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My avatar is just a picture of my ugly lil' face. w00t.gif

I'm trying to stop spending my money on food and 7 Eleven is killing me as I am slowly piling on the lbs. ermm.gif So I am under house arrest and have become a massive internet geek. Also I think I have an obsession with David Attenborough as his voice just soothes me every time! I realised today that I have downloaded 40GB of David Attenborough documentaries... But yes, move a long... Nothing interesting to see here. coffee1.gif

I'm not going to argue with a Mancunian lass, especially one with your pedigree, although I did spend a couple of years in Salford so I could be described as semi hard at least? rolleyes.gif

Try Family Mart instead by the way as they never have anything I would desire to eat. thumbsup.gif

Hah! Salford is probably worse than Manchester! You win 'ard brownie points. wai.gif

As for Family Mart, there isn't one near me unfortunately. I might just try and get myself banned from my local 7 Eleven so I can't go in there. wink.png

Don't be picking any fights now....those Thai girls are way too polite to get involved. The ladyboys might be up for a scrap though! biggrin.png

I remember my first week there, staying by Hope hospital, I thought I'd have a wander into the lovely village of Eccles (you know it must be a genteel place where those cakes come from?).

That was like an awakening...and it was only 11am! laugh.png

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Smokie , I know a shop that sells Belhaven over at Stanley beach , if ever you are in the neighbourhood we could quaff away and discuss its finer points .

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I'm as stupid and infuriating in real life as I am on here. I blame my Dad for the stupidity, he's a self made man that came from one of the roughest parts of town, he's mixed with the tin pot gangsters and hard men all his life. He noticed early they took up too much of their time taking themselves seriously, so he took the opposite view.

He's victimized me all my life by telling me stupid jokes, but he's my best pal and we get to go on holiday together, we'll be in Thailand in September. I'm a lucky boy.

I infuriate my Mum, she thinks I should be a journalist or a novelist or something like that. She thinks that I've wasted my life by merely being a businessman. It drives her wild that we can be sitting talking about some current affair issue and I'll delve into ancient history and explain the background. She used to go check what I said for accuracy but now she's given up.

There are a couple of members who know me in real life and they would most likely confirm that I'm a bit infuriating, but at the same time good hearted and stupid, I'm the big guy at the bar singing and dancing, and being enthralled by good company.

So pull up a chair, we'll open a bottle of whisky, and you tell me your story. Once you run out of words we'll just have to sing, and go dancing.

It will be my great pleasure soon to be doing exactly that with Smokie, and myself and Smokie will be flying into Thailand together in July. Plans are fluid at the moment but don't be amazed if we turn up in your town.

I know Smokie will agree it would be our delight to meet you, and here's a shock development for you, the whisky is on me.

ps real life is calling, I need to go do the accounts and other projects for my business, so I'll be offline for two or three weeks. I'll be checking pm's but staying off the forums, TV is like pringles, once you pop you can't stop, so I'll need to abstain.

That will give Smokie and Necron99 a chance to catch up with my likes total, they are both SO competitive :-)


I'm as stupid and infuriating in real life as I am on here. I blame my Dad for the stupidity, he's a self made man that came from one of the roughest parts of town, he's mixed with the tin pot gangsters and hard men all his life. He noticed early they took up too much of their time taking themselves seriously, so he took the opposite view.

He's victimized me all my life by telling me stupid jokes, but he's my best pal and we get to go on holiday together, we'll be in Thailand in September. I'm a lucky boy.

I infuriate my Mum, she thinks I should be a journalist or a novelist or something like that. She thinks that I've wasted my life by merely being a businessman. It drives her wild that we can be sitting talking about some current affair issue and I'll delve into ancient history and explain the background. She used to go check what I said for accuracy but now she's given up.

There are a couple of members who know me in real life and they would most likely confirm that I'm a bit infuriating, but at the same time good hearted and stupid, I'm the big guy at the bar singing and dancing, and being enthralled by good company.

So pull up a chair, we'll open a bottle of whisky, and you tell me your story. Once you run out of words we'll just have to sing, and go dancing.

It will be my great pleasure soon to be doing exactly that with Smokie, and myself and Smokie will be flying into Thailand together in July. Plans are fluid at the moment but don't be amazed if we turn up in your town.

I know Smokie will agree it would be our delight to meet you, and here's a shock development for you, the whisky is on me.

ps real life is calling, I need to go do the accounts and other projects for my business, so I'll be offline for two or three weeks. I'll be checking pm's but staying off the forums, TV is like pringles, once you pop you can't stop, so I'll need to abstain.

That will give Smokie and Necron99 a chance to catch up with my likes total, they are both SO competitive :-)

"It will be my great pleasure soon to be doing exactly that with Smokie, and myself and Smokie will be flying into Thailand together in July. Plans are fluid at the moment but don't be amazed if we turn up in your town."

Blether, don't make them too fluid; I have it on good advice that some of the airlines don't take kindly to phished passengers...............thumbsup.gif

Edit: If you hit Phitsanulok on your travels, give me a shout.


I'm as stupid and infuriating in real life as I am on here. I blame my Dad for the stupidity, he's a self made man that came from one of the roughest parts of town, he's mixed with the tin pot gangsters and hard men all his life. He noticed early they took up too much of their time taking themselves seriously, so he took the opposite view.

He's victimized me all my life by telling me stupid jokes, but he's my best pal and we get to go on holiday together, we'll be in Thailand in September. I'm a lucky boy.

I infuriate my Mum, she thinks I should be a journalist or a novelist or something like that. She thinks that I've wasted my life by merely being a businessman. It drives her wild that we can be sitting talking about some current affair issue and I'll delve into ancient history and explain the background. She used to go check what I said for accuracy but now she's given up.

There are a couple of members who know me in real life and they would most likely confirm that I'm a bit infuriating, but at the same time good hearted and stupid, I'm the big guy at the bar singing and dancing, and being enthralled by good company.

So pull up a chair, we'll open a bottle of whisky, and you tell me your story. Once you run out of words we'll just have to sing, and go dancing.

It will be my great pleasure soon to be doing exactly that with Smokie, and myself and Smokie will be flying into Thailand together in July. Plans are fluid at the moment but don't be amazed if we turn up in your town.

I know Smokie will agree it would be our delight to meet you, and here's a shock development for you, the whisky is on me.

ps real life is calling, I need to go do the accounts and other projects for my business, so I'll be offline for two or three weeks. I'll be checking pm's but staying off the forums, TV is like pringles, once you pop you can't stop, so I'll need to abstain.

That will give Smokie and Necron99 a chance to catch up with my likes total, they are both SO competitive :-)

I thought that was what you meant. Well that is very sporting of you...but mind you I prefer to be in the pack chasing you my blethering friend. Its a long race...

Yeah look forward to meeting up...I'm sure we will have plenty of stories to tell.....mind I will give away another little personal secret....I don't go near spirits any more...not ever. wink.png


Wherever we end up Chris there will be smiles aplenty....I am certain of that. biggrin.png

My mummy always told me that it's dangerous to meet people off the internet! :o


Wherever we end up Chris there will be smiles aplenty....I am certain of that. biggrin.png

My mummy always told me that it's dangerous to meet people off the internet! ohmy.png

Don't worry phuturatica...if you decide to meet us I will show you a link so that you know I am trustworthy. wink.png

I am a responsible person you know....and I have credentials to back it up. thumbsup.gif

Not someone who flaps about like a chicken when he should be swimming around the pond. wink.png


My avatar photo is not me

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

For someone as secretive as yourself brit that is a start. I applaud you for it. I'm sure one day soon you will be able to go outside.

No really I do! Walk to the 7/11 even!! thumbsup.gif


My avatar photo is not me

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

For someone as secretive as yourself brit that is a start. I applaud you for it. I'm sure one day soon you will be able to go outside.

No really I do! Walk to the 7/11 even!! thumbsup.gif

No way, 7/11 is nearly 500 meters from my house; MaxValue is closer and sells better sandwiches

Venturing on to 7/11 would entail passing Abhisit's house (and risk being caught in the cross fire of another blood throwing attack by the red-shirts)


My avatar photo is not me

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

For someone as secretive as yourself brit that is a start. I applaud you for it. I'm sure one day soon you will be able to go outside.

No really I do! Walk to the 7/11 even!! thumbsup.gif

No way, 7/11 is nearly 500 meters from my house; MaxValue is closer and sells better sandwiches

Venturing on to 7/11 would entail passing Abhisit's house (and risk being caught in the cross fire of another blood throwing attack by the red-shirts)

Are you a Pom or a Yank?


Initially I chose many different avatars.

This one upset, PING, so much so I kept it., we have met IRL, beers and cheers....lol.

I enjoy looking arounhd the threads, so the photo-46648.gif?_r=1334490920 suits me fine....spying if ya like.

The laffs, fun, perverse senses of humour in TV make my day.

Many serious posts give one things to think about, whether one agrees or not, Outside The Box, especially.

If anyone needs a helping hand, I am willing to put in my piece for them to consider.

I've been to one TV BBQ, and met a few posters, had a member here for a year whilst he did cell tower installations in NZ.

TV will always be my time out place, something about most anything to peruse and relax.


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Wherever we end up Chris there will be smiles aplenty....I am certain of that. biggrin.png

My mummy always told me that it's dangerous to meet people off the internet! ohmy.png

Yeah, and I married her 2 years later.....wub.pngclap2.gif


You guys are oblivious that you have a very famous entity posting on here.If you hang around a bit, I might just reveal enough titbits.

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You guys are oblivious that you have a very famous entity posting on here.If you hang around a bit, I might just reveal enough titbits.

I like being oblivious sometimes.

I existed, until recently, in such a corporate world.

When I saw some magic, I didn't want it explained ... I wanted to believe. Believe that there were some intangible things in life that I couldn't quantify or explain or commoditise.

So, if we have someone who is considered famous amongst the posters, I am sure the OP would enjoy knowing his or her story also.

OH, even though it is not my thread ... to all that have posted recently ... wai.gif


My Avatar is of course myself. I have been considering a nose job, though I get no complaints from the women about my tongue and wet nose.

I was in Thailand last week, back in OZ now. Been over 6 times in the past 12 months or so.

On my mind today is my GFs visit to Australia in a month and my next visit to Thailand shortly after. Fairly much every day when in Australia Thailand is on my mind. Each time I return to Australia I struggle through a general two week despondency. Still hoping to moving there FT early next year.

TV has been a great source of information for me over the last 2 years, as well as providing more than a few laughs. thumbsup.gif

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My avatar is just a picture of my ugly lil' face. w00t.gif

I'm trying to stop spending my money on food and 7 Eleven is killing me as I am slowly piling on the lbs. ermm.gif So I am under house arrest and have become a massive internet geek. Also I think I have an obsession with David Attenborough as his voice just soothes me every time! I realised today that I have downloaded 40GB of David Attenborough documentaries... But yes, move a long... Nothing interesting to see here. coffee1.gif

I seem to put on 2-3 kgs every visit. It's the ice cream I think. It's everywhere and so cheap!


I am real to me in my own dimension, otherwise I am a wraith.

Have you ever tried to be helpful, only to have had your advice/suggestions taken in completely the wrong way and had your butt kicked as a result? Seems to be par for the course some days on TV.

The answer to the question is the re-incarnation of Stalin!!!!

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My avatar is just a picture of my ugly lil' face. w00t.gif

I'm trying to stop spending my money on food and 7 Eleven is killing me as I am slowly piling on the lbs. ermm.gif So I am under house arrest and have become a massive internet geek. Also I think I have an obsession with David Attenborough as his voice just soothes me every time! I realised today that I have downloaded 40GB of David Attenborough documentaries... But yes, move a long... Nothing interesting to see here. coffee1.gif

Mine is the mental image I get when my wife calls from the office to remind me I have to do such and such before she gets home.sad.png

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Hint, screen name starts with S.


Scooby Doo?

Spongebob Squarepants?

Satan? rolleyes.gif


Thought Roo was talking about me. :rolleyes:


myself and Smokie will be flying into Thailand together in July. Plans are fluid at the moment but don't be amazed if we turn up in your town."

You're reforming The Monkees?

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