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Australian Media Baron Dies


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Some Famous Bullimore quotes.

Strict but magnificent." - On his tough father Sir Frank;

"There is a little bit of the whore in all of us, gentlemen. What is your price?" - To the Australian Cricket Board in 1976, seeking the right to televise Test matches.

"From now on it is every man for himself and let the devil take the hindmost." - Storming out of a meeting with ICC members at Lord's in 1977.

"An Alan Bond only happens to you once." - After Mr Bond bought the Channel Nine network for $1.05 billion in 1987. Packer bought it back three years later for $300 million;

"I've been to the other side, and let me tell you son, there's f...ing nothing there." - In 1990 after his heart stopped while playing polo;

"He wasn't very lovable but he was bloody efficient." - On one of his heroes, Genghis Khan.

"If a working class Englishman saw a bloke drive past in a Rolls-Royce, he'd say to himself 'Come the social revolution and we'll take that away from you, mate'. Whereas if his American counterpart saw a bloke drive past in a Cadillac he'd say 'One day I'm going to own one of those'. To my way of thinking the first attitude is wrong. The latter is right";

"Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer. Reluctantly." - To a federal parliamentary media inquiry, when asked to state his full name and the capacity in which he appeared.

Sad to see him go , the last of the aussie larrikan businessman breed.

Now we get to watch James bumble away all of Dad's empire.

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The bloke was a toad. Packer, Allan Jones and little Johnny, hand in hand have instilled 'poor-bugger-me-ism' into the national ethos, boganising Australia to turn it into the dumbed-down, mean, inward looking, selfish place that it has become in the past 10 years.

He is gone, just can't wait for the remainder of the evil trinity to leave the stage.

Not Thailand related yes....but I don't care.

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Hope he spent all his money before he kicked the bucket. If he didn't, not much use for it all, eh?

He loved to gamble; I think he actually severely depressed the earnings of one of the big casinos in Vegas for a quarter, when he won AFAIK about $30M usd...

Mind you he also holds the record for losing the most as well :-)

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