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Are The Thai Police Getting Worse ?


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I don't know what to believe. I do believe its possible here and in other countries. But i think the BIB can make enough money from real criminals. I doubt they have to do this. But i won't say its totally impossible because it is something i do worry about sometimes.

I wonder how it would look if you asked to be tested for any kind of drug and came out 100% clean. Would that give you more credibility.

Like others have said it usually happens to a friend of a friend, never the person posting here. Also do remember its better to say something is planted then to admit you were stupid enough to buy it and get caught.

First, you need to open your eyes, come out from your cave. This scam is done in quite a few countries in South East asia. Next, the police are incredibly greedy, so they are not content with getting protection money from Thai criminals, they like to shake the farang tree as well.

Any drug test done in Thailand can always be made to turn out positive, very simple professor.

Yes, many here say it has happened to a friend, but I will be honest enough to say it has happened to me, and I wasn't stupid enough to have anything at all on me or near me, it was extortion, a shake down. I was not guilty but because I would not pay up I was thrown in jail, and nobody cared, embassy just said that they could do nothing, so after a week I had to pay the cop in charge and the story ended.

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Yes, many here say it has happened to a friend, but I will be honest enough to say it has happened to me, and I wasn't stupid enough to have anything at all on me or near me, it was extortion, a shake down. I was not guilty but because I would not pay up I was thrown in jail, and nobody cared, embassy just said that they could do nothing, so after a week I had to pay the cop in charge and the story ended.

Where were you when it happended to you ?

So you were tested positive. You had nothing with you. But the test is not about what you have with you but what you have in you.

When you are stopped for drunk driving, it's not about the bottles you have in your car, but the alcohol you have in your blood.

You say you will be honest. Were you loaded at the time ?

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I don't know what to believe. I do believe its possible here and in other countries. But i think the BIB can make enough money from real criminals. I doubt they have to do this. But i won't say its totally impossible because it is something i do worry about sometimes.

I wonder how it would look if you asked to be tested for any kind of drug and came out 100% clean. Would that give you more credibility.

Like others have said it usually happens to a friend of a friend, never the person posting here. Also do remember its better to say something is planted then to admit you were stupid enough to buy it and get caught.

First, you need to open your eyes, come out from your cave. This scam is done in quite a few countries in South East asia. Next, the police are incredibly greedy, so they are not content with getting protection money from Thai criminals, they like to shake the farang tree as well.

Any drug test done in Thailand can always be made to turn out positive, very simple professor.

Yes, many here say it has happened to a friend, but I will be honest enough to say it has happened to me, and I wasn't stupid enough to have anything at all on me or near me, it was extortion, a shake down. I was not guilty but because I would not pay up I was thrown in jail, and nobody cared, embassy just said that they could do nothing, so after a week I had to pay the cop in charge and the story ended.

Yes i lived in a cave here in Thailand for the last 7 years. How many years do you have here ? And you should read what i said i believe it does happen but i dont believe it happens that much.

Any drug test anywhere can be done to make you look bad. Then again it will take more and more people being in on it. The more there are in on it the higher the risk for them.

Now please tell me more about what happened to you. Love to know details.

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Yes i lived in a cave here in Thailand for the last 7 years. How many years do you have here ?

Oh god here we go...."the how long have you lived here ?"... p*ssing match...whats next ?..."who can wai better ?"..who is more at one with their Thainess ?....my wifes not a bargirl...she's a Thai/chinese hi-so with a double doctorate and high level connections in the goverment...etc etc

Rather pathetic girls....I would rather be listening to the OAP's moaning about their pension increases

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"She met a young farang while out drinking with her office friends on kho san rd"

Office girl that goes out drinking in kho san rod..........No need to comment that, or?

"the police planted and then "found" a small bag of cannabis in the pocket of the farang"

and how can drunk office girl from kho san rd know that it was planted and that kho san rd farang didn't had it before?

"and between the two of them decided he would have to pay 50,000 or 5 years in jail ,that was his only options ......"

In Thailand the court is handing out jail terms not the police.

"at the station ,his "cannabis" was photographed and paperwork was prepared for him to be formaly charged

he spoke to the police "boss" to try and protest and they asked him how much he could pay

he was able to get 40,000 from the ATM and in the end they accepted it, had him sign a confession in thai (weird) and released him on bail from the station a day later"

If the police took 40K under the table, they wouldn't let him sign something. If it was official eh would have seen the court.

My most probable version of that story.

A farang that smoked cannabis, visible intoxicated went with 2 freelance prostitutes (office girls don't go drinking in Koh San road.

Police took him as they could see that he is intoxicated and found the cannabis.

He told it isn't his and he don't know how it came in his pocket.

They told him to pay 40 K or it goes to the court, which he did.

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I can verify these stories to be true.

It happened to a very good and reliable friend of mine, only it was much worse. He was walking down soi 11, was stopped by two cops who planted a milligram of cannabis on him, and was arrested. They wanted 100 million baht (sorry, MPB), but he didnt have it so instead he was sentenced to death, executed and only then released.

I met him a day after and he told me the whole thing.

He didnt seem to mind. He just chuckled and said TiT.

That sorry sounds more probable.....

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Its just a normal night in bkk, they're is a routine scam running outside a certain bar in bkk which involves people being offered a Gram of weed for 500thb and theyare arrested a few meters after buying it

In some cases, arrested and accused of buying it even if they said no

In all cases , it has never went further than a night in the cells and and then a 800-1000 euro fine the next morning in exchange for not going to a Thai prison

People here don't work in tourist hot spots or they will know this to be true already

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"She met a young farang while out drinking with her office friends on kho san rd"

Office girl that goes out drinking in kho san rod..........No need to comment that, or?

Lots of office girls, students, and young Thais with real jobs go drinking in Khao San Road. Gullivers does get freelancers but not all are. And some of the other bars in the area are over 90% Thai and hardly have any farang at all. That part of the story wasn't unbelievable at all.

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Yes i lived in a cave here in Thailand for the last 7 years. How many years do you have here ?

Oh god here we go...."the how long have you lived here ?"... p*ssing match...whats next ?..."who can wai better ?"..who is more at one with their Thainess ?....my wifes not a bargirl...she's a Thai/chinese hi-so with a double doctorate and high level connections in the goverment...etc etc

Rather pathetic girls....I would rather be listening to the OAP's moaning about their pension increases

Yea yea i know but if someone says im living in a cave while i have been living here i tend to question how long they have been here. Could be that i just don't hang out in those area's Though i am no stranger to drugs (in my past but not here)

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Yea yea i know but if someone says im living in a cave while i have been living here i tend to question how long they have been here. Could be that i just don't hang out in those area's Though i am no stranger to drugs (in my past but not here)

Still cant see the connection between the length of time some has lived here and living in a cave...rolleyes.gif

If someone had commented on me living in cave my retort would have been very simple..." Well my cave is far better than the THB 7000/m 1 bedroom/studio shithole you live in"....you see dont have to be drawn into "I am more Thaier than Thai because i have been here longer than you gambit"

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Office girls get cock too , i can verify that having met loads of them that like to party on khao San rd ,cheap drinks, plenty of good looking young farangs to shag and nobody to look down on them for it

Some office girls have cocks as well have you verified them as well ?

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I agree with wanna Jurgen. I stopped posting or even opening Thaivisa page for ages (and even nowadays only very occasionally) because of comments like yours. I began to see Thaivisa and most of its posters as an irrelevance. I still do to a large extent.

I came to the opinion that unless you praised virtually everything Thai, looked for opportunities to ingratiate yourself with Thais, showed the world how wonderfully P.C. you were (trying to impress someone..I don't know who), how warm and fluffy you were, you were ridiculed and shouted down by a large amount of people on Thaivisa.

I've lived and worked in Thailand for over 10 years (so what, I hear you say) and I have connected with the community, married a Thai and inherited a family, bought condos, cars, I know personally several thousands of Thais (sorry, I know what most of you are thinking', not girls I've met at bars/massage... you sad sacks) etc etc blaa blaa (so what, I here you say, totally unimpressed). The point I'm making is that although my views are sometimes strong they are all based on truth and fact and my observations and experience.

I am very pragmatic and call a spade a spade and no fancy foot dancing around it and burying your head in the sand or going into denial will change the truth and fact. But, I've concluded that many here on Thaivia are into the burying of heads, dancing around, denial and and just unable or unwilling to face the truth...lying is easier for them as well as apologize for anything Thai (even the totally insupportable). They also try to show off by demonstrating how cleverly they can shoot down some poster. They do this because they are just plain foolish and/or have their own little agenda going that is very often anti-weterner! To the point of treachery towards their own race. (Maybe this is a fashion I haven't caught up with yet)

I, on the other hand, (and a few others) have always beed consistent in supporting westerners who have/are wronged here in Thailand by Thais (and others). I have always "told the world" how, on many occasions westerners are so poorly treated by a great proportion of Thais (whether the Thais be individuals, groups, businesses or government).

And before you start.....Yes, I know there are many Thais who are "as individuals" great human beings. I know many in this category.

But, there is, on the whole, a deep seated dislike and distain of westerners harbored by many Thais and their government, and this manifests

itself into scams, rip-offs, altercations, aggression, false testifying, lying, arguments, thefts, assaults, muggings, murders perpetrated upon westerners.

If you have lived and worked in Thailand and you try to be part of the broader community (although you'll never be totally "in the loop" ) (oh, and I don't mean the bar community many of you frequent) for several years AND you know a little more than elementary Thai and walk around with your eyes and ears open and you've got a brain that is not addled by drugs and alcohol and your hypocrisy is within a reasonable range you may just agree with me.

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Yea yea i know but if someone says im living in a cave while i have been living here i tend to question how long they have been here. Could be that i just don't hang out in those area's Though i am no stranger to drugs (in my past but not here)

Still cant see the connection between the length of time some has lived here and living in a cave...rolleyes.gif

If someone had commented on me living in cave my retort would have been very simple..." Well my cave is far better than the THB 7000/m 1 bedroom/studio shithole you live in"....you see dont have to be drawn into "I am more Thaier than Thai because i have been here longer than you gambit"

Maybe because i read it different then you i am not a native English speaker but i always thought that living in a cave means that you did not get out in the real world. In this case the real world is Thailand. So that was why i thought time spend here had some relevance. Please correct me if im wrong.

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Yea yea i know but if someone says im living in a cave while i have been living here i tend to question how long they have been here. Could be that i just don't hang out in those area's Though i am no stranger to drugs (in my past but not here)

Still cant see the connection between the length of time some has lived here and living in a cave...rolleyes.gif

If someone had commented on me living in cave my retort would have been very simple..." Well my cave is far better than the THB 7000/m 1 bedroom/studio shithole you live in"....you see dont have to be drawn into "I am more Thaier than Thai because i have been here longer than you gambit"

Maybe because i read it different then you i am not a native English speaker but i always thought that living in a cave means that you did not get out in the real world. In this case the real world is Thailand. So that was why i thought time spend here had some relevance. Please correct me if im wrong.

You are right in that LOS is a BIG learning curve and for some they cannot get out of the farang land way of thinking instead of having sort of a ''brain'' blank canvas and learn stuff. smile.png

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foolish and/or have their own little agenda going that is very often anti-weterner! To the point of treachery towards their own race. (Maybe this is a fashion I haven't caught up with yet)

I have no idea why anyone would think they should "take sides" in favor of one person over another just because of their "race" "tribe" "nation" whatever. I see lots of farang trying to scam Thais, especially girls, and I always try to first of all mind my own business and stay out of trouble, but if I can't, then will "take the side" of what's right, not based on DNA.

Yes, I know there are many Thais who are "as individuals" great human beings. I know many in this category.

But, there is, on the whole, a deep seated dislike and distain of westerners harbored by many Thais and their government, and this manifests itself into scams, rip-offs, altercations, aggression, false testifying, lying, arguments, thefts, assaults, muggings, murders perpetrated upon westerners. If you have lived and worked in Thailand and you try to be part of the broader community (although you'll never be totally "in the loop" ) (oh, and I don't mean the bar community many of you frequent) for several years AND you know a little more than elementary Thai and walk around with your eyes and ears open and you've got a brain that is not addled by drugs and alcohol and your hypocrisy is within a reasonable range you may just agree with me.

Yes such things often happen here, but in my experience most victims of the serious stuff have attracted their own "bad luck" by the company they keep, their own shady activities and their expectations, which IMO largely create the world we perceive.

Sharp practices are of course more widespread here, but it's a general phenomenon, Thais prey on fellow Thais much more than they do foreigners.

Of course naive farang who buy into the whole LOS myth and are openly living large advertise themselves as prime targets, but to me that's just another way of creating your own problems.

So yes, you have to educate yourself and be careful, use common sense to protect your life and treasure. But also realize that if you live a clean life and try to be a good person there are many many wonderful individuals, most of whom I prefer as people to the average citizen back home. And you can make a great life for yourself here if you leave yourself open to the good just as much as the bad.

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Everytime I hear about some really bad story about the police, it's never by a first hand witness, always someone who heard from a reliable friend ...

Sorry, here I think we have a very poor troll thread and I will give a 3 out of 10.

If the story were true, then the young farang would have told it to 20 friends, and they each would have repeated the story to 10 others friends, who would tell it to 5 new friends.

There you go, out of 1000 persons aware of this story, only 20 are first hand witnesses. That's why you almost never hear about those stories from someone very close to the source.

Ok, that's also how urban myths are created, but in this case the story is plausible.

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I see a few replies stating that when a solider commits a crime he is always dealt with military court, anywhere in the world…Not true, I know for a fact if a UK service person commits a crime, (covered by UK law) he or she will be dealt with by the civilian courts, Brake a law under military code and he, she will go through the military system. I know there are other countries that follow the same system.

There are exceptions, for example; when on active service, (state of war declared) and out of the that given counties territory.

I think any country that allow its military to police it’s self is asking for trouble, far too much power. It tends to corrupted, need I say more?

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I see a few replies stating that when a solider commits a crime he is always dealt with military court, anywhere in the world…Not true, I know for a fact if a UK service person commits a crime, (covered by UK law) he or she will be dealt with by the civilian courts, Brake a law under military code and he, she will go through the military system. I know there are other countries that follow the same system.

There are exceptions, for example; when on active service, (state of war declared) and out of the that given counties territory.

I think any country that allow its military to police it’s self is asking for trouble, far too much power. It tends to corrupted, need I say more?

In the example you quote, the Military can decide to hand over a person to a civilan court to follow that process, but its still the military who have first refusal if you will as to whether to prosecute somebody under military law all allow prosecution under civilan law

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I see a few replies stating that when a solider commits a crime he is always dealt with military court, anywhere in the world…Not true, I know for a fact if a UK service person commits a crime, (covered by UK law) he or she will be dealt with by the civilian courts, Brake a law under military code and he, she will go through the military system. I know there are other countries that follow the same system.

There are exceptions, for example; when on active service, (state of war declared) and out of the that given counties territory.

I think any country that allow its military to police it’s self is asking for trouble, far too much power. It tends to corrupted, need I say more?

In Austria, which is central Europe, it is the military police who makes the arrests of military personal.

(at least when I was there 12 years ago, maybe it has changed)

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I see a few replies stating that when a solider commits a crime he is always dealt with military court, anywhere in the world…Not true, I know for a fact if a UK service person commits a crime, (covered by UK law) he or she will be dealt with by the civilian courts, Brake a law under military code and he, she will go through the military system. I know there are other countries that follow the same system.

There are exceptions, for example; when on active service, (state of war declared) and out of the that given counties territory.

I think any country that allow its military to police it’s self is asking for trouble, far too much power. It tends to corrupted, need I say more?

Why are you and the following posters discussing the military, what has that got to do with this thread??

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Where were you when it happended to you ?

So you were tested positive. You had nothing with you. But the test is not about what you have with you but what you have in you.

When you are stopped for drunk driving, it's not about the bottles you have in your car, but the alcohol you have in your blood.

You say you will be honest. Were you loaded at the time ?

It happened during the Vietnam war, I was staying at the Malaysia hotel, when the cops raided my room and accused me of possessing weed.

I was neither loaded, or stoned, and in those days there were no tests, it was simply the cops word against the foreigner's word and the cop was always believed(and still is).

In those days the Malaysia and the Atlanta(soi 2, Sukhum..) were dangerous places to stay as guests were often shaken down by the cops. In those days cops always had a Buddha stick or 3 in their pockets to plant on one.

Personally I don't care if you believe or not but obviously you seem to be living in an alternative reality to most of us, just like some other blind(or just plain ignorant) members on this forum.

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Yes i lived in a cave here in Thailand for the last 7 years. How many years do you have here ?

Ever hear of the Vietnam war little boy?

Yes i did was that not that war where the USA got their ass kicked by some rice farmers ?

But yes i believe your account, but don't you think some data from eons ago don't have much relevance now. I still believe it happens but is not as common as some people make us believe. There are easier ways for cops to make money by going after real criminals.

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