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How Difficult Is It To Import A Shotgun Into Thailand?


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When in Rome.... have a Thai acquire it for you. Best to have your Thai partner get licensed for the weapon. Then lock it up so they can't access it so she can't kill you with it later.

Thais can buy them in China Town or from the police if your Thai friends know any police from their home village.

If for home protection, get a Mossberg 500 and fit it out as a tactical or riot gauge.

Edited by PoodMaiDai
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No instead I prefer to protect my family & my life using means I deem fit, equal to or greater than the threat.

I do not begrudge those who want to do as you suggest either....Not my business & To each their own.

Regardless of the circumstances; if a farang shoots a local, said farang will be in for a very nasty time, and for quite a long time. You know yourself the laws here are different and more flexible than in our home countries, and unless you are very rich and very well connected, you will go down.

It has never occurred to anyone to hand the gun to wifey? Not trying to be a brain trust here or anything. Something like, "Wifey I go to jail no more money comes in cowjai mai."

I know the BIB are not know for their "CSI" skills, but a simple check for powder residue will confirm who has fired the weapon...thumbsup.gif

So handing Mr Smith & Wesson to their teerak after doing the dirty deed aint gong to help much...giggle.gif

Who said anything about calling the police?

Depending on where you live, you could handle the situation and dispose of the intruder's body elsewhere. That's how many Thais do it.

If a farang shoots someone in Thailand, he's a fool to call the police and should hope no one else does. It's not uncommon to hear gun pops anywhere in Thailand, so I doubt if anyone would even call them. If they did, unless they went door to door and had a warrant, would you let them in knowing there is a dead Thai man in your house? I'd rather take my chances disposing of the body than take my chances with the Thai legal system. At least with the first option you have a chance.

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When I was married to a Korat girl my instincts told me to get rid of any guns that I owned lest my little cutie lose her explosive temper in a moment of misunderstanding and blow a smoking hole in me.

These days I employ at .22 rifle to deal with the carnivorous attack squirrels that terrorize my property but would never consider owning a gun in Thailand. I would simply try to live somewhere relatively safe and not ostentatiously display overt wealth.

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I do apologise. I wouldn't describe myself as an expert on foriegn penises. There are, however, rather a lot of foriegn penises contributing to this thread.

On a seperate note and back on topic. Judging by the amount of Thai women who have a tendancy to wield knives when hit-the-fan.gif it would be a brave man who gives his teerak access to a firearm.

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In Pattaya we have a shooting range called the Tiffany Shooting Range, located at the ladyboy cabaret theatre. It might mitigate whatever macho feelings one has when playing with big guns?

That sounds great, do you get to shoot ladyboys?

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

In a manner of speaking.

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Food for thought ! I Purchased an high power Air rifle for the Snake problem I was having as I live rural with only Snakes for company,I flew to the UK got the rifle and paperwork and checked in ,I was met by the Police as I got off the plane and the gun was confiscated,The Airline refused to send the gun back unaccompanied and I lost a very good rifle,a High ranking government friend of my wifes family has since legally obtained a Remington 22 Rifle and licensed the gun to the wife,

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Food for thought ! I Purchased an high power Air rifle for the Snake problem I was having as I live rural with only Snakes for company,I flew to the UK got the rifle and paperwork and checked in ,I was met by the Police as I got off the plane and the gun was confiscated,The Airline refused to send the gun back unaccompanied and I lost a very good rifle,a High ranking government friend of my wifes family has since legally obtained a Remington 22 Rifle and licensed the gun to the wife,

A. Silly boy. lucky you didn't get banged up.

B. You don't need ,a High ranking government friend to do that.

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Food for thought ! I Purchased an high power Air rifle for the Snake problem I was having as I live rural with only Snakes for company,I flew to the UK got the rifle and paperwork and checked in ,I was met by the Police as I got off the plane and the gun was confiscated,The Airline refused to send the gun back unaccompanied and I lost a very good rifle,a High ranking government friend of my wifes family has since legally obtained a Remington 22 Rifle and licensed the gun to the wife,

A. Silly boy. lucky you didn't get banged up.

B. You don't need ,a High ranking government friend to do that.

Yeah....oops twice

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B. You don't need ,a High ranking government friend to do that.

Ah but putting in a bit about a high ranking Thai offical, makes for a better post, and makes the poster feel oh so important and he is implying he has "contacts"....thumbsup.gif .....I wonder how many Phd's his wife has got ?

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B. You don't need ,a High ranking government friend to do that.

Ah but putting in a bit about a high ranking Thai offical, makes for a better post, and makes the poster feel oh so important and he is implying he has "contacts"....thumbsup.gif .....I wonder how many Phd's his wife has got ?

Perhaps she is thai-chinese and dun need any.

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In Pattaya we have a shooting range called the Tiffany Shooting Range, located at the ladyboy cabaret theatre. It might mitigate whatever macho feelings one has when playing with big guns?

That sounds great, do you get to shoot ladyboys?

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

No. As much as may like to, no......

However, you do get to see the occasional farang top himself.

There was a story a year or two ago about some dude using the gun range, shooting four down the alley and then next into himself.

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In Pattaya we have a shooting range called the Tiffany Shooting Range, located at the ladyboy cabaret theatre. It might mitigate whatever macho feelings one has when playing with big guns?

That sounds great, do you get to shoot ladyboys?

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

No. As much as may like to, no......

However, you do get to see the occasional farang top himself.

There was a story a year or two ago about some dude using the gun range, shooting four down the alley and then next into himself.

probably his thai wife standing beside him said ,Teerak ,Can i have a shot please ? and discharged round number 5 :)

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If you are a civilian farang with none of the necessary worst-case connections, my advice is don't go near any firearms for personal protection in Thailand; if you kill or wound someone, particularly a Thai national, without said connections, you can kiss goodbye to a lot of money and/or time.

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No one yet appears to have mentioned the biggest problem posed by gun ownership.

A loaded weapon grants an enormous power to its holder.

Power requires responsiblity in a sane world. A gun is too easy a path to a certain kind of power and the training and understanding necessary to use such a tool responsibly are very rare. I have the training and used to own and enjoy guns. I do not believe everyone capable of obtaining a weapon should be allowed to do so. No one unwilling to get and maintain proper firearm training should have one. However that is such a small part of the problem. Impossible to control is that the reponsibility and knowlege of when to chose to use deadly force is beyond most people's abilities. A quick look at this forum will show that a lot of folks can not even use words responsibly. I am not immune to making a poor choice in what I say either, but the consequencies are obviously different with a weapon. It is a dilemma and I do not know the answer. I have seen first hand evidence of the truth, and irony, behind the catch phrase "outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns".

I do not own a gun here in Thailand, but when I hear of a neighbor having beed burgaled for the fourth time in a year and the Royal Thai police force's level of assistance... I do think about it. That neighbor also lives a life that invites all kinds of risk. So what do I do with my dillemma, no gun, try not to act like a target, do what I can to increase my personal and family's safety, and then get on with living.

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If this is not a joke,, it sounds like a good way to get a long stay in Bangkok Hilton after you blow someones head off in mistaking them for a Burglar, or after some locals know your got them and think they would like to have them and you or them gets their head blown off in the attempt to take the guns, guns can only bring problems, Stupid,, why do Americans think this way, look at the number of people shot every year in the USA because of the Gun loby.

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If this is not a joke,, it sounds like a good way to get a long stay in Bangkok Hilton after you blow someones head off in mistaking them for a Burglar, or after some locals know your got them and think they would like to have them and you or them gets their head blown off in the attempt to take the guns, guns can only bring problems, Stupid,, why do Americans think this way, look at the number of people shot every year in the USA because of the Gun loby.

I'm sure you mean well, but there at least two big problems with your observation: First, I don't think the gun lobby has shot anyone themselves, and it is very dfficult to tell exactly how many people have been shot because of them or in spite of them. Second, over here in Thailand a person's chance of being murdered by a gun is approximately ten times as great as in the USA. There are about twice as many such murders with only about a fifth of the population, so you can do the math pretty easily. That's not to say the situation in the USA is acceptable, but it is to say that you got the only two facts of your post completely backwards so maybe it is time for a re-think? Hard to blame you though. This is the sort of discussion more often driven by the heart than the head.

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It's not impossible for your pal to get a licence. difficult, yes.

If he is married the wife can get one easily.

With the licence in hand you would be able to import, though you would probabaly need a local gun dealer to do this for you.

Something like 200% duty and 40% vat I think...it will be very expensive.

You can get a mossberg pump for about 30k and a 9mm for around 70k, trying to bring in your own is not going to be cheaper than that.

its not "very" expensive if you just need to have a gun in the house for safety

(just get your thai wife to put it in her name )

i know a few ex-pats with guns who did it this way ,but personally ,i dont want one in my house

if i need to kill a burger ,well ,theres more than one way to skin a cat biggrin.png

It is relatively "very expensive", paying $1000 for a $300 shotgun is expensive, until you look at the price of ammunition and then you will probably faint..

would a small snub nosed revolver not be enough ,just for the sake of having a gun in the house for protection ?

is a shotgun really necessary to blast a burglar in the close quarters of your bedroom or kitchen ? smile.png

Right...Not a mess I prefer to clean up...
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Condolences & a sad thing to be sure but...

Sad as that is.... that scenario was the fault of the family & not the gun....which as you say was not secured.

Many things in life are deadly if the operator/owner is not educated properly in its use....safekeeping.

Many children also die from things like prescription drugs, etc. that are not secured also.

Completely agree with you... but that said, if the gun is stored away secured, then it will be of no use for burglaries and the likes... unitl you can get hold of your own gun, the crook entering you house will have shot you or stabbed you do death...

That is why I say guns in houses don't protect but endanger... better let the crooks take what they like and protect your and your families lifes.

You will note I also said "educated"

I have shot forearms & Archery competitively the majority of my life.

I have also raised children safely.

They were well educated in firearms safety.

If they are old enough to be inquisitive enough to get to a firearm then they should have long been educated about them.

My guns are well stored & I guarantee could not be found by any crook. But my self defense weapon is very handy. Otherwise as you say

it could be of no use.

I am sorry I do not agree with your outlook on crooks right to decide what they may take. After all they may decide to take a life I hold dear

or scar it for life at the least.

No instead I prefer to protect my family & my life using means I deem fit, equal to or greater than the threat.

I do not begrudge those who want to do as you suggest either....Not my business & To each their own.

agree totally you should be able to protect your family at all cost! but what have you got against Forearms!!!! .
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This is the sort of discussion more often driven by the heart than the head.

He's right though. The US gun lobby is hilariously retarded. Their main argument is that the US is dangerous because there are a lot of guns, so there should be more guns.

I have nothing against anyone keeping a gun as long as they accept this: they are personally responsible for every single incidence of death, injury or damage caused by someone using that gun, whether or not it's in their possession at the time, and even after they've passed it on.

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This is the sort of discussion more often driven by the heart than the head.

He's right though. The US gun lobby is hilariously retarded. Their main argument is that the US is dangerous because there are a lot of guns, so there should be more guns.

I have nothing against anyone keeping a gun as long as they accept this: they are personally responsible for every single incidence of death, injury or damage caused by someone using that gun, whether or not it's in their possession at the time, and even after they've passed it on.

Who do you consider is, the US gun lobby?

I have never heard this argument. Please supply any reputable link to your claim.


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