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Thai Women Extorting Money From Farlangs Through Facebook


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I have to question the intelligence of anyone who is writing or speaking english and says: farlang. It's foreigner or westerner. Anyhow guys that send random women money over the internet are probably just as brainless.

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I have to question the intelligence of anyone who is writing or speaking english and says: farlang. It's foreigner or westerner. Anyhow guys that send random women money over the internet are probably just as brainless.

Boy are you in the right place. There are 333,562 posts about the word Farang on Thai Visa. Only exceeded by post about Sinsod.

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In my defense, it didn't happen to me in this 'day and age' but over 35 years ago, and back then the chances for a teenager to do a 'little basic research' were extremely limited.

I just did the math and my first marriage was around the same time. On our wedding day my wife said "promise me it won't change anything, it's just a piece of paper to get residency right?"

She was 9 years older and much wiser than I, and she not only taught me how to negotiate an open marriage, but later on chose to work as a very high-end escort in order to pay for the house we built together. Which of course she kept when we split, and rightly so.

She's still very active in social causes, specifically sex workers' rights. Yes a feminist but the best kind, has helped keep my past decades' activities on the righteous path and my conscience clear.

So yes I did have a bit of a head start on this next phase of social evolution, which IMO has barely started. Australia may have been a bit more out in front, but even in the UK it was all out there if you were open to it, but yes the Internet has made information much more available.

No blame involved anyway me make our beds and then have to lie in them. . .

you remind me of a fellow called Mark45y (or similar)

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I have to question the intelligence of anyone who is writing or speaking english and says: farlang. It's foreigner or westerner. Anyhow guys that send random women money over the internet are probably just as brainless.

....and desperate, kind-hearted, helpful, gullible et cetera, and loser, eventually huh.png

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Why anyone wants to put their personal details on a site is beyond me, I live a normal life wihout Arsebook and am amazed at how much that American kid has made, all these folks are falling for it and as with all these tech fads, its day will come when it colapses. I stay well away from it.

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Buying affection or love is just sad.

Can't be done, but some are satisfied with a reasonable facsimile.

However no matter the original motivation for their coming together, with two sincere and honest people working hard at it, true love* can still be created in any relationship.

*not talking about the feeling but the verb

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I wonder if I create a fake profile for myself on facebook, get some photo's of a hot Thai chick.

knock on a few doors so to speak.

Maybe I could make a few bucks myself.

At least stock up the wine cellar a bit.

yes some people really ARE THAT STUPID.

Come off it ... I had the idea first!!!!!!! OK we go shares..................

and don't forget the classic line - "my webcam's broken" tongue.png

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Why is this such a surprise to some people? Anyone farang that has lived in Thailand and other ex pats in other countries have either fallen prey to these lady vultures or know someone that has fallen to these ladies...and yes men too to other men. I have seen them build homes for themselves and their gf's...of course in the gf's name and also a home and rice paddy for her family only to get thrown out on their butts after everything is paid off and the poor fool loses EVERYTHING. I have a good friend that owns a internet shop in Pattaya and because she speaks perfect english the go go girls and bar girls go there so she can sit down on the computer and help them ask for money from anywhere from 1-8 different guys via western union...One lady takes in at least $5000usd a month! Yes, men are so foolish...they let the wrong head do the thinking and of course these girls put out to these guys when they come to Thailand just to keep the money coming in. They have to support their bling bling and yaba habits somehow. These ladies are professionals GUYS....they teach each other how to do it and get rich because they are too lazy to work....and why not, their is a fool born every minute and the Thai ladies are experts at getting those fools money. Of course my friend feels bad for doing this but as long as these girls keep her internet shop busy she can eat and take care of her parents.....TIT.....If your sending money to your gf smarten up guys because she also has money coming in from other men too...your not her bf anymore...your just a source of income...she already has a thai bf and many farang bf and knows how to schedule them all in at seperate times so she dont get caught....like the lady up North that just got stabbed by the German 17 times....she forgot the golden esan rule...never chat in front of your "bf"....she learned the hard way...may she RIPwai.gif

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Whats stupid is you making this out to be a racial thing. Females of every ethnic origin have been extracting money from males from every corner of the globe since the beginning of time.

Take off your rose colored "shades of Thai" glasses and wake up.

A fool and his money are soon parted....no matter what the nationality or ehnicity.

You may be correct. My last wife was a French Stripper. She had a lot in common with my first three Thai go go dancer girlfriends. They were all good cooks and they were all in their early 20's.

At least you're consistent. I like a man that knows what he likes, regardless of the knowledge that he's on a hell-bound train from the word go.

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Why anyone wants to put their personal details on a site is beyond me, I live a normal life wihout Arsebook and am amazed at how much that American kid has made, all these folks are falling for it and as with all these tech fads, its day will come when it colapses. I stay well away from it.

You are what we call a luddite, you see new technology, you don't understand it so then you decry it as useless. Then you go an use an unrelated topic to get up on your soapbox! The fact that some people are using it for nefarious purposes has no bearing on it's usefulness.

The benefit of facebook is the ability to quickly keep up with your friends. No need to spend hours on the phone every day to keep up with what everyone is doing. Of course other people tried it, so it's not new, but the whole right place and right time worked out for them (among other things). Now the value of Facebook, that is questionable, many of us working in the industry see it as a sign we are heading for another bust. Too much fake (okay not really fake, leveraged without collateral) money coming in, not enough real value being produced.

As for Thai women attempting extracting money, it's never happened to me. Maybe I'm the exception that proves the rule, but I've never had a bad relationship with a Thai women (good girls or not so good girls). Of course I've never exclusively met one online, a few I've known over the years have kept in touch via facebook and email. In generally I don't think it's so bad as long as no one is telling lies. Once the lies start then it borders on fraud in my book.

Are the victims of this fraud at fault? Maybe a little bit, but it's never right to blame the victim.

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get a dictionary. look up the word extortion.

How can it be extortion when they give freely , a fool and his money are easily parted, best of luck ti the lady's. chok dee

Are you really that naive, that you believe these men actually just part with money for the sheer hell of it.

Your right the lady in question simply said hello can I have 5000bht please and the man said no problem.

Get real.

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it is not extortion

correct ,

it is thai culture,

and dats dat.wai.gif

Shows your intelligence if you believe that what the women do is Thai culture.

Well, said, but I thought the "dats dat" showed the intelligence.

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To say scamming money off farangs on FB is any part of Thai culture is stretching it a bit for obvious reasons.

What i can say however, is the intention to go and "work" amongst farangs in hope of finding a rich one to eventually marry is a big part of life in the smaller villages up north.

I've seen it first hand with girls just out of school. Not particulary academically minded and not really up to, or capable of mixing it with business minded Bankokians, they soon go to the girl in the village that works in Pattaya who's back home briefly to ask how its all done.

The experienced girls sometimes even take a group of girls to Patts and introduce them to their err.."contacts"...thus the seed for them to turn into a potential scammer is sown, since pretty soon they will do nearly anything for money, even when they have a lot of it.

The sad thing is that Thai culture has done NOTHING towards changing any of this.

The FB issue is something completely different though. If these girls are educated enough to have a computer, IPad, whatever, and have the money or family to have provided these things in the first place, it is obvious they are up to no good.

A lot of these types are well educated and come from well heeled families and even have good normal jobs. They have no reason other than greed to take part in sort of thing.

In short, a product of a part of society that is rotten to core, sadly corrupted by what they have seen from THEIR culture.

These FB girls have had opportunities WAY and above the average Isaan girl, and they DO have other options.

They need a good swift toe in ar$e IMO.dry.png

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To say scamming money off farangs on FB is any part of Thai culture is stretching it a bit for obvious reasons.

What i can say however, is the intention to go and "work" amongst farangs in hope of finding a rich one to eventually marry is a big part of life in the smaller villages up north.

I've seen it first hand with girls just out of school. Not particulary academically minded and not really up to, or capable of mixing it with business minded Bankokians, they soon go to the girl in the village that works in Pattaya who's back home briefly to ask how its all done.

The experienced girls sometimes even take a group of girls to Patts and introduce them to their err.."contacts"...thus the seed for them to turn into a potential scammer is sown, since pretty soon they will do nearly anything for money, even when they have a lot of it.

The sad thing is that Thai culture has done NOTHING towards changing any of this.

The FB issue is something completely different though. If these girls are educated enough to have a computer, IPad, whatever, and have the money or family to have provided these things in the first place, it is obvious they are up to no good.

A lot of these types are well educated and come from well heeled families and even have good normal jobs. They have no reason other than greed to take part in sort of thing.

In short, a product of a part of society that is rotten to core, sadly corrupted by what they have seen from THEIR culture.

These FB girls have had opportunities WAY and above the average Isaan girl, and they DO have other options.

They need a good swift toe in ar$e IMO.dry.png

I agree with your first comment but not about women using FB are well educated and wealthy.

The fact is we the farlangs ha e thought them. We bring our iPhones, iPads, laptops etcetc and show these girls.

My wife hadn't even used a computer until I first met her, and she was intrigued by it all. The phone she had at the time, wasn't even in colour, I was using an iPhone.

We have educated the bar girls, they all have the phones with Facebook now, they all have the know how. There's no more sitting in a overseas phone shop like 5 years ago where they would call man after man asking for money. They can talk to them at the same time on FB and the attraction the girls get from single men on FB has made so much easier for them.

Forget about dating sites, forums etc...

FB is the key to a lot of women attracting single men they have met, and scamming them into giving money.

I started the topic and witnessed it with my own eyes.

This is the modern day scam, with girls educated by us.

Let's be serious how many of us joke about our wives friends, who get so much a month from 2 farlangs, they go out shagging around, whilst the sponsors at home! Around the table I reckon the majority of people encourage the girls. Some laugh about it.

The funniest part about the FB situation is the 2 men were arguing amongst each other, claiming they were the boyfriend, one even went as far saying I am going to marry this girl when I see her, she has already said yes.

Yet they still sent her money after all this.

That's not even the half of it.

If your reading this and your a single man. Come to Pattaya, enjoy as many women as possible go home, then do it all again.


Mr Realist

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You mean wedding cake is really the best anaphrodisiac?

The best anaphrodisiac is sincerity and honesty and that goes for both male and female no matter what sorts of relationships they are in.

Nothing is capable of turning on people more than genuine affection.


Edited by Beetlejuice
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Didn't cost me anything, never has and never will.

Perks of being young.

Correct......there is no need for fit young guys to get involved with bar girls.

There is no need for older guys to go with bar girls too, there are plenty of good women out there looking for decent guys.

However it would be thread number 3000 plus about how to find a good woman in Thailand and I can't be bothered , it just brings out the usual suspects tarring everyone with the same brush. coffee1.gif

Edited by theblether
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"Never paid for it" is an interesting statement.

I once dated a Thai/Chinese "good" girl with a good job in Bangkok, met on the dating websites. I never paid for it then either, but i did spent well in access of 10k in a manner of weeks, going out to all the expensive places she liked.

To say i never paid for it was exactly the case anyways, as one night after a month or i so, when i got down to the nitty-gritty with her she told me that she thinks of our friendship same same as her brother. no sex, so nothing to "pay" for rolleyes.gif

Never had the same problems with girls from other origins though. As a rule they dont like going out in the city as everything is so expensive and they dont really like it anyway. But life in the burbs can be much better due the lack of a long line of punters solely searching for farang $s.

Anyway, I can with all honesty say i've never paid a lump sum in agreement for sex with these GFs, but i would'nt be as naive as to state they never cost me anything.

I have spent quite a bit in their company, as Thai girls do not expect to "go Dutch" for expenses as a rule, and will not usually suffer being seen opening their purse to help the farang pay for the bill.

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You mean wedding cake is really the best anaphrodisiac?

The best anaphrodisiac is sincerity and honesty and that goes for both male and female no matter what sorts of relationships they are in.


Nothing is capable of turning on people more than genuine affection.

Beetlejuice, for once you and I are in total agreement ... thumbsup.gif

But since this is a thread about Asian woman and (typically) white western men ... this maybe closer to the appropriate image ... post-104736-0-56327900-1337545788_thumb.

NOTE:- I changed Beetlejuice's quote to include the photo into the quote as opposed to 'as an attachment'

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"Never paid for it" is an interesting statement.

I once dated a Thai/Chinese "good" girl with a good job in Bangkok, met on the dating websites. I never paid for it then either, but i did spent well in access of 10k in a manner of weeks, going out to all the expensive places she liked.

To say i never paid for it was exactly the case anyways, as one night after a month or i so, when i got down to the nitty-gritty with her she told me that she thinks of our friendship same same as her brother. no sex, so nothing to "pay" for rolleyes.gif

Never had the same problems with girls from other origins though. As a rule they dont like going out in the city as everything is so expensive and they dont really like it anyway. But life in the burbs can be much better due the lack of a long line of punters solely searching for farang $s.

Anyway, I can with all honesty say i've never paid a lump sum in agreement for sex with these GFs, but i would'nt be as naive as to state they never cost me anything.

I have spent quite a bit in their company, as Thai girls do not expect to "go Dutch" for expenses as a rule, and will not usually suffer being seen opening their purse to help the farang pay for the bill.

10k in a matter of weeks! my you really do know how to chuck it about.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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"Never paid for it" is an interesting statement.

I once dated a Thai/Chinese "good" girl with a good job in Bangkok, met on the dating websites. I never paid for it then either, but i did spent well in access of 10k in a manner of weeks, going out to all the expensive places she liked.

To say i never paid for it was exactly the case anyways, as one night after a month or i so, when i got down to the nitty-gritty with her she told me that she thinks of our friendship same same as her brother. no sex, so nothing to "pay" for rolleyes.gif

Never had the same problems with girls from other origins though. As a rule they dont like going out in the city as everything is so expensive and they dont really like it anyway. But life in the burbs can be much better due the lack of a long line of punters solely searching for farang $s.

Anyway, I can with all honesty say i've never paid a lump sum in agreement for sex with these GFs, but i would'nt be as naive as to state they never cost me anything.

I have spent quite a bit in their company, as Thai girls do not expect to "go Dutch" for expenses as a rule, and will not usually suffer being seen opening their purse to help the farang pay for the bill.

10k in a matter of weeks! my you really do know how to chuck it about.

Yeah, i guess thats why my GFs occasionally call me kee niow yet they seem to come back for more.smile.png

Im sure they'd have even better names for the guys on here who are so young and verile and handsum who claim they never spend anything on their girls. They all go dutchies and if you listen to them..the girls probably even pay them.

Oviously a case of...true loverolleyes.gif

Anyway, i mentioned weeks...in total.

There was'nt that many dates, but the few were expensive ones,by Bangkok standards, and by other GFs standards too.

They would have a heart attack at the thought of spending 3k on entertainment for one night.

And with regards to these so called hi-so,Thai/chins that go out wiith all the studs on here..in reality you are often lucky to see them twice a week as these "good" girls seem to be busy with work and supposedly work related functions...

But NOoooo...theres no way they'd be out socialising with all the other farangs on the net that "don't pay 'em"

what a larf!

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There is no need for older guys to go with bar girls too, there are plenty of good women out there looking for decent guys.

If only they would get off the computer long enough to meet them, somehow I doubt it.

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There is no need for older guys to go with bar girls too, there are plenty of good women out there looking for decent guys.

If only they would get off the computer long enough to meet them, somehow I doubt it.

Good observation.

Me, i usually get on computer after 3am, when all the debauchery is over and the girl i have not paid to go home has gone home whistling.gif

As for these "good" girls..They are most probably on Facebook bragging to their friends about the latest rich farang they will take for a ride

(pun not intended)laugh.png

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