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So it was a while ago now so this has probably been done already but would anyone else like to share their flood pictures. I have loads but it takes too long to upload.

We live in Bang Bua Thong so we were hit quite bad

.post-112437-0-98120200-1337324647_thumb. this is the view from my front door.post-112437-0-50890500-1337324987_thumb. after we had evacuated we had to go back a few days later to get some more clothes. It was quite funny really but we had to float my youngest son out in a foam box.post-112437-0-72848600-1337325180_thumb.post-112437-0-76687700-1337325775_thumb. it was a long walk to Bang Yai and dry land.

If anyone is interested I'll put some more on. If not I won't bother.



I also live in Bang Bau Thong and was flooded in my village Chai Pruk . Was over a meter high in my house .

And I just finished the renovation a year before will try post some pictures later. Damage was extensive I will try post pictures later.

A little of topic but should start some kind of meeting club for expats in this area of nontaburi there are many here see them all over?


I don't have any pictures of my house, as I never could get a boat to check on it. My neighbor however took some of these pictures which are right next door. This was near Rangsit in a northern suburb of Bangkok. Pretty dismal.

The water at its highest point was 2.7 meters, and it stayed flooded above 2 meters for nearly 2 months. We were finally able to move back into our house just the beginning of this month. All damages due to the flood total up to about 720,000 baht.




I live in Bangbuathong too, thank god i never got more then 25 cm in the house. I stayed there during the flood. In the end we had around 20-30k damages. So that is not too much.



I also live in Bang Bau Thong and was flooded in my village Chai Pruk . Was over a meter high in my house .

And I just finished the renovation a year before will try post some pictures later. Damage was extensive I will try post pictures later.

A little of topic but should start some kind of meeting club for expats in this area of nontaburi there are many here see them all over?

You're just up the road from me. I'm in Busarin next to the big(ish) Tesco on Bang Kruai Sai Noi Road. I have been swimming in Chaiyapruk a few times because it has a nice pool and my wife's sister's husband's sister has a house there too. Very nice village. Are there still turtles in the lake or did they all go ?


Lets hope it wont happen again. One more time and im moving away from this area. I haven't got the feeling they did much about it. But i could be wrong. I hope they made the banks of the river better and dredged the canals. If Bangkok was really hit maybe they would have done more.

But this is Thailand things are easily forgotten. As long as they keep the dams not to full im pretty sure we won't get wet feet again.



I also live in Bang Bau Thong and was flooded in my village Chai Pruk . Was over a meter high in my house .

And I just finished the renovation a year before will try post some pictures later. Damage was extensive I will try post pictures later.

A little of topic but should start some kind of meeting club for expats in this area of nontaburi there are many here see them all over?

You're just up the road from me. I'm in Busarin next to the big(ish) Tesco on Bang Kruai Sai Noi Road. I have been swimming in Chaiyapruk a few times because it has a nice pool and my wife's sister's husband's sister has a house there too. Very nice village. Are there still turtles in the lake or did they all go ?

The swans are still herei think the turtles are to, yes it is a nice village with good security.

The pool is open again with new management, they redid some of the tile in the pool also. Gets busy there on Sundays. Might go for swim later.

The sauna is not opened yet.

I got hit hard by the flood also the village is recovering we lost a lot of big trees from the water. Being under water for to long.

This is a very quiet village were every body seems to look out for one another. Really good neighbors.


Lets hope it wont happen again.


But this is Thailand things are easily forgotten. <snip>

Actually, that's exactly why I hope it DOES happen again. Sometimes you gotta beat change into people. You have to devastate them for them to wake up. I hope very sincerely that it happens and much worse, for their sake.


Lets hope it wont happen again.


But this is Thailand things are easily forgotten. <snip>

Actually, that's exactly why I hope it DOES happen again. Sometimes you gotta beat change into people. You have to devastate them for them to wake up. I hope very sincerely that it happens and much worse, for their sake.

I am sure you havent been flooded... I have and i can assure you its not fun. Its even less fun when you loose a lot of money because of it. I am one of the lucky ones that we did not loose too much.


Lets hope it wont happen again.


But this is Thailand things are easily forgotten. <snip>

Actually, that's exactly why I hope it DOES happen again. Sometimes you gotta beat change into people. You have to devastate them for them to wake up. I hope very sincerely that it happens and much worse, for their sake.

I am sure you havent been flooded... I have and i can assure you its not fun. Its even less fun when you loose a lot of money because of it. I am one of the lucky ones that we did not loose too much.

I agree with you . I lost about 15,000cdn I have repaired since. And thanks for your helpfully info when I was away on the flood in bang bau thong


Lets hope it wont happen again.


But this is Thailand things are easily forgotten. <snip>

Actually, that's exactly why I hope it DOES happen again. Sometimes you gotta beat change into people. You have to devastate them for them to wake up. I hope very sincerely that it happens and much worse, for their sake.

I am sure you havent been flooded... I have and i can assure you its not fun. Its even less fun when you loose a lot of money because of it. I am one of the lucky ones that we did not loose too much.

I did not get flooded. I do have family who were flooded. Of course I don't desire for people to suffer needlessly, but, sadly, there is always collateral damage. Thais are the stubborn type who likely need to be completely devastated in order to get their act together. So, it is what it is.


Yes so everyone will have to suffer so the politicians will learn.. hmmm Just like everyone in the US thought all those wars were good... Your logic... hmmm

Would be better if some politician houses were flooded not the ordinary people who have no power to change it.


Yes so everyone will have to suffer so the politicians will learn.. hmmm Just like everyone in the US thought all those wars were good... Your logic... hmmm

Would be better if some politician houses were flooded not the ordinary people who have no power to change it.

Yes, it would be good if the only people who get flooded are people who are allowed to vote here. That is one way to look at it.


I am not one to blame the politicians for everything as I think they are a mirror reflection of Thais and their society. So, I blame all of them. They are a (pseud.) Democracy after all.


Yes so everyone will have to suffer so the politicians will learn.. hmmm Just like everyone in the US thought all those wars were good... Your logic... hmmm

Would be better if some politician houses were flooded not the ordinary people who have no power to change it.

Yes, it would be good if the only people who get flooded are people who are allowed to vote here. That is one way to look at it.


I am not one to blame the politicians for everything as I think they are a mirror reflection of Thais and their society. So, I blame all of them. They are a (pseud.) Democracy after all.

Politicians and the wealthy seemed to have their properties well protected. We got about 25 cm in our house and caused quite a bit of damage. Luckily most was covered by insurance and the fact I did a lot of repairs myself.

The 25-120M baht vilalge up the road had massive pumps working full steam everyday to keep their houses dry.

I'm not surprised the PT party lost the by-election in Patum Thani (?) I imagine there were a lot of disgruntled voters nauseated by Yingluck's keep BKK (meaning central BKK) at all costs. Another major flood will be bad news politically for them.


Yes so everyone will have to suffer so the politicians will learn.. hmmm Just like everyone in the US thought all those wars were good... Your logic... hmmm

Would be better if some politician houses were flooded not the ordinary people who have no power to change it.

Yes, it would be good if the only people who get flooded are people who are allowed to vote here. That is one way to look at it.


I am not one to blame the politicians for everything as I think they are a mirror reflection of Thais and their society. So, I blame all of them. They are a (pseud.) Democracy after all.

You are saying that everyone voted one party, and everyone all agreed. I mean there are people who voted differently for democrats for instance who might have changed things. Its not like they people can do much after they have voted or that there are parties who had flood prevention as a hot issue in their plans. So your remarks are a bit void.

But i do agree with one thing if it happens again i hope it gets worse then this time and inner Bangkok is flooded. Maybe then they will take it more seriously. But I don't hope for it to happen.


Yes so everyone will have to suffer so the politicians will learn.. hmmm Just like everyone in the US thought all those wars were good... Your logic... hmmm

Would be better if some politician houses were flooded not the ordinary people who have no power to change it.

Yes, it would be good if the only people who get flooded are people who are allowed to vote here. That is one way to look at it.


I am not one to blame the politicians for everything as I think they are a mirror reflection of Thais and their society. So, I blame all of them. They are a (pseud.) Democracy after all.

Politicians and the wealthy seemed to have their properties well protected. We got about 25 cm in our house and caused quite a bit of damage. Luckily most was covered by insurance and the fact I did a lot of repairs myself.

The 25-120M baht vilalge up the road had massive pumps working full steam everyday to keep their houses dry.

I'm not surprised the PT party lost the by-election in Patum Thani (?) I imagine there were a lot of disgruntled voters nauseated by Yingluck's keep BKK (meaning central BKK) at all costs. Another major flood will be bad news politically for them.

Actually, i think you'll find it was the BKK Governor not the PM, but never mind.


Yes so everyone will have to suffer so the politicians will learn.. hmmm Just like everyone in the US thought all those wars were good... Your logic... hmmm

Would be better if some politician houses were flooded not the ordinary people who have no power to change it.

Yes, it would be good if the only people who get flooded are people who are allowed to vote here. That is one way to look at it.


I am not one to blame the politicians for everything as I think they are a mirror reflection of Thais and their society. So, I blame all of them. They are a (pseud.) Democracy after all.

Politicians and the wealthy seemed to have their properties well protected. We got about 25 cm in our house and caused quite a bit of damage. Luckily most was covered by insurance and the fact I did a lot of repairs myself.

The 25-120M baht vilalge up the road had massive pumps working full steam everyday to keep their houses dry.

I'm not surprised the PT party lost the by-election in Patum Thani (?) I imagine there were a lot of disgruntled voters nauseated by Yingluck's keep BKK (meaning central BKK) at all costs. Another major flood will be bad news politically for them.

Actually, i think you'll find it was the BKK Governor not the PM, but never mind.

Actually, I think you'll find neither one of them were very interested in getting the big bag barrier torn down. That illegal and unconscionable dam turned my village into a lake for 2 months under 2+ meters of water so that those in inner Bangkok could stay dry. On the other side of that structure, waters were only about 50 cm. Doesn't matter which one of them paid for the construction vs. the other one allowing the construction to happen. They are both guilty and are both scum. Both the BMA and the central government need to pay compensation to those of us who were forced to suffer for the "greater good."

We were promised a minuscule 20,000 baht, and to date not a single baht of even that piddling amount has been paid.

But never mind...

  • Like 2

Yes, it would be good if the only people who get flooded are people who are allowed to vote here. That is one way to look at it.


I am not one to blame the politicians for everything as I think they are a mirror reflection of Thais and their society. So, I blame all of them. They are a (pseud.) Democracy after all.

Politicians and the wealthy seemed to have their properties well protected. We got about 25 cm in our house and caused quite a bit of damage. Luckily most was covered by insurance and the fact I did a lot of repairs myself.

The 25-120M baht vilalge up the road had massive pumps working full steam everyday to keep their houses dry.

I'm not surprised the PT party lost the by-election in Patum Thani (?) I imagine there were a lot of disgruntled voters nauseated by Yingluck's keep BKK (meaning central BKK) at all costs. Another major flood will be bad news politically for them.

Actually, i think you'll find it was the BKK Governor not the PM, but never mind.

Actually, I think you'll find neither one of them were very interested in getting the big bag barrier torn down. That illegal and unconscionable dam turned my village into a lake for 2 months under 2+ meters of water so that those in inner Bangkok could stay dry. On the other side of that structure, waters were only about 50 cm. Doesn't matter which one of them paid for the construction vs. the other one allowing the construction to happen. They are both guilty and are both scum. Both the BMA and the central government need to pay compensation to those of us who were forced to suffer for the "greater good."

We were promised a minuscule 20,000 baht, and to date not a single baht of even that piddling amount has been paid.

But never mind...

Had the rest of BKK really flooded the urgency to do something would have been bigger. So far i haven't heard anyone about dredging the canals. It was in the news it had to be done but never heard anyone on here about it.

The only thing they are doing is trying to get mega bucks projects for the long term going so they can skim as much money from it as possible. But small things like upgrading the current defenses aren't done. I prefer not to get flooded but if it happens again i hope its so much they cant protect inner Bangkok either. Maybe then they will learn.

We got compensation 5.000 but the other 20k like promised never materialized. Just promises so the people would not complain. The moment they opened the canal gates improvement was seen but that of course happened way way too late more then a month too late.


Lets hope it wont happen again.


But this is Thailand things are easily forgotten. <snip>

Actually, that's exactly why I hope it DOES happen again. Sometimes you gotta beat change into people. You have to devastate them for them to wake up. I hope very sincerely that it happens and much worse, for their sake.

As I said in another thread you obviosly weren't flooded. A lot of people did actually die too.


Lets hope it wont happen again.


But this is Thailand things are easily forgotten. <snip>

Actually, that's exactly why I hope it DOES happen again. Sometimes you gotta beat change into people. You have to devastate them for them to wake up. I hope very sincerely that it happens and much worse, for their sake.

As I said in another thread you obviosly weren't flooded. A lot of people did actually die too.

In fact, we did leave our place for about a month under the threat of the flooding reaching inner Bangkok.

I would understand my own suffering if I'd been flooded as long as it benefitted Thais by kicking them off their lazy &lt;deleted&gt; to do something about this problem. The selfish are typically the ones who 'hope' and 'pray' that things just resolve themselves because they themselves were affected or someone they know or care about was affected.

Sometimes what's good for the situation requires greater sacrifice and even personal sacrifice.

If you love Thailand and Thai people like I do, then you should 'pray' and 'hope' for devastating floods that will motivate them to force their representatives to action.

  • 3 weeks later...

Actually, I think you'll find neither one of them were very interested in getting the big bag barrier torn down. That illegal and unconscionable dam turned my village into a lake for 2 months under 2+ meters of water so that those in inner Bangkok could stay dry. On the other side of that structure, waters were only about 50 cm. Doesn't matter which one of them paid for the construction vs. the other one allowing the construction to happen. They are both guilty and are both scum. Both the BMA and the central government need to pay compensation to those of us who were forced to suffer for the "greater good."

We were promised a minuscule 20,000 baht, and to date not a single baht of even that piddling amount has been paid.

But never mind...

Had the rest of BKK really flooded the urgency to do something would have been bigger. So far i haven't heard anyone about dredging the canals. It was in the news it had to be done but never heard anyone on here about it.

The only thing they are doing is trying to get mega bucks projects for the long term going so they can skim as much money from it as possible. But small things like upgrading the current defenses aren't done. I prefer not to get flooded but if it happens again i hope its so much they cant protect inner Bangkok either. Maybe then they will learn.

We got compensation 5.000 but the other 20k like promised never materialized. Just promises so the people would not complain. The moment they opened the canal gates improvement was seen but that of course happened way way too late more then a month too late.

The compensation of 20 is materializing, but it will be 7200. It was on paper already. But the village said it will not accept this. 20 was promised so they want 20k. I think they are right, anyway they are all going to protest until they get what was promised.

I did not expect any money and i wonder how much was skimmed of it.


Those pictures brought me back the smell around my house, flood over 1m40 too. Left it for a month, before start to clean and clean, and clean.. until start to paint. Just the people who suffer this can understand the disaster, the damages when you return to your home.

My point of view is that they did protect to much Bangkok, as more electors, politicians and people from Bangkok don't know anything about this feeling, so my view is till Bangkok will not live this, nothing will change for future.

I'm lucky, cause I'm not rich, but had enough money to start to repair, most of people around here get 5.000 thb to do what? almost nothing, after the flood gone, no trucks, no help from the government... just people helping neighboors

Bangkokian saw video of people smiling under the flood, but the heart was crying, behind the tv, they didn't live how to go to toilet, how to clean yourself, how to eat and use trash, work, clean your stuff, stay at home to protect your home from thieves.

Hope it will not happen again.

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