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Top Three Things That Brought You To Thailand?

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I hope I retain the ability to undress a woman at fifty paces until I'm very very old....biggrin.png

I hope you are able to tell the difference between a lady and ladyboy at fifty paces, before you undress them

That's why he undresses them at fifty paces... they may be offended by his look of surprise and alarm were they any closer...


EDIT: If the 50 paces turns out to be 40 paces, that's a bit of a clue as well...

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At first my idea was:

- new life

- new wife

- new fortune

after 7 years it became:

- same story except the palmtree

- old wife

- unemployment



Hot weather came far and away first on the list,

then in no particular order, asian women, cheap living, culture/thai boxing,

i thought i was going to live a peaceful life on the beach but i was mistaken


These types of discussions on why one moves to Thailand always amaze me with their dishonesty. Come on! There's only one reason people move to Thailand, and its located under your zipper! And I'm not, repeat NOT, saying theres anything wrong with that. The draw could me one particular woman or man or not. But we ALL know what it comes down to. The rest are just justifications.

Someone mentioned culture???? Give me a break! You just love Thai entertainment, music, sports, movies, art SO much better than in your home country. I just don't believe you for half a second.

It just makes me laugh when this gets trotted out by people who are desperately trying to justify their existence!

I actually DIDN'T come to Thailand for many,many years because of the girls and stigma that everbody hears about at first.I fell in love with South-East Asia,not a country,not a city,town or village,not a girl even but the whole area!

I was working in Bali,Indonesia selling property to the Aussies just before the original Bali bombings in 2000.My local pub at the time was Paddy's Bar,a huge two-storey Irish Bar opposite the ill-fated Sari Club in Kuta.I saw it recently on the internet and it's now a pile of breeze block rubble with grass growing over it,I would probably have been in there that fateful night.

I left 3 months before as the tension in the air was palpable,Indonesian's saying to me in the street"I don't like foreigner working in my country"!

I found out I liked Thai food just as much as I liked Indian food from eating in Thai restaurants in Europe,saw films like "The Beach" and realised I'd like to check out Thailand after all.

Thai girls are very sweet but to say that that's the ONLY reason ANYONE comes out to Thailand is just pathetic!I've lived in Indonesia,Thailand and The Philippines and like them all,I've made numerous journeys to Cambodia,Vietnam and Laos also and some to Myanmar.

For me the food,beaches plus imported goodies from Europe make it my favourite,I've always said it's like Europe in South-East Asia thanks to all the 7/11s etc.Plus,it's centrally located in the area and easy to get to other countries because of that.

I would never travel to a country to live there just because of the girls and anyone who does really is missing out on everything that Thailand has to offer.Maybe it's just because I'm capable of getting girls elsewhere,who knows?


I would never travel to a country to live there just because of the girls and anyone who does really is missing out on everything that Thailand has to offer.Maybe it's just because I'm capable of getting girls elsewhere,who knows?

Alternatively, maybe you're not that interested in bedding girls.


I would never travel to a country to live there just because of the girls and anyone who does really is missing out on everything that Thailand has to offer.Maybe it's just because I'm capable of getting girls elsewhere,who knows?

Alternatively, maybe you're not that interested in bedding girls.

For some men it is not a big deal bedding girls. They do it everywhere, in the West, East, South and North. They do it in Thailand too, of course.

For the majority of Western men, of course, it is still a big deal. Those are in heaven in Thailand.


I would never travel to a country to live there just because of the girls and anyone who does really is missing out on everything that Thailand has to offer.Maybe it's just because I'm capable of getting girls elsewhere,who knows?

Alternatively, maybe you're not that interested in bedding girls.

For some men it is not a big deal bedding girls. They do it everywhere, in the West, East, South and North. They do it in Thailand too, of course.

For the majority of Western men, of course, it is still a big deal. Those are in heaven in Thailand.

Ya not like those guys in the Middle East.


But there are also plenty of other members who’s reasons for coming here simply did not involve ladies, most of my Western friends here came here under good contracts with International companies. It is likely that whichever country they had ended up in, they at some point would have met a local lady.

In many cases – being here and meeting a lady is not a specific reason for what brought them here. BUT, of course those who came here will naturally have met a lady here, that would be the same of any* country they went to and thus the point becomes moot.

If I worked in France, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, USA, Vietnam etc etc its equally as likely that I would have ended up meeting a marrying a lady there.

You are trying to convince us that 50+ year old men going to live in any country in the world on business, would hook up with local girls under 30.

Thinking ..... thinking ..... thinking ........ NO ..... no way!

Sorry to disagree, but I've seen it happen dozens of times, with nauseating predictability.

As quickly, frequently, and with a 100% success rate? Aw come on. And the old guys don't even speak the language!


1. Women

2. Women

3. Women

At least you're honest.

I always enjoy reading the other excuses for why a single man came to Thailand. It may not be why they stay now, but it is what brought them here in most cases.

Honestly, who comes here for culture? What culture? Unless you live in a Wat, there is no real culture. There is great food, but no real culture. Not anymore. There is chaos, corruption, face, xenophobia, and superstition. Oh, and women! Lots, and lots of women.

Of course some do come here for business, but did I mention women?

Yep gotta be honest on that one too it was girls that attracted me some 12 years ago first, but like everyone who came to the kingdom as green as the grass we all got Thai fever and wanted more! Had my fair share of BGs but as time moves on so does your need for things, it is a great lifestyle in the LOS but in the end I fell in love with the country, not the people

1. To be with Thai people who share my mai pen rai attitude

2. To get away from the stressers back home who worry about nothing

3. To be closer to China in case the 2012 movie comes true


It was supposed to be just 3 weeks, but... oh well...

1. my better half

2. mangos (with sticky rice) - yummy!

3. a job offer

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It was supposed to be just 3 weeks, but... oh well...

1. my better half

2. mangos (with sticky rice) - yummy!

3. a job offer

That's a nice list! smile.png


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Top Three Things That Brought You To Thailand?

  1. Thousands of miles of raw off-road……..(I was into my motocross and dirt biking when I first came here)
  2. A hard-on that would not quit.
  3. A belief that the grass IS always greener on the other side.

Why do I stay?

  1. Despite the bitching, it’s still better than the nanny state I left.
  2. In all my years of travel, at last I’ve found a woman that not only loves me, but care as well.
  3. No 3…….I honestly don’t know, weather……Maybe?


1. favourable exchange rate (sterling) mid-late 90s




1.Now Earn bht so again favourable exchange rate

2. Weather

3.have a feral cat that depends on me


1. Impressive economic stats in the back of The Economist

2. Impressive scenery in The Man with the Golden Gun

3. Impressive life stories of expats as detailed on ThaiVisa


Has to be said the guys on here who insist all are here for Quote "whats under there zipper" are a sad bunch of suddlys indeed..

Suddly : a person normally male who on divorce or failure to have success with the opposite sex move to Asia, On arrival they are suddenly RIch (compared to local populace)- Suddenly very handsome-Suddenly able to dress ten years younger- Suddenly Able to get a women/man due to the miraculous transformation in there status and obvious sexual prowess.

Most however Suddenly find themselves with a house they don't own, a huge family with field full of sick buffalos resulting in the ultimate suddly stage.......Suddenly Skint and suddenly having to go home to whence they come from.

Yes its stereotyping yes its meant to be tongue in cheek. Yes I'm envious to a point :) but also scared of my lovely wife who is handy with sharp implements and learnt from the Thais that indiscretion on my part somehow involves ducks


Well I was married to a Thai girl before coming here from Sydney, we came here a few times on Holidays and I loved the place.

The weather, the culture and a lot more is very different than back home and its exciting to me.

After every holiday here, when I landed back in Sydney I was itching to get back here, after 5 holidays I convinced the wife to move to Thailand to live a easy life as we had our investments in place to live here and not work. After 6 months we got bored and started working.

I love the weather

I love the food (but get sick of it at times)

I love the cheap prices on many things.


Wow, ok, back in 01' I guess it was ;

1) The promise of this;


for just a little of this..


2) umm...The cheap ticket

3) umm The Cheap accommodation cost..? I can't even remember any other reasons, I was in my mid 20's and had a pocket full of money with more testosterone than seance.



3) umm The Cheap accommodation cost..? I can't even remember any other reasons, I was in my mid 20's and had a pocket full of money with more testosterone than seance. [My bold: SC]

That's the spirit.

Are you a medium, like pacebowler?


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3) umm The Cheap accommodation cost..? I can't even remember any other reasons, I was in my mid 20's and had a pocket full of money with more testosterone than seance. [My bold: SC]

That's the spirit.

Are you a medium, like pacebowler?


A medium what?



3) umm The Cheap accommodation cost..? I can't even remember any other reasons, I was in my mid 20's and had a pocket full of money with more testosterone than seance. [My bold: SC]

That's the spirit.

Are you a medium, like pacebowler?


A medium what?

That was humor based on the previous poster saying "seance" rather than sense


1- Spend time with wifes aging parents while they still exist

2- Home country has become over regulated to extreme proportions

3- Learn/experience something different


1 to get away from my fat bald boring piss head husband in the uk.

2 to have the sex change operation .

3 cheap sex with beautiful young ladies .

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