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Bangkok: Huge Turnout Expected At Red-Shirt Rally Today


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We have been over this topic a hundred times. Get over it. The Thais have no clue what this symbol really means.

They still haven't learned about the meaning of the swastika symbol over all this time?

To them it just means power.

This is a more appropriate symbol for "power":


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'Red Army' 'Red Guard' 'Khmer Rouge' 'Red Shirts'

Yupp !!! Isn't red the worst color to chose for so-called "freedom fighters" ??? I am going on about the choice of color as well whenever I discuss this topic with friends. I also believe the photo with the NS swastika on that woman's t shirt says it all - total ignorance and absence of common sense...

Here are some communists in line for free food:


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i see more cars than people so far and most of people look like grand pas and grand mas going for a day to the town

Yes, it is obvious that the movement is almost entirely made up of old people. They are therefore not a representative sample of the entire population of Thailand. Possibly young Thai people can see through the lies and deceit of Thaksin and therefore do not support him. Edited by hyperdimension
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yeeowww 89#

Nothing has happened because they (PTP) are not capable of running the Country. If you put shit in the Government shit will come out of Government.

Thaksin´s/Yingluck´s priority was to put family and friends in, instead of capable people.

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During the protests millions of baht were donated every day by individuals, families, companies, organisations.

It is probable that those businesses who donated stood to gain greater profits if Thaksin were to be back in power. Thaksin is, after all, a big businessman and he and his clan have plenty of business interests in Thailand.

But I have to read the constant frothing about how it was all funded by the evil fugitive, ruthlessly using the ignorant farmers as cannon fodder to satisfy his megalomania.

Can you explain how and why the military weapons were provided? What would you expect in return if you fired an AK-47 assault rifle at a group of soldiers?

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You wrote, " It's been 10 months now and I can tell you that this has been the absolute WORST 10 months of my previous 7 years here." Why? That amazes me that a political party can do anything in 10 months good or bad. So what happened to you that the party in power is responsible for?

As I recall the Red Tshirt Gang cried the worst when "nothing happened" in the first year under the previous administration. The point is that there were claims made by Thaksin that specifically gave time tables and which were promised in less than 10 months. Please re-read my post and reply specifically to the questions posed before skirting the issues and asking me what makes me sad about this pathetic government.

" It's been 10 months now and I can tell you that this has been the absolute WORST 10 months of my previous 7 years here."

Judging from the above you arrived in Thailand in July 2005, correct? Now tell me who was PM in the period July 2005 up until the coup in September 2006. Thaksin Shiniwatra is the correct answer.

Now this period, so we're told by the coup supporters, is where Thaksin finally lost it, was acting like an autocrat and the only saviour of democracy was (ironically) a coup to oust him. The subsequent years saw a disastrous military junta government who were politically inept, the Asian Financial Crisis, 2 more governments brought down, a military backed democrat party coalition with corrupt coalition partners installed, street demonstrations put down with Thais killing Thais,

And yet, the previous 10 months have been your worst here?

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During the protests millions of baht were donated every day by individuals, families, companies, organisations.

It is probable that those businesses who donated stood to gain greater profits if Thaksin were to be back in power. Thaksin is, after all, a big businessman and he and his clan have plenty of business interests in Thailand.

But I have to read the constant frothing about how it was all funded by the evil fugitive, ruthlessly using the ignorant farmers as cannon fodder to satisfy his megalomania.

Can you explain how and why the military weapons were provided? What would you expect in return if you fired an AK-47 assault rifle at a group of soldiers?

The money was donated by people who supported democracy and opposed military interventions into their political system

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We have been over this topic a hundred times. Get over it. The Thais have no clue what this symbol really means. To them it just means power.

A picture is worth a thousand words we are told. This particular image left me speechless,.

Do we now see the true face of the Red Shirt movement appearing led by a despotic character who resides outside of the Kingdom.

Graphic image courtesy of http://www.facebook....35060922&type=1


The Thai's may be clueless but their leaders are not.

Edited by hellodolly
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We have been over this topic a hundred times. Get over it. The Thais have no clue what this symbol really means.

They still haven't learned about the meaning of the swastika symbol over all this time?

To them it just means power.

This is a more appropriate symbol for "power":


Isn't that the Reset button a.k.a Coup so beloved of some people on here.............

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I saw the 2 red shirt supporters leaving from Surat railway station yesterday. There must have been 100 people cheering and waving them goodbye, strangely none of them were wearing red shirts.

Ahh, so basically you are saying that the support for redshirts is a lot greater than the numbers that show up at any given rally.

Not necessarily. The 100 or so could have been muttering under their breath '<deleted> off, and don't come back."

When I was learning to play the violin all my good hearted neighbours chipped in to amass a fund so that I could continue my studies in Paris, or Rome, or Vienna - or anywhere.

Bagwan, remember sarcasm goes over the heads of some respondents here.

Often described as the lowest form of wit....more likely goes under the radar.....actually Bagwan showed humour not sarcasm.....Ozmick attempted the failed sarcasm

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Until then, the tides of power have shifted in favour of PTP.

I would have thought it shifting away with the more frequent and more vocal displeasure, including Thida's veiled threat to the PTP, from their crucial Red Shirts. Add in the dozen Red Shirt Leaders who are Pheu Thai MP's and are being pressured to pull from the main PTP platform of amnesty for all and no change in Art. 112 and populist promises failure, etc. coupled with three successive losses in recent by-elections.

There's no shortage of PTP disunity and the "tides of power" is going out, not coming in.

The Red Shirts and rights groups have called on the new government, led by Thaksin's sister Yingluck, to prosecute soldiers and officials responsible for causing the deaths and injuries, many to unarmed demonstrators.

"We have to seek justice otherwise the use of force to crackdown on protesters may happen again," Red Shirt leader Thida Thavorseth said Friday.

Edited by Buchholz
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Until then, the tides of power have shifted in favour of PTP.

I would have thought it shifting away with the more frequent and more vocal displeasure, including Thida's veiled threat to the PTP, from their crucial Red Shirts. Add in the dozen Red Shirt Leaders who are Pheu Thai MP's and are being pressured to pull from the main PTP platform of amnesty for all and no change in Art. 112 and populist promises failure, etc. coupled with three successive losses in recent by-elections.

There's no shortage of PTP disunity and the "tides of power" is going out, not coming in.

The Red Shirts and rights groups have called on the new government, led by Thaksin's sister Yingluck, to prosecute soldiers and officials responsible for causing the deaths and injuries, many to unarmed demonstrators.

"We have to seek justice otherwise the use of force to crackdown on protesters may happen again," Red Shirt leader Thida Thavorseth said Friday.

Yeah I remember you and your yellow brothers posting this constantly before the election. 'Rats jumping the sinking ship' was a common one

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Until then, the tides of power have shifted in favour of PTP.

I would have thought it shifting away with the more frequent and more vocal displeasure, including Thida's veiled threat to the PTP, from their crucial Red Shirts. Add in the dozen Red Shirt Leaders who are Pheu Thai MP's and are being pressured to pull from the main PTP platform of amnesty for all and no change in Art. 112 and populist promises failure, etc. coupled with three successive losses in recent by-elections.

There's no shortage of PTP disunity and the "tides of power" is going out, not coming in.

The Red Shirts and rights groups have called on the new government, led by Thaksin's sister Yingluck, to prosecute soldiers and officials responsible for causing the deaths and injuries, many to unarmed demonstrators.

"We have to seek justice otherwise the use of force to crackdown on protesters may happen again," Red Shirt leader Thida Thavorseth said Friday.

Ah the wonder of after thought.......and when this concept was first proffered on this forum, that Thaksin did not control the red shirts and they were more than capable of pulling away if necessary........your response at the time would be....... it is all about Thaksin, Thaksin controls the red shirts.....no?

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Of course Bird Poo... total denial and as your name implies, total bird sh*t! I knew somebody had to respond in defense and by god your response is rich! Well, as one of the Thaksin followers, can you please answer my previous post asking why he hasn't done a dam_n thing since getting back into power 10 months ago? 10 months and nothing but inflation and more misery across the board.

Please clarify for us non-believers why is it that he has not made good on his promise of "There will be NO MORE POOR in 6 months!". Come on... did you seriously believe that crap?! and yet you still jump to his defense. My favorite lie... "I will bring the price of Gold back down". Wow... come on. How can anyone with half a brain even begin to believe the drivel that spews forth from this guys mouth.

And now that he's back in command, why haven't we seen the Thaksin Magic he is purported to possess? Believe me, were this phony to do even a fraction of the things that he's sold to the common poor folk, he'd earn my respect. The reason he is disdained by so many is that it's not fun watching a bully take advantage of the weak. But there is little we can do about it except try and educate.

Brilliant. You really are frothing at the mouth. Your bitterness brings happiness to my day and long may it last. Despite your nonsensical tirade, the truth is, the government have very high approval ratings, they have delivered on many of their election promises and their main support group, the reds, are growing steadily. The likelihood is they will be in power for the next 7 years. Gonna be a long 7 years for you & your ilk. But I suppose your praying for another one of your beloved coups.

Well he may or may not be frothing at the mouth but it is the truth he is speaking.

You on the other hand are speaking out of your other end as you suggest with your name.wai.gif

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Are they getting paid or not. Would they come to Bangkok if they was´nt paid?

I think it's reasonable for them to get paid for their time, but how do you separate the money from their interest in the cause? I know first hand many of my wife's relatives would NOT have gone to Bangkok if they had not been paid. They just aren't that supportive. Unless money is involved. That's the net of all of this. And that's what motivates them. Other than a few die hard supporters who have drunk the koolaid or sand to gain significantly financially if Mr. T comes back.

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Good for them

Get them off their farms and out of their red villages.

Also, the 500 - 1000 baht they are surely being paid

to attend will help them put food on the table tomorrow.

Not sure how the will pay to feed themselves the day

after though.

Memorial is good, just too bad they still do not realize

their leaders led them in a slaughter, IMO



Rallying from the heart are they? No proof of anyone being paid you say? HAH! Put that in your pipe and smoke it Geriatrick and PhiPhiDon. Your response of denial I expect should be forthcoming, please...

What exactly are they being paid for here? Paid for delivering supplies, setting up the stage, rent of speakers,...etc. This proves nothing. The reds openly advertised the payment of travel expenses to travel to the demonstrations. 500 baht per traveller & 3,000 per vehicle owner. During the protests millions of baht were donated every day by individuals, families, companies, organisations. After almost each speaker/performer they read out the pledges and they were substantial. Pledges of hundreds of thousands of baht were common. There was plenty of money to provide food and pay expenses for those people attending who were obviously sacrificing their regular income.

But I have to read the constant frothing about how it was all funded by the evil fugitive, ruthlessly using the ignorant farmers as cannon fodder to satisfy his megalomania.

Yingluk managed quite a turnover in her a/c at the time.

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The Reds are currently by far the most important political movement in Thailand and many are bitter about that reality.

They're also being by far the most violent political movement in Thailand when mixed with that increasing bitterness may soon bring about.... as Thida says... the use of force necessary to crack down on her Red protesters may occur again.



Edited by Buchholz
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Until then, the tides of power have shifted in favour of PTP.

I would have thought it shifting away with the more frequent and more vocal displeasure, including Thida's veiled threat to the PTP, from their crucial Red Shirts. Add in the dozen Red Shirt Leaders who are Pheu Thai MP's and are being pressured to pull from the main PTP platform of amnesty for all and no change in Art. 112 and populist promises failure, etc. coupled with three successive losses in recent by-elections.

There's no shortage of PTP disunity and the "tides of power" is going out, not coming in.

The Red Shirts and rights groups have called on the new government, led by Thaksin's sister Yingluck, to prosecute soldiers and officials responsible for causing the deaths and injuries, many to unarmed demonstrators.

"We have to seek justice otherwise the use of force to crackdown on protesters may happen again," Red Shirt leader Thida Thavorseth said Friday.

It is sad that the so called peaceful demonstrators can fire on soldiers and officials first, yet still be called peaceful and the victims, when in fact the red/black shirts were the perps of all manner of crimes on innocent civilians, soldiers and officials. The police, soldiers and officials were more than patient, too patient if anything.

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During the protests millions of baht were donated every day by individuals, families, companies, organisations.

It is probable that those businesses who donated stood to gain greater profits if Thaksin were to be back in power. Thaksin is, after all, a big businessman and he and his clan have plenty of business interests in Thailand.

But I have to read the constant frothing about how it was all funded by the evil fugitive, ruthlessly using the ignorant farmers as cannon fodder to satisfy his megalomania.

Can you explain how and why the military weapons were provided? What would you expect in return if you fired an AK-47 assault rifle at a group of soldiers?

The money was donated by people who supported democracy and opposed military interventions into their political system

My g/f's family had a blunt request to make a "donation" with a promised 5 to 1 return when Thaksin came back. B2000 from people of modest means living in a house with a dirt floor - they felt they had no option.

And yes, the younger people are definitely more aware of Thaksin's criminality. One was invited/paid to attend a "democracy" school, didn't last a day.

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The Reds are currently by far the most important political movement in Thailand and many are bitter about that reality.

They're also being by far the most violent political movement in Thailand when mixed with that increasing bitterness may soon bring about.... as Thida says... the use of force necessary to crack down on her Red protesters may occur again.



You appear to have missed the recent explosions down south........a rather narrow minded statement to suit your agenda.....unless of course you accept the southern violence carries no agenda to influence politicians

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Robert Amsterdam, the Canadian lawyer for fugitive ousted ex-premier Thaksin and the UDD, was to deliver a brief on the development of the lawsuit asking the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague to investigate alleged crimes against humanity during 2010's April-May clashes between Red Shirt protesters and government's security forces last year.

Will he have anything to say about his own pending charges in Thailand?


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Often described as the lowest form of wit....more likely goes under the radar.....actually Bagwan showed humour not sarcasm.....Ozmick attempted the failed sarcasm

Look what's crawled out of the woodwork again!

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To Arms!! The Red shirts are coming!! To Arms!! The Red shirts are coming!!

Won't work......the reaction last time from many of the Thaivisa experts and the government was "when the somtam runs out they will go home"

Gross underestimation and failure to administer relevant levels of restiction and control........until too late....

The real cause of the casualties

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Robert Amsterdam, the Canadian lawyer for fugitive ousted ex-premier Thaksin and the UDD, was to deliver a brief on the development of the lawsuit asking the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague to investigate alleged crimes against humanity during 2010's April-May clashes between Red Shirt protesters and government's security forces last year.

Will he have anything to say about his own pending charges in Thailand?


The ICC should put mr T on trial for his mass murders during the 'drug war' & the southern province war, after the serb they are trying to find guilty now.

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We have been over this topic a hundred times. Get over it. The Thais have no clue what this symbol really means.

They still haven't learned about the meaning of the swastika symbol over all this time?

To them it just means power.

This is a more appropriate symbol for "power":


Isn't that the Reset button a.k.a Coup so beloved of some people on here.............

Not sure about beloved but much less scary than the buttons thaksin presses!
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