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Constitution Court Disqualifies Red Shirt Co-Leader Jatuporn Of MP Status


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Losing his MP status doesn't much difference to him because Uncle Thaksin has promised him a seat in the cabinet. As charges against him are being rapidly dropped he won't be needing the immunity from prosecution so badly but will need more political protection which will cost him in terms of bargaining power. Too bad.

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Seeing Jatuporn looking very uncomfortable wearing a suit and tie in court brings to mind an image of a bouncer appearing in court for GBH in the service of his boss and trying to look like a respectable, god fearing citizen. I suppose this is exactly what Jatuporn is.

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Red Shirt leader Jatuporn expects 200,000 UDD activists to join 2nd anniversary of protest at Ratchaprasong on Sat; police to deploy 1,200 personnel

Here we go again!

What will he say/do if only 20,000 turn up?

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Red Shirt leader Jatuporn expects 200,000 UDD activists to join 2nd anniversary of protest at Ratchaprasong on Sat; police to deploy 1,200 personnel

Here we go again!

What will he say/do if only 20,000 turn up?

Same as usual!

"I was misquoted"

"What I said was taken out of context"

"It was too hot / too cold / too wet"

"They miscounted"

Blame his son! "I had a bad heir day"

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(3) having graduated with not lower than a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent;

What's his degree?

According to the Biographical Data of Members of the 23rd House of Representatives, his degree is Bachelor of Political Science (Politics and Government), Ramkhamhaeng University and his occupation is "Businessman", i.e. his goal is to make as much money as possible.


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Have you actually read why the LM charge was dropped? Strange as it may seem to you it was nothing to do with manipulating the judges or DSI but merely down to interpretation as to towards whom the remarks were made in their full context.

As I know you are a unbiased individual that is willing to accept facts if they are proven I suggest you do a bit of googling. I'll give you a clue, the remarks were made about Suthep and Abhisit not a certain other individual.

So the phrase "royally-bestowed bullets" was referring to Suthep and Abhisit?

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I wonder if this is a bit more twisted than you think? Maybe its so the government don't have to give him a cabinet seat?

My take on this: only upstanding, law abiding citizens should be in government/MPs/etc. Anyone with a criminal conviction/having served jail time should not be allowed to serve the country. Obvious isn't it?

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I wonder if this is a bit more twisted than you think? Maybe its so the government don't have to give him a cabinet seat?

My take on this: only upstanding, law abiding citizens should be in government/MPs/etc. Anyone with a criminal conviction/having served jail time should not be allowed to serve the country. Obvious isn't it?

.....then following your line of thinking, why so much effort in getting criminally convicted big brother back???? ......maybe to work for a charitable organization....???

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My take on this: only upstanding, law abiding citizens should be in government/MPs/etc. Anyone with a criminal conviction/having served jail time should not be allowed to serve the country. Obvious isn't it?

Here are the required qualifications for a position in the Cabinet of Thailand:


According to the 2007 Constitution the Cabinet is restricted to no more than 35 Members. Members of the cabinet unlike that of the Prime Minister does not need to be a member of the House of Representatives, however most of them often are. To be eligible to be a minister an individual must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a Thai national by birth.
  • Being older than thirty-five years of age.
  • Having graduated with not lower than a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent.
  • Not be a member of the Senate (former Senators must wait 2 years after term to be eligible)

The individual must also: not be addicted to drugs, not having been bankrupt, not a monk or a member of the clergy, not be disenfranchised, not be mentally infirm, not be under indictment or conviction, not having been expelled by a state agency for corruption or incompetence, not be a paid civil servant or member of the judiciary and not ever been removed from any office by the Senate of Thailand.

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Thaksin's sister Yingluck Shinawatra, who is now prime minister, indicated she might give Jatuporn a seat in her cabinet despite his loss of seat.

"Jatuporn is considered a competent and dedicated person " she said.


she breaks her normal silence on every issue under the sun... in order to say that????

A different translation of Yingluck's testimonial on Jatuporn and its still hard to fathom the credibility of her assessment.


Yingluck said she cannot make the decision yet, but noted the latter is a hardworking and capable person

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No. It was the prosecutors that decided that he shouldn't charged. It hasn't got to the courts.

Actually it was the DSI that dropped the LM case. The prosecutor hasn't decided yet but the decision is a foregone conclusion in the current political environment.

The prosecutors have dropped the charges of LM against him.

The prosecutors have dropped the case.


In his MP disqualification case, it's a positive step when an open and shut case reaches its logical conclusion.

Also, it's in the OP.

The public prosecutors later dropped the charges against the Red Shirt co-leader.

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That said, It's also probably a good idea to stay well the f*** away from Ratchaprasong or any other red shirt gathering tomorrow.

Proverbs 22 >> New Living Translation

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.

The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.


Edited by Buchholz
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So even though he is disqualified as a MP he can still hold a position as a minister in the government should the government decide to appoint him in a ministerial position, if the government doesn't respect the ruling of the constitutional court why should anyone else? Thats right, just remembered, no-one does anyway.blink.png

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Updated to be:

Being in jail = Not voting = Not being a PTP member = Not eligible to run = No MP

As opposed to

Dem MP = (allegedly) Shoot dead a person in cold blood = remain a Dem MP = refuse to cooperate with police = remain a Dem MP = be charged with pre meditated murder = remain a Dem MP...............

The difference being the "alleged" part.

That was covering my ar88, too many witnesses, but he'll buy his way out, daddy is someone big in the locale.

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sometimes I understand your political stance, but at times like this, supporting yet another criminal, who has been tried in the courts under the present Government you should simply be ashamed of yourself!

As for the Dem politician, sure, get him tried and if guilty send him to jail and let him share a cell with Chalerm and his son.

You don't understand my political stance, why should you, you're not me and thats not an insult. I wasn't supporting jatuporn. However I was pointing out the hypocrisy that is displayed on this forum at times.

The mere mention of jatuporn on here gets people frothing as if he is the devil incarnate. Sure he is not a pleasant guy by any low standards but he's just a guy with a big mouth - the dems had suthep, though arguably more dangerous.

But an "alleged" killer MP in the democratic party walks around and not a word is said - I find that person more demonic than jatuporn.

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Thaksin's sister Yingluck Shinawatra, who is now prime minister, indicated she might give Jatuporn a seat in her cabinet despite his loss of seat.

"Jatuporn is considered a competent and dedicated person " she said.


she breaks her normal silence on every issue under the sun... in order to say that????


In comparison to her, he probably is.

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I have given up studying that zoo too closely long ago. I prefer to learn about the rules on Thaivisa actually. On the basis that ministers are appointed, wouldn't that mean that you could basically buy your way into a ministers seat just to avoid any type of criminal activity.

Which if I can see the possible legal ramifications of a situation like that, means that it is probably the case........ TIT

What's the difference between buying a minister's position and buying an MPs via the party list. The red thugs now sitting in parliament were given their position as a reward for their criminal behaviour 2 years ago - a barter transaction rather than cash.

At least you have to go through an election to become an MP. Ministers can be appointed. Please correct me if I am wrong.

My point is, that down to a certain level, party list seats for a major party are assured unless there is a major swing, and they are bought and sold just like an appointment.

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In his MP disqualification case, it's a positive step when an open and shut case reaches its logical conclusion.

Not voting = Not eligible to run = No MP

Actually, it's:

Being in jail = Not being a PTP member = Not eligible to run = No MP

Fallback postion, high paid rabel-rouser.

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sometimes I understand your political stance, but at times like this, supporting yet another criminal, who has been tried in the courts under the present Government you should simply be ashamed of yourself!

As for the Dem politician, sure, get him tried and if guilty send him to jail and let him share a cell with Chalerm and his son.

You don't understand my political stance, why should you, you're not me and thats not an insult. I wasn't supporting jatuporn. However I was pointing out the hypocrisy that is displayed on this forum at times.

The mere mention of jatuporn on here gets people frothing as if he is the devil incarnate. Sure he is not a pleasant guy by any low standards but he's just a guy with a big mouth - the dems had suthep, though arguably more dangerous.

But an "alleged" killer MP in the democratic party walks around and not a word is said - I find that person more demonic than jatuporn.

That is because you fail to recognise that Jatuporn et al were the bellwethers that lead the red sheeple to their slaughter at Bangkok. I see him as part of conspiracy which eventually caused the death of 92 people, and richly paid for doing it.

Unless you can explain how a political activist gets to be a millionaire virtually overnight.

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What about the people who voted for him and have effectively had their vote nullified ??

Wonder what their opinions might be ??

Nobody voted for him, he was a party list candidate.

Siripon, you sneaky you...

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PM: Not yet decided whether Jatuporn to be minister, will discuss with legal team; no comment on report ex-PM Thaksin plans to apply for Pheu Thai membership /MCOT

Why would Thaksin apply for membership of Pheu Thai? He *owns* it.

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That said, It's also probably a good idea to stay well the f*** away from Ratchaprasong or any other red shirt gathering tomorrow.

Proverbs 22 >> New Living Translation

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.

The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.


phiphidon Verse 01

Nothing to worry about

Could be busy

Don't take your car

Queues in MacDonalds could be longer than usual

Prada is over priced tat anyway, you can do without it..................

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One presumes that Thaksin also failed to vote last election, and is thus incapable of holding office for the next 4+ years?

Given his conviction, he is incapable of holding office ever. Unless of course, the Parliament passes some legislation to absolve him of his crime (and any future convictions that may result from several other cases pending against him).

But what are the chances of that?

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What about the people who voted for him and have effectively had their vote nullified ??

Wonder what their opinions might be ??

Nobody voted for him, he was on the Party List.

My apologies.

My error.

Interesting days ahead though.

Trying to put him up as defence minister will certainly be a red flag to big green bull...


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(3) having graduated with not lower than a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent;

What's his degree?

Bachelor of Political Science (Politics and Government), Ramkhamhaeng University


Where you pay and get your certificate.

Not recognized outside Thailand and, intellectually, worth less an old UK 11 plus. ,

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