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Rudest People


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On the bus:

I sit next to a young woman.

She quite small but put her legs quite apart to invade on my side.

It's hot and I do not want to feel her leg against mine, so I move away

She move further

I move again

And so forth until I get off my seat and she jumped into mine with a big smile (she's Thai).

All the other seats are taken so I have no other choice than to seat on her previous seat, a seat on the sun.

So I get the hot sun on my face and she seems quite pleased with herself and SMILES

I am quite pissed off (I'm French I don't smile back) and try to forget about the all thing and close my eyes;

this is not my country, I should give out seat to anyone and get the crappy place even though she's half my age

I figured she must be satisfied now.

I could not be more wrong.

Not a minute after she got my seat, does she start again the slow invasion.

This time I am against the window; I try to press my body as much as possible against the window and now sit very awkwardly side ways.

She happily sit comfortably legs apart, she's half my size and smiles at my infuriated eyeing

So yes she is Thai she smiled the all way

But sorry that does not make her polite

moral of the story -- next time get a cab

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On the bus:

I sit next to a young woman.

She quite small but put her legs quite apart to invade on my side.

It's hot and I do not want to feel her leg against mine, so I move away

She move further

I move again

And so forth until I get off my seat and she jumped into mine with a big smile (she's Thai).

All the other seats are taken so I have no other choice than to seat on her previous seat, a seat on the sun.

So I get the hot sun on my face and she seems quite pleased with herself and SMILES

I am quite pissed off (I'm French I don't smile back) and try to forget about the all thing and close my eyes;

this is not my country, I should give out seat to anyone and get the crappy place even though she's half my age

I figured she must be satisfied now.

I could not be more wrong.

Not a minute after she got my seat, does she start again the slow invasion.

This time I am against the window; I try to press my body as much as possible against the window and now sit very awkwardly side ways.

She happily sit comfortably legs apart, she's half my size and smiles at my infuriated eyeing

So yes she is Thai she smiled the all way

But sorry that does not make her polite

Great story Anelaine .

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Interesting, the countries rated as having the least rude locals, in particular Thailand.

Good for how Thailand’s perceived by the rest of the World, however, spend some time and/or understand a little Thai and you’ll find that on more than a few occasions that Thai smile and lively banter, (in Thai) between themselves and aimed at you is not the happy exchange you think it is.

I’ve seen tourists get totally verbally abused and I’ve had pissed off Thai shop workers, waitresses and the odd Thai country bumpkins try and take the piss……All done with the biggest grin on their faces. I don’t pretend to speak a lot of Thai, but I understand enough to know when I’m being verbally abused. I know a few come backs, (not rude) but enough to make them think I know more Thai than I do………….Talk about seeing them lose face, I really don’t care, I’m not Thai, they started the game!

I’ve found this to manly happen in the heavy populated tourist areas. Fact is there are good and bad people everywhere, I know some great Thai people and as I feel the good Thais are in the majority, I will meet many more.

But I do wonder, if we as westerner did not have the 'smile' embedded in our heads as being a friendly gesture or westerners know that Thais have an arsenal of smiles…One of every occasion………….Just how far up this survey do you think Thailand would have got?

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On the bus:

I sit next to a young woman.

She quite small but put her legs quite apart to invade on my side.

It's hot and I do not want to feel her leg against mine, so I move away

She move further

I move again

And so forth until I get off my seat and she jumped into mine with a big smile (she's Thai).

All the other seats are taken so I have no other choice than to seat on her previous seat, a seat on the sun.

So I get the hot sun on my face and she seems quite pleased with herself and SMILES

I am quite pissed off (I'm French I don't smile back) and try to forget about the all thing and close my eyes;

this is not my country, I should give out seat to anyone and get the crappy place even though she's half my age

I figured she must be satisfied now.

I could not be more wrong.

Not a minute after she got my seat, does she start again the slow invasion.

This time I am against the window; I try to press my body as much as possible against the window and now sit very awkwardly side ways.

She happily sit comfortably legs apart, she's half my size and smiles at my infuriated eyeing

So yes she is Thai she smiled the all way

But sorry that does not make her polite

Couldn't see what your problem was till I checked your profile and found that you're female, LOL.

Most of us guys would love a bit of leg action on the bus.

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Israelites are the rudest people I've ever met. Saying that, I know a few and they are okay - miserable *^nts but okay.

It's Israelis in modern times, but yes I agree, I'd put them at the top with the Russians. IMO the French are only rude wrt service positions in comparison with other countries' expectations, particularly Yank customers expect a lot of superficial "niceness" from wait staff etc due to the tipping system, whereas the French seem to purposefully act resentful toward foreign customers.

I've got used to those whacky Brits so it doesn't bother me as much, definitely a class thing going on there as well.

Younger Americans sometimes have absolutely no clue wrt manners, but then tend to grow out of that.

You'd have to be lucky to meet an actual "Brit" in London these days. They are conspicuous by their absence.

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As for the Canadians, do they have cities or do they live in scattered wooden houses across the forest, hunting bears? laugh.png

No. They live in igloos and they ski all year round. Great movie to watch would be Northwest Passage with Spenser Tracy that will explain everything.

24 Signs you might be Canadian.

1. You're not offended by the term "HOMO MILK".

2. . You understand the phrase "Could you pass me a serviette, I just dropped my poutine, on the chesterfield."

3. You eat chocolate bars, not candy bars.

4. You drink Pop, not Soda.

5. You know that a Mickey and 24's mean, "party at the camp, eh!!!"

6. You don't care about the fuss with Cuba. It's a cheap place to go for your holidays, with good cigars .

7. You know that a pike is a type of fish, not part of a highway.

8. You drive on a highway, not a freeway.

9. You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.

10. You know that Casey and Finnegan were not part of a Celtic musical


11. You get excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.

12. You brag to Americans that; Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion & Mike Myers are Canadians. ... also , Alex Trebec, David Foley, Matthew Perry etc.etc.

13. You know that the C.E.O. of American Airlines is a Canadian!

14. You know what a toque is.

15. You design your Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

16. You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always pronounced "Zed".

17. Your local newspaper covers the national news on 2 pages, but requires 6 pages for hockey.

18. You know that the four seasons mean: almost winter, winter, still Winter, and road work.

19. You know that when it's 25 degrees outside, it's a warm day.

20. You understand the Labatt Blue commercials.

21. You know how to pronounce and spell "Saskatchewan".

22. You perk up when you hear the theme song from 'Hockey Night in Canada'.

23. You are in grade 12, not the 12th grade.

24. "Eh?" is a very important part of your vocabulary, and is more polite

than, "Huh?"

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I can't say I'm fond of Australians in general. I've only met two whose company I could stand for more than 5 minutes and there are hordes of them in my neck of the woods in London. They're boorish, uncouth, inconsiderate and genuinely believe they have some kind of manifest destiny to behave like total c***s whenever they go outside their own borders.

Oh, did I mention the annoying accent and their penchant for pitching the last word in every sentence an octave above the preceding words?

How can they be so completely different from Kiwis who are some of the nicest people I've met?

I've no issues whatsoever with the French, have come to like Americans I've met here.

Not impressed by the Indians I've observed here - unbelieveably rude to the Thais.

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I can't say I'm fond of Australians in general. I've only met two whose company I could stand for more than 5 minutes and there are hordes of them in my neck of the woods in London. They're boorish, uncouth, inconsiderate and genuinely believe they have some kind of manifest destiny to behave like total c***s whenever they go outside their own borders.

Oh, did I mention the annoying accent and their penchant for pitching the last word in every sentence an octave above the preceding words?

How can they be so completely different from Kiwis who are some of the nicest people I've met?

I've no issues whatsoever with the French, have come to like Americans I've met here.

Not impressed by the Indians I've observed here - unbelieveably rude to the Thais.

I find it hard to criticise other nationalities without some semblance of tongue in cheek humour (no, not like that, JT)

Of course, we all hate the English, but that would seem much more sincere if we had fewer friends from South of the border...


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Israelites are the rudest people I've ever met. Saying that, I know a few and they are okay - miserable *^nts but okay.

It's Israelis in modern times, but yes I agree, I'd put them at the top with the Russians. IMO the French are only rude wrt service positions in comparison with other countries' expectations, particularly Yank customers expect a lot of superficial "niceness" from wait staff etc due to the tipping system, whereas the French seem to purposefully act resentful toward foreign customers.

I've got used to those whacky Brits so it doesn't bother me as much, definitely a class thing going on there as well.

Younger Americans sometimes have absolutely no clue wrt manners, but then tend to grow out of that.

You'd have to be lucky to meet an actual "Brit" in London these days. They are conspicuous by their absence.

I misread that as 'abstinence', and thought - "you are joking, aren't you?"

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On the bus:

I sit next to a young woman.

She quite small but put her legs quite apart to invade on my side.

It's hot and I do not want to feel her leg against mine, so I move away

She move further

I move again

And so forth until I get off my seat and she jumped into mine with a big smile (she's Thai).

All the other seats are taken so I have no other choice than to seat on her previous seat, a seat on the sun.

So I get the hot sun on my face and she seems quite pleased with herself and SMILES

I am quite pissed off (I'm French I don't smile back) and try to forget about the all thing and close my eyes;

this is not my country, I should give out seat to anyone and get the crappy place even though she's half my age

I figured she must be satisfied now.

I could not be more wrong.

Not a minute after she got my seat, does she start again the slow invasion.

This time I am against the window; I try to press my body as much as possible against the window and now sit very awkwardly side ways.

She happily sit comfortably legs apart, she's half my size and smiles at my infuriated eyeing

So yes she is Thai she smiled the all way

But sorry that does not make her polite

Great story Anelaine .

Should've lit a fart

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Not to generalize or anything.

Americans are both the rudest and most polite people I've ever met. Ditto English. Europeans generally are quite polite. Dutch normally pretty mellow. Never met a rude Canadian. Kiwis are normally pretty cool. Aussies rock. But I've never met a nice South African.

You've been unduely swayed by popular culture. I've never met an unpleasant South African - but I have only met South Africans outside their own country. No doubt, like the Scots, they keep their most embarrassingly parochial and narrow-minded in-bred idiots at home.

I'm not sure I've ever met a black Suth African, either, so maybe they're the unpleasant ones.


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On the bus:

I sit next to a young woman.

She quite small but put her legs quite apart to invade on my side.

It's hot and I do not want to feel her leg against mine, so I move away

She move further

I move again

And so forth until I get off my seat and she jumped into mine with a big smile (she's Thai).

All the other seats are taken so I have no other choice than to seat on her previous seat, a seat on the sun.

So I get the hot sun on my face and she seems quite pleased with herself and SMILES

I am quite pissed off (I'm French I don't smile back) and try to forget about the all thing and close my eyes;

this is not my country, I should give out seat to anyone and get the crappy place even though she's half my age

I figured she must be satisfied now.

I could not be more wrong.

Not a minute after she got my seat, does she start again the slow invasion.

This time I am against the window; I try to press my body as much as possible against the window and now sit very awkwardly side ways.

She happily sit comfortably legs apart, she's half my size and smiles at my infuriated eyeing

So yes she is Thai she smiled the all way

But sorry that does not make her polite

When i began to read this i thought this was going to one of those stories of thai seduction , but it turned out to be invasion and conquest with a smile.

I think a lot of us can relate to that.

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Looking at the level and ignorance and selfishness with which people drive in Thailand I truly wonder if the 'least rude' label really applies.

I don't understand why this always comes up. Try driving in Hong Kong where you hear horns honking at you all day long or other countries where road rage is so out of control you could even get shot for cutting someone off.

Just because the rules are pretty relaxed here doesnt mean the drivers are rude, they just have a their own system and Thais dont seem to have any problem at all with it.

Maybe you think they are rude or impatient for wanting to cross and intersection quickly or not waiting?

But if you should try your western polite mannerisms here and give way to every tom dick and harry you will still be waiting at the intersection come armageddon (im told its not far off!)

Anyway, i am yet to see a Thai driver yelling, screaming and cursing expletives at others when driving, and that includes taxi drivers.

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Israelites are the rudest people I've ever met. Saying that, I know a few and they are okay - miserable *^nts but okay.

It's Israelis in modern times, but yes I agree, I'd put them at the top with the Russians.

Agree on the Israelis and Russians being the top two. Koreans would be number 3 for me.

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On the bus:

I sit next to a young woman.

She quite small but put her legs quite apart to invade on my side.

It's hot and I do not want to feel her leg against mine, so I move away

She move further

I move again

And so forth until I get off my seat and she jumped into mine with a big smile (she's Thai).

All the other seats are taken so I have no other choice than to seat on her previous seat, a seat on the sun.

So I get the hot sun on my face and she seems quite pleased with herself and SMILES

I am quite pissed off (I'm French I don't smile back) and try to forget about the all thing and close my eyes;

this is not my country, I should give out seat to anyone and get the crappy place even though she's half my age

I figured she must be satisfied now.

I could not be more wrong.

Not a minute after she got my seat, does she start again the slow invasion.

This time I am against the window; I try to press my body as much as possible against the window and now sit very awkwardly side ways.

She happily sit comfortably legs apart, she's half my size and smiles at my infuriated eyeing

So yes she is Thai she smiled the all way

But sorry that does not make her polite

Great story Anelaine .

Should've lit a fart

I deleted the bit about picturing her face squashed up against the window of the bus as her smiley assasin got comfy .

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