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Sup Dan how's tricks? You forgot about your letter ;)

Just been told there is another public holiday tomorrow (Monday) that's another day added to the wait.

More days of than father Christmas


Dunno its the wife that told me it was a holiday tomorrow. Must have the wrong end of the stick or its just a local one? She is in sangka.

From another forum

Handed in the paperwork to VFS on the 9th October and she got her passport couriered back today.

Total time: 8 weeks, 3 days!

Missus put her paperwork in 10 October so hopefully this week I hope


God this is getting painful now! 3 more days and my Christmas hopes are down the toilet. No one has any updates but dies not seem that there is lots of people waiting atm, maybe there on the wind down for Christmas. Last 2 months figures were so low. For example August they processed 250 settlement apps, while September just 20 and 40 in October.


I know! Just had a 40min conversation with my wife in floods:(

Wilbs has a week on me and he's still waiting:(

Not happy!!!!!!


Yes certainly seems the 8 weekers are the lucky ones, 9 weeks average and 10 weekers unlucky ones, were at 8 weeks tmrw so im sure next 2 weeks for us but still too late. I'm surprised yours hasnt been quicker as its second time round as they will have most of your info or any checks they have to do already on file. But maybe they dont even bother to pick it up untill its gathered dust for 8 weeks. How they can manage to process 250 in one month then only 60 in the following 2 months is beyond me. Definatly not a customer focused organisation but then again they are doing us a favour? right?


I would have mailed them but we all know it would be a massive waste of time. Or even make it worse!

I would love to know the process involved behind the scene.Do they check or accounts and stuff and police checks? Or do they just look and then role a dice to decide. Odds you out evens your in ;)


I would have mailed them but we all know it would be a massive waste of time. Or even make it worse!

I would love to know the process involved behind the scene.Do they check or accounts and stuff and police checks? Or do they just look and then role a dice to decide. Odds you out evens your in

I've never been an ECO, though there are a couple of regular posters on this forum who have. But as I understand ECO's are given a number of applications to process and, following the introduction of the new rules, it's almost a box ticking exercise and they have no discretion, you either qualify or you don't.

The ECO's are not out to refuse applications, in fact if they refused a disproportionate number of applications that are later overturned they may be held to account, well they should be anyway.

I don't think they routinely check the authenticity of the evidence, but they are for the most part pretty experienced and can spot a fake, so yes they can check bank statements and other evidence, but I don't believe they do it routinely.

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Just checked my email the ECO requires more up to date wage slips and bank statements from me

Looks like xmas in UK may have to wait dont think they will complete it in time

What makes you laugh is that they have had it since october, but ask now for more information now as if its been sitting in a file since then and only just been looked at

Any way fingers crossed its all been done and just need this final bit of info


Just checked my email the ECO requires more up to date wage slips and bank statements from me

Looks like xmas in UK may have to wait dont think they will complete it in time

What makes you laugh is that they have had it since october, but ask now for more information now as if its been sitting in a file since then and only just been looked at

Any way fingers crossed its all been done and just need this final bit of info

Don't give up hope mate, in previous cases I have seen where the ECO requests more info they usually issue visa within 10 days of receiving the requested info. Get the wage slips to them ASAP they will normally accept scanned copies in these circumstances but check with them.

P.s they don't request extra info if they intend to refuse you so this is a good sign.

Good luck Steve


Just spent last hour scanning everything and sending they send I can send to them via email or drop off in bangkok not sure the last one would be cost affective any way fingers crossed


Wilbs: hope you don't mind me asking but did you miss bank and wage stuff or did they ask for details up to the date of the visa application.

Edit.Hang on you submitted on the 10th <deleted> have they been doing for the last 9weeks.


I sent all the upto date stuff to the missus before she submitted but I think she may have got them mixed up in the folder not sure

I know what they been doing for 9 weeks has the folder been used as a door stop


Ahhh. What was the time difference between you sending and submitting because as Visa plus has said it might be worth us all getting the papers ready to send.


I made sure my wife's visa was submitted with the most upto date wage slip, try we're only 19 days old at time of app, because I'm sure I read somewhere they the most recent should be no more than a month old. I was lucky though as I flew out to submit with her, far more difficult if your relying on post.


Wilbs: Did they want all the paper up to the application date or to present day?

Really don't need the extra time added to this application! I will be rocking in a chair soon with all the stress!


They wanted upto the application date so maybe I was 3 weeks out of date or the missus got them muddled up whilst putting them in the folder

Any way can only hope they have everything now and fingers crossed

I know what they been doing for 9 weeks has the folder been used as a door stop

Actually this is untrue, the vertically challenged Thai Lady that makes the ECO's tea has been using it to stand on to reach the Jammy Dodgers on the top shelf of the biscuit cupboard. Lucky for you a thicker application came in yesterday to take its place ;)

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Makes me laugh that they want the papers to the date of the application! What we ment to do? Get them from the bank in the Uk on Friday fly to bangkok over the weekend and submit Monday.I have to say and I'm sorry if this offends people but its a f#%&king joke . They need to sort this out.


Reference Number APET/1911 Application date 19 Oct 2012

Your visa application has been forwarded to the British

Embassy : 19 Oct 2012

Same :(


Just seen on another forum another application ready for collection on exactly 9 weeks, so seems 9 weeks is the average at the minute thats wednesday for me, hope I can get her here for new year.

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