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Nine Bodies Found Hanging From Bridge In Mexico Border City


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The reality is these people are frickin animals and have absolute no morals or conscious. They routinely beat people to death with base ball bats, skin people alive and cut off body parts including genetial while people are alive.

There is no way to integrate people like this back into a normal society so no matter what is done, there is no real way to fix the problem. They will be even more vicious, like a pack of wild hungry dogs, if you cut off their money supply. Unfortunately, we have almost an entire culture that is so detuned and desensitized from shocking, egregious, and unacceptable human behaviors there is pretty much no hope of ever rehabilitating or solving the Mexico problem.


US cannot reason with dudes and dudettes who cut off alive victims genitals and heads and skin people alive. Seriously don't want them migrating to US and walking around our streets so only solution is pretty apparent.

So I suppose one of those crop substitution programs or micro-credit loans for small businesses isn't going to work with this group?

The kind of behavior that these people get by with beggars belief. There is no way this cruelty can happen on such a scale without some complicity on the part of a fair number of authorities.

They certainly don't do much to fly under the radar.

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BUT, the USA is putting a foothold in a few countries to sort ''their'' stuff out, soooooooo, why not sort stuff out that is on it's door step and a big problem ?

Mexico needs to sort itself out. The US needs to sort out its part of the problem. I don't think invading Mexico would have the desired outcome.

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Armed by US gun shops/dealers and funded by US consumers of drugs shipped in via/from Mexico, I'm sure the families of the approximate 60,000 killed in Mexico since the start of the conflict there in 2006, think that the "War on Drugs" championed by US governments is a resounding success.

Heaven forbid that the US government might actually look at the question of domestic drug demand (as opposed to just laying it off on the non-voting foreign suppliers), or clamp down on the flow of weaponry (can't upset the NRA in election year's), that's of course when the ATF isn't dishing out weapons to criminals in pathetically flawed "sting" operations.

What you say is very true. Being from Texas I have seen it with my own eyes, but I'm a bit curious as to why you make it sound as if it is America's job to fix this problem. If there were no supply of drugs making it to the border, then dealers would have to go elsewhere for their supply, which of course then would have to dealt with, but if Mexico's police, military and government weren't so corrupt, if they actually took care of their own business then the whole thing would be a non-issue. Contrary to popular belief, it is not America's job to take care of every other countries' problems, be it drugs or anything else. America has done that for too long and look at the shape the country is in. You are a fool if you think that the NRA supports supplying guns to drug cartels and criminals. The war on drugs is never going to be won if OTHER countries, i.e. Mexico and Columbia to name a couple, don't clean their own side of the street and stop depending on others to solve their problems for them.

BUT, the USA is putting a foothold in a few countries to sort ''their'' stuff out, soooooooo, why not sort stuff out that is on it's door step and a big problem ?

More about mind set of that culture and the acts they are willing to do than anything. Removing drug money will only make these people more desperate and violent. They are beyond rehabilitation.

US cannot solve and too close to home for any serious military action. To take military action, we would probably have to let a lot of people cross border to protect innocents, but there is no way to filter out who is innocent and who is not. Kids, women and police officers in Mexico engage in live beheadings and acts of torture. They are too far gone. Seriously, these people have less morals, conscious and self control than a pack of wild animals.

Edited by ttelise
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I find this hanging business a bit odd.

- The people are usually found hanging from the same bridges. For example, the bridge of Los Lobos located in Tepic, Nayarit, is where you go to hang someone.

- The police wait for "anonymous" calls to go find the dead people.

- These bodies are strung up in plain view of everyone, yet no one sees anything.

One would expect that the police would have the good sense to have a camera or a stakeout team at the bridge. It's always the same bridges. These killers are not one for variety in their selection of venues. I guess they need the right height and sight lines or something.

I have a feeling some of these are killings have local authority involvement. People are fed up and vigelantes are usually a side effect when a country descends into lawlessness.

BTW, the gun sales to the drug dealers do not all come from the USA. Yes, a large number of TRACEABLE firearms are shown to originate in the USA, but most of the firearms are untraceable and are sold by Mexico's friends in Central America or come from the former east bloc countries. The Ukraine and Belarus are suppliers. Of the TRACEABLE firearms, about 70% can be shown to have US origins, while 30% are non USA sourced. The AK47 is one of the more popular weapons and to the best of my knowledge is not sourced from the USA.

For actual numbers on the subject please see the data at atf.gov

You have a feeling local authorities are involved. Haha, brilliant. Obviously you have kept abrest very little of situation. Uhm, most police and politicians are MEMBERS of a cartel and those that are not are usually assainated quickly.

A well known story about Zetas in Neuva Laredo. Two US girls crossed border a few years back to attend a music feast. They never returned. Father learned from drug dealer on the streets that they were picked up by the police and offered as gifts to the Zetas. Father found their car in the impound lot owned by Mayor/judge. The police and mayor/judge were all in on it and refused to cooperate in any way.

The father did a Missing Persons TV episode and with 45 minutes received a call from US authorities that a group if Zetas was crossing the river to kill father and remaining family members. Luckily, US border control caught like 13 armed Zetas crossing border to kill father and family.

The police often kidnap the victims and often participate in the torture. Also, who cares about tracing guns??? Does not matter or do any good.

Edited by ttelise
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The reality is these people are frickin animals and have absolute no morals or conscious. They routinely beat people to death with base ball bats, skin people alive and cut off body parts including genetial while people are alive.

There is no way to integrate people like this back into a normal society so no matter what is done, there is no real way to fix the problem. They will be even more vicious, like a pack of wild hungry dogs, if you cut off their money supply. Unfortunately, we have almost an entire culture that is so detuned and desensitized from shocking, egregious, and unacceptable human behaviors there is pretty much no hope of ever rehabilitating or solving the Mexico problem.


US cannot reason with dudes and dudettes who cut off alive victims genitals and heads and skin people alive. Seriously don't want them migrating to US and walking around our streets so only solution is pretty apparent.

So I suppose one of those crop substitution programs or micro-credit loans for small businesses isn't going to work with this group?

The kind of behavior that these people get by with beggars belief. There is no way this cruelty can happen on such a scale without some complicity on the part of a fair number of authorities.

They certainly don't do much to fly under the radar.

Credo...Mexico does not give a sht about anything ...ANYTHING...
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The reality is these people are frickin animals and have absolute no morals or conscious. They routinely beat people to death with base ball bats, skin people alive and cut off body parts including genetial while people are alive.

There is no way to integrate people like this back into a normal society so no matter what is done, there is no real way to fix the problem. They will be even more vicious, like a pack of wild hungry dogs, if you cut off their money supply. Unfortunately, we have almost an entire culture that is so detuned and desensitized from shocking, egregious, and unacceptable human behaviors there is pretty much no hope of ever rehabilitating or solving the Mexico problem.


US cannot reason with dudes and dudettes who cut off alive victims genitals and heads and skin people alive. Seriously don't want them migrating to US and walking around our streets so only solution is pretty apparent.

So I suppose one of those crop substitution programs or micro-credit loans for small businesses isn't going to work with this group?

The kind of behavior that these people get by with beggars belief. There is no way this cruelty can happen on such a scale without some complicity on the part of a fair number of authorities.

They certainly don't do much to fly under the radar.

RE: Authorities

A very high percentage of kidnap and tortures is done by cops and ordered by authorities including politicians and prosecutors. Some of the torture videos posted on narcoblog were later said to be police stations as a higher up recognized the painting and decoration in the video leading to a raid and arrest of a number of cops, some of who got killed in the shoot out during the raid.

The cops are the worst part down there as they pull you over and kid nap your ass and you don't know whether to run since it's the police.

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Blame US, blame NRA, blame politicians, blame Mexico or ???

The reality is these people are frickin animals and have absolute no morals or conscious. They routinely beat people to death with base ball bats, skin people alive and cut off body parts including genetial while people are alive.

There is no way to integrate people like this back into a normal society so no matter what is done, there is no real way to fix the problem. They will be even more vicious, like a pack of wild hungry dogs, if you cut off their money supply. Unfortunately, we have almost an entire culture that is so detuned and desensitized from shocking, egregious, and unacceptable human behaviors there is pretty much no hope of ever rehabilitating or solving the Mexico problem.

I never was for border closing stuff that came from fanatical red neck gun totting NRA white trash until I saw first hand what conduct this culture is capable and accepting of. Seriously, time to shut it down, air drop a lot of small arms weapons and let them solve their own problems. This won't stop unless common man can and is willing to rise up against cartels and take back control of their country. Right now they rely upon US and a corrupt Mexican legal/military force.

US cannot reason with dudes and dudettes who cut off alive victims genitals and heads and skin people alive. Seriously don't want them migrating to US and walking around our streets so only solution is pretty apparent.

So the question remains, if these people are so evil, cutting off genitals etc, skinning people alive as you claim, why are the American Government supplying them with weapons? This question won't go away. Eric Holder, the Attorney General, and Barack Obama would like it to go away, thats for sure. I think the bottom line is that most Americans are in denial, don't want to believe that their government are involved in such things. But they are. Ignorance is bliss.
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Blame US, blame NRA, blame politicians, blame Mexico or ???

The reality is these people are frickin animals and have absolute no morals or conscious. They routinely beat people to death with base ball bats, skin people alive and cut off body parts including genetial while people are alive.

There is no way to integrate people like this back into a normal society so no matter what is done, there is no real way to fix the problem. They will be even more vicious, like a pack of wild hungry dogs, if you cut off their money supply. Unfortunately, we have almost an entire culture that is so detuned and desensitized from shocking, egregious, and unacceptable human behaviors there is pretty much no hope of ever rehabilitating or solving the Mexico problem.

I never was for border closing stuff that came from fanatical red neck gun totting NRA white trash until I saw first hand what conduct this culture is capable and accepting of. Seriously, time to shut it down, air drop a lot of small arms weapons and let them solve their own problems. This won't stop unless common man can and is willing to rise up against cartels and take back control of their country. Right now they rely upon US and a corrupt Mexican legal/military force.

US cannot reason with dudes and dudettes who cut off alive victims genitals and heads and skin people alive. Seriously don't want them migrating to US and walking around our streets so only solution is pretty apparent.

So the question remains, if these people are so evil, cutting off genitals etc, skinning people alive as you claim, why are the American Government supplying them with weapons? This question won't go away. Eric Holder, the Attorney General, and Barack Obama would like it to go away, thats for sure. I think the bottom line is that most Americans are in denial, don't want to believe that their government are involved in such things. But they are. Ignorance is bliss.

As I claim. There is videos of it all over net and at several cartel run blog websites.

First off, people all over the world have guns and don't act this way.

Second, the only way for it to end is arm the defenseless and hope they stand up to the cartels. The problem is cartels kill and take their weapons. Not so difficult to understand.

These dudes would still be cutting heads off with knifes and burning people in diesel fuel, because it burns slower, even if they did not have guns. They also use chain saws on people, but dull knife seems to be preferred method because they die slower.

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Search Mario Gonzalez Rodriquez Mexican baseball bat beating video and after watching tell me if you are now inclined to send more than just guns down there. This dude was a prosecutor's brother and allegedly he and his sister ordered kidnapping and murder of people.

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