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Did Thai Police Not Close Restaurants That Sale Foul And Old Food?


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After a round trip to udonthani we found a restaurant , in the new bus station of udonthani first one one the left opposite the Thai national flag that sales old foul food, and old chicken, and not want give there money back!

What happens with the restaurant owner, can the continiue there bisness without any problems?

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Thai vendors don't give money back even if they make a mistake, bring you what you didn't order etc. And the police will back them up if you make a fuss, easier to just pay and move on.

And I'm sure there are laws and enforcement schemes for food and hygiene, but **nothing** like that is effectively enforced in Thailand, most officials including police are after their own graft, nothing to do with the public interest.

There are exceptions of course, but generally speaking if you like everything clean and lawful you should stick to Switzerland and Singapore.

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