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If I had a shop and dE Niro (not DI Niro) was coming I don't think I would detail's Mr De Niro's eating habits and private life in front of everyone no.

even if it was in a different language so he could not understand, I have too much respect for the man

There's a Robert De Niro room in the popular establishment on Palm Avenue. It's decorated with framed posters of the actor's greatest films: "Mean Streets," "Taxi Driver," "Raging Bull" and on and on.

There's also a Robert De Niro table, with a laminated top that showcases magazine clippings, movie reviews and photos. "We had a Raging Bull roast beef sandwich on the menu for a while," said Mark Caragiulo. "Maybe we'll bring it back in his honor."

And he does eat there and the owner will tell you his favorite dessert or pasta if you ask.

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ok, so the people saying they have no problem with this, let me give you a scenario:

You are in the pharmacy when another couple come in behind you, the guy whispers that he has piles, the pharmacist then tells them that you also have piles and use 'arseclear' pile remover, and while you are there you also buy your viagra there and KY Jelly.

is this ok?

We all have different levels of privacy and i understand if the OP does not want her shopping list distributed to all and sundry, or her condo discussed by what is essentially a stranger, personally I don't like the nosy feckers that look in my trolly when I am queuing at Tesco.

But we're not talking about a pharmacy are we? We're talking about general shopping.

Edit - must add that I was at my local pharmacy recently and talking to the pharmacist about the best antibiotic cream for a problem. A (tourist) Westerner overheard our conversation and made a suggestion that has proven invaluable. I'm v glad he was waiting and heard our conversation. Admittedly though, I would not have been so happy if we were discussing a personal problem biggrin.png . Fortunately my local pharmacist conducts 'embarrassing' conversations out of the way of everyone else - something I didn't enjoy back in the UK!

Incidentally - you don't like people looking in your shopping basket in Tescos?? Get used to it. It may be more obvious here, but it happens back home too....

But the problem is you are putting your personality and not the OPs personality when you say it is just general shopping, we all have different levels of self consciousness, and if the OP feels shy being discussed regarding her shopping habits then its her rights to feel this way. In all honesty she should not be discussed as though she is not standing there and her opinions on products should be hers unless she volunteers information on them.

been here 7 years, already 'used' to it, that does not mean I have to like it

as someone mentiioned previously ,it doesnt matter here

you are an alien in a culture vastly differnt to your own

the facts are ,you will be under scrutiny no matter what you do

you will not blend in and have the same anonimity you would have in NYC for example

thailand ,even BKK is a close knit community ,not a massive city as it appears

i live right in the centre of bkk ,and the local layabouts know almost everyone who even comes through our soi

This is true, however the OP has every right to feel uncomfortable about it, we should not assume she has our personality and may feel threatened that someone has so much info about her that they are willing to share with others

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Thats crazy nonsense ..... You have no expectation of privacy when you shop in public and they did nothing dishonest that you mentioned. Why do you feel it's dishonest for a store to tell another customer what You or I or some other random person likes ? And why do you think you have some expectation that they should call that classified information ? ..... Once again it would be the same result in the USA they would just be more tactfull about it , being in a sence more dishonest by talking about it behind your back. ..... innocent customers ? That kind of implys that they took your innocence by harming you in some way ..... they did not. You felf uncomfortable because you are uneducated as to Thai culture , thats your fault not theirs.

You are defensive rather than listening to me and the other posters and learning , we are trying to help you understand not trying to be critical or hurt your feelings. The reality of the situation is you are culturally speaking in the wrong to feel used or feel like you were treated rudely and especially to think your privacy was somehow invaded. I'm sorry to report to you that it's not us who gets to decide whats rude in others countries, thats a choice they get to make not you or me.

When you advertise anywhere you pay. You pay the actor that says your product is great.

You don't trick a foreigner who does not speak the language into advertising your shop for free.

bottom line

I think it is a French thing. The French are acutely aware of foreigners. Even apparently in your case in reverse. Same thing in Quebec. The rest of Canada is fine. I think you are stuck with it. It is one of those things that was imprinted during early childhood.

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Let's hope the OP has never worn any clothes with a maker's label visible. If she has then not only is she advertising for free - she's actually paying to do so.

Edited by endure
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Let's hope the OP has never worn any clothes with a maker's label visible. If she has then not only is she advertising for free - she's actually paying to do do.

thats a good point ,i think i should get my lawyers to contact Adidas and Nike to let them know i havent been recieving my royalties for promoting their products in thailand when i go to the gym

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Let's hope the OP has never worn any clothes with a maker's label visible. If she has then not only is she advertising for free - she's actually paying to do so.

Oh, absolutely. And if she walks into a Tesco and is seen by other shoppers, free advertisement. If she's seen eating in a restaurant, free advertisement. If she's seen boarding a plane, free advertisement. If she's seen chomping on a pork stick on the sidewalk, free advertisement. The poor woman can't leave her house!

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But the problem is you are putting your personality and not the OPs personality when you say it is just general shopping, we all have different levels of self consciousness, and if the OP feels shy being discussed regarding her shopping habits then its her rights to feel this way. In all honesty she should not be discussed as though she is not standing there and her opinions on products should be hers unless she volunteers information on them.

been here 7 years, already 'used' to it, that does not mean I have to like it

Well same with kateuy trying to pick my pockets, or elegantly coiffed office workers munching on bugs, tailors and touts grubbing at me with their dirty paws, the same tuktuk drivers offering me soapies for a dozen years of me telling them to #*$ off.

What are you going to tell someone expressing indignation, claiming she may have recourse to the law about these annoyances?

Sympathy sure OK, but once we're past that it's hey, TIT and that's the way it is, grow a pair and deal with it or get the heck out.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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I remember being in Sihanoukville in Cambodia with my wife and children . It's not the most of family orientated destinations although I don't see why not as it is quite nice . but the whole time we were there we didn't see any other tourists with children. Anyway , one night this Cambodian woman who spoke quite good English comes running down the beach after us because she wanted to take our photo . I had visions of us being on billboards somewhere outside a restaurant showing what a great ' family ' place it was .

Take it as a compliment .

As for your shopping . Thais are always commenting on what we get up to. Pretty stupid but harmless enough.

I remember another time when I lived in Ranong in Southern Thailand which is the rainiest province in Thailand. I was in 7-1 and it was raining outside. A guy in the queue says to the cashier that I was wearing a rainjacket . I mean what is the point of this. I turned round to him and giving him my strongest " you must be really stupid look " told him that " well ,yes , it was raining though wasn't it " .

That shut him up.

I don't think they realise how they appear rude because generally they don't think that we understand what they are saying so in their eyes it doesn't matter.

Thai people and their funny little ways. Stopped letting that shit get to me a long time ago.coffee1.gif

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