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On Khao San Road Brutality


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Just a heads up..

Just seen a farang quitely minding his own buisness waiting for a table outside the " <Snip!>" on k San rd set upon by a gang of 4 Chinese thai looking yobs (wearing the official <Snip> Polo's) and punched in the head after they refused him entry to the toilrt while waiting.

I was an eye whiteness to this farang brutality and def the only thing that the farang did wrong is try to head to the toilet while he was waiting for his table with the beer he had from the prevoius bar. At which he was told no and kindly exited to continue waiting for his table

Does this merit being set upon by 4 Thai yobs and punched in the face?

I think not.

I spoke to the Guy afterwards and he was distraught and couldn't understand why it happened. He def wasn't a k san drunk and hed only had 2 beers!...so there goes the usual " farang deserving it!" theory

My question is. What can be done about this sheer abuse of power seeing as the poor guy will not be taken seriously even by the police as a victim on k San rd and being a farang?

Just bend over and take it????

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Edited by metisdead
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Such an attack on an innocent person by bar personnel is pretty rare here. Are you sure you witnessed the entire event? Did you hear all that was said in its entirety? If so, and I'd believe you if you said you did, then its a disgrace and every one of us should boycott that establishment and spread the word on this because hitting them in the pocket is all they understand. Definitely no justice from the police!

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Where there is smoke there is fire. Alcohol and unsavvy farangs dont mix all that well here in LOS.

Dont know why anyone would even bother going to Kaosan rd anymore. The place has been ruined by over -commercialisation and is souless.

Most of the 'hole in the wall' guest houses and tour places are long gone. Now its just an upmarket-expensive -yuppie bar hangout for Bangkok Thai's.

All the backpacker travel talk nowdays is about Laos. Thailands cut its own throat in that travel segment.

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Some of the waiting staff on Khoa San are ruthless. I've seen a few incidents with some staff in a bar I won't mention. They're a group of guys who grow their nails long and wear a bit of make-up. I've seen them smashing bottles over heads and kicking people when down. Of course, every incident I saw there was provocation, but I can't see why you'd need to kick someone in the face when they're lying on the floor. Especially when you're in the customer care business.

Khoa San has a non-stop turn around of 'customers'. I imagine there are a lot of rude and annoying customers to be dealt with. You can accept this and get on with your job, quit - or jump up and down on their head if they annoy you. Be careful when you go to Khoa San. I have enjoyed my nights out there, but I always feel the place is a ticking time bomb.

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Yes I whitnessed the whole thing and the only thing said by the farang that could be construed as insulting is "OK no problems, no big deal I'm leaving ill take my custom elsewhere" in those exact words. Next thing as always cowardly from behind 4 Thais run at him from 50 meters or so AFTER he'd left the establishment and struck him 5-6 times from behind. Cowards.

With staff at places like khao San place being as aggressive and provactive as they are it completely as the previous op's said puts me off going khao San full stop

Maybe this was the one isolated incident where it really wasn't the farangs fault and the bar staff were just looking to flex their Muscles, I do understand that they must deal with a high rate of idiots and maybe this guy was just wrong person wrong time but it is absolutely un called for in the land of "smiles"

If it was the other way around we would all be up in arms about the farang striking a Thai...but because it's a Thai striking a farang we 'presume' the farang deserved it. Lets not forget sometimes the boot can be on the other foot.

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So, he went to the bar (with a beer in hand already), was waiting for a table to become vacant and wanted to use the bathroom while he was waiting for the table to become available. Is that correct? Was he waiting for the table, or was he told to wait there because he still had the beer from the other bar, and that he must finish it before he was allowed in? Did they perhaps think he was trying to sneak in and was using the bathroom thing as an excuse? Either way, an extreme reaction for sure.

Just trying to figure out the full picture, because from the OP it looks like there was nothing whatsoever that could even slightly be construed as a provocation.

Edited by dantilley
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Khao San lost it's "charm" long time ago. Now it's full of drunk=stupid farangs who think they are "cool" because they wear dirty clothes are obnoxious, nd full of weird/ rich thais who think they own the world, and as thsi is their country they are the lasters. And anybody who have been long enough in thailand knows that Thais are not just smily people. They love to kick farang asses,and they are brutal in every case. Seen Thais jumping on my friends head while was down unconscious.

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I don't get why guys wont tell us the names of these places.

<snip> - any more the wiser ?

In any any nation there are idiots who think nothing of attacking, tourist hot spots bring out the scum in any society, in Thailand it is in these tourist hot spots where we see the worst of the Thai's but also the worst of the tourists. It's often hardly surprising that there is tensions.

I've eaten in Khao Sarn Road - the food was OK, but the service was nothing better than 'surly'. Thai's don't like serving loud and arrogant foreigners, unfortunately after one or two of those experiences we are all tarred with the same brush and all considered ill mannered until proven otherwise.

A good time can be enjoyed in Khao Sarn Rd area, but usually its off the main street in some of the other bars frequented by the more regular and polite crowds of Thai's who've not yet been exposed to the worst tourism brings in.

This is a shame, but also a fact of human nature - Its best to avoid those spots known for cheap tourism if we don't like the associated serving of fried poor attitude.....

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I went there a few years back, aging hippies with tattoos and dreadlocks.

Not all that interesting.

As for food and drink from other establishments, normal operating procedure in Thailand, as long as you buy something from the place you are sitting, never seen anybody bothered. Loads of Thais wander bar to bar with their own bottle of whiskey, only buying mixers, never any problem.

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As for food and drink from other establishments, normal operating procedure in Thailand, as long as you buy something from the place you are sitting, never seen anybody bothered. Loads of Thais wander bar to bar with their own bottle of whiskey, only buying mixers, never any problem.

It's true that often this can be done, it's much more commonly accepted in Thailand than in the West. I have seen a few places in KSR with signs up prohibiting it though. I think in touristy places (not just KSR) it's less widely accepted.

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Khao San lost it's "charm" long time ago. Now it's full of drunk=stupid farangs who think they are "cool" because they wear dirty clothes are obnoxious, nd full of weird/ rich thais who think they own the world, and as thsi is their country they are the lasters. And anybody who have been long enough in thailand knows that Thais are not just smily people. They love to kick farang asses,and they are brutal in every case. Seen Thais jumping on my friends head while was down unconscious.

If that's really your picture, then it would explain your words above... ;)


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I dont understand why people bring beer from an other bar or shop into a bar or restaurant.

It is also strange if your not a customer (yet) to walk into a toilet without asking.

Nor do I, but it doesn't justify a beating up by a mob.

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The fact of the matter is the farang had apologised for trying to enter with the bottle (to go to the toilet while he was waiting for a vacant table) told the bar staff that now he didnt want to wait any longer for a table if they wouldnt allow him to go pee and had well left the bar before being set upon from behind 50meters down the road.

Sorry but that is Un-called for full stop whether you are farang, Thai or a purple alien.

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Saw something simular a few years back a farung was set on by 3 thai thugs on Khaosan Rd where my wife and I was standing ,don't know what he done but it was not a nice site what they did to him . they came out of nowhere from diffrent dirrections and attacted him Never been back..

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So this guy buys a beer from some place.

Takes it into a bar. While drinking this beer in the other place that sells beer but he did not buy it from, he goes to use their toilets, then gets smart and lippy with the bouncers when they refuse him. sad.png

Lucky this wasn't in the west as he might well have gotten more than a few little slaps.

Let's hope these lads happened to slap a bit of sense in to him.

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Such an attack on an innocent person by bar personnel is pretty rare here. Are you sure you witnessed the entire event? Did you hear all that was said in its entirety? If so, and I'd believe you if you said you did, then its a disgrace and every one of us should boycott that establishment and spread the word on this because hitting them in the pocket is all they understand. Definitely no justice from the police!

Didn't take until post #3 for the apologists to show up.

I've seen then same thing happen more than once and it has happened to me once also. First instincts is the beat the crap out of them until better judgement prevails as you know 10 others will join the "kick the farang" squad.

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Such an attack on an innocent person by bar personnel is pretty rare here. Are you sure you witnessed the entire event? Did you hear all that was said in its entirety? If so, and I'd believe you if you said you did, then its a disgrace and every one of us should boycott that establishment and spread the word on this because hitting them in the pocket is all they understand. Definitely no justice from the police!

Didn't take until post #3 for the apologists to show up.

I've seen then same thing happen more than once and it has happened to me once also. First instincts is the beat the crap out of them until better judgement prevails as you know 10 others will join the "kick the farang" squad.


Bouncers giving people a kicking doesn't happen at all in the West eh. rolleyes.gif

Certainly not for taking a beer from another bar into their premises, taking it into their toilet without ordering anything from that premises and then getting lippy with the security. It's simply because the bouncers were Thai because Western bouncers never act as such, eh. thumbsup.gif

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So this guy buys a beer from some place.

Takes it into a bar. While drinking this beer in the other place that sells beer but he did not buy it from, he goes to use their toilets, then gets smart and lippy with the bouncers when they refuse him. sad.png

According to the OP, no that's not what happened.

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Such an attack on an innocent person by bar personnel is pretty rare here. Are you sure you witnessed the entire event? Did you hear all that was said in its entirety? If so, and I'd believe you if you said you did, then its a disgrace and every one of us should boycott that establishment and spread the word on this because hitting them in the pocket is all they understand. Definitely no justice from the police!

Didn't take until post #3 for the apologists to show up.

I've seen then same thing happen more than once and it has happened to me once also. First instincts is the beat the crap out of them until better judgement prevails as you know 10 others will join the "kick the farang" squad.


Bouncers giving people a kicking doesn't happen at all in the West eh. rolleyes.gif

Certainly not for taking a beer from another bar into their premises, taking it into their toilet without ordering anything from that premises and then getting lippy with the security. It's simply because the bouncers were Thai because Western bouncers never act as such, eh. thumbsup.gif

A. He didn't take the beer into the bar

B. He offered to give the beer to the bar staff and go to the toilet "empty handed" while he continued to wait for his seat

C. Once told he had to continue wait for a table before he could use the toilet he politely ( yes I heard him say it, he wasn't lippy) declined and stated he would go elsewhere

D. 50 meters after leaving the premisis he gets chased and set upon by 4 from behind.

Seriously how can you put blame on this guy?

The only thing I think it could simply be wrong person wrong time or maybe even a case of mis identity ( ie they thought he was someone else who had previously been f---ing around)

Either way the poor guy did nothing to deserve or merit that type of over the top reaction

I guess the Thais will quite litterally jump on the chance of getting a few digs into a farang these days

Sad how much things and people have changed here.

Also sad how the mods on this forum are obliged to take out the name of this k san place as it should be allowed as a warning to anyone even considering to head to k San rd these days.

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So he gives his beer (that he bought in another stablishment) to the staff, tries to use their toilets, gets smart when told he can't ( 'I'm leaving ill take my custom elsewhere'), buggers off having stated that he'll be giving them custom.

Lucky boy this wasn't in the West as he may have received something a lot harder than a few slaps.

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You've made that retarded " lucky he wasn't in the west eh?" Comment About 3 times now.

With security industry regulations and criminal background checks abundant in most of Europe and America this type of thuggery is seldom seen by security staff anymore, in fact alot of these guys see themselves as ardent professionals and take their jobs seriously. The american doorman won't even lay a hand on you for fear of getting sued. Have you been to a western club in the past 20 years? Stop being such an arse licking apologist and grow a set. Knocking a blokes teeth out for bringing a drink into your bar and gettting a bit lippy is way out of line.

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