believable limits.

Of course I hope the way I have raised (past sets) and am raising my children they will have the resources to freely make their own choices in life, and would prefer that they don't choose to work in the sex industry and of course wouldn't want to hear about from customers much less view pictures. However my point is that if they do make such a choice I wouldn't think less of them as human beings from a "moralistic" point of view, what they choose to do with their own body as long as it doesn't harm others is their choice and I respect that.

However to repeat, I would be very disappointed, and would certainly let them know I disapproved if they chose to make a living where they preyed on the unfortunate, contributed to the further downfall of society or benefited from the misery of others. And yes, even if they made millions and millions, would not change my mind just because they are super-rich, and I certainly wouldn't accept help from their blood money even if meant my dying early and alone. I'm pretty sure I've taught them better than that.

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Bjbkk, I agree I wouldnt look down on my children, or anyone in fact, morally if they worked in the sex industry. But I would be lying if I said it wouldnt break my heart.

For what its worth I would love my children to work in the medical profession. I've already started the brainwashing :-)

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Was this you on the right during high-school?


you have to remember that a lot of thai wifes dont like their husband or boyfriends to have friends


Do you genuinely believe that or are you talking through your a**e?

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It's only bellends who spent too much time reading Stickman and this website who think they are "better" than the rest of us...and have to spend a page telling us about it....what a bunch of losoers

I can see what you did there. It was clever.

I wonder if you realise why.

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It's only bellends who spent too much time reading Stickman and this website who think they are "better" than the rest of us...and have to spend a page telling us about it....what a bunch of losoers

Only trumped by guys that tell everyone else what losers they are.

Sorry....just spoilt Bendix's drag out process.

I do not like to be cruel to animals.

also.....1 used butt plug for sale.

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Was this you on the right during high-school?


nope, I make friends easily, i just cant abide dick heads, just like yourself.

If you have anything constructive to say, I appreciate it. If not, then you are one of the knobs I try to avoid. So anyway, back to my question !

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I think we have different attitudes - I have nothing against hookers, gold diggers right on up the scale to respectable housewives and mothers and everyone in between. If they made it out of Thailand and have created a life for themselves overseas I reckon they are in the top 1% within the context of whatever their background may be.

We already had a thread about not being accepted in some Bangkok circles if your partner is a (ex) bar girl. It's the same in the villages.

Not everybody has the same open mind as you.

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This thread is getting very long!

Missed most of it.

Back to my entry yesterday in support of Bendix, the super market bit and farangs not greeting each other.

Ever since I have had this image in my head of two black guys in Tesco. Now either could be a black American, black European, Black African, Black Australian and so on.

Then along I come, seeing or assuming that neither is Thai:

Now hang on here, my mother in law's mother adopted an African American/Thai baby born from an RR during the Vietnam War. He was brought up as the elder brother of my wife. He sure is black and Thai!

Now back to me in Tesco seeing these two black guys,; should I go up and hi5 them with WO Bro,how you doing? Say hello, which I would not to all the Thai shoppers around, or just do what I would do and do and say nothing ?

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I thought things would change when I got a job here. Any job I had back home, there would be at least the one guy or two you could relate to. I think there is something really "off" about the Thailand-farang ethos (which i'm fully aware that I myself am a part of), and not in a good or at all fun way. Think about it, why do you think TV is so used and so popular, there aren't that many farangs here -- it is socializing/filling a void via internet. Let's face it, there is one worthwhile commodity that keeps most of us here.

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I thought things would change when I got a job here. Any job I had back home, there would be at least the one guy or two you could relate to. I think there is something really "off" about the Thailand-farang ethos (which i'm fully aware that I myself am a part of), and not in a good or at all fun way. Think about it, why do you think TV is so used and so popular, there aren't that many farangs here -- it is socializing/filling a void via internet. Let's face it, there is one worthwhile commodity that keeps most of us here.

Our families?

Som tam?

Subsidised RON95?

Got to go - the Bull fighting is coming back on...


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