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Prices Of Food And Essential Goods Not Soaring: PM Yingluck

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Ironic isn't it, "a vender wearing a red shirt said eggs had not increased in price" Ha Ha.

The P.M. said people had not the spending power because of shortage of pocket money-due to new school term ??? and .........wait for it .............Holiday trips Ha Ha in my village area a host of people had never ever been to the city of Udon, young and old. I spoke to an old lady 78years of age-living 65 kilometers from Udon and she had never been there. Trips ??? from village people GET REAL Yingluck You live in Disney world.

I quite agree, they so obviously do not live on planet Thailand. This is just laughable propaganda and so full of contradictory remarks. No price rises, yet somethings have gone up, prices not gone up but we accept that fuel prices have caused a rise in prices. If its all in our imaginations why do they need a short term policy like Blue flag? (probably to try and get rid of all that rice they have stockpiled.)

These muppets seem to be doing their utmost to wreck the economy.

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The Commerce Ministry would launch a sale campaign, known as the Blue Flag project

It'll be interesting to see how this past-its-scheduled-opening program operates in regards to under-cutting the prices that normal vendors charge for their similar prepared food items, raw meat, and consumer goods.

It'll also be interesting to see the government's grand plans for implementation as they intend to have one in every sub-district in the whole country (8,000 in all).

Lastly, AFAIK, no budget has been announced for what this subsidizing of a nation-wide system will cost, so that too would be nice to know.


Exactly. Talk/promise first then deal with problems later.. Typical M/O for the gov't

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A vendor, wearing a red shirt, told her the price of eggs remained unchanged, contrary to what many claimed.

And buffaloes will soon start to fly.....wai.gif

He didn't say what price he already sells at; nor, presumably, what timescale he was using in his 'unchanged' postulation.

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if you earn many hundred thousands of bahts (million?) per month, who will care that for example tesco water seem to be vanished from the racks... previously sold at 39, now eihter 48 or dissappeared from the shelves and having to buy water at 60 baht per pack, increase 50% ++++

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Shrimp farmers protest seeking higher shrimp prices


SONGKHLA, May 8 - Shrimp farmers from eight southern Thai provinces gathered today at the Tinsulanonda Bridge in this provincial seat awaiting the decision of a committee meeting considering responses to help farmers facing depressed shrimp prices.

Kanchit Hemarak, president of the shrimp farmers network, said the group wants the committee to urgently initiate a shrimp mortgage scheme, and warned that if a satisfactory outcome is not reached, the group would expand its protest.

The producers representative said prices should vary from Bt130-180/kg depending on shrimp and prawn sizes from 80 pieces/kg and 40 pieces/kg respectively.

Mr Kanchit suggested a timeline for the project beginning May 15. With no clear answer to the protestors, he warned the group might close the Tinsulanonda Bridge for an expanded protest and might travel to Bangkok to protest directly to the prime minister.

Meanwhile, prices of other agricultural produce--particularly vegetables and meats -- have increased. For instance, the price of pork and Chinese kale have quickly risen in the northeastern province of Sakon Nakhon from Bt105 to Bt130/kilo and from Bt20 to Bt40 per bunch respectively.

Local merchants said consumer prices have doubled, and speculated they would rise even higher when the new school term starts, which is soon. They asked the government to help, as they are in trouble, they said. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-05-08

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and now, as per the other paper's article, it's apparently back once again to tears and red eyes for Yingluck crying.gif during her discovery tour of how the rest of Thailand that aren't billionaires live....

because people are upset with her for her telling them they only "misconceived" the reality of price increases.

Bring out the tissues again



Edited by Buchholz
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The Commerce Ministry would launch a sale campaign, known as the Blue Flag project

It'll be interesting to see how this past-its-scheduled-opening program operates in regards to under-cutting the prices that normal vendors charge for their similar prepared food items, raw meat, and consumer goods.

It'll also be interesting to see the government's grand plans for implementation as they intend to have one in every sub-district in the whole country (8,000 in all).

Lastly, AFAIK, no budget has been announced for what this subsidizing of a nation-wide system will cost, so that too would be nice to know.

Well it seems the Blue Flag project doesn't even get mentioned by name in this article.... which is about it... or at least a morphing of it from when the government talked about the project earlier huh.png

Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom admitted food prices have risen continuously, making people suffer from high living costs. He said the ministry will therefore hold fairs to sell reasonably priced ready-to-eat food in several provinces.

The ministry will ask for cooperation from food entrepreneurs to sell food at no more than 35 baht per dish in line with the ministry’s guidelines.

but it's also evident that the Pheu Thai is not living up to its plans for the already overdue nation-wide project when they would subsidize the price down to 25-30 baht for these prepared dishes.

The latest report still does not have any information on the impact on other sellers of the same product, when this project will all actually start, and what the cost will be to the taxpayers.

another article with further morphing of the Commerce Ministry's Blue Flag Project now somehow getting mingled with Red Shirt Leader Natthawut and OTOP.... blink.png


Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom has instructed relevant agencies to inspect prices and quickly set up shops under the government's low-price programs to address the higher cost of living.

Boonsong said he has discussed with Agriculture and Cooperatives Deputy Minister Nuttawut Saikuea about the plan to open another low-price shop, focusing on products from co-operatives and those under the One Tambon One Product campaign.

Boonsong, meanwhile, was unfazed by reports of being on the reshuffle list, saying that it is up to the prime minister's decision.


-- Tan Network 2012-05-08


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A vendor, wearing a red shirt, told her the price of eggs remained unchanged, contrary to what many claimed.

And buffaloes will soon start to fly.....wai.gif

They've been flying to Dubai for instructions for years now....

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Besides the rising of food prices, one could see that the content of some packages or glasses getting smaller: I.e STREAMLINE jam (reduced sugar!!!!) was sold in glasses with a content of one pound or 453 grams, the "NEW DESIGN"-Glasses hold 400 grams. The price used to be 99THB for a glass, today it is at 132THB. As I said, this is one example only. Look for yourself. Some yoghurt brands went down from 150g yoghurts to 140g, but raised their prices. Absolutely ridiculous that they still wasting resources by packing 4 single paper wrapped plastic spoons into every four pack of yoghurts.

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Does anyone remember the price of rice a few years back. Seems to me it has virtually doubled since then which is way more than inflation & most likely due to price pledging schemes, fertilizer/pesticide costs which benefit the middlemen rather than the farmers.

A loaf of bread has almost doubled in price over the past three years, along with a significant increase in the price of raw chicken, and other essential food items. If these are not representative of soaring prices, then I clearly do not have any understanding of basic economics.

I buy roasted chicken from Lotus at 99 baht. It has not changed in 3 years. My rice is free from a farm in Surin and it is still free. I buy bread from a Danish bakery same price for the past three years. The price at the pub where I eat lunch has gone up 50 baht in 3 years. Not bad really. I think you all have misconceived the information.

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A vendor, wearing a red shirt, told her the price of eggs remained unchanged, contrary to what many claimed.

And buffaloes will soon start to fly.....wai.gif

Maybe they should ask about the price for grass...that is food for buffalo

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So the trick is, to ask for the PM price for eggs?

So the trick is, to ask for the PM price for eggs?

About two months ago the price of large eggs at the local market had soared to 60 baht for 10. Yesterday I paid 44 baht. I think market forces were responsible for the reduction. God forbid that I should appear to defend the lady about anything she has done - or not.

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Yingluck is OVA the top and cracked up, I will never EGG her on, this young CHICK of a P.M. is a bad EGGSample on how not to speak. Forever making COCK ups -HEN will she ever learn, better she went to RHODE ISLAND-(red) before there is another COUP. She never has to buy on HIGHER PERCHES.

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The Commerce Ministry would launch a sale campaign, known as the Blue Flag project

It'll be interesting to see how this past-its-scheduled-opening program operates in regards to under-cutting the prices that normal vendors charge for their similar prepared food items, raw meat, and consumer goods.

It'll also be interesting to see the government's grand plans for implementation as they intend to have one in every sub-district in the whole country (8,000 in all).

Lastly, AFAIK, no budget has been announced for what this subsidizing of a nation-wide system will cost, so that too would be nice to know.

Well it seems the Blue Flag project doesn't even get mentioned by name in this article.... which is about it... or at least a morphing of it from when the government talked about the project earlier huh.png

Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom admitted food prices have risen continuously, making people suffer from high living costs. He said the ministry will therefore hold fairs to sell reasonably priced ready-to-eat food in several provinces.

The ministry will ask for cooperation from food entrepreneurs to sell food at no more than 35 baht per dish in line with the ministry’s guidelines.

but it's also evident that the Pheu Thai is not living up to its plans for the already overdue nation-wide project when they would subsidize the price down to 25-30 baht for these prepared dishes.

The latest report still does not have any information on the impact on other sellers of the same product, when this project will all actually start, and what the cost will be to the taxpayers.


A light blue flag, sometimes with a diagonal yellow, orange, or red stripe, informs a driver that a faster car is approaching and that the driver should move aside to allow one or more faster cars to pass. During a race, this would usually only be shown to a driver getting lapped, but during practice or qualifying it could be shown to any driver. In most series, the blue flag is not mandatory - drivers obey it only as a courtesy to their fellow racers. In other series, drivers get severely penalized for not yielding or for interfering with the leaders, including getting sent to the pits for the rest of the race. In Formula One, if the driver about to be lapped ignores three waved blue flags in a row, he is required to make a drive-through penalty.

And we all know who will be doing the overtaking.

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Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom admitted food prices have risen continuously, making people suffer from high living costs. He said the ministry will therefore hold fairs to sell reasonably priced ready-to-eat food in several provinces.

As ready-to-eat food at fairs can hardly be kept for more than a day and because somehow people in Thailand feel inclined to eat at least a bit three or four times a day, the Ministry of Commerce ends up holding these food fairs on a daily basis, it would seem. It's that unfair competition?

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Shrimp farmers protest seeking higher shrimp prices


SONGKHLA, May 8 - Shrimp farmers from eight southern Thai provinces gathered today at the Tinsulanonda Bridge in this provincial seat awaiting the decision of a committee meeting considering responses to help farmers facing depressed shrimp prices.

Kanchit Hemarak, president of the shrimp farmers network, said the group wants the committee to urgently initiate a shrimp mortgage scheme, and warned that if a satisfactory outcome is not reached, the group would expand its protest.

The producers representative said prices should vary from Bt130-180/kg depending on shrimp and prawn sizes from 80 pieces/kg and 40 pieces/kg respectively.

Mr Kanchit suggested a timeline for the project beginning May 15. With no clear answer to the protestors, he warned the group might close the Tinsulanonda Bridge for an expanded protest and might travel to Bangkok to protest directly to the prime minister.

Meanwhile, prices of other agricultural produce--particularly vegetables and meats -- have increased. For instance, the price of pork and Chinese kale have quickly risen in the northeastern province of Sakon Nakhon from Bt105 to Bt130/kilo and from Bt20 to Bt40 per bunch respectively.

Local merchants said consumer prices have doubled, and speculated they would rise even higher when the new school term starts, which is soon. They asked the government to help, as they are in trouble, they said. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-05-08

So appoint "Justaprawn " as Deputy Minister of Shrimp.

It will keep him out of everyone else's hair.

Edited by animatic
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Even believing the PM that prices of food and essential goods are not soaring :-), I think we see some prime examples of how a government can screw up an economy with a combination of maximum price settings and price pledging.

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I can see two bad eggs in that pic, and one of them is just above the sign that says 30 Baht an egg! giggle.gif


a dollar an egg? isn't that a little much? I'll have to go by Safeway today here in Phoenix AZ to see what they charge for eggs. back with my survey later. chao

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Yingluck is OVA the top and cracked up, I will never EGG her on, this young CHICK of a P.M. is a bad EGGSample on how not to speak. Forever making COCK ups -HEN will she ever learn, better she went to RHODE ISLAND-(red) before there is another COUP. She never has to buy on HIGHER PERCHES.

Practising your English language skills, I commend you.

Two parrots sitting on a perch, and one says 'can you smell something fishy?'

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please someone help me:


I know the meaning of "sour".

I understand the meaning of: "souring" as a substantive, meaning being the process of something getting sour

there is "to go sour"


"to turn sour"

but there is no adverbial form for "sour" alone.

So why do they use "souring" in the meaning of "rising" ?

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So the trick is, to ask for the PM price for eggs?

So the trick is, to ask for the PM price for eggs?

About two months ago the price of large eggs at the local market had soared to 60 baht for 10. Yesterday I paid 44 baht. I think market forces were responsible for the reduction. God forbid that I should appear to defend the lady about anything she has done - or not.

I suppose you never shop at Tesco / Big C.

Pork now 98 Baht, plenty of supply, no queue.

Chicken is 49 Baht.

Egg now is 88 Baht per tray of 30.

No wonder those un-hygenic wet market should close down, ripping people off. No wonder wet market people protest to remove them.

You don't need to travel far to get to a Tesco now. Small Tesco dotted the countryside.

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