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Outdoor Wall Costs In Isaan

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(I don't know which forum to place this in, I'll try Isaan since the costs of a security wall will be different in varioius provinces.) I am in the process of building a simple bungalow up in Issaan with my sweetheart. When I was up there during Songkran, I decided we should build a wall on one side of her property because the neighbor seemed to have a few of their "items" on her lot and eventually we would have a wall around the house. Here's the scoop: The wall is 2 meters hight; 30 meters long, out of cement blocks. I do know the cement posts had to be specially ordered. I asked how much it would cost and my Thai girlfriend said her brother-in-law could do it cheaply. She came up with the figure of 30,000 baht. I said that I would need a receipt of all the expenses. The fellow is not done yet, but needs more cash to complete the one wall . I do not have time to find out the cost of one cement block or cement, so do any of you have an idea what a wall section like this should cost. (This is a good "test" before I sink money into the construction of a small house.)

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6" x 6" precast posts will cost 270 Bt/metre.

60 sqm of wall will take 720 grey blocks @ 20cm x 40cm.

Say, 10 posts @ 3. x 270 Bt = 8,100 Bt + 720 blocks @ 5 Bt = 3,600 = Total 11,700.

That leaves 18,300 Baht (+ whatever you are being asked for now) to cover cement and labour + whatever foundation may have gone in).

With labour at 250 a day - let's be generous @ 8 days = 2,000 Baht.


1,000 Baht/ linear metre for a 2metre high wall is a very good price. You definitely have not been ripped off! Where I live it would be double that cost although the construction method would be different (ie the vertical posts would not be pre-cast, they would cast in situ as they do with the foundations then in-fill with blocks rendered both sides).


I Am building a 2 meter high wall, 117 m long in Khon kaen right now, , I estimate,when all is said and done it will have cost me 1,100 bht a meter.


As stated earlier the method of construction will greatly dictate the cost. I recently had a 60 M. retaining wall/fence 2 M. tall with 1/2 M. below ground. Labor cost was 400 baht per sq. M. Material costs are what they are as is the cost of the occassional beers and bottle of whiskey at end of the day.


Ideally and most importantly; the "Foundation-Beam" should be integrated with the "up-rights" or "Posts" - and this entire affair should be poured 'in-situ'. A wall constructed in this way, should not 'settle' and hence no 'cracks' should appear over time. The price of anywhere between Bt. 1,000.- to Bt. 1,200.- per lineal meter (this is rendered both sides & painted !) is very reasonable.

Make sure they put the correct thickness of Steel Rebar into Foundation & Posts !

Also; if you ever want any Lights or Power-Outlets on or in that wall (now or in future) - better to put some piping in place before they pour the posts.

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Agreed 1,000 baht a meter is good value even for unpainted. Within that, 250 baht an hour for family labour is also fine - possibly a little generous, but keeps things sweet.

Dont fall into the trap that everyone is ripping you off and you'll have a far healthier life here!

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With labour at 250 a day - let's be generous @ 8 days = 2,000 Baht.

Yeah....real generous.

You should be ashamed.


We built a wall around my lovely wife's aunts house so we could grow some potatoes and give the aunt something to do as well. The wall sections are 2 1/2 meters each, the posts were pre-made. I think it's about 120 meters around with three sides being 2 meters tall and the front shorter with the added wrought iron fence and gates.

The costs for the walls, both sides finished except the back wall (up to neighbors!), all painted both sides in two colors (not the back...did I mention the neighbors?), was 118,000 baht. The fence in front and the one gate total was 48,000 baht complete and painted. We will eventually do another gate and perhaps build again on that land.

Hope the attached pictures work.



Can't figure out how to attach pictures, sorry. This website has changed since the last time I posted pictures]


With labour at 250 a day - let's be generous @ 8 days = 2,000 Baht.

Yeah....real generous.

You should be ashamed.

Good money in the villages, as you well know Jeff.

Obviously, being a Falang, I pay 300........



Can't figure out how to attach pictures, sorry. This website has changed since the last time I posted pictures]

What I do with pictures is:

I have opened a free account with Photobucket, and I upload all my pictures there., then when I want to post a picture on TV or elsewhere, simply open the picture in Photobucket, , right click on it and copy the URL, then on TV simply click on "image" and paste the URL inside the quotes.


Here we go, we hope...th_Gatefenceandfloortiles022.jpgth_JanuarytoJuly302010008.jpgth_JanuarytoJuly302010056.jpg

alrighty then, thanks Sirineou


my pleasure Mario

When in Photobucket if you right click the picture in your album you will copy the URL , of the thumbnail picture in the album and you will get a small picture.

First double click on the album thumbnail, and open the picture, then copy the URL .of the larger, open picture, and you will have a larger picture with more detail on your TV post.

By the way, nice fence, I hope mine comes out as good.


Thanks for all the info. That is sure a fancy wall for a potato patch. I guess 1200 a meter is the average cost of a 2 meter high wall (not including labor costs or the whiskey).


Thanks for all the info. That is sure a fancy wall for a potato patch. I guess 1200 a meter is the average cost of a 2 meter high wall (not including labor costs or the whiskey).

As you know already TN, costs [in general] will largely depend on styling and assorted accessories....we completed a perimeter wall of 2+ rai about a year ago for a total of B150,000 - similiar to Mario's post #17. Every situation wiff differ naturally. We did a great deal of the land preperation ourselves and lent a hand here and there where our skills were warrented....amazing how much cost one can save when figuring in knowledgeable family [wife, FIL, cousins] and their past experience with these sort of projects.


Thanks for all the info. That is sure a fancy wall for a potato patch. I guess 1200 a meter is the average cost of a 2 meter high wall (not including labor costs or the whiskey).

It won't be a potato patch forever.

rolleyes.gif mario299


Thanks for all the info. That is sure a fancy wall for a potato patch. I guess 1200 a meter is the average cost of a 2 meter high wall (not including labor costs or the whiskey).

depending where you are, the 1200 bht cost per meter, should include the labor, but not the whiskey..


Hi, My GF had her brother and 2 friends build her house in isaan and it was 120mtrs/side x 22mtrs/end it cost just over 20000tbt, for the lot,i think that was very cheap


Hi, My GF had her brother and 2 friends build her house in isaan and it was 120mtrs/side x 22mtrs/end it cost just over 20000tbt, for the lot,i think that was very cheap

for 20k baht i dont think it was made from cement ....wink.png

  • 2 months later...

Your cost seem pretty much in line with what I have experienced from a trustworthy wife and family. I am now paying about 30,000 for about 30 meters. 33% is 10 blocks high, 33% is 6 blocks high and 30% is 4 blocks high. I should also say that there is no metal work, no paint and no gates. In fact I have left the outside of the wall raw block. (dont like to look so hi so in the village). These costs are with me personally (with wife checking prices first) buying all the sand, gravel, block. re-bar and cement. I am paying labor 13,000 and materials 17,000.

Regarding labor costs. I generally pay 250 for unskilled or 300 plus for skilled or difficult jobs. But I try not to pay by day, because you have very little control over the work speed. I have one dirty job handy man that I pay 300 and the job takes him 3-4 days (with a lot of whiskey down time) I have one guy I pay 300, and he does the same work in 4 hours. (Same Same to me)

Also contrary to previous post, it does not seem like an 8 day jobto me... certainly not for one man. My guy will probably do 1/2 the work alone, and half the work with one or maybe two others that he "contracts" He deals with paying them. I dont have a problem with that. Mixing and pouring cement is a 2 or three man job. He seems to do all the re-bar work himself and gets help for the mixing and pouring.

It will probably take three weeks. Averaged to two guys a day.. that works out to about 360 per day/per man + materials. And I dont buy whiskey (maybe one at the end of the job) but I do buy sponser everyday.

Also to add to previous poster. Dont run around thinking every thai person is trying to cheat you or get in to your pocket. Most of the guys who think they are getting ripped off live in tourist areas, and they are living in a place that treats any farang as transient Most of the guys I know in isaan dont think they are being taken advantage of.. of course there are a few who are getting ripped off blind... but they are generally the ones that dont know it:) And the community appreciates farang presence. I dont hear of people getting jacked up for 100,000 baht for working. I know a teacher who works w/o a permit, a guy who works on his farm everyday, and a guy who works in his restaurant everyday. all strickly forbidden but they have no work permits and no hassle. This problem is in the tourist areas... no one gives a $hit out here. I get stopped by the police driving with no license and I just say "oh it is at home and I live in that village"... and they usually wave me on.


My girlfriend sold some of her land next door and they are building a wall same as mentioned right now, the owners are supplying all materials and the local building mob are erecting for 600 baht a meter i am told.This is cast in-situ then form up and pour the columns then build block between, not sure if this includes render both sides.


il be building a perimiter fence my self about 150 metres hopign i can build it in block in a week looking for a plaster to redder it if anyone knows a decent plasterer.


il be building a perimiter fence my self about 150 metres hopign i can build it in block in a week looking for a plaster to redder it if anyone knows a decent plasterer.

Falang cannot do the work, why would you do yourself when labour is so cheap.


True and true.

You think you can build a 150m wall by yourself in a week? Good luck with that!!

Any idea how much graft it will be just mixing all of the cement you will need??! I would't even like to carry all the cement and sand for it, let alone mix it all by myself and then lay a 150m wall and mould the foundation and posts.

You will need a team. A team of cheap labour. If only Thailand had lots of cheap local labourers that knew how to build a wall better than a visitor who is not allowed to work here and doesn't even know how to render a wall.

Oh wait....


Im a brikkie and yes it will be built in block in a week, just havnt got the skill to render it.

Falang can build in issan no problem i built my own house no complaints from anyone.

Yes a couple of labourers will be needed but i wouldnt trust them with real building work .

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