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10 Years For Dutch Man Who Impregnated 11-Year-Old Daughter


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10 years for Dutch man who impregnated 11-year-old daughter < br /> 2012-04-28 02:20:44 GMT+7 (ICT) GRONINGEN, NETHERLANDS (BNO NEWS) -- A 53-year-old man from the Netherlands who repeatedly raped his daughter and eventually impregnated her when she was just 11 years old has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, prosecutors said on Friday.Calix W., whose last name was withheld under Dutch privacy laws, was arrested in April 2011 after a DNA test confirmed he is the father of his daughter's child, who was born several weeks earlier during a school trip. The girl, who gave birth at the age of 12 but became pregnant when she was 11, was unaware that she was pregnant.The victim told police in February that Calix began sexually abusing her when she was just 6 years old. "The statement is sufficiently supported by witness testimony and factual information," prosecutors said on Friday, rejecting allegations from the defense that the statement was not credible because the victim did initially not want to talk to police. "The statement is also largely supported by the fact that on March 22, 2011, the victim gave birth to a child and research has shown the accused is the father."Court documents detail the graphic confession made by Calix, who admitted to having sex with his daughter on one occasion but claimed she consented to it. "We had sex on the couch," he told police in a graphic statement which blames the girl for the pregnancy. "I had a t-shirt on, my pants were off. She was also only wearing a t-shirt, I remember that. We held hands, stroked each other, hugged, and then it happened: we had sex."But the statement from the victim painted a completely different picture of the abuse. "I always thought it was normal, so to speak. That all fathers did that with their daughters," she told investigators. "He usually turned on the TV. Then he put it on a TV channel where people did the same. Then he asked if I wanted that (have sex). And I thought it was supposed to be like that, so I always said yes."The girl said her father raped her more than 10 times a month, and prosecutors believe the victim was abused at least 300 times over a period of nearly six years. "I had a lot of pain and I had to scream, so to speak," the victim told police, recalling the first time when she was 6. "And then he said I had to be quiet. And then he became very angry at me."There had been suspicions of sexual abuse in the past, and an anonymous tip in February 2009 led to a brief investigation which found no evidence of actual abuse. "To [school, redacted] for conversation with girl [victim's name, redacted]," an investigator said in his or her report at the time. "When asked she said her younger brother sleeps on the couch in the living room and her father sleeps with her in her room. She sometimes sees weird things, such as sex."Prosecutors said the victim's accounts are very similar to those made by Calix's other daughter from a previous marriage, who was raped by her father at least five times in 1994. Calix served two years in prison for the abuse in the 90s. "Some of the details from the (1995) statement are remarkably consistent with the statement of [victim, redacted]," prosecutors said. "These details can not be known by [victim, redacted]."A Dutch court sentenced the man on Friday to 10 years in prison, as had been demanded by the prosecutor's office. "In determining the length of the punishment, the court took into account the fact that it involves very serious offenses and suspect was previously convicted of abusing his other daughter," the court said in a statement. "The court charges the suspect that he has not taken full responsibility for his actions and gave no sign of understanding for the suffering he has caused." tvn.png

-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-04-28

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I find the sentencing quite amazing. In the UK it is likely this guy would have got 15yrs to life, in the US he would be on 25-30 yrs and I am sure in most other European countries and Western countries this sentence would appear very lenient particularly considering his previous offences which must be taken into account after a guilty verdict is established.

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I agree the sentence was too light. He should get castrated by being strapped to a chair, putting jelly on his nuts, and letting rats do the dirty work. then dropped in a dirty cell for 25 years with bread and water twice a day.

The Dutch judges who gave him only 2 years for prior daughter rape should be locked up for 2 years each. Those judges, with their lenient prior sentencing, enabled the later crimes by the rapist.

Edited by maidu
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The sad part is that this man will be out when he is 63. He is still within the age range of being a danger of sexual assault to children. His grand child, if she is a girl, will be 10 years old--well within the age range of his chosen victims.

His daughter has been brought up in a situation where she is not fully aware that such behavior is not normal and this adds a further risk factor to her children.

It is very pathetic that he had a previous conviction that was dealt with in such a way as to keep him away from children. A report of a sex offender for suspected sexual offenses of the same nature should have been handled with much greater suspicion.

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See? This is why these child abusers need to receive the death penalty. There is no CURE. It isn't a disease. It is hard-wired into them as are all other sexual preferences. Since they will never change and will continue to destroy the lives of young children, there is no reason taxpayers should waste their money giving these disgusting people 3 meals/day + free medical. The only reasonable solution is to execute them. Feed them to the hogs and use them as fertilizer later because that's all they are good for.

If your statement is true; then they wouldn't be responsible for their own actions, would they?

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The sad part is that this man will be out when he is 63. He is still within the age range of being a danger of sexual assault to children. His grand child, if she is a girl, will be 10 years old--well within the age range of his chosen victims.

His daughter has been brought up in a situation where she is not fully aware that such behavior is not normal and this adds a further risk factor to her children.

It is very pathetic that he had a previous conviction that was dealt with in such a way as to keep him away from children. A report of a sex offender for suspected sexual offenses of the same nature should have been handled with much greater suspicion.

Agreed, the judges should definitely have considered how much time this man had left to act out his desires as a sexual predator of his own children. When do men lose the ability or desire to have sex? A 30 year stretch would have seen him released when he was effectively no further danger to society. Amazingly he was given a second chance before and he has well and truly blown it, there should be no third chance.

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was it just me or was i the only one who wanted to see a picture of the girl (of course her face would be blurred out)? i mean at 12 y.o. and you don't know you're pregnant - how fat do you have to be on 12 y.o frame?

oh yeah, and to politically protect myself...."what a shame" + "he should have gotten a longer sentence" + "i would never do the same."

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was it just me or was i the only one who wanted to see a picture of the girl (of course her face would be blurred out)? i mean at 12 y.o. and you don't know you're pregnant - how fat do you have to be on 12 y.o frame?

oh yeah, and to politically protect myself...."what a shame" + "he should have gotten a longer sentence" + "i would never do the same."

Maybe it was just you ... I want to see a picture of the father ... that's a face I'd never want to forget !!!

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If this "animal" had previous form for sexual abuse of a Daughter earlier, why in God's name was he allowed custody of his second Daughter? Sounds to me there was a serious failing by the local authority to protect this poor child from this despicable person. Hopefully they too will be investigated and action taken against them for this unforgiveable failing.

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The sad part is that this man will be out when he is 63. He is still within the age range of being a danger of sexual assault to children. His grand child, if she is a girl, will be 10 years old--well within the age range of his chosen victims.

In fact 11 years is the gross term. Usually one third is remitted. That leaves a of 7,3 years. Minus imprisonment before trail (say) 1 year. Leaves 6,3 years. To get used to his freedom, something like one year before his release he gets ‘days off’. So after something like 5 years you can see him again walking around the streets.

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I think we've heard enough from the hang em' high crowd. Let's refrain from seeing who can come up with the worst punishment. I know it's difficult in this thread since it seems like the sentence being given (for a repeat offender) is pretty light and doesn't seem to insure that future crimes of this nature won't occur.

Iraq is off-topic, but I spent a number of years working there and even after the overthrow of Iraq, I know of at least one person who was executed for sodomizing young boys. The Middle East is not an area known for it's tolerance of sexual misconduct.

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I have only a couple of questions.

Where was the girls mother and why is she not getting sentenced?

How old was the brother and why did he not help her if he was older?

Is he going to a maximum prison and put into the general population or do they segregate them there?

Edited by Scott
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was it just me or was i the only one who wanted to see a picture of the girl (of course her face would be blurred out)? i mean at 12 y.o. and you don't know you're pregnant - how fat do you have to be on 12 y.o frame?

oh yeah, and to politically protect myself...."what a shame" + "he should have gotten a longer sentence" + "i would never do the same."

It was just you.
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See? This is why these child abusers need to receive the death penalty. There is no CURE. It isn't a disease. It is hard-wired into them as are all other sexual preferences. Since they will never change and will continue to destroy the lives of young children, there is no reason taxpayers should waste their money giving these disgusting people 3 meals/day + free medical. The only reasonable solution is to execute them. Feed them to the hogs and use them as fertilizer later because that's all they are good for.

If your statement is true; then they wouldn't be responsible for their own actions, would they?

Yes and no. They can't help being physically attracted to children but they can stop themselves from abusing and raping them. I like women but don't go around raping them or sticking my finger in them while no one is watching. Unlike teenage or adult women who can fight back or speak up for themselves, small children are defenseless and that makes the crimes of these molesters all the more horrific.

We cannot "fix" everything in our world. Some people are broken beyond repair. When something gets to that stage, it makes no sense wasting time and money to keep trying to fix it or store on a shelf somewhere. Make space for something more useful/valuable and just toss it in the recycle bin and move on.

"But we aren't talking about inanimate objects, we are talking about living, breathing, human beings!!"

Right, living, breathing human being monsters who prey on children. There is a point where truly good-hearted people try so hard to be humane and feel good about themselves that they would let a monster continue to live and terrorize others or be a drain on society as a whole just so they can feel consistent in their beliefs. When they get to this point, they can do more harm than good and are incapable of seeing it. That's when the pragmatic adults need to step up and take out the garbage.

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Oh no, I wouldn't murder the guy, he would be begging me to murder him. Nope he would not be seen from again by his family and he would live a long long long time. It would not be a happy existence but he would be alive.

I really love his account "I had a t-shirt on, my pants were off. She was also only wearing a t-shirt, I remember that. We held hands, stroked each other, hugged, and then it happened: we had sex. Really? She forced herself on you then ehh? She slipped and fell on your cock and then she kept trying to get up off your cock but kept slipping and next thing you know you busted a nut inside her. Seemed like the only way to get my dick out of her was to loose my boner and that wasn't easy cause she was making me hard with her pussy stuck on my dick. Just couldn't be helped you see.

Like the idea of just sitting on the couch without any trousers on when you daughter is in the room is normal. Hey I was in the living room masturbating and my daughter came in and then she started rubbing one out too. We were just sitting there watching porn together and each of us was taking care of our own pleasure. But dang all she is young and didn't know how to do it right and she asked for my help, and then it happened, she slipped and fell on my tiny dick.

Sick piece of shit.

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The investigation into reports of abuse of a previously convicted offender leave a lot to be desired. Does the girl actually have to give birth before child protection authorities do anything? How many more are being reported and getting away with it?

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