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Do You Really Care...?


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Everyone cares what people think about them to some degree. Remember the serenity prayer...change the things you can and accept the things you can't, and have the wisdom to know the difference!

One of the few instances when I actually agree with you, Kilgore. It seems when people come on a thread like this and proclaim "I don't care what others think of me"...they seem to be trying to convince others and themselves that they're above it all. But it tends to have the opposite effect. It's like..."who are you fooling, really?" It takes a certain amount of intelligence to know when to care and when not to. If "caring" means to treat complete strangers with respect and dignity, then that's preferred over someone who would trample other peoples' feelings because they simply can't be bothered to "care" what anyone thinks. Society could do with less of the latter.

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I care enough to think that you have recently experienced an emotional trauma that triggered your post. I have a Phd. in ET, not that it makes any difference, but I wish you well, truly

A Phd. in ET. Did they let you ride one of those bikes in the sky, if so, lucky sod. thumbsup.gif

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What a pair of old fogeys. I've got a 27 year old cousin who moaned like you pair and he got the same treatment.



This is probably true.

I concur, but I still hate timeline, so nah nah nah nah nah.

While he is here , now , you could ask Kilgore Trout about the timeline .

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There is no need to prove myself.

But yes, I do give a F. I give a F about other people, I hope other people give a F about me.

I don't interfere with other peoples lives and I don't expect others to interfere with mine, but a I do give a F. I give a big F because I like and generally care about and have a good feeling for others. I give a F and I would stop to help someone in genuine need, I will also respond positively to a genuine and well written thread on TV.Com; a website which I believe brings useful information and benefit of some form to my life.

I give a F about a lot of things, if I didn't I would not be part of humanity, instead I'd be an arrogant observer judging life itself. So Yes, I do give a F, and so should everyone....

Giving so many Fs you must be exhausted.clap2.gif

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Everyone cares what people think about them to some degree. Remember the serenity prayer...change the things you can and accept the things you can't, and have the wisdom to know the difference!

One of the few instances when I actually agree with you, Kilgore. It seems when people come on a thread like this and proclaim "I don't care what others think of me"...they seem to be trying to convince others and themselves that they're above it all. But it tends to have the opposite effect. It's like..."who are you fooling, really?" It takes a certain amount of intelligence to know when to care and when not to. If "caring" means to treat complete strangers with respect and dignity, then that's preferred over someone who would trample other peoples' feelings because they simply can't be bothered to "care" what anyone thinks. Society could do with less of the latter.

There is an old saying "Sticks and Stones." I am of the attitude if someone takes the time to think less than flatering thoughts about the way you live your life as apposed to thiers then someone is actually thinking of you and you have made an impression be it small as it may be. Life goes on and you don't have to share your life with them. I enjoy a nice juicy steak and if that offends vegetarians tuff luck, I enjoy bacon and eggs for my sunday breakfast and if that upsets certain religious groups I don't give a rats a'rse. It's my life and if it doesn't run parralel with anothers beliefs then I don't care. I live my life within the laws of the land and I respect the rights of others. Life is to short to have it eaten away thinking about someone being offended because I just may enjoy a cold beer on a hot day. Some on here will not agree with my thoughts but guess what, Yep I DON'T CARE. Edited by softgeorge
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Most of the time I couldn't care less. But when you hear strangers spread lies behind your back, it's impossible not to care.

The things is, people form their opinions about you based on their own misconceptions and careless observations. If they are miserable, they sure the hell will enjoy judging you.

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Everyone cares what people think about them to some degree. Remember the serenity prayer...change the things you can and accept the things you can't, and have the wisdom to know the difference!

One of the few instances when I actually agree with you, Kilgore. It seems when people come on a thread like this and proclaim "I don't care what others think of me"...they seem to be trying to convince others and themselves that they're above it all. But it tends to have the opposite effect. It's like..."who are you fooling, really?" It takes a certain amount of intelligence to know when to care and when not to. If "caring" means to treat complete strangers with respect and dignity, then that's preferred over someone who would trample other peoples' feelings because they simply can't be bothered to "care" what anyone thinks. Society could do with less of the latter.

There is an old saying "Sticks and Stones." I am of the attitude if someone takes the time to think less than flatering thoughts about the way you live your life as apposed to thiers then someone is actually thinking of you and you have made an impression be it small as it may be. Life goes on and you don't have to share your life with them. I enjoy a nice juicy steak and if that offends vegetarians tuff luck, I enjoy bacon and eggs for my sunday breakfast and if that upsets certain religious groups I don't give a rats a'rse. It's my life and if it doesn't run parralel with anothers beliefs then I don't care. I live my life within the laws of the land and I respect the rights of others. Life is to short to have it eaten away thinking about someone being offended because I just may enjoy a cold beer on a hot day. Some on here will not agree with my thoughts but guess what, Yep I DON'T CARE.

I suspect the OP was not talking about 'caring' about vegetarian or religious beliefs.

I think he was asking about whether posters cared whether people liked them generally.

Let's be honest - we all prefer to be 'liked', but some take it to ridiculous extremes, pretending to like people they really don't like at all!

Edited by F1fanatic
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