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Police Protest Over High-Ranking Officer's Transfer Embarrasses Chalerm


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Under the Heading  Royal Thai Police.........this title is a cover for them, They are nothing but a private enterprise, doing what they like, reaping monies that should go to the treasury, a friend of the Thai people-in general No  No. Apart from all the Bkk disturbances,  Where were the police, and what were they doing to prevent mass migration of red protesters, amalgamating in enormous numbers, when above a few together was against the law ????  I don't blame them for the actual probs but this is a typical example of what there duties are amongst others. NOT being actively involved in most crimes in LOS.  They really shouldn't be saying much at all, but they are above Losing face.  When there seems to be a good one around space is found for him out of the crowd.  Pity some police are decent but unless you are very high ranking you have to conform, but in some cases that doesn't apply.??

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Drug busts under the Dems are still way ahead despite the "war on drugs"

This says it all.

3000 dead, half had nothing to do with drugs: Thaksin

Dems worse and we never heard about it????


Please see post number #27

I'm talking about Yingluck's war on drugs - not Thaksin's

OK, sorry, I didn't know that there was already a Yinglucks war on drugs?

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remark from the countryside.

In my area we had big drug problems (road to Myanmar).

Thaksin came and no more drug problems.

But at the same time Bangkok hat more drug problems.

Why? Drug gangs (police involved) took over the business with the support of her Big Boss.

Later, under the Military emergency law for the region, the T. gangs lost influence in Thailand, but the drug

problem restarted, other gangs took over in our district..

Under the DEMs, small, but not significant progress.

Now, with the new war on drugs, catastrophique use of yabaa in schools. small criminality everywhere.

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If you can prove that the comparison was 2.5 years to 8 months then I might consider it.

I was wrong. It was actually 2.5 years compared to 6 months..............

Yingluck govt abandons duty to help Thaksin : Democrat

For the past eight months the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the peoples grievances, Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.


You assume that the quote is referring to TOTAL periods rather than monthly rates. Nothing in the quote, or the intent of the quote, leads to that assumption. In fact. because it was made by a Dem MP, and then conceded by the NCB, it would seem much more natural to assume rates were being referred to - unless of course that result doesn't suit the peculiar mindset you exhibit.

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Discussed the transfers with the udder half who is from Si Songkram. Was news to her, so she made the obligatory hour and a half phone call to Mum, Dad and anybody else in hailing distance - seems both gentlemen transferred were well known respected in the area, even by those with a distinctly rosy outlook.

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If you can prove that the comparison was 2.5 years to 8 months then I might consider it.

I was wrong. It was actually 2.5 years compared to 6 months..............

Yingluck govt abandons duty to help Thaksin : Democrat

For the past eight months the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the peoples grievances, Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.


That's way too ambiguous:

"Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration."

Not hardly ambiguous.

It means it's so bad they can NOT deny it at all

and must concede they have not done as well.

i.e. massive loss of face thay can not possibly sweep under the table.

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remark from the countryside.

In my area we had big drug problems (road to Myanmar).

Thaksin came and no more drug problems.

But at the same time Bangkok hat more drug problems.

Why? Drug gangs (police involved) took over the business with the support of her Big Boss.

Later, under the Military emergency law for the region, the T. gangs lost influence in Thailand, but the drug

problem restarted, other gangs took over in our district..

Under the DEMs, small, but not significant progress.

Now, with the new war on drugs, catastrophique use of yabaa in schools. small criminality everywhere.

Yes, a political charade,

while 'someone influential' is raking in more kickbacks to keep shadow the play going.

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Maybe the empty headed policeman was transferred because it is very easy to arrest children with one pill in their pocket, throwing them in jail and ruining their lives for ever. It is not about arresting thousands of people. Arresting thousands of people means that his subordinates can collect millions a week in bribes, but it is about the big fish. Robert McNamara from the US counted his blessings in Vietnam too by counting body bags still he lost.

Considering who transfered him it's more likely because the alleged millions in bribes were non-existant, and so didn't come back up the chain of command as expected.

There you go again common sense.

Will you never learn that certain posters only use that if it makes the big man in Dubai and his clone look good.

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If you can prove that the comparison was 2.5 years to 8 months then I might consider it.

I was wrong. It was actually 2.5 years compared to 6 months..............

Yingluck govt abandons duty to help Thaksin : Democrat

For the past eight months the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the peoples grievances, Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.


True but you did not comment on the resat of the article do you take it to be all facts also.

For those who are interested here it is. Not really a pretty picture for the PT

The government has failed to meet expectations in all 16 of its policies due to a misguided focus of helping fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

"For the past eight months, the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the people's grievances," Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

The government has no tangible achievements to show since it came to power, he said.

As for reconciliation, efforts were being devoted to helping Thaksin elude his conviction and punishment instead of mending fences.

Compensation payments were made to the red shirts while security forces and people impacted by the street protests received less assistance.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.

For flood control, major plans were still on the drawing board and not yet implemented.

The South saw 1,461 people killed in the past eight months and the car bomb attacks in Hat Yai and Yala were suspected to have been triggered by Thaksin's meddling.

On the wage hike policy, the government could not raise the minimum wage to Bt300 per day and implement Bt15,000 salary for university graduates in the civil service as unconditionally promised during campaigning.

The corporate tax cut was the only policy where the government had fulfilled its pledge.

Edited by hellodolly
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Maybe the empty headed policeman was transferred because it is very easy to arrest children with one pill in their pocket, throwing them in jail and ruining their lives for ever. It is not about arresting thousands of people. Arresting thousands of people means that his subordinates can collect millions a week in bribes, but it is about the big fish. Robert McNamara from the US counted his blessings in Vietnam too by counting body bags still he lost.

Considering who transfered him it's more likely because the alleged millions in bribes were non-existant, and so didn't come back up the chain of command as expected.

There you go again common sense.

Will you never learn that certain posters only use that if it makes the big man in Dubai and his clone look good.


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If you can prove that the comparison was 2.5 years to 8 months then I might consider it.

I was wrong. It was actually 2.5 years compared to 6 months..............

Yingluck govt abandons duty to help Thaksin : Democrat

For the past eight months the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the peoples grievances, Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.


True but you did not comment on the resat of the article do you take it to be all facts also.

For those who are interested here it is. Not really a pretty picture for the PT

The government has failed to meet expectations in all 16 of its policies due to a misguided focus of helping fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

"For the past eight months, the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the people's grievances," Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

The government has no tangible achievements to show since it came to power, he said.

As for reconciliation, efforts were being devoted to helping Thaksin elude his conviction and punishment instead of mending fences.

Compensation payments were made to the red shirts while security forces and people impacted by the street protests received less assistance.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.

For flood control, major plans were still on the drawing board and not yet implemented.

The South saw 1,461 people killed in the past eight months and the car bomb attacks in Hat Yai and Yala were suspected to have been triggered by Thaksin's meddling.

On the wage hike policy, the government could not raise the minimum wage to Bt300 per day and implement Bt15,000 salary for university graduates in the civil service as unconditionally promised during campaigning.

The corporate tax cut was the only policy where the government had fulfilled its pledge.

Oh, please don't do that HD, pointing out that only one of their promises has been fulfilled, the one that only benefited the already wadded, and the only other one that any time has been spent on is for the benefit of one man will just send some in to a hissy fit and create a host of posts full of the usual diversionary nature or posts demanding sources of proof despite the fact that the proof has been in their face all the time.

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It's really infantile how every topic is seized and beaten to death by the red vs yellow partisans here.

IMO these problems - rampant corruption at all levels of government - bureacracy, police and military all infiltrated and controlled by criminal mafia, in effect being mafia networks themselves - stem from Thailand's social and cultural foundations, and really have nothing to do with which political group is in charge.

The real powers that be that control the strings behind the scenes are the source of the problem, this kind of criminal corruption is embedded everywhere.

Changing which party controls the government is not going to change anything except to some extent the relative power of different competing mafia networks, and into whose pockets the big money flows up the ladder.

The corruption itself won't go away without a major grassroots revolution, like Hercules cleaning out King Augeas' stables, most likely a violent civil war led by honest crusaders.

I think we can all agree this will not happen anytime soon, most likely not within the lifetimes of anyone reading this forum.

Sure, if this honest and sincere officer was transferred in order to prevent him getting in the way of the mafia running the show that issue should be addressed. It's a pity the press isn't free to actually investigate the issue; note how quickly even this article gets sidetracked with irrelevant details about the separate prisons issue, no details on the headline problem.

But getting into red vs yellow bickering about statistics isn't going to clarify or help anything and is just counter-productive.

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If you can prove that the comparison was 2.5 years to 8 months then I might consider it.

I was wrong. It was actually 2.5 years compared to 6 months..............

Yingluck govt abandons duty to help Thaksin : Democrat

For the past eight months the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the peoples grievances, Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.


That's way too ambiguous:

"Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration."

Ambigiuous? I'll tell you what's ambiguous - nothing, and thats precisely what you have provided as a source for your statement.


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If you can prove that the comparison was 2.5 years to 8 months then I might consider it.

I was wrong. It was actually 2.5 years compared to 6 months..............

Yingluck govt abandons duty to help Thaksin : Democrat

For the past eight months the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the peoples grievances, Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.


True but you did not comment on the resat of the article do you take it to be all facts also.

For those who are interested here it is. Not really a pretty picture for the PT

The government has failed to meet expectations in all 16 of its policies due to a misguided focus of helping fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

"For the past eight months, the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the people's grievances," Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

The government has no tangible achievements to show since it came to power, he said.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.

snip off topic subject matter

You know why I didn't comment on the rest of the article hellodolly? Because I was answering a question about a particular "fact" that was being bandied about. The rest of the article is off topic.

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I was wrong. It was actually 2.5 years compared to 6 months..............

Yingluck govt abandons duty to help Thaksin : Democrat

For the past eight months the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the peoples grievances, Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration. off topic content snipped


True but you did not comment on the resat of the article do you take it to be all facts also.

For those who are interested here it is. Not really a pretty picture for the PT

The government has failed to meet expectations in all 16 of its policies due to a misguided focus of helping fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

"For the past eight months, the government has abandoned its duty of addressing the people's grievances," Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said Tuesday.

The government has no tangible achievements to show since it came to power, he said.

Despite the war on drugs, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board conceded that the arrest records for traffickers in the past six months were lower than those achieved during the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.

Oh, please don't do that HD, pointing out that only one of their promises has been fulfilled, the one that only benefited the already wadded, and the only other one that any time has been spent on is for the benefit of one man will just send some in to a hissy fit and create a host of posts full of the usual diversionary nature or posts demanding sources of proof despite the fact that the proof has been in their face all the time.

Read my post - I was answering a specific question, not providing a breakdown of the supposed deficiencies of the PTP which of course you wish to highlight no matter whether it is on topic or not - it's not.

Edited by phiphidon
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In the meantime has anybody else seen this important matter reported by any other newspapers, english or thai language? Surely The Nation reporter wasn't the only one there that has picked up on this.................

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Oh, please don't do that HD, pointing out that only one of their promises has been fulfilled, the one that only benefited the already wadded, and the only other one that any time has been spent on is for the benefit of one man will just send some in to a hissy fit and create a host of posts full of the usual diversionary nature or posts demanding sources of proof despite the fact that the proof has been in their face all the time.

Read my post - I was answering a specific question, not providing a breakdown of the supposed deficiencies of the PTP which of course you wish to highlight no matter whether it is on topic or not - it's not.

You make an assumption that I was talking to you.

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Oh, please don't do that HD, pointing out that only one of their promises has been fulfilled, the one that only benefited the already wadded, and the only other one that any time has been spent on is for the benefit of one man will just send some in to a hissy fit and create a host of posts full of the usual diversionary nature or posts demanding sources of proof despite the fact that the proof has been in their face all the time.

Read my post - I was answering a specific question, not providing a breakdown of the supposed deficiencies of the PTP which of course you wish to highlight no matter whether it is on topic or not - it's not.

You make an assumption that I was talking to you.

Whether you were or not (though logically if agreeing with a persons post that was asking me a question, it generally follows that you might be interested in the answer) the answer is the same.

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Read my post - I was answering a specific question, not providing a breakdown of the supposed deficiencies of the PTP which of course you wish to highlight no matter whether it is on topic or not - it's not.

And you continue to rant without answering why you assume they are not referring to monthly rates - an assumption with no basis and completely illogical given those who made the statement.

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Drug busts under the Dems are still way ahead despite the "war on drugs"

This says it all.


I'm sure if you search the forum you'll find it was posted here some weeks ago.

Well come on then show us !

Post #26

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Not hardly ambiguous.

It means it's so bad they can NOT deny it at all

and must concede they have not done as well.

i.e. massive loss of face thay can not possibly sweep under the table.

You know what you will find under that table Animatic.

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Ambigiuous? I'll tell you what's ambiguous - nothing, and thats precisely what you have provided as a source for your statement.


Provide the numbers and dates or swallow your incredulity.

The English used in that statement is inconcise and poor.

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Ambigiuous? I'll tell you what's ambiguous - nothing, and thats precisely what you have provided as a source for your statement.


Provide the numbers and dates or swallow your incredulity.

The English used in that statement is inconcise and poor.

I've got to prove your statement!!! <deleted>? If you want people to believe a fact or statement either post something you can back up or don't bother.

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Maybe the empty headed policeman was transferred because it is very easy to arrest children with one pill in their pocket, throwing them in jail and ruining their lives for ever. It is not about arresting thousands of people. Arresting thousands of people means that his subordinates can collect millions a week in bribes, but it is about the big fish. Robert McNamara from the US counted his blessings in Vietnam too by counting body bags still he lost.

As that is the policy from the government that isn't the reason he was transferred.

Edited by TAWP
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It's really infantile how every topic is seized and beaten to death by the red vs yellow partisans here.

IMO these problems - rampant corruption at all levels of government - bureacracy, police and military all infiltrated and controlled by criminal mafia, in effect being mafia networks themselves - stem from Thailand's social and cultural foundations, and really have nothing to do with which political group is in charge.

The real powers that be that control the strings behind the scenes are the source of the problem, this kind of criminal corruption is embedded everywhere.

Changing which party controls the government is not going to change anything except to some extent the relative power of different competing mafia networks, and into whose pockets the big money flows up the ladder.

The corruption itself won't go away without a major grassroots revolution, like Hercules cleaning out King Augeas' stables, most likely a violent civil war led by honest crusaders.

I think we can all agree this will not happen anytime soon, most likely not within the lifetimes of anyone reading this forum.

Sure, if this honest and sincere officer was transferred in order to prevent him getting in the way of the mafia running the show that issue should be addressed. It's a pity the press isn't free to actually investigate the issue; note how quickly even this article gets sidetracked with irrelevant details about the separate prisons issue, no details on the headline problem.

But getting into red vs yellow bickering about statistics isn't going to clarify or help anything and is just counter-productive.

While I agree with your opinion on corruption stemming from Thailand's social and cultural foundations. I was wondering what would happen if the Government started paying decent wages so the guy on the bottom could live with out having to use corrupt measures.

Yes it is a shame that good officers are transferred out to where they can not do their job but it all started when they first came into the force and received a salary so low they needed to get tea money just to live.

I guess what I am saying is pay a wage that will not need tea money for them to survive on and give them an honest chance for a promotion and it will see a big reduction in the corruption rate in the police force,

Well that is my opinion.

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While I agree with your opinion on corruption stemming from Thailand's social and cultural foundations. I was wondering what would happen if the Government started paying decent wages so the guy on the bottom could live with out having to use corrupt measures.

Yes it is a shame that good officers are transferred out to where they can not do their job but it all started when they first came into the force and received a salary so low they needed to get tea money just to live.

I guess what I am saying is pay a wage that will not need tea money for them to survive on and give them an honest chance for a promotion and it will see a big reduction in the corruption rate in the police force,

Well that is my opinion.

Paying them more won't stop corruption. That would suggest that rich people wouldn't be corrupt.

The only thing that will stop corruption is actual law enforcement, and suitable penalties.

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While I agree with your opinion on corruption stemming from Thailand's social and cultural foundations. I was wondering what would happen if the Government started paying decent wages so the guy on the bottom could live with out having to use corrupt measures.

Yes it is a shame that good officers are transferred out to where they can not do their job but it all started when they first came into the force and received a salary so low they needed to get tea money just to live.

I guess what I am saying is pay a wage that will not need tea money for them to survive on and give them an honest chance for a promotion and it will see a big reduction in the corruption rate in the police force,

Well that is my opinion.

The starting salary for police is insufficient to repay the loan they took out, to pay the bribe needed, to get the job. After that it becomes a habit.

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