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How To Stop Erosion Of Leveled Land ?


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I need some advice from anyone who has not only a solution but also a solution that looks good.

We filled and levelled this land over 7 months ago and are now looking to build.

Our problem is during heavy rain we get water run off that starts mini avalanches down the slopes, which soon turn into land slides.. The slope height is only 1.5m so was thinking to terrace it rather than build any sort of retaining wall ? This is land for a restaurant so don't want anything too unsightly :)

Any advice would be appreciated, plus the usual p**s taking will be fine from the regulars...

Right, trying to attach a photo.. Can't attach !!!

Anyway, the normal style

And levelling that you always see on plots next to the main roads :)

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As a civil engineer in my previous life for 30 years I've been involved with soil and slope stabilisation solutions on scores of projects from small landscaping works to motorway and bridge construction projects employing both high tech and low tech solutions.

It really would make life easier to assist you if you would persevere with getting a couple of photo's posted.

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Sound like you could use a hedge. You can get the sprouts for about 10B, plant 1-1/2 to 2 ft apart. In one year you will have a nice looking "fence" and erosion control. The caveat is you have to maintain it (ie: trim it every 1-2 weeks).

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You must somehow stop the soil movement. It takes around 3 years for the rain to do it's compacting thing, THEN, a competent guy to asses how deep to go with the concrete pads for the house uprights.

IF, the pads are set on soft soil the house will shift and cracking occur.

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Not qute sure how anyone is in a position to suggest a relistic working solution to the OP's problem without having a resonable understanding of the failure mechanism, the subsoil structure or the slope geometry, none of which has the OP described in sufficient detail.

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Not qute sure how anyone is in a position to suggest a relistic working solution to the OP's problem without having a resonable understanding of the failure mechanism, the subsoil structure or the slope geometry, none of which has the OP described in sufficient detail.

You seem to be new so just a quick side bar. The de-facto model in Thailand for just about any sort of construction related thing is to just make something up without having expertise. Sort of like everyone tries to reinvent the wheel but the shape is always a little off. It won't work right and fail quickly, then you go through repair and replace cycles over and over trying to patch it up. This is seen as the normal way. In our countries we would implement proven techniques developed by professionals with guaranteed results that would be long lasting and sure. It is a very contrasting approach. I do hope the OP posts pictures to see your ideas which I imagine will be pretty good.

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Not qute sure how anyone is in a position to suggest a relistic working solution to the OP's problem without having a resonable understanding of the failure mechanism, the subsoil structure or the slope geometry, none of which has the OP described in sufficient detail.

You seem to be new so just a quick side bar. The de-facto model in Thailand for just about any sort of construction related thing is to just make something up without having expertise. Sort of like everyone tries to reinvent the wheel but the shape is always a little off. It won't work right and fail quickly, then you go through repair and replace cycles over and over trying to patch it up. This is seen as the normal way. In our countries we would implement proven techniques developed by professionals with guaranteed results that would be long lasting and sure. It is a very contrasting approach. I do hope the OP posts pictures to see your ideas which I imagine will be pretty good.

Not new at all, although I completely understand your sentiments having managed a number of construction projects over the years utilising local expertise in relation to our businesses here in Phuket. However this forum, I assume, is predominantly farang populated so I would expect the vast majority of the BM's to have a farang mindset in this respect.

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Not qute sure how anyone is in a position to suggest a relistic working solution to the OP's problem without having a resonable understanding of the failure mechanism, the subsoil structure or the slope geometry, none of which has the OP described in sufficient detail.

You seem to be new so just a quick side bar. The de-facto model in Thailand for just about any sort of construction related thing is to just make something up without having expertise. Sort of like everyone tries to reinvent the wheel but the shape is always a little off. It won't work right and fail quickly, then you go through repair and replace cycles over and over trying to patch it up. This is seen as the normal way. In our countries we would implement proven techniques developed by professionals with guaranteed results that would be long lasting and sure. It is a very contrasting approach. I do hope the OP posts pictures to see your ideas which I imagine will be pretty good.

Not new at all, although I completely understand your sentiments having managed a number of construction projects over the years utilising local expertise in relation to our businesses here in Phuket. However this forum, I assume, is predominantly farang populated so I would expect the vast majority of the BM's to have a farang mindset in this respect.

Never been called a ''BM'' before. ermm.gif

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Sorry that you can't see the pics, well sorry that I can't upload them :)

We are going to try getting some turf down, along the top of the slopes and down them.

As I said, the slopes are only 1.5m high and I don't see any risk of the whole lot going as it is on flat land.

We will try putting some bricks along the edge as well, saw this is someone else's post that planted grass in between the bricks..

Pretty sure once the building is in place (not closer than 2m to the edge) plus some plants and other stuff to slow the water down the problem should be solved :)

Just hope we can get the turf rooted before any heavy rains come !

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Sorry that you can't see the pics, well sorry that I can't upload them smile.png

We are going to try getting some turf down, along the top of the slopes and down them.

As I said, the slopes are only 1.5m high and I don't see any risk of the whole lot going as it is on flat land.

We will try putting some bricks along the edge as well, saw this is someone else's post that planted grass in between the bricks..

Pretty sure once the building is in place (not closer than 2m to the edge) plus some plants and other stuff to slow the water down the problem should be solved smile.png

Just hope we can get the turf rooted before any heavy rains come !

Just remember that the ''builder'' must dig down to compacted ground for the upright base pads.

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Sorry that you can't see the pics, well sorry that I can't upload them smile.png

We are going to try getting some turf down, along the top of the slopes and down them.

As I said, the slopes are only 1.5m high and I don't see any risk of the whole lot going as it is on flat land.

We will try putting some bricks along the edge as well, saw this is someone else's post that planted grass in between the bricks..

Pretty sure once the building is in place (not closer than 2m to the edge) plus some plants and other stuff to slow the water down the problem should be solved smile.png

Just hope we can get the turf rooted before any heavy rains come !

I hope the area you plan to turf is well away from construction - else you will be doing it again. Esp. the cement guys just don't give a crap about anything else that needs to be careful with (in my experience).

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The toilet block is already built, so we will start around that and all other slopes, leaving the area behind where the main building will be until completion.

I will also try to re level so the water runs into my pond which has supporting/retaining walls with drainage.

Shame it wasn't levelled this way originally :)

Thanks for all the input though.. I will definitely get photos up on completion of the whole project..

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Not qute sure how anyone is in a position to suggest a relistic working solution to the OP's problem without having a resonable understanding of the failure mechanism, the subsoil structure or the slope geometry, none of which has the OP described in sufficient detail.

You seem to be new so just a quick side bar. The de-facto model in Thailand for just about any sort of construction related thing is to just make something up without having expertise. Sort of like everyone tries to reinvent the wheel but the shape is always a little off. It won't work right and fail quickly, then you go through repair and replace cycles over and over trying to patch it up. This is seen as the normal way. In our countries we would implement proven techniques developed by professionals with guaranteed results that would be long lasting and sure. It is a very contrasting approach. I do hope the OP posts pictures to see your ideas which I imagine will be pretty good.

Not new at all, although I completely understand your sentiments having managed a number of construction projects over the years utilising local expertise in relation to our businesses here in Phuket. However this forum, I assume, is predominantly farang populated so I would expect the vast majority of the BM's to have a farang mindset in this respect.

Never been called a ''BM'' before. ermm.gif

Eh! I assume you're being serious based on the expression of the smiley you've added to your post.

Well, BM=Board Member=Forum Member. A pretty universal internet acronym for members of forums such as this.

A search for "BM" using the top right search box returns hundreds of posts using this acronym on this site alone.

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NBM can be an acronym for many things, in many different fields. For exmple, Nil By Mouth, National Bank of Moldova, Nederlands Bureau der Motorrijtuigverzekeraars, New Business Model, Neonatal Bacterial Meningitis etcetera. Take your pick.

Is there anything you'd like to discuss that's topic related?

Edited by prophet01
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NBM can be an acronym for many things, in many different fields. For exmple, Nil By Mouth, National Bank of Moldova, Nederlands Bureau der Motorrijtuigverzekeraars, New Business Model, Neonatal Bacterial Meningitis etcetera. Take your pick.

Is there anything you'd like to discuss that's topic related?

Hmmm, you picked me up for not understanding BM, which l must point out was a bit off topic smile.png .

NBM, for you means Newbie Board Member laugh.png . Now, as your are an expert in the OP's field l would respectfully suggest you download a spell check as your customers might get the wrong idea. smile.png

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NBM can be an acronym for many things, in many different fields. For exmple, Nil By Mouth, National Bank of Moldova, Nederlands Bureau der Motorrijtuigverzekeraars, New Business Model, Neonatal Bacterial Meningitis etcetera. Take your pick.

Is there anything you'd like to discuss that's topic related?

Hmmm, you picked me up for not understanding BM, which l must point out was a bit off topic smile.png .

NBM, for you means Newbie Board Member laugh.png . Now, as your are an expert in the OP's field l would respectfully suggest you download a spell check as your customers might get the wrong idea. smile.png

Only because you made a point of highlighting your lack of understanding. I assumed you were looking for enlightenment.

I don't believe my spelling is so poor that I need a dedicated spellchecker although being human I have been known to make the odd error.

Where did you get the idea that I have customers (who you say might get the wrong impression) connected to my field of expertise?

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As your a stated civil engineer of umpteen years l stood to attention, and great we have you here.

Thai enlightenment, nooooooooooooooo, dealt with it for many years.

Me, an admitted numnut who makes many errors here, a spell check is important, but my point is, if you are an engineer of some sort, then the basics are mandatory to take you seriously, not tell me l should know what BM means, l thought it was bloody moron. smile.png

We all make typing errors eh. smile.png Soooooo, install a spell check, takes 2 minutes NBM. biggrin.png .

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Here we go..

I recently posted a topic about idiots high jacking subjects and starting a pissing contest, looks like it's happen again :)

Fellas, it was a straight forward question that doesn't really need to be fought over who knows best..

But you guys crack on, I'm off to lay some more turf...

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No fighting over who knows best to be seen. Just someone adding 2+2, getting an answer of 5 and taking offence when none was even hinted at.

Good luck with your turfing if you believe that's the solution to your initial problem.

Topic closed for my part.

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